TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1963 THE MICHIGAN DATLV ger.r arr. , TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1963 TUE VC11I 'L AiL1yU ~ 3?~UE A A5~NW. ZIr~n,Z. ; Kennedy In Cuttrn CIA To Pay Diem Units Despite Raid MANILA - The Central Intel- ligence Agency has decided to con- tiue to pay the salaries of, the, Special Forces police, which led the raids on Buddhist pagodas in Saigon, Viet Nam, earlier this month, the New York Times re- ported yesterday. These troops, headed by Col. Le Quang Tung, were trained and equipped by the United States. They have been maintained at a reported cost of $3 million annual- CANDIDATE ly which has been paid by the CIA luctantly ba as a program of what reliable Saigon sources have described as (R-Ariz) ben "direct under-the-table" aid. day. Both bli The American community and but neither s: CIA personnel in Saigon were highly critical of the decision. Ac- te cording to these same sources, a O e meeting had been called of the CIA personnel in Saigon Monday to discuss the issue and it was the almost unanimous opinion of the group that the aid should be drop- ped. Congress Complains Rockefelle Warns of Risks ASK H E OF RIGHTS': ' Jesuit Criticises Censorship by Clhurclh Ig Viet Nam Aid ES?-New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller (left) re- eked off on a tax promise, and Sen. Barry Goldwater moaned the Cuban situation and the left wing yester- amed the troubles on the Kennedy administration- aid whether he will try to unseat the President in 1964. ntial GOP Nominees le Political Issues r on Taxes ... In Washington, rising criticism on the part of Congress has been directed at the CIA due to news reports that it has been paying the Special Forces' salaries. President John F. Kennedy declined yester- day/ to say what role the CIA is playing in Viet Nam, but he de- nied that the CIA tends to make its own policy, independent of the administration. "We have had a number of meetings in the past few days about events in Viet Nam. (CIA Director) John MeCone partici- pated in every one; .and the CIA coordinates its efforts with the State Department and the Defense Department," he said. U.S. Policy Washington's decsion appar- ently was based on the position that the American policy to sup- port the military effort in Viet Nam and that the- Special Forces are part of that effort. In Saigon, South Vietnamese forces battled schoolboys in the captal and Communists in the field yesterday. A victory over the Reds was tempered by the new civilian defiance of the Diem regime. While Vietnamese forces were putting down the civilian resist- ance in the capital, a Vietnamese armored unit in the Mekong Delta scored what American advisers called the most significant victory in months against the Communist Viet Cong guerrillas. ALBANY, N. Y. (')Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller withdrew yesterday his promise to hold the line on state taxes through 1966 and blam- ed the Kennedy administration for making the withdrawal neces- sary. The Republican governor, a po- tential Presidential candidate, made the pledge during his suc- cessful campaign for re-election :ast year. He told a news conference that he no longer considered himself bound by the pledge because the national administration had fail- ed to achieve the economic growth rate on which he had based it. No Hike Yet Rockefeller said he did not anti- cipate any new taxes in the next state budget-the one he will send to the New York legislature next February - but could not make promises beyond then. "I've got to be realistic," he as- serted. The subject came up when a reporter asked Rockefeller whether he still stood by a statement he made to a campaign audience at Niagara Falls last October. At that time Rockefeller had assert- ed "categorically that there will be no increase in taxes in the next four years."~ Rockefeller also said he thought his receptioi was good during a weekend visit to Oregon, Il1. Goldwater on Cuba . . CLEVELAND (P) - Sen.. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) said yester- day that the United States should give more support to freeing Cuba from the Communists, but empha- sized that Cubans should take back the island and no American troops should be involved. The senator told a news confer- ence that this country should train Cuban exiles who want to be train- ed. But first, he added, "we should insist that the exiles form one government instead of the several they now have." Goldwater said he would stack his activities in behalf of civil rights against anyone. This was in answer to a question about a small group of Negroes who picketed an entrance to the hotel where he spoke. Can't Vote for CR He said he would not vote for the proposed civil-rights bill now before Congress because of the public accommodations clause, saying that this part of the meas- ure would strip rights from all people and then give those rights to a particular group. Goldwater told his luncheon au- dience of more than 3000 that "the true danger in American political life today" comes from what he called "the far left," not the right- wing John Birchers. "We have been hearing much too much in this country. about the far right and not nearly enough about the far left," he said. "The far left is in business in a big way and a dangerous way. It has made inroads into the government of the United States via the Americans for Democratic Action. And I would remind you and all other good Americans that the ADA has' a basic contempt for out tradi- tions of free enterprise and in- dividual liberty." Goldwater warned against what he termed thedangerousviewsrex- pressed by Young Democrats from 13 western states at a recent meet-' ing in California. "Perhaps the most significant' and frightening development of recent date," he said, was adoption by the Young Democrats of reso- lutions urging United States re- sumption of diplomatic relations' with Cuba, a non-aggression pact between NATO and the Commu- nist Warsaw Pact nations and United States withdrawal of. its' troops in South Viet Nam. Goldwater told the news con- ference that Cuba "certainly will be one of the issues," but that the entire foreign policy of the Ken- nedy administration would "get a going over."a 'Reds Could Take Over Whole Area' Voices U.S. Concern Over Buddhist Policy WASHINGTON ()-A reduction of United States financial aid to South Viet Nam might bring about collapse of that nation and open the gates to a Communist take- over in Southeast Asia, President John F. Kennedy said last night. The President said in a televi- sion-radio interview that he sub- scribes to the so-called "domino theory" -concerning Viet Nam and Southeast Asia. "China is so large, looms so high just beyond the frontiers, that if South Viet Nam went, it would not only give them an improved geographic position for a guerrilla assault on Malaya, but also would give them the impression that the wave of the future in Southeast Asia was China and the Commu- nists," Kennedy said. Answers Congress The President's views came as an indirect answer to mounting congressional sentimeit for a sharp cutback in aid to the gov- ernment of President Ngo Dinh Diem. Still, Kennedy said, the Unit- ed States is concerned about re- pressions of Buddhists by the Diem regime. "We are using our influence to persuade the government there to take those steps which will win back support. That takes some time and we must be patient; we must persist," Kennedy asserted. Won't Do Everything Kennedy noted that despite United States influence in Viet Nam "we can't expect these coun- tries to do everything the way we want to do them. We can't make everyone in our image and there are a good many people who don't want to go in our image." On other subjects: Kennedy said the way to spur the economy and balance the fed- eral budget is to cut taxes. If Congress doesn't vote a tax cut, he said, next year "is going to be an uncertain time." Kennedy said also that he be- lieves the North will continue to support civil-rights legislation, and the bills proposed by the adminis- tration will not divide the country politically into Negro and white blocs. And, the President said, if the. Senate were to reject the limited nuclear test-ban treaty, the Unit- ed States would be sounding an uncertain trumpet around the world. Pick Gronouski As New Head Of Post Office WASHINGTON (P) -President John F. Kennedy yesterday nom- inated John Gronouski, a Wiscon- sin Democrat trained in taxation and public finance, to be Postmas- ter General. The appointment, which is sub- ject to Senate confirmation, was announced exactly one month af- ter the cabinet post became va- cant. Gronouski received his master's degree in economics and public finance at the University of Wis- consin in 1947. He taught econom- ics and finance at the University of Maine from 1948 until 1950 when he returned to the Univer- sity of Wisconsin to study for his doctor of philosophy degree in taxation and public finance, which he received in 1955. He joined the Wisconsin tax commission staff in 1959 after two years of teaching at Wayne State University, and in January 1960 he became Wisconsin state taxation commissioner. While working toward his Ph.D., Gronouski spent nearly four years on the research staff of the Fed- eration of Tax Administrators at Chicago. A prominent Jesuit scholar has appealed to the Vatican Council to set up a charter of civil rights for Roman Catholic writers and intellectuals. The council's second session be- gins Sept. 29 in Rome. Writing In the Sept. 14 issue of America, a weekly of which he is an associate editor, the Rev. Rob- ert A. Graham says many of the Catholic church's "top - notch" brains particularly in Europe, have been severely censored by stric- tures established over the years by the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office. The Holy Office is one of the most powerful of the 12 congrega- tions that comprise the Roman Curia, the central administrative arm of the Church. Among its duties are to guard doctrine, to judge cases of heresy, to protect the sacraments and to examine and condemn books and publications dangerous to faith and morals. Criticism Cited Father Graham cites what he describes as "procedural practices" of the Holy Office that have come under special criticism. They are: 1) Books or articles are judged without the author's being heard in his own defense. Teachers are ordered to be removed from their posts without having any specific charge made against them, and without being given a chance to defend themselves. 2) Notice of the condemnation of a book is sometimes made pub- lic before the author himself is in- formed. 3) The reputation of authors is not adequately safeguarded. Little effort is made to differentiate be- tween a writer with a distinguish- ed record of service to the church and one who is a declared enemy of the faith. Accusations against authors are not punished when their falsehood is discovered. 4) Even if the Bishop whose im- primatur has been granted to the edition condemned or ordered to be withdrawn from sale is not con- sulted or informed. 5) Grounds for the condemna- tion are not given, except perhaps in an unofficial and allusive form, without a shred of canonical force, in L'Osservatore Romano. 6) In disputed areas, such as modern philosophy, which require specialized knowledge, the decision is taken without consulting ex- perts in the field as to the exact meaning of the writing under ex- amination. According to Fr. Graham, the crisis of today's Catholic intellec- tuals is more than the personal drama of a few individuals. I It world News Roundup ll a - R- N 2 o g - - - - - - - - - - - a a 5 1 a (iN ;; : fi By The Associated Press KAMPALA, Uganda - Premier Milton Obote announced last night that Uganda on Oct. 9 will become "a sovereign state not under the queen's dominion." In London a Commonwealth relations office spokesman said Uganda will re- main in the Commonwealth as a republic. Sir Walter -Coutts, gov- ernor-general representing Queen Elizabeth II, will be replaced by a president to be chosen from among hereditary tribal rulers and con- stitutional heads of non-monarch- ical districts.j WASHINGTON - Rep. Hale Boggs (D-La), the House Demo- cratic whip, said yesterday he thinks Congress will pass Presi- dent John F. Kennedy's $11.1 bil- lion tax cut bill this year. Rep. John W. Byrnes (R-Wis) said he would "have to accept his judg- ment that Democrats have the votes" but added that Republicans will not slacken their efforts to attach a spending control section to the bill. * . * TEL AVIV - An Israeli armyi I spokesman yesterday reported anj,. incident in the Korazim-Almabor area-the same region near the Syrian border where two Jewish settlers were killed Aug. 19. "Heavy machine gun fire opened up Sun- day night from across the Jordan River toward Israeli territory near the Korazim, area. This morning, signs of a mine buried in the same area were found." * e NEW "ORK-Prices on the New York Stock Exchange declined I yesterday, as the Dow-Jones 30I industrials fell 2.45, the 20 rails! 2.70, the 15 utilities 0.60 and the 65 stocks 1.68. tii}"K :;: i ti} 1:;.1} : ' 2 ; i"h? : +:$h' ;; i '.4 ::; ;.