THE MICHIGAN DAILY u9\TTi'.e"A Ctrs + ..r °. e an f ______..________________:___________________________ vy zUtX or LBADiE, '1 1 S THE ICHGAN l~tY S'~ A~T .r I Reviews Goals, Cases I Inherent in the nature of the university is the concept of aca- demic freedom. It is the freedom of the members of the academic community to inquire, discover, publish, and teach the truth as they see it without any control or authority except the control or authority of the rational methods by which truth is established. Academic freedom ought not to be thought of as a privilege, nor as a concession that any authority inside or outside the institution may properly grant or deny, qual- ify, or regulate according to its interests or its discretion. USNSA firmly believes in the principles of academic freedom as a prerequisite for the preservation of the university. It believes that it is the right and responsibility of the student to participate fully in independent inquiry and criti- cism. Right To Dissent It is his right to question, criti- cize and dissent from ideas from which he comes in contact, and to hold and advocate his personal beliefs, free from all pressures which tend to restrict the student in his pursuit of knowledge. USNSA believes in the freedom of the educator to investigate, to draw conclusions, and to impart his knowledge, and to hold and promulgate his beliefs in an at- mosphere of freedom. While personal evaluations may enter into selection or promotion of educations, the principle criteria must be professional competence, professional integrity and contri- bution to the academic commun- ity. Guard Faculty It is the duty of the university administration to protect the fac- ulty against the pressures and de- mands which violate the goals of scholarship. In accordance with the educa- tional institution's. obligation to stimulate the pursuit after truth, colleges and, universities must serve as an open forum for dif- ferent views and opinions, no mat- ter how unpopular or divergent, and guarantee to all members of the academic community the right to hear all sides of given issues. Only through the critical exam- ination of all alternatives can the accumulated knowledge of society be advanced. Therefore .. Therefore, recognizing the chal- lenge which faces the academic community, the USNSA insists that the following rights and re- sponsibilities must be maintained: 1) USNSA is fully in accord with the right of free speech and has faith in the intellectual ability of the American college student to discriminate and analyze various and diverse theories. To impair the pursuit after truth by placing limitations upon opportunities for students to hear any viewpoint is inconsistent with the educational responsibilities of the university. Backs Parties 2) USNSA recognizes that par- tisan political student groups gen- erally perform a valuable service in developing political leadership and in increasing an awareness of political responsibilities among students. USNSA urges the repeal or modification of legislation or school policies which restrict the legitimate operation of partisan political student groups on campus or which tend to place in jeopardy the status of students or faculty who belong to such organizations. 3) The teacher and graduate student are entitled to freedom of research, and in the publication of results is subject only to the lim- itation imposed by the perform- ance of his other academic duties, but research for pecuniary returns should be based upon understand- ing with the institution. Raps Restraints 4) When the teacher speaks or writes as a citizen, rather than as an academician, he should be free from institutional censorship or discipline; he may say anything in his field of competence and is neither professionally irresponsible nor undermines the basic philo- sophical foundations of the uni- versity. 5) USNSA adheres to principles established by the American As- sociation of University Professors that "removal can be justified only on the grounds established, by evi- dence of unfitness to teach because of incompetence, lack of scholarly objectivity or integrity, serious misuse of the classroom or of aca- demic prestige, gross personal mis- conduct or conscious participation in conspiracy against the govern- ment." Past or present association with persons or organizations are not in themselves sufficient basis for removal from academic position. Impartial Judge1 Any charge against the indi- vidual's integrity and professional,' competence should be validated by an impartial tribunal of his peers. We caution that such a tribunal must confront the individual with" his accusers as well as the full specifications of all charges against him. We believe that an educator's refusal on constitutional grounds to reply to questions concerning his views, affiliations, and asso- ciations is not justifiable cause for dismissal. USNSA expresses its full confi- dence in the AAUP to make objec- tive investigations in the, dismis- sal of professors with whom it is concerned because of allegedsvio- lations of academic due process. 6) USNSA believes that requir- ing loyalty oaths as a prerequisite for academic administration, aca- demic aid, academic employment or tenure, or as a basis for con- tinued employment of faculty members in a university is pro- cedurally ineffective and does not necessarily guarantee loyalty to- wards one's country; it is destruc- tive to academic freedom. USNSA also opposes political test oaths, disclaimers and ques- tionnaires affecting students and faculty as being in opposition to the concept of freedom. It is the right of all organiza- tions, educational or otherwise, to investigate the background of prospective employees, only inso- far as such investigation concerns thei. ability to perform the job. This is not to be construed as our being opposed to a voluntary oath of allegiance to the constitution of the country or the state. Oppose Lists 7) USNSA believes that past as- sociations of students or teachers with persons or organizations should not be considered in de- termining an individual's loyalty to his country. USNSA opposes the use of mem- bership lists of student and fac- ulty organizations for purposes of discrimination against students or teachers on the basis of organiza- tional affiliations. Students and faculty organiza- tions should not be placed on lists of allegedly subversive groups without due process of law or in the contradiction to Amendments 1, 5, and 14 to the Constitution of the United States. 8) USNSA advocates that all appropriate steps be taken to elim- inate academically indefensible restrictions of free access to in- formation. Specific Violations of Academic Freedomn PRINCIPLE: Unhampered ex- pression and discussion of all points of view is fundamental to the concept of a free university in a free society. The student has a special interest in violations of freedoms of expressions and dis- cussions and has an obligation to cite and to criticize specific in- stances of such infringements. SPEAKER BANS FACT: In the past year, USNSA has noted several violations of aca- demic freedom through limitations of speakers at both public and private institutions. The following examples are representative of the infractions: 1) University of Washington. In April of 1962 the president of the university, speaking for the Board of Regents, promulgated a policy that no Communists would be al- I 1 I * FREE FILM Mon., Sept. 9th thru Wed., Sept. 18th The Quarry will replace, FREE OF CHARGE, any roll of film, block and white or Kodacolor, left for processing and printing. r New, fresh, Kodak film * Includes 135 mm (B & W, Kodacolor) * No limit the Quaryinc. 318 S. STATE 1 $ f I michigan technic STAFF MEETING everybody welcome 7:30 Th u rsday, P.M. Sept. 5 3077 East Engieeng r ;Y I" t I 'a The Interfraternity Council, in cooperation with the Interquadrangle Council, presents a panel discussion followed by a question-and-answer period in order to better acquaint you with the nature of fraternities at Michigan. For an objective discussion of this important topic, you are cordially invited to be present. Panels will be held at 7:00 P.M. in house or Quadrangle lounges according to the following schedule. Further information is posted on Markley and East Quadrangle South and West Quadrangles RUSH INFORMATION PROGRAM 1, I' { I 1 l"r" 1i I 1-AV" '