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August 27, 1963 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-08-27

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nbly Represents Women

on is the of-
A the inde-
in dormitor-

nically, any woman living
'niversity residence Hall is
,tically a member of Assem-
th the recent change in rul-
allow senior women to have
ents; Assembly is studying
estion of whether to limit
ly to include only women
nn the dormitories or to in-
hose living in apartments
e manner.
ie past, any woman not liv-
the residence halls could be
clate member of Assembly.
Two Assembly Bodies
e are two main bodies func-
within Assembly. Assem-
use Council is composed of
representatives from their
ive houses. At the weekly
gs, ARC formulates policy
,rries out legislative func-
n addition, it works in such
s housing, alumni relations,
s and house services.
Assembly Executive Com-
is made up of the top offi-
Assembly plus the chair-
f related boards and com-
Assembly president is the
representative on Student
ment Council, Women's
mce Committee and to var-

Council Sing are annual events
presented by the two groups. At
the Sing, house choirs vie for a
trophy awarded for outstanding
group singing.
Assembly also organized a house,
officers workshop each fall de-
signed to aid women in offices,
within their houses to get to know
people in similar positions on cam-
pus and to work out mutual prob-
Assembly takes responsibility for
coordinating the big sister pro-
gram, house and social activities,
faculty guests and provides some
public relations services, such as
'publishing the house booklets.
The president of Assembly serves
on the Residence Hall Board of
Governors along with the Inter-
Quad president and various fac-
ulty members. and administrators
to determine policy for the resi-
dence halls.
As well as being a member of the
Residence Hall Board of Gover-
nors, she is a representative on
Student Government Council and
may, as this year, take part in the
activities of the United S.tates Na-
tional Student Association.
During this past year, a five
women committee produced the
First Definition of Authority of
the Assembly Association. It is
now being considered by the Of-
fice of Student Affairs.

According to the Definition,
power is delegated from the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, to Assem-
bly Association, to the houses, to
the individual independent women.
Maximum Efficiency
"Through this functional struc-
ture it is possible to attain maxi-
mum efficiency within the now
ambiguous realm of authority and
maintain completely effective rep-
resentation for the individual resi-
dent or house," the report says.
Under the document, the vice-
president for student affairs has
the right to veto any legislation or
decision of Assembly withink two
weeks. The time limit is one of the
major policy changes in the paper.
AHC President Charlene Hager,
'64, says that the two-week time
limit "would better define the re-
lationship between the vice-presi-
dent and Assembly and would fa-
cilitate implementing any legisla-
tion passed."
The'Definition gives houses the
power to legislate all rules neces-
sary for their own governing, to
mediate disputes between house
members, 'to establish their own
judicial body and to determine
their own dress regulations, sub-
ject to AHC approval.
The AHC is authorized to ex-
press the opinion of and recom-
mend regulations for. the -women
in the residence halls on any is-
sue and may serve in an advisory

lington Concert and
- Inter - Quadrangle

iguage Clubs Offer Cultural Program

king .a foreign language?
ring here as a foreign student;
little chance to speak your
e tongue? If the answer to
r of these questions is "yes,"
French, German, Spanish or
an clubs may be for you.
re equally welcome if you're
ly interested in any of these
e four language clubs give
nts an opportunity to learn
about the culture and cus-
of these countries. They also
chances to'develop skill, in
king the language conversa-
ily, to meet informally, fac-
fellow language students, vis-
to this country and commu-
citizens who have moved here
'abroad, or are of foreign
isic, drama, literature, art and
ulture of Germany are learn-
nd discussed in the German
A Kaffee Stunde, or coffee
is held every Wednesday from
.m. in the third floor lounge
e Frieze Building. The lounge
iared with all the language
All students, whether be-
ng, advanced or simply in-
ted in Germany, may attend.
lty and citizens from Ann Ar-
extensive German-speaking
runity also attend the Kaffee.
de where refreshments and
ian conversation are offered.
ents here from Germany come
ep in touch with home.
German Play
ch spring, faculty and stu-
s present a German play in
ian. Last year it was Durren-.
's "Romulus the Great." 'A
rigal group called the "Ren-
nce: Chor" has been organized
n the club, and presents pro-
s of German Renaissance mu-
ach spring.
e Club attempts to present a
ian film at least once a se-
er. The first film this year,
September 24, will be Karl
mayer's "The Captain of Koe-
rhaps the largest affair is the
al Christmas party, held in
Michigan Union Ballroom, to
,h German students and the
nan community, both young
old, come in large numbers.
culty advisor for the German
is Prof. Ronald Slater.
French Club
votees of French language
culture are invited to meet-
of Le Cercle Francais, held
r other Wednesday evening.
,lectures and movies are pre-
d on French politics, history
art. The Cercle works closely
L'Alliance Francaise, the lo-
French group. On Thursday
13-5 p.m., a Barratin, or coffee
7 offers an opportunity for

fellowship over refreshments and
conversation in French.
This year, the Cercle will have
a play, the annual Christmas par-
ty, and a spring banquet with a
speaker. French movies are also
planned. Each year, a poetry con-
test is held with prizes awarded
to winners. During the first weeks
of the fall semester, students who
have traveled to France during
the summer, will tell the Cercle of
their experiences.
The Cercle has a special project
in the developing of a library of
French books. Each year, money
raising activities are planned for
this project. The students in the
Cercle plan all the activities with
the help of Prof. Guy R. Mermier
of the faculty.
Spanish Club
La Sociedad Hispanica not only
devotes itself to Spanish and Lat-
in American culture during the
school year, but gives two students
a chance to sample it first-hand
in the summer. The Spanish Club
awards 4two scholarships each.
spring for summer school in Mexi-.
co. The winners are announced,
at an annual picnic in the spring
held at the University's Fresh
Air Camp. It's a Spanish style
picnic, of course, featuring the
spicy food of that country:.,
The Sociedad has Spanish mo-
vies during the year, and an an-
nual poetry contest. Their meet-
ings are every other Wednesday
evening at which a program de-
signed to appeal to both elemen-
tary and advanced students is pre-
sented. One of their favorite ac-
tivities is a variety show, featur-
ing singing and dancing by various
The group sponsors lectures in
both English and Spanish by visit-
ing lecturers and also faculty
members. They, too, have an an-
nual Christmas party.
Hispanic Festival
1 A major event sponsored by La
Sociedad Hispanica is the spring
Hispanic Festival. High school stu-
dents from throughout the state
come to see a play put on by the
group, and an exposition.'
The Spanish coffee hour, the
Tertulia, is held every Monday aft-

ernoon from 3-5 p.m. All students
of Spanish and those interested in
Spanish and Latin American cul-
ture are asked to join and help the
The Russian Club hopes ,to re-
organize this fall after an inactive
year. Prof. Edith E. Ignatieff of
the Slavic language department is
the advisor.
In the past, the Russian Club
has had films and slides shown
by those who have traveled to Rus-
sia. They have featured lectures
by speakers of Russian descent
and social evenings with Russian
style dinners and other entertain-
ment. The weekly coffee hour will
be started again.
Set To Produce
'Paj am a Game'
Every fall the sophomore class
bands together in a display of
unity to produce one of the Uni-
versity's two big student shows-
Soph Show, sponsored by the
Women's League.
This year's production will be
the Broadway musical Pajama
Game. It follows in the tradition
of such past hits as Bye Bye Bir-
die and Guys and Dolls.
Chairmen for the show were
picked last spring. Co-chairmen
of the central commttee, which
has overall responsibility for the
show and which directly super-
vises such operations as tickets
and publicity, are Kathleen . N.
George, '66 and Charles W. Bur-
son, '66. Co-directors will be Julian
I. Cook, '66, and Diane P. Tick-
ton, '66. All four have been work-
ing throughout the summer pre-
paring for opening night, Wednes-
day, Oct. 23. The show will per-
form nightly in Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre through Saturday, Oct.
26. There will also be a Saturday
Soph Show will hold a mass
meeting in the League ballroom on
Thursday, Sept. 5 at 7:30 p.m. At
that time there will be tryouts for
all aspects of the show, both per-
forming and "backstage."

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