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January 16, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-01-16

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Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prev6ail"'' s
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. Th4 must be noted in all reprints.

"Come On, Come On - Don't Be A Coward"


Regents, Legislature
Hold Key to Progress

Educational Break down
Leads to Stagnation

IN THE Atlantic Monthly, a respected- Har- and credit hours. Unfortunately, both have only
vard historian asks rhetorically, "Are the the most incidental relationship to knowledge
Colleges Killing Education?" and absolutely no relationship to outlook.
A well-known author, condemning the entire- The University, with its top-heavy bureauc-
ty of formal education as it exists today, de- racy, has become self-perpetuating to such an
Glares that students who want to learn and extent that it functions in an atmosphere of
teachers who want to teach have no choice extreme apathy. However absurd it may seem,
but to withdraw from academia into "The Com- the pedantic scholar, lost in his field of spe-
munity of Scholars." cialization, exists in a partnership of unconcern
A former college president, speaking in Ann with the anti-intellectual.
Arbor, warns: "Within the educational system Both groups rest in great numbers on this
there is s'evere discontent, a realization that campus. Both hurt the campus and the society
the system in the American college is not work- in which they live, for neither understands that
ing as. it should." society, neither can improve it.
Across the country there is a growing feeling,
still weakly articulated, that something is SOCIETY is falling apart because its members
wrong. The university is rapidly falling under lack personal values, personal standards.
influences which are at cross-purposes to the Morality equals hypocrisy. Underneath, vicious
historically proclaimed aims of education. It undercurrents are at work. Corruption is wide-
is increasingly blind to the deep problems below spread. Economic, religious, racial and nation-
the surface of society. It is increasingly unable al hatreds lie ever ready to erupt into blood-
to relate these problems to the educational ex- shed. The have-nots are extremely. bitter about
perience. their fate; they will not remain dormant.
Those who have received society's greatest
LAST YEAR on this campus, 15 concerned material rewards become deluded by their af-
students met with 15,members of the fac- fluence. If they are at all concerned, they still
ulty and administration to discuss university remain serene in the belief that nothing will
reform. Vice-President Roger Heyns was at happen until they are gone. They prefer to be
that meeting. He couldn't understand what apathetic and/or unaware - refusing to ac-
was wrong. What specific complaints did the knowledge the dangers, the injustice in the
students have? world. As long as they are secure they worship
Heyns missed the point. The whole structure the status quo.
of education is rotten. The University (indeed, But the status quo is no good. If it cannot
nearly all universities) has become functionally be changed rationally it will be changed vio-
unable to perform its most important task - lently. This is why the critical mind is so neces-
the fostering of the critical mind. An institu- sary.
tion which shirks this responsibility is mean-
ingless. EDUCATION must provide an awareness and
The University's problems range far beyond an understanding of" the world. The stu-
specifics. A speaker ban, an administrative dent must have perspective. In Mills' term, he
morass, the tacit approval of discrimination, needs a "sociological imagination," an ability
are only symptoms of a grave sickness which to relate problems in all their forms, and then
pervades the atmosphere, creating a heavy mist to deal with them.
which very few students attempt to dispel. The University can no longer create such a
These few possess the critical mind, but they student, for the simple reason that it is in-
do so in spite of, independently of this envir- terested in quantitative, rather than qualita-
onment. tive results. The mass culture has laid its in-
evitable claim to the institutions of learning.
+0 FEW STUDENTS are here for an educa- The University has become mired in that
tion. So few care to go beneath the surface culture. It has lost all sense of purpose. In a
of the world in which they live. Students don't businesslike fashion, it is producing physicists,
want knowledge, they merely want a degree. engineers, businessmen and historians, but it
Such is the path to success. The degree and is no longer producing men.
its emoluments are delivered in terms of grades -H. NEIL BERKSON
Toward 'Actual Freedom

THIS FRIDAY the Regents will
have the opportunity to move
in the direction of expanded edu-
cational opportunities for Michi-
gan students. Delta College Board
of Trustees will ask for official
University approval for negotia-
tions toward an eventual mergeir
of the two campuses.
The University has only so
many ways to meet the challenge
of the deluge of students. The full-
year calendar, and, now, perhaps,
an additional branch campus are
steps in the right direction.
The preliminary meetings of
University officials and Delta
negotiators last Friday indicate
that the administration favors
discussion of the affiliation with
* * *
ASSUMING that the Regents
will approve further talks, the
Legislature holds the key cards.
No formal arrangement can be
made by either Delta or the Uni-
versity unless the Legislature is
willing to approve the merger and
appropriate sufficient funds to
transform the two-year commun-
ity college into a four-year branch
campus of the University. The
need to move and move fast to
expand educational facilities on
every level is essential.
The realization that college en-
rollment will have to skyrocket in
the next three years in order to
meet the phenomenal increase in
applications' seems to have met
with renewed concern of Michigan
educators in the past few weeks.
The University expects a 37 per
cent increase in' the number of
applications in the next few years,
and Michigan State University
President John A. Hannah pre-
dicted an overall 42.7 per cent in-
crease in the number of Michigan
high school graduates wishing to
attend colleges.
* * *
THE MICHIGAN Coordinating
Council for Public Higher Educa-
tion has indicated that the state
is already several years behind in
developing a "master plan" for
higher education which would be
able to cope with the enrollment
Presently, each educational in-
stitution in the state has.to figure
out how it will meet the problem.
Since early this year Delta Col-
lege has been wooing University,

MSU and the Legislature in the
attempt to become a four-year in-
The students have now prefer-
enced merger with the University.
Jan. 8 the Delta Board of Trus-
tees voted 8-0 to begin negotia-
tions with the University.
DELTA'S desi. e to become a
four-year colleg. seems to be mo-
tivated by a real desire to better
serve the educational needs of the
Saginaw-Bay Ci y-Midland a r e a
and to accept a $1 million gift of-
fered by a private donor contin-
gent upon Delta's becoming a
four-year college.
Presently, Delta has 1,510 stu-
dents enrolled in a two-course
program: vocational and junior
college. The modernistic campus,
built from the ground up, opened
its doors to the tri-county area
two years ago. Its plant facilities
are superior for a community col-
lege; however its library suffers
from the newness of the campus.
Certainly, the University would
have no more trouble assimilating
Delta as a branch campus than
the Flint campus.
Flint College, which offers jun-
ior and senior level courses, is op-
erated like a separate school on
the Ann Arbor campus with a
dean in charge of its operations.
Students seeking admission to the
Flint campus apply through the
regulartUniversity hadmissions of-
fice, but specify the desire to at-
tend the Flint branch.
* * *
AT DELTA, indications are that
the proposed branch campus
would have more autonomy. Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher said that ar-
rangements would have to be
made to delegate powers by the
Regents. to a new Delta Board of
Trustees. An alternate proposal
would be to operate Delta like the
Flint campus.
Certainly, the University and
Delta both can only gain from the
proposed merger. In order to offer
the state the maximum of superior
educational opportunities, the
University must make sure that its
branch campus maintains aca-
demic standards commensurate
with those of the Ann Arbor cam-
pus. However, this must be coupled
with the need to provide a college
education for an increased num-
ber of students, who may not all
wish to attend the big residefitial

Expansion Plans Need Thought

N OW THAT the University's observance of
the, centennial of Abraham Lincoln's Eman-
cipation Proclamation is over, it is fitting that
we ask what in the world we were celebrating.
Man will have his ceremonies; they are
often sincerely meant, and this particular
ceremony came exceptionally close to being
honest in admission of the horrible failure of
Negro emancipation in many areas of the
United States today.
All of the speakers emphasized that the
struggle is still going on; all stressed that the
Negro is rarely a free citizen in our society,
but for all their words there was something
faintly incongruous in the dignified formality
of speeches, in applause for words, in the ob-
servance itself which was a commemoration of
words 100 years old.
AMONG THOSE words are these: ". ... the
Executive Government of the-United States,
including the military and naval authority
thereof, will recognize and maintain the free-
dom of such persons, and will do no act or acts
to repress such persons, or any of them, in any
efforts they may make for their actual free-
The key words here are "actual freedom."
Even Abraham Lincoln knew as he wrote that
the words and the accomplishment were two
distinctly different things, and that the free-
dom which he proclaimed could not in itself
.mean actual freedom. Further, he was aware
that such "actual freedom" lay somewhere
dimly in the future, and thus he pledged the
Federal authority of the United States of Amer-
ica to uphold the struggle for Negro rights
beyond the force of words.
Thus the action of Federal troops in Little
Rock and in Oxford are grounded in a pro-
vision now a century old. But Federal action,
undertaken only in times of extremely blatant
crises, does not deal with the crises less blat-
ant but equally severe - the small crises of the
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
CAROLINE DOW .................. Personnel Director
JUDITH BLEER.. ............Associate City Editor
FRED RUSSELL KRAMER .*. Assoc. Editorial Director
CYNTHIA NEU . .. .. ............ Co-Magazine Editor
HARRY PERLSTADT............Co-Magazine Editor
TOM WEBBER .........................Sports Editor
DAVE ANDREWS............Associate Sports Editor
JAN WINKLEMAN.............Associate Sports Editor

unpublicized individual. These are left to the
direct action of other individuals; the few who
are willing to commit part of their own lives
in acknowledgement of the fact that words are
meaningless unless they are realized in the
lives of human beings.
T HE OBSERVANCE of the centennial like-
wise remained outside of the meaning it
wished tocommunicate in its necessary isola-
tion of a moment of time in commemoration of
another moment of time. Neither moment is
discrete because both depend upon decades,
perhaps centuries of continuity if one is to
understand their significance and their valid-
All of the speakers recognized this fact, and
have dedicated their own lives in many ways
as part of this continuity in individual action.
The point is that the real observance of the
centennial of the Emancipation is to be found
elsewhere than on the speaker's platforms of
the University, and that that observance is
contradictory, cruel and courageous, bitter and
full of hope.
It exists in the records left behind of Matt
Parker and Emmett Till, in the Black Muslims
and in Rev. Martin Luther King, in sit-ins,
boycotts, and voter registration projects. It ex-
ists in integrated neighborhoods where indi-
viduals of different races are learning to live
together without mutual suspicion, and in
lynchings, beatings, and burning of homes and
churches. It exists in a culture of music, liter-
ature, and drama that is spreading everywhere
through this country, and it exists not so far
away under the Welensky regime in South
THE NEGATIVE commemoration, still fight-
ing and fighting often successfully, is more
powerful than Lincoln's words by far. It lives
on blood and hate and ignorance, and over-
rules words with no trouble at all. tut the posi-
tive commemoration is also stronger than
words, and because it reaches forward rather
than back, and because it is right, it will ulti-
mately be the victor.
Because history moves forward, no action
which is valid needs justification in terms of
the past. Had Lincoln never issued his Emanci-
pation Proclamation, a world evolving toward
unity would still demand the social and politi-
cal equality of the races. There are enough
deeply rooted rational conflicts among men
without having to make them up, and the fur-
ther men advance in the complex effort to
secure peace and justice, the more evident it
becomes that we need to admit as many people
as possible to the honest social and political
dialogue, whatever their race.

Co-Magazine Editor
THE UNIVERSITY must expand
to accommodate the growing
number of qualified applicants.
The real question is not where
these high quality students will
come from - Michigan or out-of-
state - but how the University is
going to grow.
Three possibilities for expansion
present themselves. The first, and
most unacceptable, is to continue
to increase the present monolithic
Ann Arbor campus without struc-
tural changes. This would only in-
crease the already over-crowded
over-loaded situation.
The other two alternatives are
more promising. On the one hand,
the University may enlarge its
present branches throughout the
state and continue to absorb Jun-
ior colleges. This implies that
more Michigan students would at-
tend the University. It is doubt-
ful if these branches could attract
a large number of out-of-state
students, and they therefore would
not have as cosmopolitan an at-
mosphere as Ann Arbor.
* * *
ONE WAY to draw students to
the branches is to have them spe-
cialize in certain areas - say one
campus has the performing arts.
But then this would sap the
strength of the respective depart-
ments at the other branches and
at Ann Arbor.
The other possibility is the
"small residential college". It does
not necessarily guarantee an in-
creased number of in-state stu-
dents in the University as the
branch plan does. It is merely a
way of increasing the present Ann
Arbor campus without really in-
creasing the monolithic structure.
This tidy bit of double-think is
easily explained. By setting up
several small colleges in Ann Ar-
bor, each with 2,000 students, the
overall size of the University is
augmented. But the size of any
administrative or teaching unit
will be decreased, for with fewer
students in each college the pro-
fessors will face smaller classes
and the administrators run small-
er kingdoms.
The small residential college,
then, will alleviate these problems.

The dean of one of the colleges
will have a more manageable
number of professors and students
to handle and will be able to do
a more effective and personal job.
The professors will have smaller
classes and be able to have more
informal contacts with their stu-
But drawbacks to this plan ex-
ist. It will be more frustrating for
a student in college A who wishes
to take a course from a great pro-
fessor who happens to be in col-
lege B. He is so near, yet separat-
ed by the reels of red tape in-
volved in double registering in
both colleges.
This assumed that college A and
college B will both be liberal arts
colleges. Now suppose that college
A were the School of Natural Sci-
ences and college B the School of
Social Sciences. A freshman would
have to enter one of these two
areas, in effect, decide on a gen-
eral major area before entering.
And then the faculty would have
to decide in which college they
belong. Will the present psycholo-
gy department find half its mem-
bers in the Natural Science college
and the other half in the Social
Science college?
Undernthe small residential col-
lege plan, students and some fac-
ulty members will live together in
dormitories. If the colleges are
functional as above, then physi-
cists will live with physicists and
psychologists with psychologists.
But splitting into specialization
both in and out of the classroom
is incongruous with the idea of a
liberally educated man.
* *
WHILE MAKING the classes
smaller and the lower administra-
tive units easier to manage, the
small college system elevates the
University administration even
farther above the classroom.
The Rackham Graduate school
presently oversees graduate stu-
dies in all literary college depart-
ments, the engineering school, and
the natural resources school, to
name just a few. The right hand
of Rackham does not know where.
the left one is, let alone what it
is doing. Rackham mostly pub-
lishes announcements, grants de-

grees, and acts as post-office for
These administrative chores of
Rackham are desirable to a point.
It does the busy work for the de-
partments and thereby permits
them to concentrate on teaching.
Under the small college system,
this could free the individual
schools from administrative te-
dium. However the chaos in the
upper echelon, which must now
correlate several colleges may
proveldisastrous. The graduate
student remains safely within the
bosom of his department, but the
meandering, knowledge seeking
undergraduate who takes courses
in several colleges leaves a trail
of havoc.
The advocates of the small col-
lege system claim that the plan is
good because it brings faculty and
students together. If the faculty or
the students really desired this
they should have gone to one of
the many excellent small colleges
in this country.
PRESENTLY, two professors in
the same department teach classes
of about 100 students. The stu-
dents in both classes are essen-
tially the same group. One pro-
fessor is able to hold open an in-
timate debate with any student
in the class over any matter cov-
ered in the readings. The other
can barely get a student to raise
a hand to ask a question on the
subject matter.
The small residential college,
above all, is just slicing the Ann
Arbor campus another way. God
only knows how the clever admin-
istration will be able to confuse
the legislators, the professors, the
students and themselves over
which college has which percent-
age of out-of-state students, or
physics majors, or drop-outs.
The population explosion of 18
years ago is a fact and cannot be
changed. Preparations to educate
the increased numbers of Michi-
gan and non-Michigan students
must be made - and not behind
the closed doors of the adminis-
tration or the faculty senate.
Closed door politics or quibbling
over one or two percentage points
or tuition increases will not bring
the necessary solution.

whimsey in Simplicity

THERE were little bits of colored
paper falling over Trueblood
stage last night during the pre-
miere performance of a week's run
of "The Fantasticks," the off-
Broadway sensation brought to
Ann Arbor by the Professional
Theatre Program.
The confetti rose from the stage
like whirls of dead leaves, or
dropped in place of rain or snow,
and cast and audience alike were
swept up with them into a world
of metaphors and music, an en-
chanting evening of whimsey. A
stage as broad as the imagina-
tion held a story as fragile as
glass in what proved to be an
exercise in simplicity which upon
occasion soared much higher than
* * *
reflected the ensemble work of
everyone in it, a concept strangely
lacking in the second act, which
seemed to drag a bit at the very
moment the cynicism which
should freshen the play comes
wholly into command. Alice Can-
non, possessing a voice of clear
precision, portrayed The Girl with
many moments of undeniable
Ty McConnell as The Boy was
an exuberant foil for her, and his
energy carried him admirably
throughout the performance, al-
though the intimacy of the New
York theatre has tended to limit
his vocal projection a bit. More
than a few of Tom Jones' delight-
ful lyrics were lost in his numbers,
and occasionally in Miss Cannon's
too, although she was not so con-
sistently guilty. David Vaughan

and Donald Babcock had some
hilarious moments as the respec-
tive fathers, and Don Stewart
trod the difficult line between
Narrator and the bandit, El Gallo,
although of the two, the bandit
came off stronger, resulting in
good scenes and a less satisfactory
Jay Hampton had a great time
as The Actor, who does marvelous
splicing on just about all of
Shakespeare's famous scenes, and
Don Pomes died dutifully at least
twice, aiding and abetting Hamp-
ton. James Cook's Mute came off
superbly well, with no lines, and
an economy of movement, but
swirls of colored paper and bits of
cloth that wove enchantment of a
very special kind.
THERE is a difficulty which is
more than challenging with "The
Fantasticks," due to the utter
simplicity of plot and movement,
and the ripeness of the images.
Without complote concentration
on the part of the players, and
total belief in their creation, the
play has a tendency to be a bit
precious, particularly if the bite of
the satire is played down, as it
was last night. The play must
never be really lit, except by its
own incandescence, and without
it the after-taste may be a bit
Be that as it may, even sugar
may be a delightful change of
pace in this day, and "The Fan-
tasticks" will solve a real craving
in Ann Arbor for most people for
another whole week.
-Jack G. O'Brien


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