EITr Ekligant &tl senty-Tbrd Yer EDrrzD AND MANAGED xT SuTmms oF THE UNYrEsrrY o M3CHGAN UNDEU AUTHORtT OF BOARD IN CoNTROi OF STUDENT PUWLJCATKOMN Were Otous Are F S uT PURUCALTONS B ., AmN Aamos, Muai., Piomr *02-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors.This must be noted in all reprints. Those Crazy Buddhists-Setting Fire To Themselves" AT THE CAMPUS: Fellini's Testament: AY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: GERALD STORCH Michigan Legislators Faces Three Challenges VERNOR GEORGE, ROMNEY formally alled the Legislature into special session erday, challenging it to make decisions ting the basic direction of state activities. e decisions, which may effect Michigan after the current crop of lawmakers de- from the Lansing scene, are concerned fiscal reform, legislative apportionment adjustment of state laws to fit the new titution. ow and partisan action an's progress for decades. d-looking ones can open a s in the state. can hinder Broad and new era of SCAL REFORM is the most immediate of these issues, clearly and sometimes painfully ng everyone's pocketbook. The challenge the Legislature is clear here; yet it is the least likely to be met. 'he current tax structure, based on regres- sales, nuisance and business taxes, is exible and incapable of meeting state needs. good times, like the present, these taxes d large revenues. In poor times, their yield ps sharply while the demand on state ser- s increases, creating massive deficits. Desperat]in [VER SAY DIE" seems to be the motto of citizens from the Thumb-area who are ving desperately to get a four-year degree nting college in their community. he latest madcap proposal will go into ct when Delta College opens its doors. A- dful of nursing students will enter their for year of studies at the school but will live no credit for their work. iIS seemingly insane plan is an educated gamble.I group of private investors in the Bay City- land-Saginaw area have been trying to get state board of education to grant a private rter for a junior-senior level school atop a. This would be a stop-gap measure until . George Romney's citizens' committee rec- rends a plan of action for educational ex- sion in the area. he board has denied the charter once, but reconsider the idea later this month. lhe noncredit nursing program resulted from 1 delay. the charter idea is approved, the students r be lifted from their academic no-man's-i i and receive credit for their courses. This bviously what the investors are counting on. n the other hand, if the plan does not get nod from the state board these students e wasted a year toward getting their degree. iERE IS a need for a four-year college at Delta but stop-gap measures such as the ' credit course are fruitless. Endless delay ics on the part of the state board and other cerned organs demonstrate insensitivity to munity requirements. - -G. EVANS Associate City Editor hose Hazy By taxing business operations and individual spending, these taxes do not encourage the economic expansion necessary for the well being of the state government and its citizens. THE KEY to fiscal reform is the unpopular income tax. When the state was in more difficult straits a year and a half ago, former Gov. John B. Swainson and moderate legisla- tors of both parties found it impossible to pass an income tax. Now when the end of the state deficit is in sight, it will be more difficult to convince legislators and the general public that an income tax is the necessary base for fiscal reform. Romney and the Legislature will have to summon all the political courage they have to enact an effective fiscal reform. Both will have to resist the inertia caused by the state's rela- tive good fortune and the blandishments of lobbiests concerned with protecting their spe- cial interests. Romney, in addition, must exert strong leadership over the dissidents within his own party and convince Democrats of the soundness of his plan. LEGISLATIVE APPORTIONMENT presents a great challenge to the broadmindedness of the Legislature. It is a basic issue, for malap- portionment gives power to a narrow-minded bloc which lacks a vision of the entire state's interest. For too long the Legislature has been dominated by this sort of men. The new constitution, with its dubiously constitutional 80 per cent population, 20 per cent area Senate apportionment formpla and an easing of the House's representation for- mula, offers some hope for better apportion- ment. It will give Detroit and the greatly un- der-represented suburbs more legislators. Still, the, new document's provisions can be twisted to maintain the unfortunate gerry- mander. Romney and Republican legislators must act with restraint. Extreme action may bring potentially government snarling lawsuit or continue the current gerrymander's ill effects on forward looking legislation. THE THIRD CHALLENGE is the most com- plex of the three. Tailoring state laws to fit the new, more generalized state constitution requires an outlook that can predict results many years in the future. Extending terms of current elective offices, scheduling elections to avoid bedsheet ballots, reorganizing depart- ments to fit the centralized structure of the new constitution and enacting enabling pro- visions for oounty home rule and civil rights all require great legislative wisdom. Fortunately, the Legislature is well-prepared. An 18-man special committee has intensively studied these problems, relying on the advise of experts in state government. The report should lay a good foundation for, legislative action. TFESE ARE the three basic challenges facing the Legislature this fall. The public should watch its lawmakers closely to determine how they met them. Next November, the voters should act accordingly. -PHILIP SUTIN National Concerns Editor Crazy DaVS TODAY AND TOMORROW: A Peaceful Settlement FEDERICO FELLINI'S "82" is unqualifiedly a masterpiece. Using confessedly biographical material, he has abandoned a realistic vocabulary in favor of a highly stylized texture of dream. illusion, memory and reality. "812" is at once Fellini's most personal and his most controlled film. Even more specifically than "La Dolce Vita," "8%/2" is concern- ed with the problem of artistic creation. Fellini's film director- protagonist,"Guido Anselmi (Mar- cello Mastroianni) discovers that he has lost control over his own powers as an artist and a person. In an effort to regain his integ- rity and finish a new film, which is only in the seminal stage, Guido is forced to retreat to a spa. Dau- mier, Guido's collaborator for the film, reads the tentative script and criticizes it as a mere string of episodes with no unifying idea. THE TRIUMPH of "8%" Js the film language employed in ex- pressing Guidos rage for order. The opening fantasy sequence it- self contains this theme in minia- ture. The camera pans across a huge traffic jam. Then we see the back of abgreying head. A man in a car begins gasping as gas fills the interior with aa loud hiss. He frantically pounds on the windows, trying to escape. And as his gasps get shorter, he begins to float out of the car. First, he cautiously half walks, half floats across the roofs of the neighbor- ing cars, then rises into the clouda. The camera cuts to:a beach. A man, tugging on a rope, yells to 'another figure, "We've got him." Then we see the rope attached to the greying man's leg as he floats above the beach. He tries to disengage himself but fails and plunges downward. The greying man is Guido An- selmi. Suffocating in the chaos of his own experience, Guido wants to soar, like Daedalus. From the sky he can achieve the detach- ment and control necessary to finish his film, But the wish ful- fillmentefailsand the camera im- mediately cuts to the spa. IN "LA DOLCE VITA," Mar- cello, an earlier Fellini protagon- ist, also finds himself unable to achieve aesthetic detachment from his particular experience, the world of the Via Veneto. He re- mains a journalist, one who re- cords rather than creates. Marcello's failure is reflected in the structure of "La Dolce Vita." It remains a string of loosely con- structed episodes. Fellini is satis- fied with the big effect. The re- lationship of the artist and his world is rendered with a n admir- able bravura, but, in the end, superficially. In "8," however, Fellini illu- strates that an artist need not be chaotic or dull to express the chaos and dullness of his charac- ter's experience. "81 " marks an advance over "La Dolce Vita" in that Fellini's artistic success or failure is not reflected in the suc- cess or failure of his artist-pro- tagoniot. Even though Guido can- not order his experience until the very end of "8/2," Fellini controls this chaos throughout, expressing Guido's rage for order by means of a perfectly consistent visual- aural vocabulary. The use of non- synchronous sound and stylized sets contribute to this vocabulary. But most impressive is the pat- tern of parallels that Fellini im- poses on the texture of illusion and reality. For example, in an early memory sequence, Guido is a little boy surrounded by women who bath him in wine and swad- dle him in warm towels. He is the "sweetest little boy in the world." Later, in the harem se- quence, Guido's wife, his mistress and assorted actresses reenact the bath and swaddling. WITH SOME works of art a discussion of vocabulary and form becomes a discussion of theme. In James Joyce's "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man," for ex- ample, the broadening of Stephen Daedalus' awareness is communi- cated in a movement beginning with completely sensual, undif- ferentiated imagery in the open- ing pages and culminating in the abstract narrative language of the St. Thomas Aquinas discussion. Similarly, Fellini has developed a major new visual language to express the subjective experience of his artist protagonist. In this respect "8'" is technically the most important film since God- ard's "Breathless." -David Zimmerman LETTERS to the EDITOR To the Editor: RONALD WILTON'S article, "The Two Sides of College," is a concise statement of the edu- cational philosophy endorsed con- tinually by The Daily',staff, The article clearly implies that while the student must , attend to his studies here, he'll find more chal- lenging educational opportunities in the "non-academic" side of campus life, particularly through commitment and participation in politics. Wilton says: "For most, the academic transition is the easier of the two. In many cases, par- ticularly Where the freshman courses are concerned, the work is merely an extension of high school." If this is generally the case, and I doubt if it is, thdn one can assume either that the fresh- man's concept of educatioh is so shallow that he reckons no dif- ference between high school and college, or' that the college is just not doing its job. Regardless what the case is, I would warn the new student what the faculty's con- ception of his education is: it is learning through books. * 4' * THE ENTIRE university system tacitly implies this; professors are hired to teach, books are assigned to read, library collections are weekly increased, papers assigned to be written, courses must be taken to be "in college" here, and the student's stated duty in col- lege is to fulfill these elected aca- demic responsibilities, but the col- lege will never punish him for ig- noring the non-academic side of college. There is, therefore, only one side of college that's important; this is as it should be, for at no other time in a person's life willhe have the chance to learn what others have said and written in history than right now. The mere learn- edness of college-its obsession for books-makes it unique and valu- able. I CRITICIZE the "total .xper- ience" concept of education urged by Wilton because not only does it excessively detract from the op- portunity of the greatest worthon campus-academic learning--but it also directs one's energies into a useless channel. As the voting percentages of the student body in campus elections so embarrass- ingly demonstrate, most students consider campus politics and the hapless labor of Student Govern- ment Council a waste of thought. To suggest that students actively support political candidates of Real Life is ridiculous, because only a small percentage of under- graduates can vote. There is little, moreover, that a student body can do, unfortunately, to abolish the House Committee on Un-American Activities except get itself a bad name, as in San Francisco. The Daily, of course, thrives on poli- tics, but the student's actual par- ticipation in politics is mostly in- effective and unreal. LET THE STUDENT be chal- lenged primarily by his studies; may the college be blamed if he isn't. And let his development into "a productive, responsible citizen" be less self-conscious: let nim lay down his placard for the time being and try tolerating his roommate and studies. Let him educate him- self in the way the college has ad- mitted him for, because that's what the faculty expects of him. -Henry L. Fulton, Grad 9 ,, I. By WALTER LIPPMANN T HIS IS being written as the march in Washington is form- ing, and I am telling myself that if anything goes wrong, it will be due to an unforeseen accident. The government and the Negro leaders have worked closely to- gether, starting with agreement that this is to be a demonstration of protest for the redress of legiti- mate grievances. They are agreed, too, that it will be most impressive and persuasive if the marchers have the discipline to refuse to be provoked to violence. * * * THIS FUNDAMENTAL meeting of minds differentiates the dem- onstration sharply from all other, massive protests in other parts of the world. As Mr. Roy Wilkins of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has pointed out to the Chinese Communists, the Washington marchershare not in rebellion against the government of the United States. Apart from the eccentric fringe, the overwhelming mass of the American Negroes are asking only for their lawful rights which are the normal prerogatives of non- colored American citizens. The American Negro movement is not at all revolutionary as have been the anti-colonial movements in Africa and Asia. The American Negroes are de- manding the rights which hava been legally theirs since just after the War Between the States. They are not trying to oust and replace the white man, but to join him inside the existing American so- cial order. WE MUST never forget, how- ever, that if this thoroughly non- revolutionary movement is re- pressed too long, if the redress of grievances is denied too long, it could and probably would become clandestine, violent and ugly. Looking back, it now seems clear enough that the position today would be quite different if the Southern States had in fact pro- vided separate but equal educa- tional opportunities for Negroes and whites. The compelling reason for the reversal by the Supreme Court of the old rule was that for 60 years the separated schools have been grossly unequal. There have been some exceptions. But by and large the schools for Negroes have been very bad. Those who now deplore the com- plications of more than token in- tegration in the Southern schools should ask themselves what would have happened if the public schools, though separate, had for the past 60 years really been equal.. All this illustrates the rule that the longer you put off the redress of real grievances, the harder be- come the remedies. * * * THE GRIEVANCES of the American Negroes are coming in two successive and overlapping waves. The first wave is the unfinished business of abolishing what Mr. Justice Harlan called in 1883 "the badges of slavery and servitude." These badges consist of public dis- crimination ,on the basis of race. The Supreme Court decision in the school cases, the civil rights meas- ures against disfranchisement, the public accommodations measures are part of the unfinished business of making American citizens out of chattel slaves. S * * * THE SUCCEEDING wave of grievances is economic and has to do primarily with the inferior jobs and the inferior housing to which most Negroes are condemn- ed. In considerable measure, though no one can say exactly how much, this kind of inferiority is due to the fact that the Negro is poorly educated and poorly trained and that, for a tiundred years since his ancestors were emancipated, he has still had to wear the badges of their servitude. But it is even more important to realize that the economic gnie- vances of the Negroes are due pre- ponderantly to the fact that they are so poor. They are poor, not only because they are Negroes, but because the American economy is operating well below full capacity and full employment. In fact, there are more poor and unemployed whites than there are Negroes; but rela- tive to their numbers, the Negroes have a greater percentage of un- employed. Because of their race, the Ne- groes tend to, be the last to be hired and the first to be fired. But if there were not a chronic sur- plus of labor, they would have much better jobs. THE ECONOMIC grievances of the American Negroes cannot be redressed without a series of meas- ures which will make buoyant our sluggish economy. The candid truth here is that this is not likely to happen soon. For measures are required to stimulate our economy which are distrusted and opposed in Con- gress and, it would seem, in te country as well. It is probable, therefore, that while the Negroes will prevail in regard to the first wave of their grievances, the removal of the badges of slavery, no substantial improvement of their general economic situation is likely to come soon. For this will require the conquest of dire poverty, and the country is not now ready for such an undertaking. (c) 1963, The Washington Post Co. Flexiblity I DO NOT KNOW when "flexibil- ity becomes accepted as an un- qualified virtue. It is a virtue in a tire or in a skyscraper-in modera- tion. Beyond a point, it becomes softness in the former and wob- bling in the latter. And who wants a wobbly skyscraper or a soft tire? -John F. Kennedy f I y1 1 I rE ALL-NIGHTER, that painfully futile last esort of the negligent student, is about to me a required course at the University. last-minute marathon cram session, sus- ed by ample stocks of cigarettes, coffee, pep and other would-be study aids, climaxes next morning in an exam groggily written ept through entirely. rmerly, it served as a reasonably just pun- ent for those who left too many things 1 the last minute. But with the adoption of University's new academic calendar-par- arly its one-week final exam period-the tconscientious student will find it impossi- to avoid a .discouraging number of these emically destructive ordeals. OST STUDENTS start at least some of their courses with genuine enthusiasm, undilut- by the old grade-point rat race. This kind notivation is what the University supposed- -les to nurture, and it certainly should. oome the first exam or paper, grade-con- usness begins to grow and enthusiasm fre- ntly starts to wane. But almost invariably, final exam is the last straw: under pres- of time and grade, a student almost in- ably comes to view the subject-matter as enemy to be conquered, gobbled up and spit By this point, no matter what his original rest level, what he wants most from the se is that it be over so he never has to at another word on that subject again. WFORTUNATELY, all these agonies are self-defeating: studying under the last-min- let's-get-it-over-with plan results in for- en facts and misunderstood concepts. University decision-makers are aware of unfortunate sequence of events in the ca- s of their students. one would exnect that matic potential of this dilemma is self-evident. This will happen infrequently. But let's as- sume the best: only one a day. A student with four or five exams, then, has almost one exam a day for the whole period, and about 12 hours to study for each test. Even to review a whole semester of facts, let alone digest, assemble and criticize them, is virtually impossible in this time. Thus the all-nighter becomes the only alternative to premature surrender. THE TRIMESTER and the exam marathon, of course, were not devised by fiendish admin- istrators with the intent of making student life miserable. The austere appropriation from Lansing has made them adopt these devices to make more efficient use of our funds and fa- cilities.' But given this unenviable situation, it seems they could juggle the calendar to make the trimester plan more livable. When 'the transition to trimester is complete, three semesters (or trimesters) of 14 class weeks are envisioned, a total of 42 yeeks a year. This leaves 10 weeks to divide between exams and vacations. The projected scheme would devote three of these to one-week exam periods after each trimester and seven to va- cations. But if the vacation-weeks were cut to four, the two-week exam period could be revived. THE ARRANGEMENT would be as follows: slightly less than one week apiece for spring vacation, the break after the spring session and the break after the summer session, and about a week and a half for the winter holidays. This would leave six weeks for exams--two weeks each trimester-which is just about the mini- mum time possible for a productive exam period. These two weeks might be used for more widely-snaced exams. as in the old system- the FEIFFER n i nt r rr 'a-, VO tflrv 111IK if; fWAML~ IM'TO V15* Jt.'D Ag4oirtq r LEt Acv IHA 61Wt It A LWO c v cssro ,. p1 ' 1700. lef WStf I) IApo'J M.OO3 f -nre' 4AMC& 1tI ~6."IOAT KWGFL c fA 1 A 06. W1 -noA) FORMT N& a~s z6 '6/- NS R6AI.L' Eve,.671 'tALT A,' qovp. eACr 03 16~ WA1' weAPeQ?60 xx (AL WOT A V}lNdtq L.6oVJ AID vW1 . O NV6 A CadL. IHIQ& C1JmyL86EIJED TO 1106 VP A'S WO R 7 &SAON 'w MUMI - ALL U10.. L6.1 ~r OF 6RWu- WBe. HAE 5X5AED TO A, ARMY0~ 1H6 RF4 0. W6 MT~ wV D'oMY /t pFCIDF?' !1 MU)MT 1T19H6 joq OF .IVIA& i6 LCO AL' I CO$ W99 q'ov .06 NJ6HT FIVE M06Jf 11 i f : AU