FOUR G THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1962 FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TYPEWRITERS SOLD ALL MAKESY Standard, Electric, RENTED 6 Portable BOUGHT REPAIRED1 Student Supplies Since 5I/ PhLn' 1908 3S 5-9141 314 South State Street Open 8 A.M. for your conveniencef " ,3 t d /,\} 5 - 44 .. ..,.... "{Y.......{i... . . s+" . n.. r.r .4....~f~}JR. +.... n .v . N. .r .aI.-{..... .. .. .. ...x-.:.....:.. 'U' Tests Back Bulbous Bow Ackley Puts Employment Before Balanced Budget 1 A series of tests made recently by the University's naval architec- ture and marine engineering de- partment has shown that a new type of bow, shaped as a bulbous snout protruding below the water- line, can reduce a ship's "drag" by more than 18 per cent. The new bow, which was invent- ed and announced last year by Prof. Takao Inui of Tokyo Univer- sity, was tested on an oceano- g r a p h i c research ship model, where it also doubled as an ob- servation chamber. Reduced Requirements The reduction in drag, which is another name for bow wave re- sistance, means a corresponding reduction in power and fuel re- quirements for the actual ship, which is now being built by a Se- attle naval architecture firm. The bulbous bow reduces drag by almost eliminating the ship's bow wave, a major resistance force a ship must overcome. It does this by setting up a "negative" wave system which cancels the natural bow wave set up by the ship's hull. Breakthrough The new bow has been called a breakthrough in ship design. It has been considered a major ac- complishment to reduce ship re- sistance by only a few per cent. It means that a ship could reach its 1~~~11 LLAW BOOKS You will find our store specially equipped to supply you with maximum designed speed with an engine about four-fifths as power- ful as would be required without the new bow. The Inui bow has been tested only once on an open sea. It was tried on a Japanese inter-island ferry and then removed. Since the bow's development the University has been conducting a long range research program on the applica- tion of the bow to high speed cargo ships and other vessels. HRB Receives Top Ranking For Project The Student Government Coun- cil Human Relations Board earned first place ranking in the Demo- cratic Campus Award for "Project Welcome," carried on last semes- ter. The award was presented by the United States National Studentc Asociation and the Anti-Defama- tion League of B'nai B'rith. "Project Welcome" consisted of circulating a petition which read, ''we would like to reassure our fellow students, our- landlords and our neighbors that we would wel- come into our neighborhood, apartment or rooming house any responsible persons who meet the usual requirements without regard to their race, the color of their skin, the manner in which they worship or the part of, the world from which they come." More than 2000 students signed the statement of welcome. Extension Unit Boosts Tuition As a consequence of the tuition hike last spring, the Extension Service has also found it necessary to boost its fees, effective with this semester. The basic charge has been in- creased from $18 per semester credit hour or contact hour to $20. Correspondence course fees were raised to the same amount. Levies for certificate courses and citizenship training courses have not been changed, however. WASHINGTON - Full employ- ment should be put ahead of bal- ancing the budget, Prof. Gardner Ackley of the economics depart- ment, now a member of President John F. Kennedy's Council of1 Economic Advisors, indicated re- cently. Prof. Ackley said he agrees with Kennedy's opinion, voiced in a speech last May at Yale Univer- sity, that a balanced budget is not necessarily a good thing. "There are times when it is ap- propriate to have deficits and times when it is appropriate to have surpluses," he declared. Must Use Resources "When you have unused nation- al resources, it is a mistake to have a balanced budget. "When you have full employ- ment and a threat of inflation, then the budget should be bal- anced," Prof. Ackley added. He indicated that if Americans would consider the budget care- fully they would realize federal budgets are not the same as house-' hold budgets and "you can't lay' down a simple rule about balanc- ing them." Cites Italy Prof. Ackley pointed to the Ital- ian economy which he had been studying the year previous to his appointment as a Ford Founda- tion fellow as an example of an economy that has grown without considerable inflation, but with budget deficits. While the Italian postwar boom has had a bigger push from nat- ural forces than from government planning, it still shows that gov- ernment deficits need not be cor- related with inflation in the mindst of Americans, he said.- "The Italians have had recur- ring deficits without inflation, andt their economy has done remark- ably well since World War II. They1 have allowed their money supplyt to expand without inflation," hel declared. Clear Thinking R "They haven't been handicapped by old-fashioned preconceptionsi about balanced budgets. In fact, they have set up their budgets in1 such a way that it is hard to tell< whether the budget is balanced or not and nobody seems to care,"4 Prof. Ackley added.I COLLEGE ROUNDUP: New York Establishes Plan Office ALBANY--The New York State Board of Regents recently voted to establish an Office of Planning in Higher Education to prepare long range plans for college and university education. The program, or master plan, will include all of the 141 private institutions in the state, the City University of New York and the expansion programs of the State University. The committee will project the need for new schools of different types, establish locations and forecast the need for new pro- grams within the state. * * * NASHVILLE - Vanderbilt Uni- versity has decided to admit "qua- lified students to all schools and colleges of the university without regard to race or creed," it was announced recently. Until this time, Negroes had been allowed only in the law school, graduate school and School of Religion. HONOLULU - The Center for Cultural and Technical Inter- change, known as the East-West Center, has announced that schol- arships are now available for graduate work at. the University of Hawaii and research in Asia. TWhere are available scholarships for 100 United States students. They provide transportation, tui- tion, books, fees, housing and an Asian study tour for qualified stu- dents. Deadline for applications is Feb. 1, 1963. Information can be obtained by writing to the East- West Center. MINNEAPOLIS - The Univer- sity of Minnesota Senate Commit- tee on Student Affairs will hold a hearing to discuss the national policy of Delta Gamma sorority this week. The action was taken after the local DG chapter at Beloit Col- lege, Beloit, Wis., was suspended in July. The Beloit chapter was suspended after they had pledged a Negro girl although the national claimed that the pledging had no influence upon its decision. LAW case books and Supplies. Our LAW section is staffed by law students to assist you on your requirements. OVERBECK BOOKST RE THE LAW BOOK STORE PROF. GARDNER ACKLEY ... balanced budget? Law School Offers Class On New Act To acquaint lawyers with the provisions of Michigan's Revised Judicature Act, effective Jan. 1, the Institute of Continuing Legal Education will offer a course this fall dealing with the new legisla- tion. The program will be given at 13 locations throughout the state by the institute, which is sponsored by the Law School, Wayne State University's law school and the State Bar. The judicial reform abolishes the procedural distinction between law and equity cases, broadens the right of appeal in criminal cases while narrowing it in civil cases, and strengthens the juris- diction of Michigan courts over non-residents. I Phone NO 3-9333 1216 South University I Li I