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January 13, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-01-13

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom

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Cold with occasional
snow flurries

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GOP Chief Leaves Position

Special To The Daily
George Van Peursem announced
his decision yesterday not to seek
re-election as GOP state central
committee chairman.
Informed Lansing sources say
Van Peursem was pressured into
the decision by Gov. George Rom-
ney. Van Peursem is a Republi-
can conservative, and a more mod-
erate "Romney type" Republican
at the head of the committee is
considered as being better able to
serve Romney's administration.
"Van Peursem was elected
chairman of the committee at a
time when the party gravely need-
ed his unifying ability as party
spokesman," Romney said at the
Personal Future
"I sat down and talked with
George Van Peursem recently
about the future of the GOP par-
ty and about his personal future,"
Romney continued. "I would have
liked to see Van Peursem in an ad-
ministration job, but he has de-
cided to work out his own future."
Van Peursem said he would seek
employment outside the party.
Michigan Young Republicans,
also meeting in Lansing yesterday,
passed a resolution commending
Van Peursem for his work as
chairman of the central commit-
On Van Peursem's successor,
Romney said he had "made no
commitments of support. At the
present time I know of three per-
sons well qualified for the job,
and of these three I have worked
the closest with Arthur Elliott."
Follows Romney

--AP Wirephoto
CONFERENCE - Gov. George Romney (left) meets with GOP
state chairman George Van Peursem yesterday as Van Peursem
announces his retirement as party chairman. He is expected to be
replaced by Romney campaign manager Arthur Elliott.
May Run for Governor
If Kennedy Requests
DETROIT (-) - Former Democratic Gov. G. Mennen Williams
said yesterday he is willing to run against Republican Gov. George
Romney in 1964 if President John F. Kennedy considers the governor-
ship more important than his present state department assignment.
Williams, assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, made
his comment on the 1964 state governorship possibility in an inter-
view for the Detroit' News. Williams indicated he is willing to take

Elliott, Romney's campaign
anager in the 1962 gubernator-
I race, is a moderate and follows
>re closely Romney's political
liefs than did Van Peursem.
"However," Romney said, "I
n't think it is necessarily so
at Elliott will succeed Van Peur-
iA. Because I mention Elliott's
me does not mean he will get
e job. As a matter of fact, I
ink it put him back on the level
th the other two."

On China
NEW DELHI P)-Indian Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru talked
with officials of three nonaligned
nations yesterday on their pro-
posals for ending the Himalayan
border conflict with Red China.
The talks reached no conclusions
and more were scheduled for to-
The three officials explained to
Nehru the proposals set down by
six nonaligned countries during a
meeting on the Chinese-Indian
conflict in Colombo, Ceylon. Red
China has announced a favorable
reception to the proposals.
Officials here declined to tell
newsmen how the talks were go-
No Comment
"There is always good will when
friends are meeting. But I can't
comment while the talks are still
going on," Nehru said.
Ceylon Prime Minister Sirimavo
Bandaranaike sounded optimistic.
"Every day I get more and more
hopeful," she said. She refused to
go into details.
Three at Table
With Mrs. Bandaranaike at the
conference table are Justice Min-
ister Asante Ofori-Atta of Ghana
and Ali Sabry, chairman of the
United Arab Republic's executive
Informed sources said India was
seeking to pin down details of the
Colombo proposals on truce posi-
tions of the Communist and In-
dian armies along the disputed
borders in northeast and north-
west India.
India is seeking to gain time to
build up its battered army after
a month of Red Chinese advances
last fall. The Communists called
off the fighting on their own Nov.
22 and announced they were with-
drawing troops from certain areas
of the battlefronts.
Three More Nations s
The other nonaligned nations
which took part in the Colombo
conference were Indonesia, Burma
and Cambodia. Mrs. Bandaranaike
and Foreign Minister Subandrio
of Indonesia previously took the
proposals to Peking.
Nehru gave a state dinner last
night in honor of the delegates
from Ceylon, Ghana and the UAR.
Among the 91 guests was the Com-
munist Chinese charge d'affaires.
Invitations to Red Chinese to at-
tend state functions have been few
since the border flareup in Octo-
ber, and most of these have been
'Serious Protest'
Meanwhile, Red China charged
yesterday Indian 'troops were
buildingyfortifications in Chinese
territory across the border from.
the Indian protectorate of Sik-
kim, A broadcast said the Peking
regime lodged a "serious protest"
with India.
The New China News Agency in,
a broadcast said Indian forces
crossed the border from Sikkim on
Sept. 28 and "have built a total
of 39 pillboxes on Chinese terri-
Blocked Pass
It said the Indians have blocked
the pass at the border.
"Furthermore, the Indian troops,
who have been reinforced again
and again, have repeatedly intrud-
ed into Chinese territory for recon-
naissance and provocation," the
broadcast said.
The Chinese also charged Indian
aircraft violated Chinese air space
in that area 12 times between Oct.
19 and Dec. 11.1

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City Cites St-umdent Vote Rules

Tells Press
Of Travel
To Bastion

A student is eligible to vote
in coming city elections if he
regards Ann Arbor as his home.
This seems to be the general
rule that the City Clerk follows
in his interpretation of several
court cases concerning the
question of whether or not col-
lege students should be permit-
ted 'to register.
According to City Attorney
Jacob F. Fahrner, the City
Clerk considers the following
six questions in determining a
student's eligibility to vote:
Is He Home?
1) Has the student married
and established his own home
with his wife in Ann Arbor?
And does he remain in that
home during the time when
school is not in session?
In this situation, and par-
ticularly when thenstudent has
been married and living in Ann
Arbor for more than a year,
the Clerk has registered the
student, according to Prof.
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff of the
mathematics department. In
most of the cases, Prof. Kazar-
inoff adds, the student's wife
has been living with her hus-
band in the city.
2) How long has the student
been living in Ann Arbor?
3) Is the student free from
parental control?
4) Where would the student
go in case of sickness or acci-
5) If the student is employed,
how much time does he devote
to gainful employment in rela-
tion to his academic pursuits?
6) What is the student's in-
tended place of residence after

Of course, the student must
also meet the state's require-
ments that he be a citizen of
the United States, at least 21
years of age, a state resident
for at least six months and a
resident of the city for at least
30 days before a regular, spe-
cial or primary election.
The criteria for student eli-
gibility are drawn primarily
from a case in which the Mich-
igan Supreme Court offered a
definition of "residence" as re-
gards students.
In the case of Attorney Gen-
eral vs. Miller, it was stated
that ". . . The great weight of
authority is that a student at
college who is free from paren-
tal control, regards the place
where the college is situated as
his home, and has no other to
which to return in case of sick-
ness or domestic affliction, is as
much entitled to vote as any
other resident of the place
where the college is situated."
Obeys Principles
The City Clerk also follows
the general principles drawn
up in "American Jurispru-
This article states that a vot-
ing residence is not acquired by
one who "resides in a place for
no other purpose than that of
securing an education, intend-
ing to return to his former
home after graduation."
According to City Clerk Fred!
J. Looker, trouble sometimes
arises on the question of
whether students should be
permitted to register because of
a provision in the state consti-
The provision states that "No
elector shall be deemed to have

gained or lost a residence .. .
while a student at any institu-
tion of learning." This provi-
sion has interpreted, however,
to mean that a student shall
not lose his usual voting privi-
leges to his home city and
In addition, trouble arose in
1960 because of a question con-
cerning the national census. It
was charged that Ann Arbor
collected $11 in refunds of,
various taxes due to the fact
that students were counted as
residents of the city.
This implied that all other-
wise eligible students should be
allowed to register for elections
because the city gained in their
being counted in the census.
The City Clerk, in a notice
to the City Council, said that
this argument had no bearing
in the matter of student regis-
tration. He also noted that the
city loses the count of all its
younger people who are away
at college in other cities.
Citizens of Ann Arbor who
are eligible to vote can regis-
ter from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon-
day-Friday at the City Clerk's
office in City Hall. Because of
the primary election in the
Third Ward, registration is
closed from Jan. 21-Feb. 18 in-
clusive, but will be reopened
until 8 p.m. March 4.
. The Third Ward primary is
on Feb. 18 and the general city
election is on April 1. The
Third Ward, which includes a
great many fraternities and
sororities, embraces that part
of the city lying south of Hill
St., east of the Ann Arbor'
Railroad right-of-way, and
west and south of Washtenaw.

Check Qualifications
Romney suggested a Republican
meeting be set up to examine the
'qualifications of all candidates for
the post of central committee
chairman. This suggestion to the
Republicans at the meeting was
an attempt to heal a rift betweer
the , "old guard" Republicans and
the new moderate Republicans led
by Romney,
"I know that Art Elliott does
not want to be chairman of this
committee unless it is by choice o1
the party itself," Romney said.
Romney also announced at the
committee meeting that "the vol-
unteers for Romney would work
together with the Republican par-
ty in campaigning for Michigan's
new Constitution."
YR's Plan Role
In Campaign
On onstitution
Special To The Daily
LANSING - State Young Re-
publicans, meeting in Lansing yes-
terday, discussed plans for the
spring campaign on the new state
Rep. Charles Davis (R-Ing-
ham), a constitutional convention
delegate, outlined a campaign to
convince the people yin Michigan
of the need for the new document.
He stressed the vital role Young
Republicans could play in the pas-
sage of the Constitution.
"The important job facing
Michigan Young Republicans is to
bring the constitution to the aver-
age person in our state. We must'
put the constitution in language
they can understand and appre-
ciate," Davis said.
"Concern over apportionment
provisions in the new constitution
' has taken precedence over other
provisions of equal or greater im-
portance. Such concern prevents
objective viewing of the docu-
ment," he asserted.
One Young Republican told the
group that "some groups are ob-
jecting to the new constitution be-
cause their special interests might
be interfered with at some future
The new constitution faces a
stiff battle when it will come to
a vote on April 1 of this year.
Various groups have been organ-
izing on both sides of the issues
with most Democrats and unions
opposing the document and most
civic groups and Republicans for
T 7~ "r rl"I "K ft



Lauds Egan
For Regents.
Special To The Daily
LANSING-The Michigan Fed-
eration of Young Republicans an-
nounced their endorsement of
James Egan as candidate for the
Regents at their Lansing meeting
Egan, a Brown City high school
principal and staunch Republican,
joined William B. Cudlip in seek-
ing the two GOP nominations to
the Regents at the Feb. 15-16 state
Egan became the fourth person'
to declare his candidacy for the
two on the eight-man board. Be-j
sides Cudlip, who is seeking his
first term on the board, Regents
Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor
and Donald M. D. Thurber of De-
troit will seek election on the
Democratic ticket.
"No one presently on the Re-
gents is or has been in education
and there is a need for a skilled
educator in that body," Egan said.
Egan, who served as a high
school principal for four years,
also cited the need for some
"young blood" on the board.
"There is not a single man on the
Regents who is under 58 years old.
At least we should have someone
who is able to finish out his eight-
year term," Egan, 33 years old,
Egan said he will base his cam-
paign for the GOP nomination on
his record.

ion Romney in the 1964 governor-
ship race '"if the occasion would
arise where I would be most able
to carry the Democratic banners
in Michigan and it was more im-
portant to work there than in
Williams, who served as Michi-
gan's governor for six terms be-
fore being named to the state de-
partment post in 1960 by Kennedy,
added, "This would be something
maybe the President would de-
Political observers said a gover-
norship race between Williams
and Romney would vie for nation-
al attention with the presidential
election in 1964.
Such a campaign would prob-
ably make or break whatever po-
litical ambitions the two men
might have for 1968.
Relax Stands
In Paper Strike
NEW YORK (M)-Both sides in
the, city's longest and costliest
newspaper strike last night relaxed
the stands they had held since
before the newspaper blackout be-
gan Dec. 8.
But at the close of several hours
of jo nt negotiations, neither side
would accept the compromises
made by the other as a solution
to the labor dispute.
Joint talks brought about at the
urging of a fact-finding panel
which blamed the International
Typographical Union for the strike
were recessed until further notice.

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'U'-DelG Union TalksOpen

Officials from the University
and Delta College began negotia-
tions on the possible affiliation of
the two campuses at a meeting
here Friday.
Delta President Samuel D.
Marble said after the meeting'
that the affiliation proposal will
be presented to the Regents at
their meeting Friday.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns said that

the administration will recom-
mend to the Regents that negotia-
tions with the Delta Board of
Trustees be continued. Meetings
and further communications be-
tween the two groups are planned
for this week.
Present All Plans
The University's policy on ex
pansion has been to present all
plans fully to the Legislature be-
fore formal action is taken, ac-

Group Meets To Consider
Uses for Space Knowledge

OAKLAND, Calif. (t)-How to put to common use the multi-bil-
lion dollar space age technology will be discussed here March 27-30
by more than 100 of the nation's top scientists, educators, industrial-
ists and government representatives.
Carrying out an edict of Congress and a challenge of President
John F. Kennedy, they will meet with the United States' space boss,
James Webb, to work out methods of transmitting the knowledge. C. L.
Dochterman, assistant to the University of California president, is the
'conference director. Yesterday he

cording to University President
Harlan Hatcher.
Vice-President Heyns added
that official approval of the mer-
ger could come only after legisla-
tive action. Delta Trustee Maurice
Brown of Saginaw, also pointed
out that the Legislature has the
final say, and that the Delta board
would keep the Legislature fully
Delta College, presently a two-
year community college in the
Saginaw-Bay City-Midland area,
wants to Join with the University
in order to become a four-year in-
stitution. It is reported that Delta
will receive a $1 million dollar gift
from a private donor if the insti-
tution will become a four-year
Work Out Problems
Heyns pointed to the education-
al problems involved in establish-
ing a University branch at Delta.
He said problems would have to
be worked out with the local com-
munity as to enrollment, curricu-
lum, and administrative structure.
He said that the possible mer-
ger is not an attempt to limit the
community college system in
President Hatcher commented
that, "we hope that the discussions
started Friday will result in a
comprehensive program which will
meet the specific needs in higher
education of the Delta community,
taking into consideration com-
munity college activities, college
parallel programs and the inte-
gration of present activities." +
No Exact Replica'
The structure and programs of
a University branch at Delta need
not be an exact replica of Uni-
versity patterns in Ann Arbor, he
In the event of a merger, ar-
rangements to delegate powers to
the Delta trustees from the Re-
gents would have to be worked
out, President Hatcher indicated.
Marble said, "We were highly
pleased with the outcome of the
progress achieved at Friday's
meeting, particularly with the,
genuine spirit of understanding
and cooperation shown by the:
|University representatives andI

Desertions Reported
Of British, Belgians
From Katanga Cause
NDOLA, Northern Rhodesia WP)
- Katanga President M o i s e
Tshombe, slipping from United
Nations jurisdiction in a secret
night dash from his Katangan
capital, apparently has headed for
Kolwezi, remaining stronghold of
his white officers and gendarmes.
The secessionist leader confer-
red in a hotel most of the day
with some of his officials during
a stopover here. He refused to dis-
cuss Congo politics with reporters
or to say whether his intentions
were to wage a last-ditch fight or
yield to UN pressure to rejoin the
On to Solwezi
Then he took off by plane for .
the announced destination of Sol-
wezi, a Northern Rhodesian bor-
der post 100 miles northwest of
here. Solwezi is on a direct route
to the Katangan mining, smelting
and hydroelectric center of Kol-
Tshombe told newsmen he was
returning to Elisabethville, the
Katangan capital, and would go to
Kolwezi tomorrow. UN and dip-
lomatic sources in Elisabethvile
discounted the possibility he would
return there.
In leaving Elisabethville in vio-
lation of a United Nations cur-
few, the secessionist leader dis-
carded the advice of \British and
Belgian consuls, and reports there
indicated these diplomatic friends
were washing their hands of him.
Millions Missing
Meanwhile, it was reported in
Washington an estimated $8 mil-
lion to $10 million worth of Con-
golese francs is reported missing
from the Katanga National Bank
at Elisabethville, and financial ex-
perts on the scene are trying to
find out what happened to them.
Diplomatic sources reported that
UN representatives who took over
the Katanga National Bank late
last month are trying to find out
what became of the francs under
the administration of Tshombe.
At the moment, these inform-
ants said, the cash is missing and
UN officials who took control of
the bank'for the monetary council
of the UN central government do
not know what happened to it.
Tshombe is said by United
States officials to have substan-
tial bank accounts in Switzer-
German Reds
To Hold Parley
In East Berlin
BERLIN (P) - Communists
converged on East Berlin from
afar yesterday for an East Ger-
man Communist Party Congress
that looks as if it will be domin-
ated by the Russian-Chinese quar-
Diplomats expect the meeting,
starting Tuesday, may open the
way for a leftist summit confer-
The end result may be a world-
wide party congress as last one,
in November 1960, brought the
Soviet and Red Chinese leaders to-
gether in Moscow for a biting
quarrel that was only publicly -
and temporarily - patched over.
The star at the sixth party
congress of the East German
Communists will be Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev. He
will arrive today or tomorrow aft-
er a stopover in Poland.
Khrushchev is expected to at-
tack the Chinese Communists for
wanting to take a more aggressive
line against the United States and
its western partners and for un-
derrating A meric an atomic
To answer Khrushchev the Chi-

nese Communists have named Wu
Hsin-Chuan, a member of their
central committee, as leader of a
t.rp- , mphaAlpl pon finn, 'fa ii

Consider Performing Laboratory

- -n

A research laboratory for the
performing arts is being consid-
ered at the University.
"The authors of the proposal be-
lieve that the performing arts are
entering a period of great change,
and that staging, architecture and
technology must keep up with ad-
vances in the performing arts,"
Prof. Joseph J. Wehrer of the
architecture college says.
The goals of such a project are
to develop new concepts of what
a production facility for the per-
forming arts should embrace, to
discover what aspects of the per-
foreign arts are most fundamen-
tal, and to develop a methodology
of architectural research in per-
forming arts.

ing the proposed production facil-
ities in order "to avoid the stereo-
typed and limited reactions that
traditional terms like 'theatre' and
'concert hall' evoke, and also to
permit recognition of the new di-
rections of development that are
opening up in the performing arts
and in the control of environ-
New Relationship
By changing the audience-per-
former erlationship, it is hoped
that the artist will be able to free
himself from the limitations of the
conventional theatre or "perform-
ance environment." "When the
physical form of the performance
environment dictates an inflexi-
ble, uncritically arrived-at rela-
tionship of audience to event, the

The proposed laboratory treats
the artist's relations to the audi-
ence through the medium of the
performance environment from an
architectural point of view, yet the
possibilities for a new art arising
from the new performance envir-
onment have yet to be looked into,
Prof. Wehrer said.
The elements that may be con-
trolled in the new performance
environment are divided into two
sections, the event, and the audi-
ence. By handling words, gestures,
sounds, and visual effects in a new
manner' the performance environ-
ment may be controlled. Also in-
cluded in the "event" section is
the handling of the dispersion of,
performers in the acting area and
the sequence of activities.

summed up the momentous con-
ference's possibilities.
"Telstar is just one example of
how space can affect our daily
lives. The weather and communi-
cations satellites are other ways.
But we hope to get even more spe-
cific than those.
"For instance, can the highly
designed sanitation systems plan-
ned for our Apollo moonship be
utilized by cities, eliminating miles
of pipe? Could the Apollo water
purification system be used by
eastern cities where this is a prob-
"The heat-resistant space shields.
of our re-entry space vehicles may
even be the answer to fire-proofing
in our big buildings. The possibili-
ties are limitless."
Fire Destroys
Bradley Office
P mCVRrA (' t na .rn ind_

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