dijA ditga1 Daily Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"ss s Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. Thi nust be noted in all reprints. "Reckon We Done Won" TODAY AND TOMORROW: Peacetime Progress After World Crisis Y, JANUARY 13, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SUTIN Is a Second Invasion Of Cuba Inevitable? Yes ... I S INVASION of Cuba the only way out? Events are beginning to point irrevocably in that direction. The Soviet Union apparently has no inten- tion whatsoever of giving up its only Western bastion of Communism, and the vise has been clamped so tightly on the island nation as to make the possibility for a popular uprising remote. These two factors, not to mention Dean Rusk's announcement Friday that the ad- ministration has lifted the United States' promise of no invasion of Cuba, have re- opened the door to possible aggressive action by the United States. The withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba does not mean any weakening in the 'Soviet bloc's economic, political and moral support of Castro. Khrushchev's statement to this ef- fect has become a gugarantee of Castro's sur- vival. With backing of the size and quality promised by Russia, it will take a strong force from the outside to expel Communism from the island. . ACCORDING to Castro's lieutenant, Ernesto Guevara, the USSR and its satellites have advanced credits totalling about $450 million to Cuba for the period 1961-65. Actual assist- ance can only be estimated, but the Soviet economical journal "Ekonomicheskaya Gazeta" recently reported that Soviet trade with Cuba in 1961 had totalled about $536 million and was expected to reach $750 million last year. The fact that Moscow is willing to lavish factories, machines, technicians, advisers, trade union delegations and political and propaganda experts, as well as military equipment on Cuba indicates the strength of the backing available to Castro. He will become even more firmly entrenched, and his reign of fear will gradually become impossible to dislodge. Even though Castro has lost much popular support within Cuba, the regime is in no danger from an internal uprising. And the whole world should know this; including the Bay of Pigs invaders, who demonstrate the desperateness of the Cuban people and who feel that the longer the delay the slimmer the chances of ousting Castro will become. IT IS SAID in all political science treatises that rule cannot be "by the sword alone." But nowadays with modern technology, a little terror goes a long way. The Associated Press has reported that there are at least 25,000 political convicts in prisons in Cuba, and tens of thousands of others are regularly detained and investigated. The same report indicates that the economic situation, even with the extensive Russian aid, is poor at best. Food, agricultural poduction and commodities such as shoes are scarce. Cuban farm production, a United States Foreign Agriculture Service report said, has fallen off 20 per cent since the Castro regime took over. Neither have the promised land- reforms been forthcoming. The Castro regime, however, is still able to stay a cut above a Cuban uprising, due to the efficiency of its police state. THE MOST impelling factor in the inevita- bility of invasion is that the United States is now committed in the eyes of the world to ousting Castro. President Kennedy's proclama- tion at the Orange Bowl Game on New Year's Day-when he pledged to the released Bay of Pigs prisoners that their flag would be re- turned to them in a "free Havana" has in- tensified the administration's position. Another example of the official clamp-down, anti-Castro attitude is the newly-propounded United States policy towards shipping to Cuba by other countries. A statement by a state department official holds that the United States has warned countries whose ships con- tinue to go to Cuba that they run the danger of losing United States foreign aid. And perhaps even more significant than official United States policy is the prevalent feeling among the American people-a wide- spread feeling of fear and determination. People are nervous; probably one of the most commonly expressed sentiments is horror over "a Communist stronghold 90 miles from our shores." Whether there is any more reason for panic over Cuba than, for instance, over East Germany is irrelevant. Public sentiment can push officialdom to the brink. IN ADDITION to fear is a certain blood- s- thirstiness. After the Oct. 22 speech in which the President outlined the United States policy toward Cuba, even the most placid Americans had their national ire up. Thus, barring some unforeseeable inter- national crisis, an invasion attempt on the part of the United States seems inevitable. Since Russia has no intention of abandoning Castro, but cotinues to protect, the bearded dictator against a "Cuban" revolution, and the United States has committed herself both officially and morally to 'do something about it," the No... THE MISSILES are out of Cuba, the prison- ers have been ransomed and relations be- tween the two countries are in limbo with each side waiting for the other to, do something. That "something" may not be long in com- ing, for yesterday Secretary of State Dean Rusk announced that United States' guarantees against an invasion of Cuba were herewith The statement by Rusk seems to indicate that if the United States has not already de- cided that an invasion should be the next step, it is at least being considered as a possibility. Yet when considered from the point of view of national interest - whether viewed from the strategic, moral, or political angle - the United States could not make a worse move than invading Cuba. THE REASON given for the wtihdrawal of the non-invasion guarantee was that it was originally given on condition that the Cubans agree to a ground inspection process designed to insure that all Russian missiles and bombers were removed from the island. This agreement has not been forthcoming and thus this coun- try feels an invasion is the only way to make sure that the missiles and bombers have been removed. Yet this answer is only a front, because the United States has already announced that it was satisfied that the missiles and bombers are off the island. President John F. Kennedy had announced that the number of missiles and planes re- moved corresponded to our estimates of how many were brought in the first place (as veri- fied by our reconnaisance flights over the is- land which first discovered their presence). Thus the blockade had been lifted and Cuba apparently did not represent a threat to our security any more. True, there are still Communist arms on the island. Castro's forces are equipped with heavy tanks, fighter planes, ground to air mis- siles and small Soviet-made arms. The point is that these are defensive weapons and do not represent a threat to the United States main- land. Unless this country has adopted a new policy whereby it intends to decide for other countries whether or not they may defend themselves, the presence of Soviet defensive arms in Cuba constitutes no grounds for in- vasion. THE REAL reason the United States wants to invade Cuba is political, the same reason that caused us to dislike Castro in the first place. With the exception of the short-lived Arbenz regime in Guatemala, Castro represents the first attempt of a Latin American leader to solve his country's economic, political and social problems outside of a developmental framework laid down by the United States. Latin America, ever since the issuance of the Monroe Doctrine in 1823, has always been an American plantation. When certain leaders have tended to get out of line American marines have been sent in to restore the equi- librium (we have not gotten the name "Col- ossus of the North" for nothing). Now, however, Castro is trying to set up an independently or- ganized developmental revolution and this country, if it tries to crush it by invasion, will be acting just as the Russians did in Hungary. If Castro were just an isolated entity he would not bother the United States so much. It is his effect on the other Latin American nations that has Washington worried. In that vast area many elements are waking up to the fact that they do not have to live in poverty just because the United States thinks it is in her interest. To them Castro's path repre- sents the only conceivable alternative to Washington-dominated reform, and they mean to take it. YET THE fault lies with this country which has left them no choice between a capital- istic, United States dominated future and a socialistic, Moscow based authoritarianism. Officially the United States has offered a third choice, the Alliance for Progress, which has been ballyhooed up and down the hemisphere as the answer for Latin America. Yet the Alliance is pouring money down the drain because it does nothing to alter the ex- isting domination of the poor masses by the small rich and middle class. It depends for its success on reforms which we expect the tra- ditional rulers to initiate, possibly from sen- timents which Martin Durkheim has called, "altruistic suicide." The fact is that these rulers are not making the necessary reforms in land ownership and tenure, relationships of social classes, econom- ic development which are the only real answer to the appeal of Castro. AT THIS point the United States must make two important and necessary changes in its fundamental relationships with Latin America and Cuba: We must turn our atten- tion in the hemisphere away from the paranoic attempt to wipe out all traces of Communism in favor of aligning ourselves with the hopes and aspirations of the mass peasant and work- er majorities in those countries whose fate By WALTER LIPPMANN THE NEW CONGRESS is meet- ing in a time of letdown from a prolonged crisis. There has come a pause in world affairs. For the first time in a number of years- say since the challenge over Berlin in 1958--the threat of thermonu- clear war has receded somewhat into the background. From Berlin, the Congo, the resumption of nu- clear testing and finally to the climax in Cuba, the crisis mount- ed. Now, for the time being at least, in both halves of the world, the pause which has a faint re- semblance to peace has relaxed the tenson enough to release the rivalries and ambitions of normal and unfrightened men. * * * WE MAY EXPECT that the new Congress will reflect the pause in world affairs. In our American constitutional experience, the pow- er of the President to lead is, generally speaking, a function of some kind of national crisis, abroad in time of war and at home in a time like the great depression of the 1930's. President Kennedy's problem in this Con- gress is how to lead it when there is no apparent national crisis. There is, to be sure, plenty cf trouble and danger in the world in which we are so deeply in- volved. But trouble which does not carry with it the danger of nu- clear war is, for this case-harden ed generation, not a real crisis. At home, there are many prob- lems. But there is no crisis re- motely resembling that of the Thirties which generated the steam behind the New Deal. While a great many Americans are very angry about a good number of thingshmore people are worried that the government may take away something that they now have than are hoping that it will provide them something whicn they do not now enjoy. This is the feeling of a satisfied popula- tion. AND YET, under the complacent surface, there are great matters which need to be attended to. These matters do not show their consequences immediately, but only in the long run. A prime ex- ample of this is the weakness of American education. As we fail to educate adequately one genera- tion of school children, the evil results of this failure do not ap- pear fully until these children grow up and become the unedu- cated parents of a still-less-edu- cated generation. It is hard to arouse democracies about the long run. This is the President's difficulty in dealing with the crucial matter of over- coming the chronic sluggishness of the American economy. The American economy is not doing what it could to provide the means for meeting the long-time needs of our expanding urbanized popu- lation. But the American economy, sluggish though it is, does never- theless provide a remarkable de- fense and a rising standard of private living. The President mst try to rally the support of a people which does not feel itself under the pressure of a crisis. * *-* HE HAS TO TRY, because he is not President for this day but for the many days to come. As there is no crisis which drives the people to follow him, he must lead by persuasion. He has to prove his case not only in a court of im- partial judges, but in the arena where prejudice and passion and special interests contend. Thus he has to be not only persuasive, but overwhelmingly persuasive, which Is impossible with a very big and complicated program of measures, but may be possible with a program which is concentrated on some gieat issue, as for ex- ample and in particular, the ex- pansion of the American economy. To achieve overwhelming per- suasion where there is no great surge of emotion behind him, he will have to take the risk of boring the public by saying the ae thing over and over again, if pos- sible in different words. That has not been in the Kennedy style. But it may be indispensible (c) 1963, The washington Post Co. UETTERS to the EDITOR To the Editor: INTERNATIONAL relations in today's world are characterised by most nations' inability to live harmoniously together. This in- ability is frequently accompanied by actions which further heighten world tension. The benefits of peaceful relations are not always obvious, nor do they always seem worth sacrifice. Understanding Is needed to appreciate the value of peace and also to investigate how to achieve it, We feel that, especially now, when civilization is threatened, it is the responsibility of all educa- tional institutions to make a de- termined and specific effort to educate about the contemporary world situation as related to the problems of attaining peace. ' This type of education would have at least two effects: it would .clarify the dangers of war, and it would provide the necessary bases for solution of the problem which prevent peace. In other words, it would give both the im- petus and the ability to work un- derstandingly for the control of conflict. * * * SINCE the University does not yet offer a systematic course or program in this area, an organiza- tion named the Peace Research and Education Project has been formed which is planning seminars during the spring term to in- vestigate the problems mentioned above. Various faculty members will participate. Graduate and un- dergraduate students are invited to join. The seminar will meet once a week for twelve weeks com- mencing in early February. Sign- ups will take place outside regis- tration. We feel that this type of experi- ment helps fill a vacuum and also encourages educational institu- tions to initiate programs in this field. .-Betsy Nusbaum, '66 -Roy S. Neuberger, '65 -Joel Woontner,'66 UNDERSCORE: Goulart: Hope for Brazil By MALINDA BERRY REACTING TO pressures from both the United States and the recent Brazilian plebiscite, Brazil- ian President Joao Goulart has accelerated his campaign to give the country the leadership it needs to clean up eight years of eco- nomic chaos., Goulart is working toward win- ning as much popular support as possible from the plebiscite, which returned to him the substantial presidential powers the Brazilian legislature confiscated 17 months ago, since he has encountered much resistance from some politi- cal leaders who feel the powers of the presidency can be made dicta- torial. Stagnation was the result of Challenge "TWICE - in the 1961 Berlin crisis and in this year's Cuba crisis - President Kennedy has rallied the nation for a firm stand, at the risk of nuclear war if nec- essary, against any forcible change in the power relations between the Soviet Union and the United States. He was of course thoroughly right in doing so. But it is equally important that having resisted forcible change in the military balance, he should rally the nation behind a sustained effort for peaceful diplomatic changes that will reduce the dangers of nuclear conflict. Defending the status quo is not enough; being willing to risk war in a crisis is not enough." -St. Louis Post-Dispatch having the president and the Con- gress both in a position to wield separate and contradictory powers. What Goulart will do, now that he has real 'powers and authority, is still an unknown quantity. But it's hard to believe that anything he would do would be worse than the state of suspended animation which has gripped the Amazon nation for the past 16 months. GOULART MOVED into the presidency after Janio Quadros resigned in August, 1961. Brazilian military leaders in Quadros's cabi- net tried to block Goulart's rise from the vice presidency on the grounds that he had too many ties with leftists, a sometimes whispered, sometimes open con- tact that has been a source of con- cern to Washington also. (Goulart supporters maintain that this is at least in part a political pose aimed at utilizing the traditional Latin American insistence on Latin America, Si, Yankee, No.") At that time, the Brazilian con- gress compromised with the mili- tary by voting to install the par- liamentary system, stripping the presidency of its former executive powers, and allowed Goulart to take office on Sept. 17, 1961. But this parliamentary system has permitted no possibility for executive leadership to extricate itself from the financial mire that engulfed Brazil during the Quad- ros regime, and stagnation was the result. * * * A MIDDLE-of-the-road conserv- ative faction in Congress had blocked Goulart's efforts for an earlier plebiscite to restore execu- tive powers, and in mid 1962 the nation was plunged into its worst crisis since Quadros's resignation. The compromise plan which re- sulted in the recent Jan, 7 plebis- cite was worked out as fears spread through Brasilia of military inter- vention. Probably in retaliation, in recent months, Goulart has been replac- ing many of the conservative mili- tary officers with more leftist-ori- ented officers of his own choosing. Under Quadros, inflation spi- raled. In 1962, the rate of inflation was 60 per cent. Paper money was issued without regard for any rules of economics whenever the gov- ernment needed new funds. Besides cutting the rate of infla- tion in half this year, and attempt- ing to reduce it down to 10 per cent by 1965, there are three main parts to Goulart's three-year de- velopment program, aimed at solving some of Brazil's financial problems. The plan, drawn up about three months ago, listed as other goals the maintenance of Brazil's 7 per cent growth rate (the United States is growing at about 2.5 per cent), attracting foreign invest- ment and raising the level of edu- cation for the nation's 34 million illiterates. Goulart, in order to make his development plan reap the best possible results has created a new ministry of planning, headed by the man who drew up the develop- ment plan, Celso Furtado. * * * THE HOPE for Brazil lies in Goulart's promise of leadership combined with his newly acquired executive powers, giving him the flexibility to carry out the bold programs necessary to lay a firm foundation under Brazil's shaky economic structure. AT THE STATE: Disney's 'Lobo', Lags THE DISNEY star shines dim in this western sky. A few years ago, we had a "that ther fella" Davy Crockett with his coonskin. He was a pure cornball, but at least he could speak. The Disney western hero in this one is Lobo, king of the wolf pack. As a character, Lobo has one major drawback, he can't tell us his story - Disney has to leave it to another cornball Rex Allen (accompanied by the Sons of the Pioneers). True, the story is really just one of those animal adventures and why then, should one complain about character. The reason is "The Legend of Lobo" has been fash- ioned as an animal story with a plot but they decided to make it from the wrong point of view- Lobo's. The real charm of an animal 0 F u l hl adventure is that we see it from one point of view: the animal's or the man's. ina successful ani- Robert Finke thought that the mal adventure a man may nar- "effectiveness with which SGC rate, but he never appears on works in the University was ouit screen. on a certain amount of confi- * * * SIDELINE ON STUDENT GOVERNMENT: Council Has Great Potential T By GLORIA BOWLES THE REPORTER who goes to an SGC meeting for the first time as a reporter, and not just a dis- passionate, detached constituent of the audience, finds himself as- sailed with a whole range of im- pressions. He is in a new position now, and feels a real stake in the de- liberations. With a recognitionof his role as constructive critic, the reporter feels the heavy weight of responsibility-to his readers, to his newspaper, to the group he is writing about, and to himself. The responsibility is felt even more acutely when one realizes the potential of the group, seen in several fleeting moments dur- ing Wednesday night's meeting. It was cut short by participation in the Emancipation Proclamation program, and hurried through so that Council members could study for exams. IF THERE is anything wrong with Student Government Council They have perhaps only lost confidence in the ideal. Disillusion- ment and disenchantment have set in. It is, then, for a restora- tion of its own confidence in it- self, and the work it can do that Student Government Council should strive this semester. * * * THOUGH THE discussion on the petitioning for Joint Judiciary Council was long and uncontrolled, it was prompted by one Council member's conviction that the can- didates were simply not qualified; a report from the Chairman of the Student Book Exchange showed an interest and knowledge that is commendable. There were other examples of efficiency and accom- plishment. Unfortunately, in this meeting SGC bypassed an opportunity to act on one of the best proposals to come before it in this academic year: The Council, which often seems unhappy about its own in- adequacy, showed an unwilling- ness to take on a responsibility that could have changed the whole candidates it considers most quali- fied, inform the campus about the elections, and encourage students to influence their parents in vot- ing. THE PROPOSAL, if accepted, would have resulted in a Council which is looking around for some- thing to do a meaningful role in that most important selection of University policy makers. SGC might have influenced the votes of a large number of bal- lotting students and parents, and at least made the campus more aware of the function of a group whose membership 9 out of 10 students could not even name. There were even some SGC mem- bers who showed a misunderstand- ing of the work of the Regents. But the discussion was lively and intelligent. Council President Steven Stock- meyer thought Council members would be "presupposing a lot of knowledge" to make declarations on the merit of Regental can- didates .He also feared the elec- dence" and that endorsement of candidates might tend to destroy that condifence. Howie Abrams called such "straight-out partisan politicing a totally improper field of activity." Chuck Barnell seemed to sup- port the proposal, and Richard G'Sell felt the Council should take an interest in the Regental elec- tions, but concentrate on taking the issues to the campus, and ask- ing students to implement plans for individual support of candi- dates. * * * IT IS A new year and it wail soon be a new semester. We always look on such turnings in the cal- endar with new hope for a fresn approach. Student Government Council has potential: of that there is not doubt. Hopefully, the youth will show more maturity in the coming IN THE story of Lobo, however, men have to appear. The key point of the Lobo legend is that a wolf outwits man. For example, Lobo leaves the safety of his lair to save' his mate from an experienced bounty hunter. Because "The Legend of Lobo" is an animal adventure the bounty hunter never speaks, he is a sha- dow of a man. The other wolf hunters are also shadows. What, then, is the solution? Since "The Legend of Lobo" must include man, change the point of view - make it a mysterious leg- end with men and Lobo as key characters. Pictures of wolf cubs playing and growing are charm- ing but they have little relation to the Lobo legend. This is why the beginning of the film seems to lag. We want to get on to the legend. Why was Lobo so famous? Why was there a $1,000 reward for him? When we finally find out,