THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE THE ICHIAN DILYMOG N HRE Chinese Economic Upturn Strengthens Mao By JOHN RODERICK Associated Press News Analyst TOKYO-In the face of bitter criticism from fellow Communists abroad, Mao Tze-Tung appears more secure as China's No. 1 man than ever before. He is engaged in a savage debate with Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev over how. best to de- molish the Western way of life. He scorns Khrushchev's strategy of peaceful co-existence and de- clares that the only way for Com- munism to triumph is through re- peated and shattering blows. But in spite of, or because of the an- tagonism he has caused, Mao's po- sition as leader of China's 800 million people is firm. And the Chinese giant, which stumbled and fell into an economic morass six years ago, has begun gingerly to use his wobbly legs. Next year he may walk. Bad News This is bad news for the West, and for Khrushchev. It means that a strengthened Mao, presiding over a recovering China, is in no mood for compromise. Unless more rea- sonable men take his place-and this seems unlikely-he will play his troublemaker's role with in- creasing zest and single-minded- ness. Mao's continued pre-eminence and the Chinese economic recovery are confirmed by travelers, trained observers, experts on the mainland and by the Chinese propaganda machine. These picture Mao's China as a land with fever spots of dissen- sion, hunger and hard times, but in better general political and eco- nomic health than anyone had suspected. Better Days There is an underlying malaise among students, intellectuals and some elements of the 2.5 million- man army. But after years of ter- rible hardship, the peasants and the proletariat are experiencing better days and their resentments have been curbed at least tem- porarily. China remains desperately poor. Malnutrition is a nagging problem, but the food supply has improved, rationing of many. Items has been lifted, and the nation's agriculture has climbed back to production levels of seven years ago. Severe measures have been taken to choke off unrest in the armed forces. Mao has placed one of his party men beside, and in effect above, each professional officer down to the lowest ranks. Reds Rally The 17-million-member Commu- nist party has rallied around Mao in the face of outside criticism, hailing him as the infallible sage of Marxism. The, muted propaganda claims of Peking have, for the first time, the ring of truth. Last year showed some small but encouraging pro- gress, said Premier Chou En-Lai. This year will be slightly better. But it will be 15 to 20 years, he adds, before China can become a modern industrial nation with an advanced agriculture, up-to-date science and nuclear capability. Cut Off Deprived of Soviet aid since 1960, Mao has cut the Chinese suit t6 'fit its shrunken and poorer- quality cloth. The failure of his ambitious 1958 plan for an indus- trial "great leap forward" belated- ly convinced him of the wisdom of the old Chinese proverb: "A long Journey begins with but a single step.," De-centralizing the 27,000-rural communes which had dragooned the country's 500 million peasants into man's greatest collective . movement, he gave the hard- pressed peasants new incentives U0* s. S.OK.0 -a% _- -: W. PAKSTAA- :.SRMPIL- V LAO-- - :-. ~ ~ ~ ~ -.-- -- . .IL - -L- S. KOREAFORMOSA IIS.IETNAM-LAOSI [INDIA Guerrilla attacks Renewed threats Increasing Threat attacks through of attacks on Chinese-supported of demilitarized Chirns Kal-Shek' guerrilla renewed zone stronghold attacks AP Newsteattjres hostilities > attracted to China's ideas and ex- perience which they see as repli- cas of their own situation. But at the same time they are torn be- tween Mao's calls for struggle and Khrushchev's counsels of modera- tion, backed by the Soviet eco- nomic aid and military hardware they need. Mao can extend economic help to some pilot nations, but his chief weapon is anti-imperialism which stirs responsive echoes among those whose memories of repres- sive colonialism are still vivid. In this essentially ideological war, Mao makes the fullest use of fears that the United States may be, through subtle trade- and in- vestment policies, seeking to sup- plant the old colonialists. "Hate America, the No.1 neo-colonialist," is the rallying cry from Peking, and it has an undoubted effect. Yankee No In China, Mao seeks to consoli- date his position and stimulate the laggard with an even more frenetic hate-America campaign, combined with hatred of counter-revolution- aries, capitalists, rich landlords and now, of Nikita Khrushchev himself. If Mao is inhibited economically from ranging as far and as wide as he would wish, he does have some fields of action open to him in Asia. South Viet Nam seems to- day to be his special project, whose Communist-created chaos he hails as clear evidence of the correctness of his policy of anti- American struggle. Perhaps sig- nificantly, Chinese arms and mu- nitions have appeared recently in the hands of the Communist Viet Cong. Mao would like to extend his campaign to divided Laos, where his influence appears to have over- shadowed that of Russia, but he is inhibited by world opinion, the restraining hand of Moscow and an international armistice com- mission on the spot. Power Struggle? Will a power struggle erupt when Mao passes from the scene? The prospects are that it will not, that heir-apparent President Liu. Shao-Chi, or whomever the pow- erful central committee elects, will succeed to the ruling party chair- manship. Mao, poet, statesman, scholar, historian, soldier, theoretician and hard-headed son of a Hunan pea- sant, has made his mistakes. But he has built Chinese Communism well. No, 42 years after its found- ing on a Shanghai river boat, it is strong and well-knit, in contrast to some other Communist parties. Its top echelon is test-fired in the kiln of common hardships, struggle and revolution. Mao's old foe, aging Chiang Kai- Shek, sits alone and icily remote on Formosa, persuading h.anself that his day will come, through subversion or invasion. But if the omens coming out of China are correct, the conditions he needs no longer exist. They are massive. hunger combined with unbearable oppression, the touchstones of re- volt in other days. Chiang's.hour might have struck if he had ,acted three years ago at the height of China's sorrow. Now, the clock tolls for another time, another China. i ump Peaceful Desegregation Proceeds inMost States (Continued from Page 1) school desegregation in Baton Rouge and the first on a high school level in Louisiana. There were only minor incidents. Public schools at New, Orleans entered their fourth year of inte- gration with about 300 Negroes in 26 previously white schools, an in- World News Roundup1 By The Associated Press NEW YORK - Civil rights groups are planning a march- similar to the recent march on Washington-on New York's city hall for Sunday, Sept. 29, it was announced last night. The Con- gress of Racial Equality said "tens of thousands" are expected to march in protest of "significant" discrimination against Negroes in the New York construction in- dustry. * * * ALGIERS-Algerians vote today on whether to accept or reject their nation's first constitution since independence from France. The nation-beset by post-inde- pendence difficulties - seemed apathetic toward the referendum. A handful of long-time revolu- tionary fighters, now in opposi- tion to Premier Ahmed Ben Bella, has denounced the constitution as an instrument to pave his way to total power. HYANNIS PORT - President John F. Kennedy signed yester- day a bill authorizing a $5,350,- 820,400 civilian space program for, the current fiscal year. The meas- ure, passed by Congress 11 days ago, totals about $362 million less' than the President requested. crease fromx107 in 20 schools last year. No Violence Integration spread quietly in Virginia. A white man and his son were charged with trespassing in one incident, but there was no violence. In Florida, eight counties joined 11 that had previously desegre- gated their schools. Schools in- tegrated this year include some in northern Florida where racial sentiment is similar to that in the deep South. Negroes are threatening to boy- cott some schools in New Jersey tomorrow. The Negroes charge there is a racial imbalance in the schools. Sit-Ins School openings in Boston were accompanied by two-day sit-in demonstrations by members of the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People, pro- testing what they called de facto segregation. Police stood by, but there was no violence. Pickets showed up at Chicago schools where they protested trail- er-type mobile classrooms. They claim such classrooms keep pupils in crowded Negro. schools and maintain de facto segregation. A Negro boy was refused per- mission to transfer to a white school in Frederick, Okla. But there were no incidents elsewhere in Oklahoma, including Oklahoma City where schools are under fed- eral court orders to carry out in- tegration. A threatened boycott of schools in St. Louis was called off by Negro leaders. No reason was given, but one source said the boycott was delayed, to see if schools become more fully inte- grated. Schools in Cincinnati opened quietly except for acontinuing protest by the NAACP concerning the transfer of four classes from a n overcrowded predominantly Negro school to predominantly white schools. lump, jump jump. jump-' jump umpers r , S iNiS t } . . . ., ~ .. . j in the form of privately-owned strips of land whose produce they could eat or sell. It would be years, he conceded, before the communes would ever again be what they had been for a brief time in 1958. Blood, Sweat, Tears Then, turning to heavy industry, whose development had been halted by the withdrawal of Soviet, plants and technicians, Mao de- creed a giant human and industrial effort to rescue agriculture from three years of disastrous harvests and Communist mismanagement. Light industry got orders to turn out machinery, fertilizers and consumer goods for the human sea of city-dwellers turned farmers flooding the countryside. The results of Mao's drastic re- trenchments and concentration on agriculture first became evident last year when thousands of refu- gees fled to Hong Kong from South China. It was noted than that, far from being thin and starving, they were healthy-looking. It later devolved that they had escaped not from lack of food but because they feared what the future might bring. In the months that followed there were increasing indications that the food shortages of South China had begun to ease in the wake of good harvests and that this situation was general, with some exceptions, everywhere. E Mao realized that his ill-con-; sidered scheme to push China into industrialization overnight had been damaging economically and politically. It had aroused the op- opposition and resentment of Khrushchev, who tried to dissuade Mao from achieving self-suffi- ciency at the expense of his own plan for a cooperative economic blueprint for all Communist coun- tries. In defying Khrushchev, Mao sowed the seeds of the Communist bloc conflict and split the Com- munist camp into opposing blocs. Mao, who fancies himself as the spiritual successor of Marx, Lenin and Stalin, disagrees sharply with Khrushchev's 1956 de-Stalinization program which struck down indi- vidual dictatorship, called for bloc cooperation, and turned its back on the hard intransigence of the old Soviet dictator's day. Mao's wings have been clipped economically but they are wide enough to permit him to soar over selected areas of the earth, namely in Africa, Asia and South America., More Aggressive If anything, he has stepped up his campaign to sell revolution, rebellion and turmoil in the emerging and newly-independent nations, many of them powerfully I. a HILLEL CHOIR 1 st Rehearsal, Monday, Sept. 9, 7 to 8 p.m. in Preparation for KOL NI1DRE Service INQUIRIES: DanI at Hillel Office; or of Choir Director, Eichenbaum, Tel. 663-6224. B'noi B'rith Hillel Foundation 663-4129 1429 Hill St. .*.*.......'v.......*.....,.*. . . ,aL 11 :"i:'4:{vrii}:{i{{" Y: r; :;: {::.i v:":":"Si;{..: {{r{ti"Si r::{r.":"'"oi'r::":r."::fi'3'rt; {{d{{" ;'r,'.y::; ":?'j?1 .:":":;yj 1sCners ::::% ::::::;,:::::: :::::........................ {{rr::":.A{{'e::ii::":"::":"::"ii:::":":+:":{rr::"ir"J:{.:{r":":::i :"."::{{"::r."."r.{"A .'{ "r.."i" _""{ ......... 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