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September 14, 1962 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-14

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
NSA Examines Issues at Campus, National


Meeting Enunciates
Continuing Challenge
Students Mull Cold-War Education;
'' Delegates Help Fraze Policy
The United States National Student Association last month
evolved firm policy statements on the cold war, due process in the
university and international student affairs-and it took its first
organized steps to translate expressions of opinion into constructive
Meeting and debating under the theme of "Student Community:
The Continuing Challenge," delegates to USNSA's 15th annual Na-
tional Student Congress at the Ohio State University took formal ac-

To Begin
For Music







Ground has been broken
construction started on the
music school building which
be located nn North Camnus_


Board Act,
Forms Unit
Co-Magazine Editor
The Sixth Student Editorial Af-
fairs Conference protested the ac-
tions of the Board in Control of
Student Publications on the Daily
appointments and also formed the
United States Student Press Asso-
ciation, and a collegiate press
The SEAC, which met at the
Ohio State University prior to the
National Student Congress in Au-
gust, included the Daily incident
in an omnibus motion on specific
violations of freedom of the stu-
dent press. The other papers de-
fended were the Daily Pennsyl-
vanian, The University of New
Mexico Lobo, and the University
of the Redlands Bulldog.
The Daily portion stated that
the board overturned the recom-
mendations of the outgoing senior
editors for senior staff positions
* ad created a ne'w staff structure
opposed by the seniors and staff
"The board did so for reasons not
II the best interests of a free stu-
" dent press, but as an attempt to
change editorial policy.
I'. ro1~ts Actions
"SEAC protests the actions of
control igroups and university ad-
ministrator s which bai threaten-
ed to sei unfortnate precedents
for the campua press," the motion'
on all four papers declaresn
The motion was introduced to
tMe National Student Congress
<throughN the. l nnesota-Dakotas
region and sen to the post Con-
egress National Executive. Commit-
tee for approval.
The f SEAC also organized the
Student Press Association and a
new collegiate press service. The
,reorganization began when the
editors voiced their dissatisfaction
with the NSA sponsored University
Press Service and the SEAC itself.
Unmet Obligations
"The Uhiversity Press Service
has not met its obligations in a
satisfactory manner and has never
been a idiiect instrument of the
student editors," the Student Press
Association declaration states.
"After a careful examination of
the role of a college press serv-
ice, its :potentials and problems,
schools in attendance at the sixth
SEAC formed the United States
Student Press Association and the
meeting became the first meeting
of the Student Press Association
Conference," the declaration con-
The USSPA is composed of col-
lege newspapers and runs a col-
legiate press service. The editors
elect represeriatives by region and
frequency publication to an
executive b rd which oversees the
press service and acts as a steer-
ing committee for the Conference.
Choose Director
The editors also choose a di-
rector for the press service. He col-
lects and coordinates news from
member campuses and national
and international student organi-
zations and then' sends it out to
the member papers. All major stor-
ies are phoned to the director who
then notifies the other member
papers and adds necessary back-
ground information.
The 'newly elected president of
the USSPA is John MacGregor,
editor of the New Mexico Lobo,
. and the press service director is
Mark Acuff, past editor, of the Lobo

'tion on 12 major resolutions and
15 program mandates.
The implications of internation-
al tension on the educational com-
munity could be seen in the basic
policy declaration on "Higher Ed-
ucation and the Cold War," resolu-
tions on nuclear testing, the In-
ternal Security Act and Cunning-
ham amendment, and program
mandates on peaceainformation
and the House Committee on Un-
American Activities.
Cite Ties
The declaration, which becomes
part of the "fundamental and con-
7 tinuing" policy of NSA, asserts that
universities and colleges have be-
come functionally tied to the con-
duct of domestic and foreign poli-
cy. It singled out the influence of
federal funds on research, in-
See Resolution Excerpts, Page 10
fringements of academic freedom
and restrictions on access to in-
formation, and fear of censure for
criticism of existing institutions as
effects of the cold war.
The declaration asks for broad-
enng the scope of education
through exchange programs and
area studies, research into the
problems of peace and war, study
of colonial and former colonial na-
tions and closer investigation of a
SUited Nations unverit3n
Asserting that higher education
has a responsibility to the society
which supports it, the declaration
affirnia the obligation of the uni-
'versifie's and colleges to take the
initiative in establishing the man-
ner by which they shall fulfill
their responsibilities.
Ross Role
Stiident Government Council
member Robert Ross, '63, contrib-
uted significantly to the writing of
the declaration.
Debate on the nuclear testing
resolution took a weary plenary
session through the night. At 6:10
a.m., the delegates put the finish-
ing touches on a motion condemn-
ing nuclear testing by all nations.
Final approval-215 for, 180
against, 11 abstentions - came
after repeated attempts by many
.delegates to differentiate qualita-
tively between the tests by the
Soviet Union and those of the
United States.
Condemn, Regret
The majority, however, rejected
motions which "condemned" the
Russians, but "regretted" testing
by the United States or condemn
the former and "regret, but sym-
pathize" with the latter.1
The final motion has particular
criticism of the Soviet's 1961 tests
which broke the 34 month testing1
Outgoing NSA National Affairs
Vice-President . Paul Potter and
Dennis Shaul, later elected NSA,
president for the coming year, both
urged the Congress to pass the
motion, stressing the need to take
an objective stand which would,
as one of them said, "use the same
moral and intellectual criteria to
judge wrongs by either side."
Free Speech
NSA expressed "grave reserva-
tions" about the effects of the
Internal Security Act of 1950 on
freedom of speech and freedom of
association and urged member
schools to study the effect of theI
act upon individual campuses.
The Internal Security Act, com-
monly known as the McCarren
Act, requires that organizations
found to be "Communist action,"
"Communist front" or "Commu-
nist infiltrated" must register with
the attorney general. Classifica-
tion is done by the bipartisan Sub-
versive Activities Control Board
which is established by the act.1
Delegates rejected a stronger

The new building, which will
cost more than $4 million will
bring together under one roof pro-
grams now being carried out in
thirteen different structures. The
building is scheduled for use in
the summer of 1964, and will allow
the school to increase its enroll-
ment from 600 to 850 students.
Of the total cost more than $3.5
million was appropriated by the
state legislature with the rest com-
ing from the possible sale of the
Maynard Street building, elimina-
tion of present rental costs for
music school space, specific gifts
and unrestricted University funds.
Three Units
The new building will have three
units. The first will include class-
rooms, practice rooms, studios and
administrative and faculty offices.
The second will hold rehearsal
halls for orchestra, band and
choirs and the third will contain
two organ instruction rooms.
Prof. James B. Wallace, dean of
the music school, said that the
building will be "the finest facility
in the country available for the
instruction of music." He added
that the building was a symbol of
the humanities taking their place
next to the sciences in the atomic
Speaking at the ground-break-
ing ceremonies University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher noted that
"we want this to symbolize the
fact that we have not neglected
our role in the development of the
He also predicted one day the
axis of the University will inmve
" . beyond the. Medical Center
and across the river" in one con-
tinuous campus. He also saw the
city growing around it in time
extending as far as Whitmore
Speaking later at a ground-
breaking luncheon at the Michi-
gan League President Hatcher
said that according to the Univer-
sity's long range plans the archi-
tecture college and the education
school will follow the music school
to North Campus.
New Charter
In Assembly
Assembly Association is complet-
ing work on 'a new constitution,
Assembly Association president
Mary Beth Norton, '63, said re-
Work was begun last spring and
it is hoped that the document will
be finished by the early meetings
of Student Government Council so
that they- may approve' it. "We
hope to be able to operate under
the new constitution beginning
early in the semester," Miss Nor-
The constitution will provide for
various standing committees. The
present firstdvice-president will
become the administrative vice-
president and act as a coordinator
of the various committees.
Second Vice-President
The position of second vice-pres-
ident will be changed into a serv-
ice chairman and she will head
that committee.
Assembly Dormitory Council,
which, will be called Assembly
House Council or AHC, will re-
main the same. This body will rep-
resent houses within the women's
residence hall system.
AHC members, under the new
constitution, will also have to be
members of one of the standing
committees. In addition the com-
mittees will be open to any inter-
ested women.
Housing Committee

One committee already estab-
lished is a joint committee with
Interquadrangle Council and will
delve into the problems of co-

Body Defenses Slow
Orgyanic Transplants

_ _ , i

The human body's remarkable system of defenses has been a ma-
jor barrier confronting medical science when it has attempted to
transplant living material from one person to another.
The body refuses to tolerate the presence of foreign organs or
tissues. It's overly efficient defenses against infections will destroy
any transplanted organic matter. Dr. Herbert Sloan of the Medical
School is currently engaged in trying to surmount some of the many

Hunt Urges
National. Plan
Of Education
DETROIT-Herold C. Hunt, a
nationally known educator, has
suggested that President John F.
Kennedy appoint a task force to
articulate a national education
Hunt, who is Eliot Professor of
Education at Harvard University,
said that the government appro-
priates nearly $2 billion for 300
education programs annually but
does not have a "tied-together plan
or policy."
The proposed task 4orce9 i
said, should include lay citizens
and professional educators.* Piece-
meal legislation and "stumbling"
without a national program of ed-
ucation, he argued, should "no
longer be allowed."
Hunt, former superintendent of
schools in Chicago, made his sug-
gestion in an address at the con-
vention of the American Federa-
tion of Teachers.
In urging a task force to study
needs for a federal policy in edu-
cation, Hunt made a distinction
between government policy and di-
rection. Since World War I, he
said, the federal government has
exercised more and more direction
over the nation's schools.
"I issue no denial of the need
[of laws relating to schools]," he
said, "but, in the absence of any
established program or national
policy by which their adequacy
and effectiveness may be evaluat-
ed, and by which they may con-
tribute maximally to the nation's
welfare and to the development of
its . citizenry, I deplore the hap-
hazard and gradually but increas-
ingly certain pattern of federal di-
rection and control they reflect."
Cary J. Megel of Chicago, presi-
dent of the teachers federation,
said that convention business
would center on future collective
bargaining programs and increas-
ing the organization's member-
ship. .
Copyright, 1962, The New York Times.

technical problems involved with
Besides the basic difficulty of
the intoleration of the body "there
are many very real technical prob-
lems," Dr. Sloan said.
"We are currently working on
trying to take the heart out of a
dog completely and then put it
back. This has been done before,
but it is a complicated technical
feat," the mastery of which is es-
sential to further progress, he said.
Aside from the technical an-
swers which will move medical sci-
ence closer toward the solution of
this major problem, much physio-
logical information will be uncov-
Nervous Connections
"We will learn much about how
the heart works separated from
its nervous connections. We will
be able to stud the effe ts of
6 iots r92a A 't iessson te
heart," Dr. Sloan continued.
When they have been able to
transplant living tissue and have
it be tolerated by the receiving
body, much information will be
uncovered about the mechanisms
of the body protectors.
o "We need to be able to get rid
of the innate protection devices
of the body temporarily, and yet
still protect the animal from in-
Debate Squad
Reveals TO piC
The University Varsity Debate
Squad has announced its program
for the academic year. The Nation-
al College Debate question, which
is "Resolved: That the Non-Com-
munist Nations of the World
Should Establish an Economic
Community," will be debated along
with several other topics of cur-
rent interest in tournament, pub-
lic and on-campus events.
International debaters from the
Oxford University team will meet
the Michigan squad, Nov. 13, in
Ann Arbor.'
The University squad is a well-
known debate group whose mem-
bership is open to all interested
students. The debates are pre-
sented free to the public.

CONTROVERSY SETTLED-City of Ann Arbor and theI
sity have apparently ended the potential feud over the
Road Project, model pictured above. City officials will me
the Regents soon to discuss this and other University b
Visting Professor Seo
Stress on Moral .Issue:
An appeal for colleges to include the moral issues them
regular four-year curriculum has been made by Prof. Wi
Jellema, visiting assistant professor of higher education.
He noted that due to the growth of technology indivi
much closer to the rest of the world and are confronted wi
issues which used to be "sloughed '

1Council Sets
SWith Regents
Action Avoids Suit
Threatened at Outset
The controversy between the
city of Ann Arbor and the Uni-
versity over the Oxford Road
housing project appears to be over.
At its meeting last Monday the
City Council passed a resolution
asking a meeting of city officials
with the University Board of Re-
gents to review the women's hous-
ing development and to discuss the
Regents' policy for future. land
Before the meeting it had been
proposed in some quarters that
the city obtain a court injunction
to stop the project. This would
have led to a court case to deter-
U ever-nfine whether the University has
Oxford the right to use its land independ-
et with ent of the city as it now does.
uilding Far Advanced
However, at the meeting, Mayor
Cecil . Creal said that theproj-
k ect as it stands now is too far ad-
eks vanced for litigation to be started
by the city and that it was unlike-
ly that the city could obtain an in-
junction to stop the project.
In other actions relating to the
.dispute the council calle1 for:
e in their 1) The establishment of a pro--
illiam W. cedure wherey city departments
that know of maor projects of
duals are other governmental units will
ith moral notify top cty oicials so that the
. . public ca, be alerted if the proj-
ect may cease difficulties.
2 The preparation of a list of
property owned by any unit of
government for use by councilmen.
tW 3) The city administrator and
I Public Works Department to pre-
pare reports on major projects of
other governmental units covering
RCe such items as their effect on city
students growth.
ring the Eliminate Zone
er of de- The council also took initial ac-
mportant tion to eliminate from the A-1
ersity. zoning district league and co-op-
I pay hike erative housing (housing for wo-
e finally men) by amending the city zoning
Universi- laws. A public hearing will be held
Office of on the amendment October 1 and
sed; fed- the amendment could become law
became at that time. Also in the works is
ble. a whole new zoning ordinance
which should be ready for council
ries were action within two months.
ts of the The controversy had its begin-
nings last January when a private
group announced their intention
to build an "alumni housing proj-
the Uni- ect" near where the Oxford Proj-
llion ap- ect is now going up. Residents of
.3 million the area responded to this by hir-
ing two lawyers -and circulating a
ees made petition which eventually collected
approx- 400 signatures opposing the proj-
d of this ect. In May the city council unan-
set aside imously voted against the project.
e faculty Meanwhile, in March the Uni-
3. versity announced ground-break-
t to hire ing for the Oxford dormitory. The
d provide plans called for a 10-building
ies. dormitory project for 430 Unitver-
sity women. Already mobilized, the
residents quickly set their sights
on the University.
Legisla- Give Reasons
sity $3.85 Gv esn
uction. Although the residents give

0 as the many reasons for opposing the
ew Music plan the main ones include:
r renova- 1) The women will. bring into
er, $750,- the neighborhood with them cars,
d heating bikes and boyfriends which will
a partial destroy the peaceful atmosphere.of
and As- the area which is one of the city's
oldest and finest.
t Harlan. 2) Property values in the area
er, budg- will drop rapidly.
ys been a 3) Construction of the dormitory
as was will draw other requests for the
gust, the city to rezone the area to permit
the cap- apartment buildings which will
the next bring about a lessening of property
values. As an organ of the state
eased by government the University is not

off" as academic.
Yet at the same time this in-
dividual has been depersonalized
by society. "He is confronted with
an issue at virtually the same mo-
ment he is being depersonalized as
we punch his IBM card and cal-
culate his moral responses."
Jellema claims that society no
longer supports and transmits a
generally agreed upon system of
values, a fact which tends to throw
a man back on his own resources
or those of his immediate family.
Where these are insufficient he
finds himself either unable to act
or he acts in conformity to "shift-
ing crowd sentiment."
. Claiming that this generation
sees the past and its morality as
irrelevant Jellema sees its cause
as "our enthusiastic acceptance of
change, our institutionalization of
it, our unwillingness to control or
guide its direction which make
the future seem equally uncertain
and remote.
Thus he justified the case for
a moral issues curriculum in our
colleges by the fact that "ability
to perceive moral issues and to
make decisions concerning them
is essential to man's real human-

Although thousands of
deserted Ann Arbor du
summer session, a numb
velopments arose with i
implications for the Univ
The faculty got a small
as the state Legislatur
came through with the
ty's appropriation; the
Student Affairs was revi
eral research done here
part of a political squabs
These and other sto
the most significant even
Legislators presented1
versity with a $36.7 mi
propriation last June, $1
more than in 1961-62.
Revenue from tuition f
the general funds budget
imately $50 million, an
sum the Regents later
about $3 million to rais
salaries on a merit basis
Another $160,000 went
additional personnel and
new books for the librari
Capital Outlay . .
In its June session, the
ture also gave the Univer
million for capital constr
Included were $750,00
first payment for the n
School Bldg., $350,000 foi
tion of the Medical Cent
000 to remodel the centra
plant and $2 million as
payment for the Physics
tronomy Bldg.
As University Presiden
Hatcher once said, howev
et preparations have alwa
"year-round operation,"
pointed up later in Au
time when work begins on
ital outlay request for1
Preliminary figures rel

Neel Evaluates Role of Hu
In Preventative, Theraeul

Prominent in the investigation
of genetic influences on disease
and disorder is the Department of
Human Genetics at the University
Medical Center.
Dr. James V. Neel, professor of
human genetics and chairman of
the department, has said that
"with the progress now being
made, many of us believe that the
matter of human genetics will be-
come central to both preventative
and therapeutic medicine during
the coming decade."
Causes of Mutations
The effects of inbreeding, the
causes of mutations besides radia-

iman Genetics'
tic Medicine
Often, when siblings, or parents
and children, or first-cousins have
children, they are mentally or
physically defective.
A famous example of this is
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, the
well known artist whose legs were
deformed after several accidents.
The bones would not grow after
they were broken because his par-
ents, first-cousins, both had re-
cessive genes which inhibited the
growth of the bones.
The three functions of the de-
partment are teaching, research
and public service. It offers to
the public genetic counseling which
can be valuable as a preventive

li i

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