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September 05, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-09-05

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Becoming partly
cloudy tonight

Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom





Wallace Alerts National Guard.


By The Associated Press
George Wallace placed the Ala-
bama National Guard on alert
late last night after two Negroes
were, shot in rioting near the
bombed home of integrationist
leader Arthur Shores.
The rioting followed the integra-
tion of nearby Graymot Grammer
School and a federal court suit
by white parents against this and
further Alabama integration.
Within an hour after the ex-
plosion rocked the Shores home, a
jeering crowd of Negro spectators
poured into the area. Police fol-
lowed with riot guns, shooting into
the air to break up the crowds.
Seek Peace
Negro integration leaders were
close behind, using bullhorns to
ask the crowd to disperse.
Earlier six private citizens back-
ed by Wallace moved in federal
court hours after two Negro boys
enrolled to start classes with white
The boys walked through police
lines and, without interference
from Wallace, enrolled as the first
of their race to enter an Alabama
white public elementary school.
Two Birmingham high schools are
scheduled to admit Negroes today.
Riot Squad
Jeering disorders erupted out-
side two of the three schools or-
dered integrated, but were firmly
quelled by alert city police who
swiftly called in special riot squads.
Three Birmingham couples said
in their suit that integration would
disrupt and destroy the education-
al process in the affected schools.
Wallace announced simultan-
eously that his office was support-
ing the petitions "because of the
violence which has been commit-
ted and the threat of violence
which presently exists"..
Through Formalities
Later they said they were go-
ing through formalities to enable
them.to get the case to a higher
court. Lynne ruled he had no jur-
isdiction. Enabling them to go to
the 5th U.S. District Court of
The desegregation case, under
which Negroes are entering the
previously all-white schools, now'
is under appeal. The parents seek
to intervene in that case.
Meanwhile, a dozen white chil-
dren quietly integrated a previous-
ly Negro Roman Catholic school
at Huntsville, the first known de-
segregation of an elementary
school in the state. The classes
began yesterday.
It was registration day at Mo-
bile also, and two Negroes reg-
istered at board of education of-
fices to attend 12th grade classes
with white pupils. There was no
disorder in Mobile, nor was there
Thant Reports
Failure by UN'
In Yemen War
tary-General U Thant reported
yesterday that the United Nations
has failed thus far to end the
rival interventions of the United
Arab Republic and Saudi Arabia
in Yemen's civil war.
But he denied what he said
were irresponsible and reckless
charges that poor administration
at UN headquarters was to blame
for the situation.
He added that he intended to
continue and if necessary to in-
tensify his efforts to persuade the
two intervening Arab nations to
abide by their agreement to effect
a military withdrawal from Ye-
'Oral Assurances'
In a report submitted to the
United Nations Security Council,
Thant said he had received oral
assurances from Saudi Arabia and
the United Arab Republic that

they would undcrwrite the costs of
the United Nations observation
mission in Yemen for another two
This would bring the total to
around $800,000 for maintaining
the 200-man force in a demili-
tarized zone on the Yemen-Saudi
Arabian borders.
The United Arab Republic has
been giving military support to
the Republican forces that ousted
tle Royalists from their capital
and seized control of the govern-1
ment last year. Saudi Arabia has
been aiding Royalists in the Ye-
men area trying to make a come-
Supervised Withdrawal
On June 11, the Security Coun- }
cil authorized Thant to send I
UN observers into Yemen to sup-

any indication.
Negroes would

when the two
start school at

Murphy High School.
At Tuskegee, where Wallace had
stationed troopers to block in-
tegration of the Tuskegee High
School, about 20 school teachers
were turned away by 25 troopers
as the teachers attempted to en-
ter the school. Wallace closed the
school Monday two hours before
it was to open.
In Washington, Sen. Wayne
Morse (D-Ore) described Wallace
as "uink" and a "disgrace." Morse
told the Senate Wallace's legal
activities "are those of a shyster."
Desegregation activities else-
where in the nation were mainly

peaceful, but the second day of
public school integration in Char-
leston, S.C., brought another false
bomb scare.
Charleston High School was
emptied for 15 minutes while the
building was searched, then classes
resumed. Rivers High had a sim-
ilar incident Tuesday as 11 Negro
pupils attended the city district
schools without other incident.
Integration in reverse took place
at North Little Rock, Ark., where
Mrs. Yvonne Fitts entered her 6-
year-old son in an all-Negro school
despite telephone threats and
vandalism to her home. Mrs. Fitts
says she is a firm believer in

URGE ACTION-Sen. Jacob Javits (left) requested the Kennedy
administration yesterday to speed up its Congressional civil rights
timetable. Sen. Warren Magnuson said his committee would con-
tinue action next week.
Jay its Urges Senators
To Pass Rights Measure
WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) urged Senate
Democratic leaders yesterday to change their minds about waiting
on the House to act on civil rights legislation and instead get the
Senate busy soon on the controversial issue.
Expressing fear that allowing the House to act first would delay
Senate action into November or December, he said, "This matter will
fritter out in an emasculated bill," Javits suggested that the public

Ai'd Bill
yesterday passed President John
F. Kennedy's bill to extend for a
year 100 per cent federal financ-
ing of the manpower retraining
program to teach skills to unem-
ployed workers.
Passage was by voice vote after
Republicans mounted a strong at-
tack on the measure.
The bill would waive the re-
quirement in the 1962 Manpower
Act that the states pay 50 per
cent of the cost in the third year
starting July 1, 1964. The federal
government paid the full cost the
first two years.
No House Action
The bill now goes to the House,
where a labor subcommittee has
completed hearings on it but not
taken any action.
Before passage, the Senate turn-
ed back, 44-19, a Republican at-
tempt to shelve the legislation for
the time being by sending it back
to the labor committee.
The measure represents the first
recommendation in Kennedy's
June 19 message on civil rights
and employment opportunities to
clear either branch of Congress.
No Southern Fight
However, Southern senators
did not launch the fight on it
which they plan to make on the
proposals dealing with racial ques-
Kennedy's message had stressed
that jobless rates are far higher
for Negroes than for whites, and
said that winning other civil rights
would not be of much help unless
work for them is available.
The bill cleared by the Senate
authorizes 4n additional $161 mil-
lion to pay the state's share of
the $322-million training program
planned for 1965.
No Anything
Its sponsors predicted that the
program would die at the end of
the current financial year unless
the bill were passed. They pointed
out that only four states-Connec-
ticut, Kansas, Montana, and Ten-
nessee-had approved matching
funds and that legislatures in 25
states which have not acted do
not meet next year.
Republicans fighting the bill de-
clared that this record shows the
states are not really interested.
Senate Republican leader Ever-
ett M. Dirksen of Illinois contend-
ed the bill would "plow another
hole into the federal budget," with
the deficit already estimated at
more than $9 billion.
Korean Junta
Arrests Foe
SEOUL MP-South Korean mili-
tary authorities hauled one of
their chief opponents out of a hos-
pital bed last night and took him
off to prison.
He is Korean war hero Yo-Chan
(Tiger) Song-peasant's son, fierce
soldier, former premier and cen-
ter of a violent political contro-
In Washington. the State De-
partment voiced concern over
Song's arrest as a presidential
election approached. It called the
move high-handed.



of Bia

To Establish

Proposal Follows
Lewis Documnt

-Daly-Kamalakar Rao
DISCUSS STUDENT BIAS-Members of Student Government discussed last night methods of de-
termining which student groups have been using discriminatory practices in selecting new members,
as well as punitive action to be taken. According to one working paper by SGC, a membership com-
mittee should be established to investigate cases of alleged bias and a judge should review the
committee's findings and affix necessary penalties. The other SGC proposal is a 34-point elabora-
tion of a paper written by Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis from the Harris Report.

-ToView Stud
Of Education
The State Coordinating Council
on Higher Education will present
a report on problems of Michigan
education to members of Gov.
George Romney's Citizen Commit-
tee on Higher Education next
"We undertook the study to
help make recommendations to
the Blue Ribbon Committee,"
Council Chairman Warren M. Huff
Executive Director of the Coun-
cil Ira Polley noted that the re-
port would be concerned mainly
with the question of increased en-
Short Range Needs
At the end of last spring, the
Coordinating Council announced
plans to conduct a study of the
short range higher education
needs in Michigan.
This study paralleled one be-
ing conducted by the "blue ribbon
committee." The "blue ribbon
committee" has set the beginning
of October as its target date to
get its interim report before the
This report covers the short
term problems of higher education
in the state, and it is expected that
it will be presented to the Legis-
lature before the final budget is
decided on.
No More Speculation
Tuesday's meeting will end
speculation of what the Coordinat-
ing Council intended to do with
its study once it had been com-
pleted. By submitting suggestions
and recommendations to the "blue
ribbon committee," some of these
ideas may be incorporated into
the report presen4-d by Romney
and the Legislature.
Culls Kennedy
O pp rtunist'
NEW YORK (P)-Gov. Nelson A.
Rockefeller accused the Kennedy
administration last night of "sub-
merging principle to political ac-

>accommodations bill now being
considered by the Senate Com-
merce Committee serve as a ve-
hicle to get the Senate moving.
His idea is to tack on other civil
rights measures as amendments.
Informal Proposals
Chairman Warren G. Magnuson
(D-Wash) said several proposals
were advanced informally for re-
stricting the establishments to be
covered by the proposed legisla-
tion and members were asked to
draft amendments they have in
The committee scheduled an-
other meeting tomorrow for gen-
eral discussion.
Javits noted in the Senate that
Democratic leader Mike Mansfield
of Montana had told him last
month it was the leadership plan
to wait for a bill from the House
before bringing a measure to the
Senate floor.
No Time Limit
Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-
Minn), assistant Senate Demo-
cratic leader, assured Javits and
Sen. Kenneth B. Keating (R-NY),
who joined the speedup proposal,
that the Senate will pass an ef-
fective civil rights bill.


Scientist Sees
Satellite Risk
STANFORD, Calif. (IP) - Effec-
tive spy satellites, "pin-pointing a
target within 100 .feet from Mis-
soula, Mont., to Moscow," might
increase the risk of war, an aero-
space scientist said yesterday.,
The assertion by Jerry E. Pour-
nelle, Boeing Co. systems analyst,
jolted a symposium on "Open
Space and Peace" at Stanford
"It is possible that, by provid-
ing nearly perfect targeting data,
satellite' observations can make
first strikes more likely to suc-
ceed. and therefore, more attrac-
tive," Pournelle explained.
"This could exert a de-stabiliz-
ing effect on world politics, and
increase rather than decrease the
risk of war," he added.
He said he was not arguing
against satellite observation sys-
tems advocated by other speakers.
"But the time to think about
whether you really want to know
something is before you find out,"
Pournelle added.
Two nations armed with nuclear
bombs and excellent satellite ob-
servation systems could be like
two top gun-slingers meeting in
the old West, he told newsmen.
"One gunman thinks, I don't
want to kill that man, but if he
draws first, I'm dead.' So he draws
and shoots. And the other is prob-
ably reasoning the same way," he
Pournelle estimated the cost of
"flight hardware alone for basic
(observation satellite) systems can
run as high as $2 billion," not
counting communications links,
recorders and data processing
But the cost, a fraction of the
United States national budget,
might be reasonable and feasible
if the system markedly reduced
the risk of war and need for arma-
ments, he said.

Congress To Investigate
Spending for Research.

Amid internal power-struggling,
Congress is attempting to under-
take a broad investigation of fed-
eral research spending.
Early in the summer, Rep. How-
ard W. Smith (D-Va) called for
a select House committee to be
set up to consider the research
outlay, which this year totals $14
Smith argued that the regular
committees who handle research
appropriations tend to become
captives of the offices they over-
see and show favoritism toward
No Trespassing
His proposal won some support
from both liberals and conserva-
tives, but drew fire from top Con-
gressmen who felt the new group
was trespassing on the jurisdiction
of other standing conimittees.
So. Rep. George P. Miller (D-
Calif), chairman of the House
Science and Astronautics Com-
mittee, recently formed a- science,
research and development sub-
committee, headed by Rep. Emilio
Q. Daddario (D-Conn), to make
"an overall evaluation of scien-
tific research and development
throughout thencountry." This
group's study is in the organiza-
tional stage.
A similar subcommittee was set
up last month by Rep. Carl Vin-
son (D-Ga), chairman of the
House Armed Services Committee.
This group will investigate mili-
tary research, which co11tumes
over half the federal research
Approval Necessary
Unlike the establishment of
these subcommittees, Smith's pro-
posal for a select committee must

be approved by the full House. At
present, according to the Wash-
ington Post, it would be unlikely
to gain approval.
U 0
Seek Funds
Michigan universities have. al-
ready submitted over $2.5 million
in research project proposals, bid-
ding for the $750,000 economic ex-
pansion fund created by the Leg-
islature last spring.
Michigan State University has
so far submitted the largest batch:
58 proposals for diverse projects
totalling almost $1.9 million.
Wayne State University is propos-
ing one $200,000 project concern-
ing university-industry relation-
ships. Smaller state schools, ex-
cept Eastern Michigan University
and Ferris Institute, also have sub-
mitted smaller proposals.
The University's bids are not in
yet, but should be ready next week,
James E. Lesch, assistant to the
vice-president for academic af-
fairs, said yesterday. Proposals are
being received by the office and
the list will be pared down or at
least priorized before going to
Lansing, he explained.
Mainly Economics
"The bulk of the University's
proposals will deal with economics
and business studies, as opposed to
physical science and engineering
research," Lesch said. He noted
that science-type project proposals
could be added later if needed.
He noted that it is "not yet
clear" just what kind of research
state leaders want to emphasize
in the program and said that the
University's requests could be
changed if they didn't meet the
He estimated that the University
will send about a dozen proposals.
Share the Wealth
The $750,000 will be diveded
among the institutions, with no
school getting more than 30 per
cent. The researchprogram is in-
tended to explore ways of increas-
ing state economic activity.
The proposals will be screened
by a 25-man committee named by
Gov. George Romney and must be
approved by the Legislature.
Cooper Sees
Treaty Passage
Sherman Cooper (R-Ky) express-
ed belief yesterday that no more
than five Republican votes will
be cast against Senate ratification
of the limited nuclear test ban
Cooper said he will support the
pact because he considers the risks
of the agreement are manageable

Student Government Council
last night discussed procedures for
determining " and punishing stu-
dent groups using discriminatory
practices in membership selections.
The procedures were contained
in a pair of working papers which
will be converted into formal mo-
tions at the next meeting.
The first of these papers, as
finally amended by Council, es-
tablishes both a membership coin-
mittee to investigate alleged dis-
crimination and a judge to review
the findings and affix penalties
where necessary.
Lewis Original
The original of the working
paper had been written by Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis from the Harris
It recommended that the judg-
ing function be enacted by a tri-
bunal consisting of three members
-one each from the student, fac-
ulty and administration bodies.
Council voted to change the tri-
bunal to one judge, holder of a
law school degree, and thus re-
turned the function to a form
recommended last spring.
The second of the pair of work-
ing papers was a 34-point elabora-
tion of the Lewis paper. It out-
lined procedures for the filing of
membership statements by stu-
dent groups, investigations of al-
leged discriminatory practices by
the membership committee and
guidelines for the judge to deter-
mine guilt.
Council's Right
The Lewis paper began by recog-
nizing Council's right "to establish
substantive rules to implement by-
law 2.14 as it relates to fraterni-
ties, sororities and other non-
exempt recognized student organ-
This authority had been reaf-
firmed by Regental resolution last
To implement the bylaw, the
Lewis paper called for the estab-
lishment of a membership com-
mittee to "receive complaints, col-
lect and process relevant informa-
tion, investigate suspected viola-
tions, attempt conciliation, ini-
tiate and prosecute proceedings."

Long Line Stymies Course Changers,

One of the longest lines on the
campus since registration was seen
yesterday as students attempted
to alter their course selections.
At one point in mid-afternoon,
the string of counselees wound
from the freshman-sophomore
counselling office, through the
swinging doors, across the main
Angell Hall lobby and back against
the pillars at the entrance to the
south wing.
With some advanced courses be-
coming too large and having to
drop underclassmen, and with oth-
ers cancelled, the counselling of-
fices were soon jammed with stu-
dents seeking to add or cut classes.
At the height of the jam-up, stu-
dents were allowed to consult with
any faculty counselor available.
But some unlucky individuals
trapped at the end of the line had
to wait more than an hour before
their turn came.
Another campus crowd congre-

Withdraw Recognition
The paper then discussed the
judging tribunal which could im-
pose appropriate sanctions includ-
ing "withdrawal of recognition of
the group."
The 34-point elaboration paper
accompanying the Lewis proposals
stated that "no group shall adopt,
maintain or apply a discriminatory
membership policy."
Further action on the two work-
ing papers will follow an open
public hearing scheduled for the
evening of Sept. 16 at the Union
Ballroom. Sorority representatives,
University administrators and stu-
dents are expected to speak.
See Possible
Further Move
In Bias Contest
There is a possibility of further
legal action contesting Student
Government Council's authority
to establish membership rules and
withdraw recognition from student
The Grand Rapids law firm of
Schmidt, Smith, Howlett and Hal-
liday has announced that it now
represents three more sororities
(Alpha Phi, Alpha Gamma Delta,
Zeta Tau Alpha), .i addition to
the original six (Delta Delta Delta,
Kappa Delta, Phi Mu, Sigma Kap-
pa, Alpha Epsilon Phi and Gam-
ma Phi Beta).
Mr. Schmidt declined to com-
ment on what his clients' future
intentions are.


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