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C, 4c
SirF A6
Cloudy and windy
today and tonight
Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Council To Hold Hearing
The Ann Arbor City Council
moved last night to meet in
closed session on Sept. 11 in order
to hear testimony of leaders in
the movement for a fair housing
The action will necessarily post-
pone a final vote on the current
ordinance, now passed by council
on first reading, until the Sept. 16,
council meeting.
Last night's council meeting
was preceded by picketing of city
hall and many of the picketers
planned to stage a sit-in demon-
stration after the meeting similar
to last week's protest action when
12 people were arrested.
But as a result of the motion
SGC To Discuss Proposals
On Membership Practices
In its first meeting of the fall term, Student Government Coun-
cil tonight will consider working papers regarding membership reg-
ulations over student groups.
The papers propose the establishment of membership commit-
tee and a membership tribunal.
The work of the membership committee, as recommended in the
working papers, would be to investigate cases of alleged discrimina-
tion among student groups and
to initiate proceedings against
those groups suspect of violation.
The membership tribunal would
conduct the proceedings and im-
pose penalties on groups found
guilty of discriminatory practices.
One penalty proposed is with-
drawal of SGC recognition from
such groups.
The papers provide for appeal
to the vice-president for student
Prohibit Discussion
SGC President Thomas A.
Brown, '66L, noted that public
discussion of the working papers
during constituents' time will be
prohibited at the meeting. Coun-
cil will hold a public hearing Sept.
16 expressly for this purpose.
"While anyone can speak at the
public meeting," he said, "prefer-
ence will be given to those people
who prior to the meeting have re-
quested s p e a k i n g privileges
through the Council offices."
Also on the Council table will be
review of action by the summer
interim committee and election
SGC will have a half-term seat
open at the time of the next elec-
tion due to the resignation of Ho-
ward Abrams, '63.
calling for a meeting with fair
housing leaders, last night's sit-in
was called off. Lamar Miller,
spokesman for the demonstrators
and president of the Ann Arbor
Area Fair Housing -Association-
Council of Racial Equality, told
the council the group felt "'the
first positive step had been taken
toward enactment of a strong,
meaningful housing ordinance.'
However, Miller warned, picket-
ing will continue and demonstra-
tions will be intensified should
council not act to meet the prob-
lems of housing discrimination
and segregation.
The Human Relations Commis-
sion fell under fire in other coun-
cil action as Mrs. Lauri Talayco,
commission coordinator, resigned
in protest of ineffective action in
preventing discrimination on the
part of the commission.
Cites Reasons
A tendency on the part of the
HRC to drive the'real problems of
discrimination below the surface
and the lack of concrete HRC
program were the two significant
reasons Mrs. Talayco cited for her
"The HRC has an unclear pic-
ture of what the council expects
it to be and is timid about ven-
turing on a vigorous educational
program for Ann Arbor residents
without council backing," Mrs.
Talayco said.
"Mrs. Talayco should feel free
to make comments; that is every-
one's privilege," Republican Fourth
Ward Councilman Wendel Hulch-
er said.
Constructive Actions
"However, hervcomments and
those of others should not over-
shadow the many constructive
actions quietly taken by the HRC
over the years.
"I certainly agree that the HRC
must gear itself to the increasing
public responsibility involved in
the human relations of a rapidly
growing Ann Arbor," he added.
Sentiment in favor of Mrs. Tal-
ayco's action was expressed by
Democratic First Ward Council-
woman Eunice Burns who noted
that the HRC had fallen short in
its duty to educate the community
in human relations.
"I am very sorry to be see Mrs.
Talayco leave the HRC. She was
Diem Hits
SAIGON (M)-A spokesman for
President Ngo Dinh Diem's regime
yesterday challenged President
John F. Kennedy's criticism of
Diem policies even while welcom-
ing the prospect of continued
United States military aid.
"As for his criticism of Diem
policies, we feel Kennedy's infor-
mation is inadequate and his judg-
ment is quite wrong," the spokes-
man said.
The tone of this comment on
Kennedy's television interview
Monday night from Hyannis Port,
Mass., resembled the Saigon blast
of Aug. 28 against the State De-
partment's denunciation of the
military crackdown on Buddhist
foes of Diem. %
Repressive Measures
The State Department had
charged that the Saigon adminis-
tration used repressive measures,
violating assurances that it was
pursuing a policy of reconciliation
with the Buddhists. Saigon offi-
cially 'condemned this appraisal as
showing "a profoundly unjust
doubt in the government of Viet
Nam, based on totally erroneous
Kennedy said the war against
Communist rebels in Viet Nam
could not be won unless Diem's
administration makes a greater
effort to win popular support.
Apparently with Diem's adviser-
brother Ngo Din Nhu in mind, the
President said changes in policy
"and perhaps in personnel" are
needed to produce victory.
Great Mistake
At the same time he said it
would be a great mistake to halt
military assistance to Viet Nam,
whose total aid is running at the
rate of $500 million a year.
The Vietnamese spokesman said
his government's reaction general-
ly was favorable, considering that
the Kennedy statement was in two
"Kennedy said the United States
should not withdraw its support of
Viet Nam, and that is heartening,"
he said.
Already sheltering three Budd-
hist monks, the United States em-
bassy turned away a fourth.
"We're just too full," an em-
bassy official explained politely.
-Associated Press
CONFRONTATION IMMINENT-Teachers at the Tuskegee, Alabama, high school await opening
of school, postponed by Gov. George Wallace. A clash, between Wallace and federal officials similar
to the one which occurred last spring when two Negro students registered at the University of Ala-
bama over his protest, seemed likely. More than 100 steel helmeted state troopers have been placed
on duty in the city.
South Sees Quiet Desergto
... more students
' Increases
Total University enrollment is
expected to go well over 27,000 by
the close of late registration, ac-
cording to Edward Groesbeck, di-
rector of the Office of Registra-
tion and Records.
Major increases will be in the
freshman class and the graduate
Explaining the predicted growth
which may be "500 or even more"
over last year's figures, Groesbeck
said that the University "took as
many students as it could without
f increasing the cost" of operations.
Late registration in the graduate
school is keeping officials from
making any final predictions. En-
rollment at present is below last
year's level.
U.S. Figures
There are 200,000 more stu-
" dents in college this year than
in fall 1962, the United States
Office of Education has esti-
About 2.7 million are enrolled
in public schools and 1.7 mil-
lion in private schools for a
grand total of 4.4 million stu-
dents. Parallel figures for last
year were 2.6, 1.6 and 4.2 mil-
To meet the enrollment in-
crease, there are 11,000 more
teachers in the nation's colleges
and universities. The total is
345,000 as compared to 334,000
last year.
However, Max Crosman, assist-
ant to the dean of the graduate
school, explains that enough stu-
dents have picked up registration
material and have not yet reg-
istered to give the graduate school
sizable gains.
"Registration proceeded very
smoothly" with 9000 students reg-
istered in three days, according to
Groesbeck. An additional 12,000
pre-registered students were proc-
Bourlaud Quits
IQC Position
a tireless worker
missed," she said.
and will be
Local Students Submit USNSA Legislation
Student welfare and academic
freedom were the chief topics of
legislation partially authored by
University delegates which was ac-
cepted by the- United States Na-
tional Student Association Con-
gress in August.
The legislation (in the form of
resolutions requiring a simple ma-
jority and basic policy decisions
requiring two-thirds of the ple-
nary) covered topics ranging from
in loco parentis to speaker bans
to dormitory facilities.
These various resolutions and
policy decisions were not part of
a single legislative package. They
evolved from the separate com-
mittees on which University dele-
gates served.
Many Delegates
The delegates included: Student
Government Council Executive
Vice - President Edwin Sasaki,
Grad; SGC Administrative Vice-
President Thomas Smithson. '65;
Union President Raymond Rusnak,
'64; Interfraternity Council Presi-
dent Clifford Taylor, '64; SGC
member Mike Knapp, '64; SGC
member Sherry Miller, '64; Daily
Editor Ronald Wilton, '64; SGC
member Howard Abrams, '63 and
Nancy Freitag, '64.
The academic freedom resolu-
tion, partially written by Rusnak,s
declared that an academic insti-t
tution must have students and c
ATLANTA ({P)-Public and par-'
ochial school integration proceed-
ed peacefully in most southern
In Georgia, secondary school in-
tegration was extended for the
Russian ,Veto
Kills Motion
Soviet Union used its 101st Secur-
ity Council veto yesterday to kill
a United States-British resolution
that would have condemned the
"wanton murder" of two young
Israeli farmers near the Syrian
border on Aug. 19.
Soviet delegate Nikolai T. Fe-
dorenko cast the veto and imme-
diately afterward won the express-
ed thanks of the Moroccan and
Syrian delegates.
There had been speculation that
the Soviet Union' might abstain.
This was based mainly on hopes
for a thaw in the Cold War as a
consequence of the recently nego-
tiated nuclear test ban treaty.
Attempts by Morocco to water
down the resolution failed to win
any support except that of the
Soviet Union.
Fedorenko assailed the resolu-
tion as one-sided and anti-Arab.
He said that he would have voted
for the resolution if amendments
offered by Morocco had been ac-
first time beyond Atlanta, where
more than 150 Negroes were at-
tending 11 white schools at the
start of the new term.
Fourteen Negroes were admitted
without incident to two Chatham
County schools at Savannah, Ga.,
where earlier in the year desegre-
gation demonstrations erupted in-
to violence.
Little Notice
At Athens, Ga., site of the Uni-
versity of Georgia, five Negroes
enterei three White Clarke Coun-
ty schools with little notice.
More widespread integration oc-
curred at Catholic parochial
schools in Georgia.
Desegregation came peacefully
to the four white high schools in
Baton Rouge, capitol of Louisiana,
as 28 Negroes entered. the schools
under the scrutiny of policemen.
No Incidents
There also were no incidents in
other Southern cities-Charlotte,
Memphis, New Orleans, Atlanta-
where integration of public schools
previously had been accomplished.
Open Petitioning
For 'Generation'
Negroes at Memphis picketed
five all-Negro public schools urg-'
ing pupils to ignore the staggered1
classroom hours and attend school'
only during normal hours-from'
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The total of
Negroes attending 14 desegreated'
schools jumped from 46 to 258. '
'U', Tuskegee
Discuss _Ties
Representatives from the Tuske-
gee Institute in Tuskegee, Ala-
bama, and the University are con-
tinuing discussion of possible areas
of cooperation between the two
institutions, Prof. N. Edd Miller,
assistant to the vice-president for
academic affairs, said yesterday..
If feasible, the University may
set up a faculty or student ex-
change program with Tuskegee, a
Negro college of about 2000 stu-
dents founded by Booker T. Wash-
ington. The institute has tradi-
tionally been strong in areas of
technology and science.
Also possible are joint research
activities, perhaps in thle social
sciences, where faculty members
from the two institutions could
work together on projects con-
cerning the civil rights movement,
Prof. Miller said.
A cultural exchange is also feas-
ible. Tuskegee has an excellent
choir and has just begun a major
collection of Negro folk songs and
spirituals, he said.
The two institutions started
talks after Tuskegee President
Luther H. Foster spoke to Univer-
sity President Harlan Hatcher last
spring in Ann Arbor.
Since that time, Vice-President
for Academic Affairs Roger W.
Heyns and several faculty mem-
bers visited Tuskegee in June to
discuss liberal arts programs which
Tuskegee wants to develop.
Later in the summer, Prof. Mil-
ler . and three faculty members
went down to discuss development
of joint research in the social
At least one more consultation
is planned, probably for next
month, Prof. Miller said.
* '
City Awaits
Troop ActioEl
At Schools
Justice Department
Notes Consequences
Of State Defiance
regationist Gov. George Wallace a
Alabama appeared yesterday t
be heading for another face-tC
face showdown with the feders
government over school desegrega
Hundreds of state troopers an
other special state officers wer
massing in Birmingham whey
three public schools are schedule
to be integrated today under fed
eral court order.
Should the governor chose t
defy the courts, as he did la
spring when two Negroes enrolle
in the University of Alabam
there is little doubt that 'feder
action would come quickly.
Similar Situation
It appeared that Wallace we
trying to set up a similar situe
tion in Birmingham where fiN
Negroes are to be enrolled.
The justice department affirn
ed in a statement last night th
the schools would open, but no it
dication was given as to precise
"As Wallace knows, the schoc
will be opened and the Negro sti
dents will attend them in accor
with the orders of the courts," df
partment spokesman Edwin Gut]
man said in Washington.
Ask Speed
"We hope it will be accomplisl
ed swiftly by the people of Ali
bama and their officials."
Earlier, Mayor Albert Boutwc
of Birmingham said that the ci
board of education had rejected
request by Wallace that it ask
federal court to delay integratic
of the schools.
Meanwhile, Wallace removed i
but '25 state troopers from Tusk
gee after again refusing to alk
newly-integrated Tuskegee pub
school to open.
May Seek Action
But it appeared court actionm
be sought to force the governor
permit the school to open to whi
and Negro pupils.
"Various movements are und
way at this time to get our scho
open, including going into cour
Allan Parker, a director of t
chamber of commerce and pre;
dent of a Tuskegee bank, said. "\
also are seeking an audience wi
the governor at the earliest po
sible time."
In Huntsville, the fourth Al
bama city ordered to dessegrega
public schools, the board of educ
tion bowed to Wallace's order t1h
classes not start yesterday.
In Mobile, Ala., two Negroes a
to be registered in a previous
white high school today und
federal court order.
Petitioning for e
ness manager oft
campus inter-arts
ditor and busi-
Generation, the
literary maga-
zine, will be open until kSept. 15.
The petitions should be filed at
the office of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications, 420
Maynard St.
... student welfare . . . academic freedom
S opiak Returns from Cuba
See USNSA Resolution on Aca-
demic freedom, p. 6. List of vio-
lations, pp. 6 and 7. Statement
on goals of education, p. 8.
faculty participating "in a free
exchange of ideas and inquiry
without having this exchange sub-
ject to restriction due to outside
The resolution noted specifically
several campus violations of aca-
demic freedom.
Student Welfare
The basic policy declaration on
student welfare, partially drafted
by Miss Freitag and rewritten by
Miss Miller, cautioned the nation's
schools not to neglect the eco-
"I was very impressed" with
Cuba, Patricia Sopiak, '64Ed, said
upon return from a trip there
Accompanied by Michael Brown,
'63, and 48 other American univer-
sity students, Miss Sopiak spent
the summer in Cuba at the request
of the Cuban Federation of Uni-
versity students.
Miss Sopiak listed a number of
reasons why she was impressed
with Cuba. She noted the "hones-
ty and sincerity" of the leadership.
"They accept the criticisms of uni-
versity students," she said.
No Racial Problems
She said that racial problems
"don't exist in Cuba." This espe-
cially impressed Negro members
of the group, Miss Sopiak added.
"The standard of living is high-
er than before the revolution and
is increasing all the time. The rev-
olution is supported by the major-
ity and is here to stay."
Miss Sopiak said that she was
free to go wherever she pleased
and saw some Russian techni-
When the group returned to the
United States, the State Depart-
ment said that it would stamp
their passports' "withheld tempor-
arily." Earlier it had threatened
to revoke the students' passports.
The students' trip violated a
state department order barring
travel to Cuba. Those disobeying
this order are subject to the sus-
pension of their passport and pos-
sible prosecution.
The state department had warn-
ed against the trip before and dur-
ing the students' stay in Cuba.
However, 45 of the students en-
gaged in a sit-in when they arriv-
ed at the airport. The State De-
partment then agreed to let them
through without stamping their
passports. The other five had to
go through immediately and had
their passports stamped, Miss So-
piak said.
No Stamp
With no "temporarily withheld"
stamp or any mark indicating they
had visited Cuba on their pass-
ports, she said that it would re-
quire a court case to determine
whethr anv of the 50 wonld he
by Cuban Prime Minister Fidel
She said that the causes behind
Castro's tirades against the Unit-
ed States are that he is "resentful
of attacks" launched upon Cuba
from American soil and that he
claims $10 million of ransom for
released Cuban prisoners has not
been paid.
Primary Reason
Miss Sopiak said that the pri-
mary reason she visited Cuba was
to "exercise her rights as a citi-
zen." She said that she felt that
the group had received favorable
coverage in the American press.
She said that she and Brown
are planning to' arrange speaking
engaements for the next several
months. She probably will not re-
turn to the University until Janu-
ary, she said.
Miss Sopiak explained that she
and Brown will try "to get as
much publicity as possible. Mike
and I plan to organize another
trip for January or next summer,"
she added.
Hope To Publicize
joint Chiefs
Back Approva
well D. Taylor says he 'and ot
members of the Joint Chiefs
Staff assume Russia will try
sneak test on a small scale o
side the underground limits oft
nuclear test ban treaty.
But since the top United Sta
military command feels that
gains from such atmospheric to
would be small it unanimot
supports ratification of the pa
Taylor, chairman of the jc
chiefs, told the Senate Foreign F
lations Committee.
His recent closed-door tes
mony was made public yesteri
in heavily censored form. So v
that of Gen. Curtis E. LeMay,
Force chief of staff, who rai
so many questions about the tr
ty that Sen. John O. Pastore (
RI) said he could not understa
why LeMay supported it at all.
Thomas Dewey is probably
the most famous individual who
has ever worked on The Daily.
If you too would like to gain
valuable experience towards be-
ing an unsuccessful Presidential
candidate, take a big step by
joining the staff.
Anyone wishing to pursue the
business or editorial staffs is
cordially invited to an intro-
ductory session at 4:15 p.m.
Kent Bourland, Spec, has resign-
ed as president of Inter-Quad-
rangle because his recent marriage1
compelled him to leave the quad-
... resume relations?
this as another indication of the
Many others of the group are