ACTIVITIES SECTION C, r Swga tIait ACTIVITIES SECTION Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom XIV, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1963 TEN P Jnion Provides Services SGC Offers Participatio The Michigan Union, the all- campus men's organization, is one of the main hubs of extra-curric- ular activities at the University. As a service organization, the Union sponsors a wide range of events ranging from social, pro- grams to low cost air flights to Europe. If a male student is interested in working in a small business en- terprise completely controlled by students, he can join the staff of the Union. Innovations One of the many new innova- tions that will greet entering fresh men will be the Michigan Union Grill which was remodeled last year. More remodeling will take place this year 'in the second sec- tion of the cafeteria. Since the MUG is a social meeting place more double booths have been in-, stalled, creating a more private at- mosphere. The MUG also houses the "Little Clubs" which provide live bands and free dancing on various Fri- day nights. Eight of these informal' dances are planned for each se-' mester.1 TGIT's (Thank God It's Thurs- day) are holidays also sponsored by the Union. Well-known campus musical groups such as the Road Runners, Friars, Amblers and Sundowners perform at these events held in the MUG. New check cashing facilities are In Formulation of Polic) Form Body After 1954 BIG UMBRELLA-This new awning over the side entrance of the Union is designed to protect travellers from the weather while they wait for their bus or car. In the foreground the fountain announces the, warm weather by spouting merrily. y now available to both male and female students as well as Univer- sity faculty members. The service has been moved away from the main desk to expedite service. Through charter flights, stu- ingley Oers Counsel To Student Organizations The director of student organizations and activities in the Office of Student Affairs is a busy man. Former Assistant Dean of Men John Bingley assumed the job following a structural reorganization of the OSA last year. Bingley's work falls into three main areas: student organiza- tions, driving regulations and affiliated, associated and off-campus housing. His first capacity finds him in the role of a counselor to such campus organizations as Student Government Council, Interfraternity ..Council, Panhellenic Association and Joint Judiciary Council. He' is a member of SGC's Committee on Membership selection, which has dealt with fraternity-sorority bias cases, and the Orientation Committee. Bingley's office is responsible for the enforcement of automo- bile regulations and the issuance of driving permits. Violations of t he' regulations a re handled through JJC In the area of housing, Bingley will be paying particular atten- tion this year to the student-land- lord relationship in off-campus housing. He hopes to draw up an explanation for students of the responsibilities involved in signing a lease. The student activities and organizations office also handles housing discrimination cases when they arise, but.Bingley says these are minimal. Residence- Halls The one major area of Univer- sity housing which the office does not handle is the residence hall system. For the first time, the system will be supervised by a newly appointed director of resi- dence hals-Eugene Haun, who has come here from Cornell Uni- versity. Strangely enough, Bingley, who is a member of the history de- partment and teaches a great books course, finds that a great deal of his time is taken up not by his official duties, but by the counsellingt of individual students. "I've met m a n y students through my work,' he explains, "and when they have some prob- lem theymay wind up in my of- fice. When I find out what the problem is I can send them to the proper person." dents can go to Europe by plane for $300 round trip. These flights leave in June and return in Sep- tember. Once the students are in Europe, they can use the European' travel information that they ob- tained through the Union. At the end of finals, 150 people will spend three days skiing, danc- ing, singing and having fun at the Union sponsored Ski Weekend. However, the Union does not only sponsor social programs. One of the main events of the school year is the Cultural Arts Festival. The Festival attempts to highlight the cultural activities available to+ the students and to allow them toa express their own interests. Fulfillment The first purpose is fulfilled by having eminent members of the arts such as Robert Frost, e. e. cummings, and Ayn Rand come to, campus to speak. Another important facet of the Union is the large role it has in setting up the orientation pro- gram. Interested high 'school sen- iors and juniors are invited to.visit Michigan on University Day. Among other things, the high; school students visit academic open-houses, residence halls and fraternities and sororities. Close Work Working closely with the admin-; istration and Women's League, the University Affairs Committee of the Union interviews prospective orientation leaders. This commit- tee also aids in setting up the schedule for orientation work. In coordination with the League, the Union sponsors the Sports Spree, the President's Welcome and Coke breaks during orientation. Because there are so many meet- ings during orientation, the Union will put out a booklet explaining each one of them. In the past stu- dents have passed up many of these activities because they did not know anything about them. Entering students will now know beforehand what all these meet- ings are about. A library reading list is also be- ing prepared to be given to the in- coming students. The purpose of this list, which will include some 148 books that the library staff has reviewed, will be to give the freshmen an index of suggested readings in specific subject areas. League Aids 6U' Women Over Year The recently proposed Union- League merger will not substan- tially effect services the Women's League has traditionally offered to University women. Since its founding in 1890 the League has served as the center for organized activities by the women on this campus. In addition to its activities role, the League serves the function of a clearing house for the opinions and communications of women students. The Women's Confer- ence Committee consists of the presidents of Panhellenic Associa- tion, Assembly Association, the League and the chairman of Wo- men's Judiciary Council. Substantial undergraduate opin- ion is represented here, and the Committee may thus have a legiti- mate voice in initiating changes to affect University women. The work of the Conference Committee was instrumental in the granting of key permission for seniors and liberalization of freshmen hours last year. The Committee also pro- vides a communications forum for independent and affiliate views. League Council The League Council consists of the League officers and commit- tee chairmen. The officers elected last spring for this school year are Gretchen Groth, '64, president; Joan Gusten, '64, administrative vice-president and Kathy Kridler, '65,. co-ordinating vice-president. The Council oversees all League activities and attempts to relate the League to campus needs. Among the committees which operate under the Council, the Buro-Cat Central Committee deals solely with freshmen. The International Committee matches up foreign students with University students of. similar in- terests, who will become their "big sisters" for the duration of See LEAGUE, Page 8 Report Urges Union, League To Consolidate After long deliberations, the Union-League Study Committee released its report urging the es- tablishment of a "university cen- ter" through the merger of the Michigan Union and Women's League. Committee chairman, Assistant Dean James H. Robertson of the literary college, submitted thenre- port which suggested "a real uni- versity center, a coeducational or- ganization serving the needs of all segments of the University community: st u d e n t s, faculty, alumni, administration and their guests."' The report suggests that a new unitary governing board replace See REPORT, Page 4 Interfraternity Council adoptedv a new rushing plan last fall that contained major departures from the previous plan. Under the old plan a rushee had to visit at least one house in each Freshinen See Hatcher A good opportunity for new freshmen to meet President Har- lan Hatcher and his wife on an informal basis is at a series of teas given at the Hatcher home three times a semester. The teas are planned by com- mittees of the Unionand League who arrange for such things as invitations, student guides and entertainment. Entertainment at the Christmas tea is usually pro- vided by the Friars or the Surfs, student singing groups. Invitations are sent to several housing units each tea, although all students are invited. House- mothers and resident directors of these housing units are asked to serve. Students from the. various living units are selected in such a way as to offer each house or dorm its turn in being host the rest of the students, as well as to the Hatchers themselves, at theotime of the parties. Student guides are always pres- ent to show students around the house and help them feel at home. The Hatcher residence is the only surviving building of the original campus. Built in 1840, it has been occupied by the Hatchers since 1951. "ALL IN FAVOR . . ."-Members of Student Government Council cast their vote on an issue of concern. Composed of 18 students, 11 elected by the student body and seven ex-officios, SGC spends Wednesday nights ranging over a wide variety of local and off-campus issues. Between 4000 to 7000 students vote in the all-campus elections every fall and spring. HEADS FRATERNITY SYSTEM: IFC Adopts New us an of five districts and three other houses at large. Under the new system all required visiting re- quirements have been dropped. According to IFC the move was taken because of the feeling that structured rush deterred the "mar- ginal" rushee from rushing and. created "artificial traffic pat- terns." - Other Changes Other changes included making September 7 the first day of rush and allowing contacts between ac- tives and non-affiliates during Orientation Week. Also, any rush- ing and pledge violations will now be referred directly to IFC rather than to the Office for Student Af- fairs as had been done previously. As the coordinator for frater- nity activities on campus, IFC is divided into executive and legsla- tive branches. The legislative branch is com- posed of the Fraternity President's Assembly in which the president of each of the 43 fraternities is a member. The IFC executive committee consists of a representative from each of the geographical districts into which the affiliates are di- vided plus alumni representatives.. Executive Committee The executive committee also has the function of acting as a juliciary for violations of major rules such as hazing, which is for- bidden by the University, although there are occasionally fraternities and honoraries which engage in "rough house" treatment of their pledging members. There is also a judiciary sub- committee to deal with minor in- fractions, such as fraternities who violate the non-University's ruling regarding minors' use of alcohol, or which give unauthorized par- ties. In these cases, the fraternity generally is placed on probation and may have neither liquor nor parties for some time. It is necessary for IFC to bind together houses with diverse in- terests and elements. Each house has an individual character in ad- dition to the various personalities found in them, the IFC handbook claims. Some houses emphasize scholarship, others activities and still others emphasize neither di- See IFC, Page 3 Examination Council Recognizes Clubs, Organizations, Calendars Activities Student Government Count exists to provide students wit means to participate in the forma lation of rules and policies wbie will affect their lives at the Uni versity. It is composed of 18 member 11 of which are elected by tl student body for one year tern The remaining seven are the pr siding officers of the Inter-fr ternity Council, Panhellenic A sociation, the Michigan Unic Women's League, Assembly Hou Council, Inter-Quadrangle Cou cil, and The Daily. Council is presently headed an eecuivecommittee of ioi officers. These officers, the pres dent, the - administrative vic president, the executive vic president, and the treasurer a elected by the Council itself. HoN ever, there will be a referendu placed before the student boc this fall suggesting a change the election procedure. Council has the power to cale dar campus events and to gra recognition to student organiz tions. It preforms several oth functions through its subcommi tees and related'. boards. The plan for the present Cou cil was initiated in 1954 when committee headed by Prof. Lion Laing of the political science d partmet studied the student go ernment structure at the Univ sity and arrived at the curre Council plan. Prof. Laing's committee call for the abolishment of the c Committee on Student Affa ,which had existed since 19: Council also superceded the St dent Legislature, a legislatu elected on the basis of schools a colleges with an executive cabin running the organization. None the previous forms of stude government on the campus h gained Regental approval. T. new Student Government Cou cil did. Since its inception eight yes ago Council has turned from service organization to deali with governmental problems more meaning to students. It do not have a completely free ha to take action on any decisik it might make. The Vice-preside for Student Affairs still has t timate veto power over any a tion the Council may wish take. Standing Committees JOHN BINGLEX ... aid, counsel Panhel Acts To Coordinate Sorority System Programs, Twenty-four undergraduate social sororities at the University band together to form the Panhellenic Association. Although each house is self-governed, they cooperate in Panhel for certain activities. Each house has equal representation in Panhel which in turn represents the sorority women on campus. Panhel's executive council is composed of 13 officers. In addition there is a seci :i. My aaw.+ir ---- vvv. ...+..- ! Study Plus Diversion; Formula for a Pleasant Fall Although all work and no play make Jack a dull boy, all play isn't highly recommended at the Uni- versity. There are a great many activi- ties to choose from-anything from the football team to the opera pro- ductions.,Echstdntspnd- sizeable percentage of his four S..years trying to strike a good bal- . ... . .. . . a n c e b e t w e e n w o r k a n d p l a y . Huron River " "<:The Huron River is available for canoeing, and the campus, for strolling. Other local parkland be- . . h: comes the scene for picnics, base ball games and parties. There are also golf courses ten- nis courts and swimming pools and beaches within reasonably easy ac. cess of all students. :....- - retariat, composed of ten underclass girls who serve as aids to the executive council. Sorority life at Michigan is a unique living situation which en- deavors to support a campus ex- perience which is rewarding aca- demically, culturally and socially," Pat Elkins, '64, president of Pen- demically, culturally and socially," Pat Elkins, '64, president of Pan- hellenic Association, said recently. SGC has four standing co mittees. They are, the Comm. tee on Student Concerns, the Co mittee on Student Activities, Committee on University Affa and the Committee on the Uni States National Student Assoc tion. The Committee on Student Co cerns studies and initiates act on proposals which affect Univ sity students. Some of the ni recent issues with which the cc mittee has been involved are, campus officer elections pro dures, student cooperative bo store, student parking, and ) men's hours revisions. The primary function of Committee on Student Activitie to coordinate the activities of students. This means recogniz student organizations and see that they comply with Univer, regulations, and taking care the calendering of all cam events for the academic year. Problems of Administration The Committee on Univer Affairs works primarily with problems of administration t affect students. The CUA recen did a great deal of work witJ proposal for a student-faci government. The committee wc ed with the Senate Advisory C( mittee- on University Affairs a as a result of the joint effor set of sub-committees has b organized to work with the facu Originally Social Units Sororities have been at the Uni- versity since the 1870's. Originally, they were social units only, but now the emphasis is toward "well roundedness in campus living. Academic interests are promoted by awards for scholastic achieve- ment at house honors dinners, and Panhellenic Association awards trophies annually to sororities wih top academic averages. Many sororities last year initiat- ed cultural programs. Bucket Drive Service projects are emphasized, too. Last year campus sororities and Panhel participated in the