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January 13, 1963 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-01-13

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that glitter but do not satisfy. They long for the hope of a new world. They are offered
the fear of world destruction or world dictatorship. In theirhearts they know that if
men continue to live like clever, greedy beasts, sooner or later they will be caged or shot.
Man's attitude must change. The apple in the Garden of Eden was good. Somebody's attitude
to-it was wrong.
Science is good. But much of it now seems devoted to the art of destruction.
Education is good. But education nowadays seems to justify moral and spiritual bankruptcy
and to destroy faith.
Wealth is good. But when it becomes the aim of great societies, the character of people decays.
More wages, shorter hours, better social and economic conditions are all good and all neces-
sary. But in the hearts of millions of workers, white, black, yellow and brown, is a gathering
Freedom is good, and is coming like a flood to Africa. But where yesterday black men hated
white, now black fears black. And tomorrow may see black or red imperialism where white
imperialism reigned yesterday.
Asia hoped to teach the West the art of unity. For years India practiced a policy of "neutrality,"
which was praised to high heaven by the Red Chinese giant. Now that giant has crossed the
nation's frontier and swallowed 30,000 square miles of Indian soil. The feet of invaders march
on land that was successfully defended during 200 years of British rule.
The Communists say that the free world is divided within itself. That is true. But has the talian workers, almo!
Communist world an answer? A Communist Ambassador from Eastern Europe said recently,
"There is deep division in the Communist world. Khrushchev "Space Is So Startling"
has moved beyond Stalin. He does not want to force his ideas Leaders of Japan planned for the new space-age musical,
on humanity by pointing a bayonet at their bellies. But Mao Space Is So Startling, to travel.the land. A special train was
Tse-tung believes war not only inevitable, but necessary, in contributed free by the National Railways for this journey.-
order to carry mankind into Communism. He has told us we The play drew crowds to the theaters in Tokyo, Hokkaido
must risk 300,000,OCO lives to do it. province, Osaka and Yokohama. Millions across Japan saw
Khrushchev thinks the most dangerous anti-revolutionaries it on television. Mainichi, with its four million circulation, writ-
are the Chinese. Mao Tse-tung thinks the most dangerous anti- ing under the headline "Setting Theatrical Precedent,"
revolutionaries are the Russians. And this peril is projected described the staging, music and choreography as unique and
into Europe where Albania and Yugoslavia growl and bare said, "The play shows the road that humanity should choose."
their teeth as they follow their separate paths. The leaders of the Zengakuren students, men who thought
Ordinary men look on the policies,-or lack of policies, Khrushchev and Stalin as reactionary as the leaders of the
which brought the world to the brink of war over Cuba as West, came to picket the theater in Hokkaido. They were out
insanity. They would cry "Halt," but do not see the way. to cause a riot. But they were stunned to silence by the passion
The answer lies in the character of men. of the MRA force for a social, economic and global revolution
It remains true that unless we deal with human nature dras- far swifter and more penetrating than their own, They called
tically and thoroughly on a colossal scale, man will follow his off the riot and saw the play instead. They filled the theater
historic path to violence and destruction. Capitalism, free with their friends. They were still talking with members of the
enterprise and democratic socialism have failed to cure the cast two hours after the final curtain. In the dormitories where
selfishness that permits too few to have too much, while too Marxism and rioting were discussed until 4 a.m. they now
many have too little. The Communist states have failed to discuss Moral Re-Armament. These students organized show-
answer the hate and bitterness that drive men into danger. ings of the MRA films in their university. With the money
Hating Russia or hating America or hating another class, made they travelled 712 miles by train to Odawara for
color, race or country multiplies the problem and cures training in MRA.
nothing. The free world aswell as the Communist world needs The world longs for unity. In Japan Socialists and Govern-
help, not hate. ment supporters, trade unionists and industrialists, the youth
Squatting in the streets, protesting about the atom bomb in universities and armed forces are accepting the discipline
and running to a safer place when danger threatens does not of unity necessary to enlist both the Communist and non-
seem an intelligent reply to the challenge of the century. Communist worlds in the greatest revolution of all time.
Those who would be willing to die for their country in war India -"Every division can be solved"
but -meanwhile insist on living comfortably, selfishly, undis-
turbed, do not answer the challenge of world revolution. From the Odawara Assembly, seven members of the Parlia
Men who at international conferences talk about unity,mernt of the South Indian State of Kerala returned to a country
when athome family life, politics and industry are divided by at war and "waking to reality," They were some of the men
ambition, fear, jealousy and greed, do not convinced b who wrested the State from Communist control three years
change anybody. ago, at a time when many in New Delhi were out of touch with
Somecriticize the "godlessness of Communism." But they reality. These seven men, representatives of bitterly opposed
democratic factions, now say, "Anti-Communism united us
make excuses for promiscuity, homosexuality and indulgence to throw out the Communists, but within two months of victory
in high places. This increases security risks. It also confirms the to thrwfouttheaCommunishsvo
cynicism of thosc who look from outside at self-styled, God were fighting each other agai. Anti-Communism is nd
fearing Christian societies that have become corrupted. Men basis for permanent uMty.We needed a superior ideology, and
deny the power of God to cure the disease because they are in this we found in MRAA
love with the disease itself. These men of Kerala saw Archbishop Makarios, President
An answer is at large in the modef.world. of Cyprus, who was on a state visit to India. K. M. Cherian,
It is moving massively throughout the world.and Chief Editor of the largest Kerala newspaper, told him, "We
the oto ontasieth gh thd changig bring you a message of hope-that through MRA every divi-
teuop nnrlem can he solved This has been our experience

t entirely Communist, absorbed in the Latin American play El Condor,
near- N.pies, November, 1962.

said, "What these people say is exactly what I would like to do
for the world. Socialism and Communism are not the final
thing. The final thing is what I have seen here."
Britain -"Next step for our people"
To Britain on December 19 came the new musical, Space
Is So Startling, direct from its Japanese journey. It will be
shown for six weeks at the Westminster Theatre. During the
last year 160,000 people have paid to see plays which are
doing for Britain thejob which this musical play has been
doing in Japan.
Miss Nora Swinburne takes the leading role in Music at
Midnight, which had its 219th performance in Britain and is
shortly to be launched as a play-and later filmed-in the
United States.
Miss Swinburne says, "People from all over Britain write
to me and say how much the play has meant to them and what
a difference its spirit is making in the country. It is a play for
every country."
The Vice-Chairman of 10,000 miners in a North-Eastern
coalfield of England said after seeing this play, "I am
absolutely prepared to put the, same effort into the fight for
the Moral Re-Armament of my country that I put into.the
Communist Party for twenty-six years. None of the major
political parties has what our country needs. The workers are
disillusioned with their leadership. What I have seen here
convinced me that this is the next step for our people."
The American premiere is January 10th in Los Angeles'
Biltmore Theatre, followed by a national tour that includes
La Jolla, Palm Springs, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, through
the Southwest and across the nation.
MRA gives the worker, the housewife, the statesman, the
businessman and the ordinary man everywhere the chance to
make modern history. Its aim is a world where all hungry are
fed, all.homeless housed, and where every color, class, race
and background has a proper chance to work together in
rebuilding the world.
The world will not stay the same. It will either be destroyed
or changed. Many sincere Communists think force is the only
means to change the system. Non-Communists, willing to cre-
ate a revolution swifter and deeper than a revolution of force
because it changes men, will offer a greater revolution to
enlist the sincere Communists and bring hope to humanity.
Best seller
in a dozen languages


Japan -"New men, new nations, a new world"
Prime Minister Ikeda of Japan in October opened a new
Moral Re-Armament center at Odawara. He told the confer-
ence there that his objective as Prime Minister is to double the
national income. He said, "The foundation for this should be
new men who are right and true. MRA is working to create
new men, new nations, and a new world." Japan's senior post-
war statesman, Shigeru Yoshida, said, "I want to study MRA
so that I can make it my own and become a part of it."
To Odawara came 6,500 people from 42 nations. One of
them was Colonel Kim Chong Pil, second man in Korea, a
country with a 60-year-old hatred of Japan. Yomiuri Shimbun,
Tokyo daily, said, "Japanese-Korean negotiations are at an
impasse. This meeting between Ikeda and Kim will be a climax
to lead these negotiations to a conclusion." Colonel Kim said
at Odawara, "You have demonstrated the possibility of creat-
ing one, world family by transcending political, national and
raciA barriers Comine hereha recalled me to God's "urnose

in Kerala." Archbishop Makarios replied, "I greatly appreci-
ate the action and purpose of Moral Re-Armament which is at
work in our country also. You have our blessing. Yours is a
right and just struggle."
Italy--'A complete Revolution"
In Italy, the home of the Church and of the largest Com-
munist Party in Western Europe, a Latin American force is
carrying MRA from city to city. The force includes students
who were militant Marxists planning bloody revolution.
Also generals, industrialists and workers' leaders. Thousands
are massing to their support in towns and villages where pov-
erty and bitterness have ruled, to hear them and see their
play El Condor.
In Naples, where some of the audiences were 80 per cent
Communist, a Communist Profess6r of Philosophy said,
"MRA takes half-hearted Christians and bitter Marxists and
enlists them both in a complete revolution."
The Nanles Paner Roma headlines a page on the world

Peter Howard tells the story with humor
and insight. His aim is to make Frank
Buchman's secret available to everyone-
so that the statesmen and ordinary men
can themselves set out on the high and
necessary adventure of changing men and



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