ARY13, 1963 TIDE MICHIG~AN UAIIV I aaa.. al = P Sll-S!r £ S 5*V PAGE THREE J .5., USSR Conference) )n Nuclear Tests Ban Fo- Begin in New York INGERS CROSSED: President Seen Hopeful On Fate of Legislation WASHINGTON (M)-President John F. Kennedy apparently is keeping his fingers crossed about the fate of his legislative program in Congress, despite his victory in the House Rules Committee fight. Kennedy has told those who have discussed the political situation with him he believes the chances for passage of controversial pro- posals he makes may have improved somewhat in the Senate but World News Roundup. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - A United States district judge last night or- dered the Brotherhood of Loco- motive Firemen and Enginemen to call off a strike against the Southern Railway Co. that had been scheduled to begin this morning., A temporary restraining order enjoining the union from striking for 10 days was issued by Judge Leonard P. Walsh after he had conferred at his home with attorneys for the carrier and the union. HAVANA-Carlos Rafael Rodri- guez, one of the top Communists in the Cuban government, was shot and severely wounded in an as- sassination attempt last Wednes- day, an informed source reported yesterday. There was'no confirma- tion of this from the government of Prime Minister Fidel Castro. WASHINGTON-The Army will start within a few weeks to re- shape its regular divisions into the most heavily-gunned and most maneuverable in United States history. Fourteen infantry, armor and airborne divisions in the Unit- ed States, Germany, Korea and the Pacific will be revamped. WASHINGTON - The Justice Department is investigating alleg- ed corruption of public officials in 22 states and has dug into reports of attempts to fix professional and amateur sports events, the White House announced yesterday. S.' * WASHINGTON - Secretary of State Dean Rusk yesterday pre- dicted further exploratory talks with the Soviet Union during 1963 to see whether some basis for serious East-West negotiations can be developed. WASHINGTON - A published report that a Soviet study of United States military strength had fallen into American hands brought from the Pentagon yes- terday the suggestion that the ma- terial appeared to be a book sold commercially. Officials said it in- cludes no material considered se- cret by the United States. The Omaha World-Herald described some of the details in what they said was a "vast and comprehen- sive study of United States mili- tary strength prepared by the Rus- sians." " are about the same in the House as they were in 1962. The President was represented as surprised by his margin in the 235-196 vote by which the House decided to continue its Rules Com- mittee at the 15-man level. Nom- inally, this is expected to produce 8-7 votes in the traffic-directing group to send major administra- tion proposals to the House floor. Too Good a Job There is some thought in Con- gress that Democratic leaders may have done too good a job in round- ing up support for a move Kenne- dy said would determine whether his program was to get a hearing or would be shunted aside by a 12- member committee controlled by Republicans a n d conservative Southern Democrats. There may be a tendency by Democrats who back the admin- istration only when they are put underheavy pressure to point to the 39-vote margin as indicating their help isn't needed on indi- vidual measures they want to op- pose. With a contribution of 28 votes toward the result, Republicans have put themselves in a position to deny any charges the President may level against them that they are only obstructionists. Tough Going Ahead A subordinate's remark that in winning the House test the ad- ministration got only "a ticket to the stands" to see the game played, obviously r e f 1 e c t s presidential thinking that there is some toughj going ahead. Senators Seek Rules Changes; WASHINGTON (M)-Three Sen- ators called on Congress yesterday to overhaul its legislative machin-i ery and a fourth proposed changes. in the method of electing Presi-l dents.1 Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-( Minn) ,Deputy Democratic leader, suggested the appointment of aI Senate-House committee to "ad- just Congressional procedures to allow members to spend their timeE more effectively handling the in-f creased demands on Congress." Sens. Clifford P. Case (R-NJ) and Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa), an- nounced in a separate statement they will offer legislation to' set up a bipartisan commission of 12f to recommend reorganization moves. The Case-Clark proposal would bring together six members of Congress with six public members to study methods of simplifying and speeding up Congressional procedures. To Examine Soviet Hints For Treaty Leaders' Skepticism Checks Possible Ban WASHINGTON (P)- President John F. Kennedy's top disarma- ment expert will open talks with Soviet representatives in New York tomorrow in an effort to find out whether recent Moscow hints of a nuclear test ban agreement mean that a breakthrough in the long disarmament deadlock is possible. The Soviet Union, like the United States, may be reaching the point of diminishing returns in its nu- clear test program, United States officials said yesterday. That is the point at which the possibility of discovering new information de- clines sharply. Russia may also want to check the nuclear arms race because of its hardening split with Red China, a potential nu- clear power. But despite such reasoning in official quarters here, administra- tion leaders are reported essen- tially skeptical that the Soviets really intend to change their policy on the vital issue of inspection. In well informed quarters, therefore, optimism is sharply curtailed by a "show me" attitude. To Hold New Talks The state department announced that the new round of probing, exploratory talks will be held be- tween William C. Foster, repre- senting the United States, and Ambassadors Nikolai T. Fedorenko and Semyon T. Tsarapkin of Rus- sia. Foster is chief of the United States Disarmament Agency. Fe- dorenko is Soviet Premiere Khrushchev's new ambassador at the United Nations and Tsarapkin is the regular Russian disarma- ment negotiator at Geneva. Foster met with Kennedy for about an hour this morningprior to the announcement that the United States - Soviet talks had finally been agreed on and would open tomorrow. The first session will be held at Russia's UN head- quarters in New York. Plans for the talks were dis- cussed here this week in a meet- ing between Kennedy and Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vasily Kuznetsov. They topped off tenta- tive arrangements already worked out between United States and Soviet disarmament delegations in Geneva. Kennedy Wants Agreement Kuznctsov was reported to h'ave expressed high hopes to Kennedy of an agreement to end nuclear+ weapons testing in the foreseeable future. Kennedy reportedly took the line that he would seriously like to see such an agreement as a step toward bringing the nuclear arms race under control. Laotians Infiltrate Thailand BANGKOK ()-The Red back- lash of the settlement that gave the pro-Communist Pathet Lao a share in the government of Laos is whipping across the Mekong River into Thailand. The politically astute, pro-West- ern Thais had long feared that the establishment of the rightist, leftist and neutralist coalition in the neighboring kingdom last summer would mean Communist infiltration of Thailand. Now they know .it. During the past week, an exten- sive roundup of Communist sus- pects in the aid northeast prov- inces showed that the infiltrators have started arriving. Well Aware United States policy planners, in constant touch with Thai authori- ties during the international nego- tiations that led to formation of the Laotian coalition under neu- tralist Prince Souvanna Phouma, were privately as aware as Thai- land of the dangers. As the settlement neared, Presi- dent John F. Kennedy responded to outspoken criticism from Thai- land for opening the country's flank by sending in United States Marines and infantrymen to help Thailand's armed forces keep the peace. These troops have long since gone. But the American commit- ment remains. Arrives for Talks Adm. Harry D. Felt, United States commander in chief, em- phasized this when he arrived Fri- day for talks with Thai authori- ties. "We are comiletely aware of the problem of infiltration and subver- sion into the north and northeast of Thailand by Communist cad- res," Felt said. "That is why there is a large (United States) military assistance program. It is to help the Thais with this problem." Thailand brings into the plan- ning a centuries-old record of Oriental subtlety and practical politics. Report States Try To Curb Federal Power TALLAHASSEE (P)-Efforts to curb federal power and give the states a check-rein on the judi- ciary were reported yesterday ready for tossing into the legisla- tures of 11 states-from Wyoming to Florida. Florida strategists of the move said three proposals to amend the United States Constitution soon will be introduced in 11 states and plans are under way for similar action in other states. Two proposals have attracted the most attention. They would take legislative apportionment cases away from the federal courts, leaving the field to the states and establish a court of the union of all 50 state supreme court justices to rule, under restricted condi- tions, on the federal courts' juris- diction in state matters. By BARBARA PASH The recently announced major change in the Czechoslovakian government is more for economic reasons than political, Professors Arthur P. Mendel and Zdenek Da- vid of the history department agree. "As long as Czechoslovakian President Antonin Novotny re- mains, any change occurring on the administration or economic levels reflects an attempt to gain more efficiency and doesn't seem to have great political implica- tions," Prof. Mendel explained. Prof. David noted that the fail- ure to meet the present economic program has led to a severe down- grading of the plan. None of the men involved in the administrative change, however, belong to the up- per echelons of the Communist Party. No Change Thus, he said, the shifting of ministers does not indicate a sub- stantial alteration in the direction of the party's regime. "Novotny is associated with the Stalinist tra- dition. He is one of the few re- maining in such a high position," Prof. Mendel explains. Last year, in fact, he was able to defeat a major attempt by an anti-Stalin- ist group to remove him. In contrast to the Stalin period, the local Communist parties now possess considerable more voice in determining general party poli- cies. "There appear to be three main factors for the recent economic difficulties of Czechoslovakia," Prof. David says. The heavy sub- sidization of Cuba with Czecho- slovakian products is straining the economy. More Goods Another factor is the emphasis on manufacturing more consumer goods to please the people. Per- haps the most serious reason for the economic problems is the de- mand for a greater investment in agriculture. The government is collectivized virtually 100 per cent and this re- quires increased capital or agrar- ian machinery. "Details are close- ly-guarded secrets, but recent 'vis- itors to Prague have reported gov- ernment officials telling them of the serious economic trouble the state is in," Prof. David says. Regarding the relation of Czech- oslovakia and Cuba, Prof.. Mendel notes that very frequently the for- mer "makes sacrifices as a result of Soviet premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's commitment to for- eign aid programs in Cuba." STC To Urge No Tax Change The State Tax Commission will recommend no substantial change in state equalization of property values for tax purposes, Chairman Robert A. Eckhardt revealed yes- terday. If the State Board of Equaliza- tion accepts the recommendation of the commission in May, as ex- pected, there will be no state- wide increase in tax bills. ECONOMIC REASONS: Professors View New Czech Change ANTONIN NOVOTNY . .. economic shifts Meredith Calls Re p o rt Inaccurate' OXFORD, Miss, (2')-- Negro student James H. Meredith termed "inaccurate" a report in yester- day's Memphis Commercial Ap- peal that he might transfer back to Jackson State College, a Negro institution, after he completes the present semester at the University of Mississippi. The Commercial Appeal said sources indicated Meredith had al- ready applied for a telephone in an apartment near Jackson State, which he left to enter Mississippi last fall. The paper said this might be a prelude to his re-entering Jackson State. Friday, the head of the Univer- sity of Mississippi said that Mere- dith's recent news conference caused the latest student demon- stration against him. Meredith told newsmen last Monday he may not return to Mississippi next semester unless harassment is stopped. "The press conference sparked the whole thing," Chancellor J. D. Williams said. "The students resented it. We were getting along quietly and normally." i I e', i t SALE . 4i "i c '4j ~W SAf )L~~ ' 4 1 '*( .l ,~' '. Lv or, ' Panty Girdle G TA qq and V qq . T t I, t :i I 'il Xm. _~ S r 5.99 IIv,,J j I IU I1JV.-j j 'I) Now! in uncovered Lycra*: Delilah " by Warner's i7Ihe (ana ren 'Shoj 8 NICKELS ARCADE NO 2-2914 ___ _ " CANNUAL SALE, Pendleton0 Sportswear Discontinued Styles ik 7 - .y {.~ BRI SLEI Usually 5. brushes color multi-hue 1 }r s,} : ..~J' ~ 0 " /1ro.' 0. SALE! I~ 00, $40° to$30° 11 "1 Custom-Cutting by JULIUS Julius' inimitable specialty, personalized coif -cutting for on-the-go campus and career fashionables. No appointment necessary USHED NYLON G( EP COATS and PA 4.99 98 and 6.98 .. soft,, d nylon sleepwear ini s, each with lace-bord embroidered yokes. OWNS, JAMAS warm, feminine a variety of lered and Your choice of I iS -, It's that wonderful time of year again. 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