7, 1963 -THSE MICHIGAN DAILY 7, 1963 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Chinese Refugees Cross TO Russia by Thousands Kisl Sees Snkian Moves, As Historically Reasonable By DAVID BLOCK The recent influx of Chinese citizens into Russian central Asia is a logical continuation of historical developments along this desolate border area, according to Prof. George Kish of the geography depart- ment. Sinkiang Province, from which most of the Chinese have been emigrating, has for many years been under the control of the Chinese No Comment From Soviet Government Western Sources Say Number Increasing U.S. Refuses Order To Deliver Buddhists WASHINGTON ()-Until it receives satisfactory assurances for their safety, the United States will not turn over to South Viet Nam the three Buddhist Monks who have taken refuge in the United States Embassy at Saigon. State Department Press Officer Richard I. Phillips made this point clear yesterday as the monks provided a new focus of tension between Washington and the gov-~ ernment of Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem. Ball Confers Phillips acknowledged that the Diem government now has request- ed formally that the three monks In P r ul be turned over. But he said thiso buestion "remains under study, pending satisfactory assurances as LISBON ( )-United States Un- to their safety if they should leav dersecretary of State George W. the embassy premises . . . ThedesctayoSaeGoreW South Viet Nam government has Ball returned to Portugal yester- not yet offered satisfactory assur- day to continue talks believed to ances." be concerned with renewal of an Great time for a new Kodak Camera ° - - - r 00 -= ".d, -i E- KO A KCamera' Bright new day in the pleasure of Pictur-t.ig r Wth a Koyak'instamatic camera, you load instantly, auto. t d t, so its easier than ever to fake good pictures. Nd .hreading, no fumbling-Kodapok film cartridges drop righ in! There are four camera models-all with built-in flash uis and they all take color slides, color snapsad black-as-- white pictures, Come in and choose the one t'ri ght fok-yod. Cm plete camera outfits, from -17' Exclusie Camera Shop "PURCHASE FROM PURCHASE" PROF. GEORGE KISH ... logical development' KENNEDY PLAN: P asses Aid To Jobless WASHINGTON (?) - Senate passage yesterday sent to the House President John F. Kennedy's plan to expand the job training program for unemployed youths and to add new literacy courses, mainly for older jobless workers. Approval came on a 41-26 vote after defeat of Republican efforts to slash the cost from $200 million to $60 million and to write in sev- eral limitations. The House Labor Committee has held hearings on the proposal but has not yet acted. The bill would remedy some of the deficiencies which Kennedy told Congress in June had turned up in the Manpower Act passed last year for training unemployed workers and for upgrading skills of those with jobs. Companion Measure It is a companion measure to one the Senate passed and sent to the House on Wednesday, aimed' at keeping the program going de- spite failure of most states to take over half the load. Under this, the federal government will continue + to pay 100 per cent of the $322 million cost through mid-1965. Meanwhile, the Labor Depart- ment's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported yesterday that unemploy- ment hits the lowest point of the year thus far last month when it dropped to 3.9 million. Drop in Labor Force The decline in the number of jobless from July to August was 500,000, or about what was ex- pected at this time of year. The total labor force dropped by 750,000 to 77.2 million. 'central government. However, this region, rich in undeveloped gold, uranium and oil resources, has long been desired by the Soviets. The Chinese of Sinkiang are more closely related to their north- western neighbors in the Soviet republics of Kazakh and Tirghiz than to their Chinese brothers further south and east. These Asi- atics are Moslems, speak a Turki language and are in other ways' socially and biologically similar to the Soviets across the border, Prof. Kish said. Allegiance to China Furthermore, these people have never demonstrated any great al- legiance to China. The area has long been remote and up to recent years no Chinese government has ever been able to exert any great influence over the region. In the late 19th century, Sin- kiang registered its disfavor with its Chinese masters by rising in rebellion. Following the Russian Revolution in 1917, many people from the Russian border areas moved into Sinkiang where they found more freedom than under the Communists. These emigrations were the bas-' is for Sino-Soviet friction in the 1920's, Prof. Kish added. However, with advancements in transportationf and communica- tions, including the completion of the first railroad from the central part of China, Sinkiang has be- come less isolated, and the Red Chinese today have been able to move in and expldTh the region successfully. Joint Mining Concerns The Communists first attempt- ed to make the area autonomous on the Soviet model, and even agreedito create joint mining con- cerns in Sinkiang with the Soviets. However, the/ cooperation of the two countries in this region, as well as the region's autonomy, has dissipated in recent years. Cite Red Feud I Iner Asia. j WASHINGTON ()-Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) suggested yesterday that current tensions be- tween Russia and Communist China may stem from competition for control of the vast inner ter- ritory of Asia. Mansfield, the Senate Democrat- ic leader, said in a prepared Sen- ate speech that the possibility of clashes along the thousands of miles of vague borders between two countries makes it more im- perative than ever that the Senate ratify the limited nuclear test ban treaty. "Some might anticipate with rel- ish the prospects of these clashes, even if they were nuclear," Mans- field said. Widen Split With Soviets TOKYO W-)-Communist China's leaders continued their efforts yes- terday to ride Soviet Premier Ni- kita S. Khrushchev out of the in- ternational Communist movement on a rail. "You have committed innumer- able foul deeds. Not all the water in the Volga can wash away the great shame you have brought upon the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and upon the Soviet Union itself," they charged. The blast appeared in identical attacks on Khrushchev printed in the official People's Daily and the Communist theoretical journal Red Plag, printed in Peking. New Charge The articles made a new charge against the Soviet Union: that in August 1962 "the Soviet govern- ment formally notified China that the Soviet Union would conclude an agreement with the United States on the prevention of nu- clear proliferation." In other words, that the two powers would work together to keep any other nation from getting nuclear weap- ons. There was no record in Western news files of such a proposition. The brunt of the Chinese indict- ment against Khrushchev was that since 1956 he has tried to bring about a thaw in the cold war, fought stubbornly against Peking's campaign to impose revolution to advance communism, and even now is engaged in a "love feast" with the United States, India and Yugoslavia. 'Socialist Legality' The massive Chinese article said China first got angry w i t h Khrushchev in 1956 when he tried to sweep away the- reign of terror favored by the late Josef Stalin and proposed his program of peaceful coexistence and "socialist legality" instead. But no amount of personal badg- ering by the Chinese leader in Moscow in 1957, and no argument, no matter how harsh in the years which followed, succeeded in budging Khrushchev for more than a short time. Instead, Khru- shchev "passionately sought col- laboration with United States im- perialism." NIKITA S. KHRUSHCHEV .. . out on a rail? MOSCOW (P)-The Kremlin was officially silent, but Western sourc- es reported yesterday refugees from China have been streaming into the Soviet Union by the thou- sands for the past year. One Westerner said Soviet offi- cials told him they were still com- ing as late as last week. He put the figure at 50,000. These' reports, undoubtedly So- viet-inspired, spread through dip- lomatic quarters soon after Com- munist China charged Moscow 'enticed and coerced several tens of thousands of Chinese citizens into going to the Soviet Union." Chinese Charge The Chinese cnarged the Rus- sians planned to use these emigres to overthrow the Chinese admin- istration in Ili, a mountainous dis- trict of Sinkiang on the borderof Soviet Kazakhstan. Communist China and the So- viet Union signed a 30-year con- tract in 1950 to exploit the oil and mineral riches of Sinkiang jointly. These include gold and uranium. Peking said the Kremlin had refused demands to send the Chi- nese back "on the pretext of a sense of Soviet legality and hu- manitarianism." Peking radio added the incident still was unsettled and called it "an astounding event, unheard of in the relations between socialist countries." It said the exodus occurred in April and May 1962 and made no mention of a continuing flow. Neither did some of the Western sources here, although one men- tioned he heard the number was increasing. This was the first charge of troubles and provocations along the thousands of miles of ill-defin- ed border between the two Com- munist giants. Even more -than China's anger at Soviet refusal to supply her with atomic weapons, it marked the shift of the Commu- nist quarrel from the ideological to the severely practical sphere. Washington Comment United States authorities in Washington acknowledged yester- day receiving reports of the refu- gee flow, but voiced doubt that the Sino-Soviet conflict would erupt soon into a frontier shooting match. They tend to assess Peking's newest, 30,000 - word d i a t r i b e against Moscow as evidence of a further deepening of the split be- tween the giant Communist rivals. Still, they do not expect an out- right diplomatic rupture in the near future. The Red Chinese charged the Russians with having admitted tens of thousands of Chinese into Soviet territory last year in an at- tempt to overthrow the Chinese administration in Ili, in remote Sinkiang province. Peking declar- ed Soviet-Chinese relations have reached "the brink of a split." Similar Case The only similar recent case isI that of Hungary's Joseph Cardinal Mindzsenty who has been in theI United States Legation in Buda- pest since the 1956 Hungarian rev-I olution.- One of the Buddhist monks,l Thich Tri Quang, is a high official in the General Buddhist Associa- tion. The other two monks are considered acolytes.t While the Viet Nam governmentI has 'made some effort to pla atet the Buddhists since an Aug. 21 crackdown which resulted in thet arrests of hundreds of monks andI nuns, authorities have talked about wiping out those monks who are politically motivated. Officials here believe that Quang is consid- ered one of the political leaders ini the Buddhist movement. ds Internatioigal Protest Meanwhile at the United Na- tions, thirteen Asian, African and Latin American nations formally proposed that the United Nations General Assembly opening Sept. 17 give top priority to debate on the treatment of Buddhists by the gov- erment of South Viet Nam. The request to put the issue be-1 fore the Assembly was handed to United Nations Secretary-General U Thant by Ambassadors Sir Sen- erat Gunewardene of Ceylon and Gershon B. 0. Collier of Sierre Leone. Gunewardene told a reporter a primary object of the move was to bring world public opinion to bear against mistreatment of Bud- dhists in South Viet Nam. World Public Opinion He said no country could, ignore world public opinion and that was proved by the effect of successive reports of the Assembly's special committee on Hungary. Romney Hits Peace Corps MACKINAC ISLAND (R')-Gov. George Romney Thursday attack- ed the so-called federal domestic Peace Corps proposal as a scheme to "hire mercenaries" to work on problems best handled locally. "I see a decline in the oppor- tunity for our (state and local governments') capacity to govern ourselves if these federal programs continue to expand," said Romney, often mentioned as a possible Re- publican presidential nominee. A proposal before Congress would create a National Service Corps to work in distressed areas with the United States on several general social problems. Romney said federal authorities are trying to push further into lo- cal governmental affairs with a program "cohcentrated under the guise of the National Service Corps." He told a convention of the Michigan Municipal League here that he objects to "hiring mercen- aries" for problems which can be best solved by citizens working without pay. He said federal grants this year total $10.4 ;billion-nearly five times the level of a decade ago. He said these grants weaken the receiving governments and lead to federal control. For Form Fresh DAIRY PRODUCTS Prompt Home Delivery Phone HU 3-0496 agreement for American use of air bases in the Azores Islands. Ball met twice with 74-year-old Portuguese Antonio De Oliveira Salazar last week, then went on to Pakistan where he failed to win a specific promise from Pakistani President Ayub Khan not to. move closer to Red China. Neither Portuguese nor United States officials would disclose what was discussed at the earlier Lis- bon meeting, but Portugal is said to be demanding American politi- cal support of Lisbon's overseas territorial policies as a condition for renewal of the bases agreement which expired at the end of 1962. Ball will meet today with Sala- zar. As the United States official ar- rived Friday, Salazar headed a delegation seeing Angolese Presi- dent Americo Thomaz off to An- gola. Portugal considers Angola an "overseas province." The Afro- Asian group of nations has been stepping up pressure against the Lisbon government, which recent- ly hinted it would allow a ref eren- dum to be held in Portugal and its "overseas. provinces" on Salazar's policies. 11 16 South University Order Your Subscription Today- Phone NO 2-3241 NO 5-6101 r "'"""" 1 SUNDAY AT SEVEN .. . Is there "Escape from Loneliness?" calvin malefyt 10:30 a.m. The Parables of Jesus UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH YMCA, East William & 5th Ave.-4 blocks from campus : ;, L momwo- row- NEWMAN CLASS PROGRAM Non-eredit Courses in Catholic Thought Theology 101 Theoogy 201 Theology 302 Theology 303 Philosophy 101 The Gilbert and Sullivan SocietyQ presents Go-To, Japanese minstrel-philosopher, with a few words of wisdomt for starting out the semester. Go-To say: Sin art students know how to relax after a hard week of classes. Smart students go. to_ Mikado MASS MEETING Sunday, Sept. 8 Union-7:30 P.M. V "V MICHIGAN'S FIRST FALL CONCERT nof~/a k National Roundup THE FUNDAMENTALS OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH Monday and Thursday at 10 a.m., 2-4-8 p.m. Instructor: Msgr. John F. Bradley THE FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY Tuesday at 2-4-8 p.m. Instructor: Rev. Alex J. Brunett STUDIES IN SACRED SCRIPTURE Thursday at 1-3-7 p.m. Instructor: Mr. Robert Reiter STUDIES IN ST. AUGUSTINE Tuesday at 7 p.m. Instructor: Mr. Leo F. Desjarais AN INTRODUCTION TO SCHOLASTIC PHILOSOPHY Monday at 8 p.m. Instructor: Mr. James Nee MODERN VIEWPOINTS AND THE CATHOLIC FAITH Tuesday at 8 p.m. Instructor: Mr. Alan Fontana HISTORY OF THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH Tuesday at 1 -3-7 p.m. Instructor: Mr. Thomas Giles NURSING ETHICS Monday at 8 p.m. Instructor: Rev. Alex J. Brunett MEDICAL ETHICS Thursday at 7 p.m. Instructor: Msgr. John F. Bradley Philosophy 201 By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The -United States denied yesterday a Soviet charge that six military aircraft were furnished to the Laotian gov- ernment in violation of interna- tional agreements guaranteeifg Lao neutrality. WASHINGTON - I n f o r in e d sources said last night that the controversial cancer drug Kre- biozen has been found to be worth- less as the result of investigations made by the Food and Drug Ad- ministration and the National Cancer Institute. WASHINGTON - Sen. Stuart Symington (D-Mo) confirmed yes- terday that he has refused to let former officials of the Eisenhower administration see or answer a still-secret report on a Senate in- quiry -into the $8-billion federal stockpiles. He was replying to charges made by Sen. Clifford Case (R-NJ) that Synington plans to use the report as a partisan club to belabor prom- inent Republicans. Case added that he has been refused permis- sion to show the rough draft of the report to those named in it so they could afford their defense along with release of the findings. * * * WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy has ordered the merger of all federal communications sys- tems and designated Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara to supervise operation of the new set- up. The new government unit will be known as the National Com- munications System (NCS). NEW YORK-Trading soared on the New York Stock Exchange yes- terday to the highest level since May 31. 1962, as the Dow Jones industrial average retreated from its historic peak. Industrials were down 2.61, railroads were down 1.39, and utilities were down 0.17. for the neat collegiate look MICHIGAN UNION BARBER SHOP Daily 8:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M. History 101 Ethics 101 Ethics 201 BELLA VISTA FARMS, Inc. Classes begin the week of Sept. 8 Register at the 1st class EVERYONE WELCOME All classes in the GABRIEL RICHARD CENTER 331 Thompson St., Ann Arbor .. a..® S tio S wil I be available M OEM 0 INUM 'Aft u 2 AV& soft II a - a a - A..I& A - * I-