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September 14, 1962 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-14

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Review of Summer 'U' Actions

New Building

Benson Describes Orientation

(Continued from Page 1) '
functions will be handled by Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis and four special
assistants: former acting Dean of
W o m e n Elizabeth Davenport,
counseling coordinator Mark Noff-
singer, Peter Ostafin and former
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea.
In further OSA events unrelated
to the structural revision, two of-
ficials-Louis C. Rice and Ruth
Callahan-took student affairs po-
sitions at other universities.
Also, Marian Upgren, who was
fired as housemother of Hinsdale
House in Alice Lloyd last June, was
reinstated in the summer, although
she will not be in the same house
this fall.
Research .
Vice - President for Research
Ralph Sawyer fought for higher
indirect cost allowances from the
federal government on sponsored
research contracts as the Mid-
west's sorry amount of . defense
contracts came in for some na-
tional airing.
.Throughout the summer, Con-
gress debated whether to increase
the traditional 15 per cent stipend
given to compensate universities
for indirect costs in research
As such costsat the University
usually run up to 30 per cent of
the amount of the grant, serious
questions were raised as to wheth-
er certain federal research should
be continued here or not.
This problem underlay national
discussion about the lack of fed-
eral defense money in Michigan.
Defense Secretary Robert S. Mc-
Namara claimed the failure to pass
a state income tax drove, faculty
scientists to the East and West
coasts, much to the annoyance of
state Republicans.
However, several major non-mil-
itary research grants did come
during the summer, including $1.5
million for additional hearing re-
search facilities, $1 million for a
biosystematics center, and grants
to study juvenile delinquency and
birth defects.
The biosystematics center nec-
easitated the elimination of the
University Zoo.
The state Legislature abolished
the Veterans Readjustment Cen-
ter here, transferring its functions
to a soldiers' home in Grand Rap-
ids after charges of high expense
and little work at the center.
The VRC, which furnished treat-
ment for psychiatrically disturbed
veterans, slowly finished its re-
maining cases and closed down by
the beginning of September.
Medical School . .
The summer saw two major
events for the Medical School.
The University agreed to coordi-
nate its medical facilities and in-
struction with those at Michigan
State University and Wayne State
University, beginning, probably in
1964, with cooperation in degree
Medical School officials also an-

nounced plans, subject to faculty
approval this fall, to coordinate
academic programs between that
school and the literary college for
undergraduate seniors.
Calendar . .
At their July meeting, the Re-
gents approved the 1963-64 aca-
demic calendar, in which the first
transitional steps for year-round
operations will be taken.
The 1963 fall term begins in
late August and ends in Decem-
ber, the spring term starts in mid-
January and concludes in May,
and the 1964 split-term summer
session runs from June to August.
Deans . .
At their June meeting, the Re-
gents named Stephen Spurr to suc-
ceed Stanley Fontanna as dean..of
the natural resources school, and
William R. Mann to take over from
Paul Jeserich as dean of the den-
tal school.
ROom Rates ..
Residence halls room and board
rates were raised $30 per resident
per year, effective this fall.
The money will be used primar-
ily to raise salaries of non-aca-
demic employes working in Uni-
versity housing.
Judices. ..
It was revealed during the sum-
mer that the women's judiciary
system will no longer be under
the jurisdiction of the Michigan
League. The League will continue
to give financial support to the
system if necessary, however.
English . .
The English requirement for
freshmen in the literary college
honors program was revised. Such
students will no longer be required
to take English 123: and 124; in-
Music Society Sets
Usher Applications
Applicants for ushers at the
University Musical Society pre-
sentations in Hill Aud., apply in
person at the Hill Aud. box office
during the following times: Today,
5-6 p.m.; tomorrow, 10 a.m.-Noon;
and Monday-Tuesday, 5-6 p.m.
1000 HEADS
be they square, flat or rounded
for that collegiate cut
The Daseola Barbers
Near Michigan Thetwe

stead, they must enroll in a year-
long combined great books-Eng-
lish course which would fulfill the
humanities requirement as well as
the English requirement.
In addition, lecture-recitation
instruction will be tried on an ex-
perimental basis this fall.
The Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics ruled that stu-
dents must pay a one dollar han-
dling charge for their season foot-
ball tickets this fall. Previously,
this service was made at no
charge, but rising printing costs
made the new levy necessary.
In addition to these stories, Don-
ald B. Morris was installed as head
of News Service, and former direc-
tor Cleland Wyllie was given a new
position in the Office of University
.Relations; a literary college com-
mittee continued to look for a new
dean for the college; and the Re-
gents in private session viewed
proposed revisions in the contro-
versial speaker rulings, but post-
poned action.
Deny Change
On Vets Rule
Wayne State University was
denied Tuesday exemption from
provisions of the state law con-
cerning acceptance of children of
deceased war veterans as tuition-
free students.
The University and Michigan
State University, whose board of
governors is given full control over
school funds by the constitution,
are not subject to this provision.
Wayne last year accepted 102
such students at a cost exceeding


Orientation is designed to show
the new student the University:
recreational, academic and athlet-
ic, James Benson, '63, orientation
committee chairman said recently.
This year a greater emphasis
was placed upon the academic side
of the University, he noted. Stu-
dent-faculty seminars were ex-
panded and seminars for discus-
sion of reading list books were
added to the schedule.
(Freshmen were sent a reading
list compiled by the Undergradu-
ate Library early in the summer.
Four books were specifically listed
as those to be used for orientation
seminars. The four were to repre-
sent a cross section of interests of
all students.)
New Efforts
In addition, Benson, said, new
efforts were made better to inform
orientation leaders so that theyF
would be able to guide new stu-
dents more efficiently and be able
to answer more of their questions.
Better screening methods were
used in interviewing prospective
leaders to insure that they were
truly interested in helping the new
students and fully qualified, Ben-
son said.
This year, as last, non-summer
oriented students were placed in
groups which were from no par-
ticular housing unit. Summer ori-
ented students were placed in
groups from their own residence
hall with a leader who was from
the house also.
Benson noted that new informa-
tion was put at the disposal of new
students. A special schedule was
formulated for the summer orient-
ed students only. In addition to

the white schedule sheet, a printed
supplement was added to explain
the various activities more fully
and to list specific speakers and
topics of lectures and seminars.
'U' Activities
Entirely new is a booklet en-
titled "Activities at Michigan"
which explains the activities on
campus and replaces the 'M'
Handbook. Included are such ac-
tivities as Student Government
Council, Assembly Association,
Panhellenic Association, Inter-
quadrangle Council and Interfra-
ternity Council. (These booklets
will also be available for continu-

to evaluate this year's prog
and concentrate on improving
so that next year's can be
"Of course, we will begin to w
on our plans for trimester, tc
he added.
Based on questionaires for
students who Just went throe
orientation programs will be ei
uated and considered. Experie
of this type will aid in next ye
orientation program as well as
one in February, he said.
Religious Centers
Orientation for this year's i

-. dents will continue until Mon
ing students once the semester be-
gins, Benson added.) This evening there will be din

Freshmen heard Prof. Deborah
Bacon speak on "Library, Here I
Come," John Bingley, Director of
Student Organizations and Activi-
ties, expound on "Going to Things
on Campus" which included some
'of the places seniors haven't lo-
cated yet and various specialty
lectures such as Profs. Thomas
Gies and Martin Warshaw's dis-
cussion of the future of a business
administration student.
Television was again used to al-
low more students to hear various
p r o g r a m s. Mich-Info, held
Wednesday, was a closed circuit
program with over 800 students
admitted to various classrooms to
The week's events also included
house meetings where freshmen
met their fellow residents and
heard about the activities and
services of their unit. Many dorm
and quad houses teamed up to
hold mixers and other get-
acquainted social events.
Benson noted that once orienta-
tion is completed work will begin

and/or open houses at the various
religious centers on campus. Fol-
lowing this, residence halls will
hold activities for freshmen. Other
students will be invited to a dance
at the Michigan League.
Tomorrow morning there are
open houses at The Daily, the
Michigan Union and the Student
Activities Building. At 9 a.m. also
there is an open sports spree for
both men and women at the Intra-
mural Building. A folk singing
group will be present and equip-
ment for basketball, handball and
swimming as well as other sports
will be available.
Tomorrow afternoon is reserved
for picnics from residence halls..
Tomorrow night the Union pre-
sents Union Madness which is
open to all.
On Sunday all students are in-
vited to fraternity and sorority
open houses. Later in the evening,
worship services will be held at
the religious centers.

-Daily-James Greenberg
NEW STRUCTURE -- The Music School Bldg. is the latest ad-
dition to the, growing number of edifices on North Campus.
Costing approximately $4.6 million, the building was begun in late
August. At ceremonies marking the event, Dean James Wallace
of the music school called the structure a symbol of the Uni-
versity's and the state's attention to the humanities. President
Harlan Hatcher cited the growth of North Campus and its future
as an educational center.










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of the
for use at the
Phone: TRINITY 5-8530
Friday Evening, Sept. 28...............7 P.M.
Saturday Morning, Sept. 29 ....... 10 A.M.
Sunday Evening, Oct. 7 7 P.M.
Monday, Oct. 8, Daylong, beginning...... 10 A.M.
Students who wish to worship at Temple Beth El on
the High Holy Days ore cordially invited to write
for cards of admission. Home hospitality will also
be provided upon request. Please direct your in-

5 Drycleaners or Laundrys

11 Restaurants
2 Bike Stores

5 Gift Shops
1 Smoke Shop
2 -Record Shops
5 Barber Shops

13 Women's Stores (offering
anything a woman could

2 Banks

want except maybe a

2 Photographers
2 Flower shops
The Michigan and
State Theaters
1 Office Supply Stor

4 Drug Stores A Linen Shop
2 Grocery Stores 2 Beauty Salons
A Postoffice
6 Men's Stores (which
don't sell many women) 3 Churches
An excellent Tailor
4 Jewelers
A Shoe Repair
1 5 & 1a.
A Gas Station
1 port Stre
A Laundromat
A Motel 4 Shoe Stores
re The League 4 Book Stores

3 Music Stores
3 Printing Shops

Aff9r w qFW qrs

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