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January 15, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-01-15

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Seventy-Third Year
Trutb WIll Provair' '
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Exactly! Why Shouldn't He Break Away?"

Departments Offer
Exam Rescheduling

ff, JANUARY 15, 1962


Republicans Should Retain
Present Party Leadership

r E AXE HAS FALLEN, and this time the
turkey on the block was no less a person
than Republican State Chairman George Van
Gov. George Romney, it seems, is not satis-
fied with the fact that Van Peursem is the first
GOP chairman to come up with a winner in 14
years-or perhaps he's not interested.
But however the Governor feels, the decision
is not his to make. Hopefully, the Republicans
themselves-delegates to the party convention
in Grand Rapids next month-will not see this
in the same light.
It is common knowledge in - capitol circles
that Van Peursem had delivered an ultimatum
to Romney-something that takes no small
amount of courage. Van Peursem informed the
governor that he (Romney) must get into and
work for the Republican Party orfind another
The governor chose to make his position
crystal clear. with regard to the Republican
Party-he found another chairman.
REPUBLICANS absolutely shouldn't stand for
this. Two years ago, when Van Peursem
was plucked from. his desk job at a Holland
manufacturing firm, George Romney was hard-
ly more than an idea to anyone. He certainly
was not in evidence at the GOP state conven-
tion,. where delegates were hammering out a
slate that would be spectacularly unsuccessful
in the April elections.
Two years later Romney came onto the scene
with a flourish of press releases and the adula-
tion of the Detroit papers and was swept into
the governorship. It is significant that, inde-


AmmRTICLESIX of the amendments to the
United States Constitution states that in all
criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy
the right to a speedy and public trial, by an im-
partial 'Jury of the state and district wherein the
crime shall have been committed .-
This means that former Major-General Ed-
win A. Walker, retired, has the right to be
tried by a jury of his peers in the state of
Mississippi, in which his activities against the
federal government took place.
The early. federal move to have Walker de-
clared competent or incompetent to stand trial
was an attemP't by the government to neatly
dispose of him.
IN FEDERAL LAW, for a person to be declared
competent to stand trial he must know the
nature of th'e proceedings against him,' be able
to cooperate with 'counsel in his own defense
and not be insane.,
The government's action was unusual in that
the question of competence or incompetence
does not generally arise until later in the court
Government officials provided a lot of evi-;
dence purportibg to show Walker's incompe-
tence to stand trial. They probably hoped that
the board examining him would indicate and
the judge bring in, a ruling of incompetence.
When a person is declared incompetent to
stand trial, he is placed in a federal hospital
until such time as the hospital authorities have
acknowledged him to be competent (to stand.
Since no definite period of time is specified
as to how long a person remains in the hospi-
tal, Walker could have been incarcerated in-
However, the board did not make an evalua-
tion on the subject and the Judge declared
Walker competent to stand trial.
THE PROBLEM which now faces the federal
government is Walker's constitutional right
to be tried by a jury in the state of Mississippi.
This is reminiscent of the Till case in the
late 1950's. Negro Emmett Till, the government
declared, was murdered by a group of white
men. They presented categorical evidence and
a verdict of guilty was to be expected. But the
men charged with -the crime were found not
guilty by a jury of their peers from the location
in whch the crime occurred.
It is probable that the same thing will hap-
pen in the Walker case--that he will be found
not guilty for his actions in the University of
Mississippi riots and his radio and television
speeches and will be freed.
Thus Walker will probably evade the conse-
quences of his actions. If a Mississippi jury
could deny the guilt of alleged murderers, they
most ,assuredly will find nothing wrong with
the rabble-rousing Walker.
Business Staff
LEE SCLAR, Business Manager
SUE FOOTE. ................ Finance Manager
RUTH STEPHENSON ............. Accounts Manager
SUE TURNER......... Associate Business Manager
THOMAS BENNETT ............. Advertising Manager
Editorial Staff

pendent as he may have wished to have been
from the GOP, he could not have achieved his
election without the support of the hard-core
Republican votes in the hinterlands-that same
hard-core that almost two years earlier had
selected George Van Peursem as their chairman.
Thus it would seem that Romney is really in
little or no position to give Van Peursem the
axe. The governor, in fact, is a very junior
member, of the GOP-even less experienced
than the youngst pageboy in the House of Rep-
True, he has skyrocketed into prominence;
it is to the everlasting credit of the Republican
Party that a man can progress as swiftly as
his merits will allow. But surely this does not
give him the right to take over-to sweep aside
those faithful party members who labored for
victory since 1948, while George Romney re-
mained aloof and reserved from the political
THE MAN ROMNEY has apparently blessed
to succeed Van Petrsem is Arthur Elliott,
former Oakland County Republican chairman
and Romney campaign manager. True, Elliott
is a Republican, but he is definitely not a fig-
ure who can unite the warring factions of the
state GOP, for he is intensely despised in sev-
eral areas of the state.
Yet, Van Peursem was not without warning.
Outstate party leaders asserted over a year ago
that Romney had no regard for the Republican
Party. They pointed to his statements while
furthering the Citizens for Michigan that he
was not affiliated with any party, and they
deplored any attempt 'to force his candidacy
upon Republicans.
But Van Peursem saw only his duty to "pick
a winner." Thus he decided to go with Romney,
even, though Romney madeno commitment to
go with the GOP. And it was largely the insist-
ence of Van Peursem and the Republican State
Central Committee that subdued Romney's
potential intra-party opposition and gave him a
clear field for the nomination.
SO HOW IS Van Peursem rewarded? With the
kick in the pants he was to expect. In a way
it serves him right, but the Republican Party
cannot afford the lesson. It will be better if the
delegates seize the opportunity and rise up
against the governor.
Their best course would be to draft Van Peur-
sem for a second term, but failing that, they
certainly should not allow one of the rawest
recruits in the party to take over and run the
It would be better to put George Romney
in his place right now and demonstrate clearly
to him that he needs the Republican Party as
much as it needs him, than it will be to let him
have his way.
THE HISTORICAL precedence has been set.
The last GOP governor, Kim Sigler (1946-
48), was a Democrat-turned-Republican. He
swept into office on a wave of glamour and
public acclaim. Once.in the saddle, he jolted the
party fathfuls time and time again. As a re-
sult, the honeymoon was quickly shattered,;
and Gov. Sigler was swept out of office two
years later on a wave of discord and bitterness.
His defeat marked a Republican absence of'
14 years'from the Michigah statehouse, that
has only now been rectified.
Clearly Michigan's GOP is stupid if they al-
low this past history to repeat itself.
City Editor
THERE ARE times when the best laid plans
of mice and men go awry, and the Admin-
istration's head-long plunge into pre-classifi-
cation is no exception to this vulnerability.
What begun as an interesting innovation in
masse, in Waterman Gymnasium, has turned
into a two-faced monster. The one face, de-
ceptively lovely, is the smooth, efficient process
of registering the semester, rather than the
week, before classes and thereby eventually
eliminating the entire gymnasium hassle.
The other face, which many students and
faculty have been seeing and will continue to
see, is formidable. All those who received let-
ters from the counseling office informing them

that a course has been closed and they must
hurry to the office. to sign up for another,
have cause to doubt the new system.
As for the faculty, they will be saddled with
the task, at the beginning of a new semester,
of re-registering the 400 or so freshmen who
will have been exempt from English 124 - but
who didn't find out during the middle of the
present semester - as well as untold other
students who wil be surprised by final grades
or will have changed their minds over a two
or three month period.
IN A SURPRISE move, the counseling office,
which originally was to pre-register only
those taking one or more of the approximately
100 courses which could be pre-registered, be-
gan to pre-register everyone. If they had stuck
to the original plan, and made this first se-

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ON A CAMPUS that encourages
critical thinking in all the
realms of human endeavor and
action the Office of Religious Af-
fairs offers a realistic outlook to
genuinely searching students on
the problems of existence in the
modern world.
Besides facilitating contact be-
tween organized faiths and stu-
dents adhering to these faiths on
the campus the office will assist
a student, if he wishes assistance
outside his faith, to reconcile his
personal philosophy with the prin-
ciples of the religion he was
brought up to hold as true.
It seems to be thegeneral trend,
however, for an individual to form
his own moral framework. This is
becoming more and more the rule
instead of the exception as ana-
lytic thought and precise docu-
mentation become the basis of all
academic pursuits.
** *
IN THE AGE of reason people
were sure of their sciences. At
least, they were sure of the possi-
bility of surity in the world. With
the advent of Darwin, Marx, and
many others the man-made na-
ture of the concept of "progress"
came under the shadow of serious
doubt. The loss of direction then,
as it does to individuals now, cre-
ated questions about the signifi-
cance of society, man, and life.
It was a shocking and painful
revelation to have the scientific
definitions of the past concerning*
man's nature destroyed. Intellect
alone could no longer explain the
essence of man.
With this loss of orientation a
dismal pessimism was born, and
in order to explain this away new
philosophies came with new an-
swers. The only purpose in life
seemed to be the maintenance of
life and the questions of good and
evil, innocence and experience,
and appearance and reality were
thrown into a sea of relativity.
THIS relativism is still existent
in the modern world and painfully
evident to what Dostoevsky calls
the "hyper-sensitive man." An-

swers given in the past by organ-
ized religions no longer suffice to
many young people who are aware
of the paradoxes of modern ex-
The cognizance of pain and un-
just suffering is just such a para-
dox. Along with this spectre rides
feelings of lack of purpose and the
attitude summarized by the
phrase, "so what?" Personal ef-
ficacy,'the feeling that as an in-
dividual one may accomplish
something worthwhile, is particu-
confusion of temporary with last-
larly subject to destruction by the
ing values.
Negation and subsequent per-
sonal stagnation can very easily
result from such a confusion. To
a student, organized religion very
likely may irritate the situation
and make it even harder for him
to function in the world.
* * *
AT THE University there are
many schools of thought that of-
fer proposals to the individual in
an attempt to answer basically
personal problems of acceptance
of the world and the way things
are in it. Psychology, Sociology,
and' Philosophy all have truths,
yet they remain distinct and apart
from each other. To some, they
are negative and form the center
of the relativism that stifles many
These modern sciences demand
the objectivity that was destroyed
in the commotion of their birth.
It is obvious that man is more
than can objectively and analytic-
ally be written about him and his
It is heartening to know that
existing along with these worthy
and valuable social sciences on
this campus there is a group of
people that recognize modern
problems of life and are willing
to help students in their own at-
tempts to find themselves and
meaning in life.
* * *
THE OFFICE of Religious Af-
fairs in a counseling service that
uses advances made by psycholo-
gy and sociology, but woven into
this fabric is a thread of optim-

ism. It is optimism that is de-
pendent on a feeling of signifi-
cance in what they are doing, and
in life itself.
Sociological and psychological
adjustment are means and not
ends. The Office of Religious Af-
fairs, in its counseling functions,
relies on larger, more basic reali-
ties. These realities may be diffi-
cult to accept in their harshness
and foreign nature, yet they do,
exist for the men in this office.
The Office of Religious Affairs
attempts to sell no religion. It does
not tell a student the phone num-
ber of the local minister of the
faith he has been raised in and,
then bid the student a smiling
farewell. The men in this office
are not counselors with an axe to
grind or preference tests to corre-
They are men that seem willing
to fight out knotty problems of
faith and philosophy who will not
grade you or try to feed you dog-
ma. They probably do not have
the answer, but they are willing
to talk intelligently.
THERE ARE other groups on
this campus that can discuss in-
telligently problems dealing with
philosophies of life, yet many of
them seem to be mired in de-
spondence. Whether this despond-
ence is justified or not, cannot be
determined, but it is worth noting
that there is a foil to depression
The Office of Religious Affairs
is not decked out in happy colors
and the men in it do not give
tranquilizers to all who enter. A
visit to the office does not guar-
antee a spiritual revival or a re-
ligious awakening. It does present
a unique mixture of what could be
called thought based on religious
hope and critical modern aware-
The question of purpose and sig-
nificance in life must remain bas-
ically personal, but it is only
through the comparison and an-
tagonism of ideas that a compre-
hensive philosophy may be
formed. The Office of Religious
Affairs is a place where worth-
while conflict may be encountered.

Faith, Thought and Awareness

To the Editor:
O)NE OF the editorials in The
Daily of January 10, 1963 is
entitled "Indifference" and in-
involves a protest by Burton Mi-
chaels over a conflict in examina-
tion schedules involving Chemis-
try 104 and Botany 101. This pro-
test violates the professional re-
sponsibilities of good journalism
in that it is a gross misrepresen-
tation of the racts of the case.
Even worse, to the best of our
knowledge no effort was made by
Mr. Michaels to obtain, the facts
from those who could speak
authoritatively for the two
* * *
INs ORDER to set the record
straight the following points re-
garding Chemistry 104 should be
made clear:
1) For those who had a conflict-
ing appointment during the regu-
lar examination hour of 7-8:00
p.m. an alternative hour of 6-7:00
p.m. was arranged.
2) For those students who would
have been seriously inconven-
ienced by both of these hours, spe-
cial arrangements have been pos-
sible. For example, one student
wasgiven an examination cover-
ing this material from 1:30-2:30
p.m. by special arrangement with
the instructor. Other special cases
could be cited.
3) For those people who missed
the examination for good and ac-
ceptable reasons, no real grade
penalty has ever been imposed. In
such a case the grade is based on
the average value of the grades
received in the examniations tak-
en; if students who were faced
with an exam schedule conflict
reported such a conflict to their
lecturer, the above options were
explained to them and a choice al-
lowed. In the case of conflict the
student has the responsibility of
initiating discussion with the in-
* * *
WITH RESPECT to Botany 101
the facts of the case are as fol-
1) The make-up exam in Bot-
any 101 was announced for Jan-
uary 8 before the Christmas holi-
days as well as at the lecture of
January 3. Not until the day be-
fore the exam did the student in-
volved in this conflict approach
the lecturer with his problem even
though the chemistry exams were
also announced much earlier in
the semester. Had the lecturer
been aware of the conflict at time
the exam was 'announced it could
have readily been rescheduled.
The day before the exam this was
no longer possible. T provide
make-up exams for missed make-
ups for the few students who plan
ahead so poorly, hardly seems ef-
ficient use of faculty time.
2) The student was specifically
asked whether Chemistry 104 pro-
vided for an alternative time at
which the exam could be taken.
The student's answer was that
there was no alternative. In light
of the above paragraphs, it is dif-
ficult to understand why the reply
that Chemistry 104 provided ne
alternative exam times was given.
That the editorial was based en-
tirely on heresay is obvious. It is
indeed unfortunate that editorial
protests, are written without the
requisite factual information. Are
we being naive in believing that
correct information is an import-
ant requisite of good journalism?
-Prof. Robert W. Parry
-Prof. Erich E. Steiner
To the Editor:
IN A RECENT edition of The
Daily, Karen' Margolis in her
article "Hanky Panky in the
Lounges" made the following
statement: "As an emergency
measure, Markley Hall is unoffi-
cially .enforcing a couple patrol
system in the lounges 'to avoid
embarrassment' ".

Markley Hall is not and never
was "unofficially enforcing" such
measures. It is. true that Markley
Council discussed the couple pa-
trol system as a possible solution,
taking precedence over "date
lounges". However, too many
members disliked the idea; and
since no better solution could be
oftered, definite action on the is-

sue was postponed until after
cation. We have now decided
best solution is personal press
and official action by Markley
not be taken.
I would also like to add
Markley Council entered the
sue because of the great nur
of protests from Markley resid
and visitors concerning the exo
sive display of emotions in M
ley's public areas. However,
duct has improved noticeably
cause this is now a campus-v
issue. An automatic solutior
the problem could be just arc
the corner, though, meaning
great outdoors and spring!
-JoAnne Jarrett, '
M arkley Council
The New


U.S. Role
IN A NEWSPAPER interview, Mr.
Khrushchev has Just said that
the Cuban crisis in October will
"leave a very deep imprint on In-
ternational relations. This was a
moment when the sinister shadow
of nuclear war raced over the
world. People started looking 'at
questions of peace and war in a
new way." The new way, he added,
is to 'forestall danger by "way of
We are not, I think, at that
point. That is to say, we are not
at the point where a settlement of
the cold war by compromise is in
sight. It is more exact to say that
after' the Cuban crisis the nu-
clear powers know better than
they did before that they cannot
initiate as against one another
important changes in the balance
of power. As between East and
West, military power cannot be
used to change existing boun-
This is a very great lesson, to
have learned. But it does not mean
that we are now in a position to
begin negotiating a settlement of
cold war. Where we have actually
gotten to is a willirgness under'
the compulsion of, the nuclear'
danger to live with the situation
as it is.
WHAT WE have then sxnot
peace, but a pause, and Iin phis A
pause a reduction 'of the pressures
at the vital points, notably Berlin,'
where the danger of nuclear war
is most threatening. The effect of
the pause in the East-West con-
flict is to make ihore emphatic sAnd
urgent the internalproblems and
issues within, the ' Communist
world and within ours.
These internal problems are one
reason, perhaps the main reason,
why the pause does not mean that
we are in sight of a settlement.
Neither side, neither Mr. Khrush-
chev nor Mr. Kennedy, has the
power to make a settlement. Mr.
Khrushchev is entangled In a
struggle with China for the lead-
ership of the Communist world.
In the West, American leader-
ship of the Western Alliance is no
longer accepted. It would not be
going too far to say, I think, that,
given the pause which resulted
from the Cuban affair, President
Kennedy's greatest task will be to
reappraise, redefine and readjust'
the American role in the Western
THE ERA which began with
World War II has ended, the era
in which the United States was
at the same time the defender and
the banker of the Western World.
But as of today, the United
States is no longer able to be the
preeminent banker, and if it is
to continue to play the part it is
now playing, it will need to have
still grater cooperation from
Europe. It will have to have great-
er cooperation in preserving the
international usefulness of the
dollar, greater cooperation in the
opening of markets to American
exports, greater cooperation in fi-
nancing the defense of Europe
and the development of the na-
tions of the Southern Hemisphere.


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