SHORT STUDY PERIOD UNFAIR TO STUDENTS See Editorial Page 5k40 :E3aitii SNOW High--22 Low--10 Lots of snow coming down Will create a dreary town. Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom KM, No. 87 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES RTER OUT: Beadle To Head Committee Tshombe Opens Kolwezi to UN .I By The Associated Press LANSING-Senator Elmer R. irter (R-Blissfield) lost his post head of the important Ap- opriations Committee yesterday an appointments battle that ded with Republican moderates ading 10 of the Senate's 21 anding committees. Senate moderates formed a alition with six Democratic sen- ,ors to place Senator Frank D. adle (R-St. Clair) in Porter's rmer post. Porter, who had .aired the Committee for over 13 years, fought hard to keep his post and clearly was upset at his, defeat. The Blissfield Republican will remain as a {nember of the Committee. Beadle's appointment was a clearhvictory for Senator Stanley, G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor),,chair- man of the Committee on Com- mittees which suggests chairmen and members. Moderates in Control The retiring conservative Re- publicans on the Appropriations Form New Institute For Arms ontrol By BARBARA LAZARUS An Institute for Arms Control and Peace Research has recently been formed, providing a national society for professional individuals and organizations concerned with research related to technical and applied problems of arms control and disarmament. Prof. Elton McNeil of the psychology department and a member of the editorial board o fthe Institute's new Journal, said, "the Insti- 0t4 fi+ t rill f f. mann,, n in - . .1, i 'IT - --------- PROF. ELTON McNEIL . .. arms control institute e NO PROMISE:- Cu ban Chief Denies U.S. Invasion Aid' WASHINGTON (P'-A Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion leader said E yesterday it is not so that the ven- ture collapsed because the United States failed to provide promised support. Jose A. Perez San Roman said he had received no indication that such support would be forthcom- ing. "We had our own planes, but they were knocked out," said Perez San Roman, commander of the 2506th Brigade of the Cuban lib- eration armed forces. This major controversial ques- tion regarding United States sup- port of the 1961 attempt to over- throw Fidel Castro was brought up by newsmen when Perez San Ro- man paid an informal call on Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy. The Kennedy administration has maintained official silence on the point. u e wil Drer a means of, com- munication among researchers. It is not strictly related to peace ac- tivity, but is primarily interested in professional, technical studies in such fields as engineering, po- litical science, economics and psy- chology." Arms Control Journal The Institute will publish a Journal of Arms Control and a newsletter of up-to-date activity in arms control and disarmament. The Institute will also give re- search grants with money pro- vided by industry, private founda- tions and government. It will sponsor an arms control sympo- sium, discussions and membership meetings. "The idea for the Institute was originated by Daniel Jones of the Bendix Corporation and is a good example of industry and the Uni- versity working jointly on an im- portant project." Initiated Symposium The professional staff of the In- stitute was responsible for initiat- ing the International Arms Con- trol Symposium in December, sponsored by the University and the Bendix Corporation. The first issue of the Institute's Journal was presented at the' Symposium. Ann Arbor was selected as the Institute's headquarters, because it has long had more activity and interest in disarmament and arms control than other places in the country. "Many people here are vitally concerned with these issues, and the Conflict Resolution Center has helped to give the University a national reputation in this area," Prof. McNeil explained. May Form Policy The Institute is not a policy- forming or political group, and members often don't share com- mon views about how disarma- ment and arms control problems should be solved. Its work if ap- proved by government, may even- tually, however, develop into a public policy, he added. "This field is a moving area, and industry is putting a great deal of money for work in it. With this enlightened self-interest in what is a 'comparatively recent 'field, many industries and research cen- ters are bidding for contracts to study the problem. Committee were replaced by mod- erates, making it a moderately dominated body. Beadle voted with Senate mod- erates last year in their attempt to pass an income tax, but aligned himself with the conservatives in their Dec. 27 fight to hold control of the Senate. The moderates returned con- servative Senator Clyde H. Geer- lings (R-Holland) to the chair- manship of the important Com- mittee on Taxation. However, the other three Republicans serving on the Committee are -all moderates. Dismiss Conlin In the House, Rep. Allison Green (R-Kingston), newly elected Speaker, summarily dismissd Rep. Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tipton) from his post as chairman of the Tax Committee. Informed sources say Conlin will be offered a seat on the Ways and Means Committee. "I was not invited to discuss it with Green," Conlin said about Green's action. "I cannot do any- thing about the Tax Committee, but I will resign from Ways and Means the moment I am appoint- ed." Conlin, a staunch supporter of tax revision, hinted that he would continue to work in floor debate for a state income tax if he were to lose his position as head of the Taxation Committee. Look for Successor Rep. James N. Folks (R-Horton) mentioned as a possible successor to Conlin, said he would probably accept the chairmanship of the Committee if named. Folks is an apponent of the state income tax Also in the House, Speaker Green set a committee of five to investigate charges of improper election procedure against Leonard S. Walton. Walton was refused his seat by the House Wednesday in the first session day. Rep. Henry M. Hogan (R-Birmingham) will head the investigating committee. Romney Takes Stand on New Liquor Law Gov. George Romney said yes- terday he would not veto a pos- sible amendment to state law to permit liquor sales on Sunday, the Detroit Free Press reported. Addressing the Detroit Conven- tion Bureau, Romney added that he had "not gone into it far enough to say categorically" whether or not he favored such an amendment. Certain members of the Con- vention Bureau have criticized the restriction against Sunday liquor sales on the grounds that it pre- vents "a more gracious welcome" to conventioneers. Romney said he would do "all I can to support the growth of Detroit as a convention city." But he also said, "It's a state legislative problem and that's where it will stay." And opposition by church and temperance groups, and by Rep. Edward A. Borgman (R-Grand Rapids) chairman of the House Liquor Committee, make the introduction of more permissive legislation in this ses- sion doubtful. Bills presented last year before the Legislature and the Constitu- tional Convention to liberalize Sunday sales were defeated. The present law forbids the sale of all bleverages containing more than 16 per centnalgohol, both over the bar and in package form, from 2 a.m. to midnight on.Sundays. Romney himself neither drinks nor smokes, due to religious con- victions. In deference to his con- victions, yesterday's Convention Bureau's reception, at which liquor is usually served, offered only tomato and fruit juices. Lewis Given South Quad Coed Study By PHILIP SUTIN The Inter-Quadrangle Council- Assembly House Council commit- tee on co-educational housing sub- mitted its report on South Quad- rangle facilities under considera- tion for co-ed housing to Vice- President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis yesterday, while IQC is considering whether to dis- band the group. The report, expected to be re- leased today after approval by Lewis, has considered the possible division of South Quad horizon- tally or vertically into men's and women's units. It has also been concerned with other physical facilities such as Club 600, the ninth floor study hall, the laundry rooms, pay tele- phones and vending machines. Await Details No details of the report have been revealed, pending their re- lease by Lewis. On Thursday night, IQC voted, by voice vote, to tentatively dis- band the committee after it has reported on South Quad physical facilities. However, West Quad- rangle Council President Curtis Huntington, '64, said he will move to reconsider IQC's action at its next meeting. He said he voted for the motion without having com- plete information and is now op- posed to it. IQC cannot dissolve the com- mittee, however. Assistant to the Director of Housing John Hale explained the IQC-AHC commit- tee is actually a committee of the Residence Hall Board of Govern- ors. IQC and AHC were just re- quested to appoint the committee, he said. More Work Committee member R o n a 1 d Haskins, '65, president of West Quad's Winchell House, declared that the committee had many im- portant things to do before dis- banding. It has to consider the student government structure, relating the house, quadrangle, dormitory and interdorm and interquadrangle units, he said. Seeley, Bush. Thronson, and Hunt Houses in Mary Markley Hall will be given over to men's units, Haskins said, and place- ment for them must be arranged. Priorities for women seeking to live in South Quad must be worked out. The committee must also plan for social activities, especially or- ientation, in the co-ed units, he added. Lastly, the role of the staff must be studied. Political Conflicts Haskins and Huntington as- cribed IQC's decisions to politics and conflicts between the commit- tee and ontside interests. They denied that the committee had not consulted the students affected, citing two open hearings at Mark- ley, one at Alice Lloyd Hall and their close cooperation with the South Quad house presidents and the South Quad Quadrants. They also asserted that the committee was not falling apart, as had been charged at the IQC meeting. Two members had re- signed, one due to academic pres- sures, and have now been replaced, they noted. They added that they felt no one else on the committee had abrogated responsibility. .....c:".v:i~u:::".". :iLxY" :v.: .":: ... ... ....:R. ..r. . ss. w.Stv .... .us.. .w. : "* Rushes College Budget Stud By GERALD STORCH Special To The Daily LANSING-Officials in the state controller's office are working to complete processing of budget requests for the Uni- versity and other state-support- ed agencies. The office must give its rec- ommendations concerning ap- propriations to Gov. George Romney late this month. Rom- ney will make the final deci- sions on the distribution of funds, then submit his propos-3 ed budget to the state Legis- lature. One man in the budget divi- sion of the office has to pore over the reams of financial figures which are sent by the 10 state-supported colleges to justify their fiscal requests. Directs Data After analyzing the -data, he transmits advice on selecting the items that may have to be cut upwards to the deputy director, the director, the state controller and finally the gov- ernor. (The -controller is ap- pointed by the governor; the others have civil service tenure.) This analysis is grounded in a two-way communication- the governor provides fairly in- tensive policy guidance all along, while the staff aides in turn continually relay their thoughts on which budgetary aspects deserve priority. Despite -the difficulties of a transition year, Romney "has worked very closely with us. This will truly be Romney's budget, not former Gov. John B. Swainson's," Richard Beers, GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY college budgets the deputy director, declared this week. Romney's Philosophy, He sees the budget as "the governor's social philosophy as expressed in dollar terms." Romney will make public some of his views concerning higher education in an address to the Legislature sometime in the near future. Beers, '50, parried all ques- tions concerning how his office decides which budget items will have to be cut, as did Weldon Allen, who examines the Uni- versity's request. "The criteria we might develop is confidential to the governor because it is advice especially for him," Beers said. However, the final request' processed through the gover- nor and eventually the Legis- lature contains only a lump sum, which the University is then free to allocate as it de- sires. Sources of Influence Beers emphasized that the office's analysis is but one of several sources of influence on the governor's final decision. Another is the annual budget hearing with University offi- cials, including President Har- lan Hatcher, four vice-presi- dents and representatives of Romney. Held before Christ- mas vacation, the meeting af- forded the University an op- portunity to explain and de- fend items in its request. All state agencies have a legal right to be given such a hear- ing. One of the problems which is often discussed at these ses- 'sions is the comparative late- ness in submitting budget re- quests. The University, like the other state educational insti- tutions, usually formulates its request for the next year in October, after enrollment is stabilized. Short Time However, this gives Allen only about two or three months to sift through all the data, thus necessitating overtime work during the busy January weeks. "The school year begins just at the time the next budget, should be completed," Beers said. "We're sympathetic with the problem, and we have to live with it. University officials don't like it, either." Upcomning year-round opera- tions, however, may soon al- leviate this situation. In Exchange for K atanga Post ....... . w.*....:. ... ............... ......*.....*.. . .. . . ......f..::.*...o:***"*........ . *.**.*v: . ** ..,..;u .. .:,.,.. . " y '..."i COMING CONGRESS: Soviets To Isolate Red ina .ti r Cannot Find Whereabouts Of President Rusk Sees Prompt Peaceful Settlement For Reunification By The Associated Press ELISABETHVILLE - President Moise Tshombe, has offered to yield peacefully to the United Na- tions if he is permitted to remain as a provincial president in a Unified Congo, Western diplomats reported yesterday. Diplomatic sources said Tshom- be's offer included free entry for the UN into his last stronghold, at Kolwezi, and free UN movement elsewhere in the province. The informants said Tshombe wants the United Nations to put the proposal to the Central Con- golese government, which would have to agree to such an arrange- ment. No Word Officials at UN headquarters in New York said late last night they had no word of Tshombe's re- ported offer, but recalled that Secretary-General U Thant stress- ed Dec. 31 that the UN "has no designs on Tshombe or ,his future position or career in or out of Katanga province." There was no immediate reac- tion from Premier Cyrille Adoula's Central Government in Leopold- ville. Tshombe's reported offer came as UN troops smoved slowly on the road from Jadotville toward Kolwezi, the, strategic hydroelec- tric and mining center 150 miles northwest of Elisabethville. Tshom- be's mercenaries and Gendarmerie there had threatened to destroy vital mining and power installa- tions if the UN tried to take the town by force. Tshombe's Whereabouts UN officials reported they did not know Tshombe's present whereabouts. Tshombe would be beyond UN control in either Kolwezi or the Rhodesias, where he is reported to be, and free to effect the scorched earth policy he threatened to wage against the UN military takeover of Katanga. Tshombe had been under com- plete freedom of movement in Elisabethville except for the night- ly UN curfew applicable to all Katangans. Optimism Prevails UN officials said they were still optimistic about the over-all sit- uation. A similar view was ex- pressed by United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk in Washing- ton. He told reporters prospects are better for a peaceful settle- ment than they have been for some time. At UN headquarters, Secretary- General U Thant conferred with undersecretary Ralph J. Bunche, who returned yesterday from an on-the-scene inspection of the sit- uation in the Congo. UN officials expected no diffi- culty in gaining control of Sa- kania on the Northern Rhodesia border and thus establishing rail and road links with Elisabethville for transport of supplies. U Thant was informed by the 32-nation African group at the UN yesterday that it supports him fully on the current UN Congo action. Ambassador Mohamed H. El-Zayatt of the United Arab Re- public, group chairman, conveyed to Thant its attitude expressed earlier at a group meeting. Carpenters Go Back To Work At Test Site LAS VEGAS (A)-An Atomic En- ergy Commission official said that 80 per cent of the 125 carpenters on strike at the atomic test site returned to work yesterday. A commission spokesman also said it appeared that the other crafts went to work. mhn -f-*m ian lr fnreo ft r.> By The Associated Press LONDON - The Soviet Union indicated yesterday that a prin- cipal task of the forthcoming Com- munist Party Congress in East Ber- lin will be to further isolate the Red Chinese from the rest of the world Communist movement. A Radio Moscow broadcast also asserted that, learning from the Cuban crisis, the Communists would make proposals for solving European problems-Berlin is the biggest-on the basis of "reason- able mutual concessions." Radio Moscow set down the hard line on China and soft line on Ber- lin in a German-language broad- cast four days before the congress of East Germany's Socialist Unity (Communist) Party opens in East Berlin. Premier Nikita S. Khrush- chev will attend. h Mutual Concessions' The tone of the pronouncements on "mutual concessions" support- ed the view of diplomatic circles in London that Moscow will soon ask Washington for a new round, of talks on the future of Berlin.j The broadcast shifted to China by using the familiar guise of "the Albanian leaders and those who support them." Red China is Al- bania's principal supporter. Radio Moscow recalled the at- tacks on Peking at the recent Communist Party Congress in Hungary, Bulgaria and Czechoslo- vakia. "They resolutely condenmed the Albanian leaders and those who support them for their deviation from the line of the entire Com- munist and workers movement and for their disbelief in the victory of socialism (Communism) in the peaceful contest with capitalism. "There can be no doubt that the forthcoming Congress of the So- cialist Unity- Party will contribute to the unity of the Communist movement for the triumph of' peace and socialism," Radio Mos- cow said. One of the biggest issues ex- pected to crop up at the congress centers on the status of East Ger- man Communist leader Walter Ul- bricht. Vote of Confidence Because of the worsening eco- nomic 'situation in East Germany, various diplomatic sources have interpreted Khrushchev's forth- coming appearance as an indica- tion that Ulbricht will not be re- moved from his position. Party strife is currently raging in the country, with the opponents of Ulbricht generally generally be- ing labeled 'Stalinists'. Thus the Soviet premier's presence, the sources say, will give clear warn- ing to dissident industrial and party workers that Ulbricht is still Moscow's choice. Discloses Plot in Uruguay To Tople Present Regime ASUNCION, Paraguay (WP)-Strongman President Alfredo Stroess- ner's regime announced last night the breakup of a plot to topple the government. It claimed that elements directed from abroad by Castroites and Communists had planned to seize military garrisonos and kill top. government and army leaders. Interior Minister Edgar Insfran said in a nationwide broadcast that an 'investigation into the slaying of a teen-age cadet at a military school here led to the uncovering of the plot, which he Reeves H ouse said was timed to begin during New Year's celebrations. GivesViewsNo Details Gives views Insfran gave noadetails of the investigation nor disclosed wheth- On H er any arrests had been made. Insfran named as two chief plot leaders Epifanio Mendez Fletas, The Reeves House Council com- chief of the Popular Colorado mented Thursday upon the co-ed Movement, and Liberal Party housing proposal. It said that it is President Carlos Pastore. Both are basically in agreement with the believed to be in Montevideo, proposal, but that it preferred to Uruguay. VanPeursem Prepared To Relinquish GOP Post By WILLIAM BENOIT Governor George Romney failed to endorse George Van Peursem for another two-year term as chairman of the Republican State Cen- tral Committee, informed sources in Lansing said Friday. Van Peursem still holds faint hopes for Romney's endorsement, but he has said that he will not run again if it means a fight with the Governor. Van Peursem may announce his decision not to seek re-election at today's committee meeting, the last meeting before the GOP state convention in Feb- ruary. Romney, in trying to avoid a Re- th e rts has said he doesn't want to give the impression that he is tossing Van Peursem "out into the cold." college orchestra," Prof. Maddy Possible Appointment GIFTED CHILD: Maddy Urges Subsidization of By MARJORIE BRAHMS Discussing the education of the gifted child, Prof. Emeritus Joseph E. Maddy, president and founder of the National Music Camp and the newly-created Interlochen Arts Academy, said yesterday that gov- ernment should not only subsi- dize science but also music and the arts, instruments for peaceful relations between nations. Delivering the keynote address at the 18th annual Midwestern Conference on School Vocal and, conference to "fight for our inter- ests," get the arts to be recognized in high schools as more than just inferiors to science. He stressed the important role music and the arts play in interna- tional understanding, quoting six Russian musicians, visiting in Washington, D.C., who said, "If our governments could get along as well as we, there would be n war.' Prof. Maddy referred specifical- ly l the problems of educating the commented. The need for special schools such as the academy for music stu- dents stems in part from compul- sory attendance laws. Prof. Maddy noted that these laws restrict ar- tistic development because they iequire the aspiring artist to spend so much of his time in class and academic study. Too Restrictive Although the United States has had talented people, it has never Romney suggested an appoint- ment in state government for Van Peursem, reportedly including either the State Public Service Commission or the Workmen's Compensation Department. Romney, as head of the state Republican party, has given indi- cation that he will back Arthur G. Elliot for committee chairman. El- liot was Romney's campaign man- ager in the state gubernatorial rac. and reeived a special ap- n at South Quadrangle. Council said that if its area acted as women's housing .h A V,+fIpo1 diision nf Colorado Party The Popular Colorado Movement is made up of dissidents from the 'nnln no,.rt+. the nn e nn-