roundup New York City spokesman for the group. Schlosser and some 100 other American students had planned to make the trip and had received an official invitation from the Fed- erecion Estudiantil , Universitaria of Cuba. It proved impossible to arrange the trip, however, since travel to Cuba, by United States citizens is currently forbidden by the gov- ernment and it turned out to be impossible to arrange transporta- tion from Canada. * s s SYRACUSE - Social security numbers instead of current six digit numbers will be used for identification at Syracuse Univer- sity beginning with 1963 registra- tion next fall. Syracuse is the first institution to begin this new sys- tem. * * * EUGENE, Ore.-A student seat on the Campus Planning Commit- tee at the University of Oregon, requested by the Associated Stu- dents of the University of Oregon last term, was approved this week by University President Arthur S. Flemming. According to Flemming the stu- dent representative will be able to vote and to present student views on campus planning directly to the I committee. *'s*v\ .W.SW.\tW,. flAswr;vA~.vwwA..n~A~WtAwAyr~Q. %~W.~V.SSV~*V.~V. V.WV. ,* ...' ~ ~ss4**.X4~ i