.......... Michigan Education FIGHTING FEMALES: A History of Women's MICHIGAN is perhaps unique among the states when it comes to educa- tion. History will show that no state has fought so hard to establish and retain a really independent system of higher education, yet no state has been so ma- ligned for its efforts. The arrangment is simple, and it has been this way for over a century. The University is governed by the Regents, a body of eight men and women selected for staggered terms by the voters. The Regents are responsible only to the voters, and they are charged with the control and the operation of the University. To this extent, the University may function as though it were a private insti- tution. It is not shackled by the problems of sister institutions, nor the pressures of state agencies. It may spend its funds as it sees fit, present whatever curricula it deems proper, enroll or not enroll appli- cants as it sees fit. The result, of course, has been the establishement of one of the greatest state-supported universities in the history of this nation. It has set high standards and retained them. In the words of Life Magazine, "Michigan takes only the best students from within the state, and out- of-state applicants might just aseasily apply to any of the ivy league colleges." It is that hard to get in. HE UNIVERSITY in fact is indepen- dent in every way but one-finan- cially. It currently relies on the Legisla- ture to provide one-third of its operating funds (which total more than $100 mil- lion annually), plus the greater partof any capital outlay funds. For many years, the State of Michigan was run by the Republicans, and during those years money flowed from Lansing to Ann Arbor like a pipeline from the mint. "We'll need this much money," the University would say. "Take more," the Legislature would reply. And a great Uni- versity thrived. But the political complexion of Michi- gan changed - dramatically - in 1948. A political novice, G. Mennen Williams, capitalized on a split in the Republican ranks and upset unpopular GOP Gov. Kim Sigler. For 12 years, Williams re- mained in office, and he spent his time in a running battle with the Republican Legislature. Williams had many spending programs he was determined to launch, but the lawmakers would not give him the money. So he drew upon the $100 mil- lion surplus he had inherited from Sigler. The statehouse and the lawmakers battled to draw until 1959. By now Wil- liams had run through as much of the surplus as he could lay his hands on, and he demanded the permission to cash in the $45 million Veterans' Trust Fund. This blew off the cork. Williams traded barbs with Speaker of the House Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan) and the session dragged on from January until Thanks- giving, THE LONGEST IN HISTORY. MEANWHILE the state coffers were bare; the state was unable to meet its payrolls. Michigan was held up to the nation as a state in bankruptcy. Williams The Legislature Provides Funds; Regents Oversee All Operations By MICHAEL. HARRAH blamed the Legislature, and Pears blamed the statehouse. The $45 million Trust Fund was sold for under $40 million, Re- publican antipathy toward Williams turned into hate, and the University's fi- nancial pipeline dried up, caught in the political hassle on Capitol Hill in Lansing. However, the election of 1960 marked a change. Williams did not run. His lieutenant governor John B. Swainson edged out Republican Paul D. Bagwell by a narrow margin, and for the'next two years he was bullied by the Legislature, fanatically happy at finding a governor they could handle. Republicans rammed through austerity budgets in 1961 and 1962. They pared ex- penses wherever they dared. Speaker Pears tangled constantly with Swainson on inefficiency in state agencies. But the adversaries were no longer Democrats versus Republicans. It had become instate versus outstate. In other words, the De- troit area (Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Genesee, and Monroe counties) were pit- ted against the rest of the tsate (78 coun- ties). The opposition cut across party lines and became more bitter than ever before. Democrats attempted to push through a statewide income tax. They enlisted support from a few outstate lawmakers who were concerned about the state's financial situation and who believed an income tax was the necessary solution. The groundswell against it was terrific. The battlefield was the Senate. Outstate Republicans defeated it, but the Senate would never be the same. Hatreds were formed that would never die, and prom- ising political careers were crushed. BUT WHEN the smoke cleared, the situ- ation was apparent. Outstate residents were determined to call a halt to further taxation. They made one point clear: They were tired of supporting the city of Detroit. If Detroit wanted more money, it could just foot its own bill. Republicans in the Legislature general- ly agreed with the people in this matter. Democrats, with the exception of a few from the Upper Peninsula, opposed it. And unfortunately some of the most vit- riolic attacks on the Legislature during this period came from the state's univer- sities. It was not their administrations, but from well-meaning but politically in- ept professors. These educators did not hesitate to single out certain legislators and criticize them violently. And anxious to preserve freedom of speech, the uni- versities did not stop their professors in the tirade. However, the Legislature, harassed from many angles, did not take too kindly to this type of treatment. Anxious to di- vert attention from the fact that the money was not as plentiful as before, the Legislature launched inquiries into such matters as tuition rates, out-of-state stu- dents, socialistic curricula, and Commun- ist professors. And needless to say, they didn't run onto barren ground, for within the uni- versities there were, and still are, vocif- erous left-wingers, many out-of-state stu- dents, and a ridiculously low tuition rate, compared to private schools of like caliber. NATURALLY, the lawmakers viewed this matter with alarm. Bills were in- troduced to curb the socialists, riders were attached to limit out-of-state students, deals were demanded to raise tuitions. But still the misguided few in the uni- versity communities continued to attack the Legislature. Their respective adminis- trations probably wished that murder were legal, but for all the fury, nothing came of it - until last June. At last, Sen. Lynn O. Francis (R-Mid- land), who had been investigating the allegedly pro-Labor operation at Michi- gan State University, the Labor-Manage- ment Relations Center - brainchild of MSU Trustee Don Stevens, an AFL-CIO aide, was successful in tacking on a rider to MSU's appropriation closing down the center. The trustees protested that the consti- tution forbid the Legislature to interfere. All the lawmakers had to do was fork over the money and then keep still, the trus- tees asserted. But the Legislature had had enough, and the rider stuck. If MSU does not cut the center from its operations it will face reprisals next year, probably in the form of a budget reduction. THE VALIDITY of this rider has yet to be tested in court, but there seems to be little doubt that the lawmakers could make good their threat. They have the power to appropriate or not as they see fit. And too fresh in everyone's mind is the budget cut that Wayne State Uni- versity received when it defied Sen. Elmer R. Porter's (R-Blissfield) plea to reinstate a ban on Communist speakers. So the question arises of just how con- stitutionally independent is the Univer- sity? In reality, it can be brought to its knees, at the financial mercy of the Legis- lature. Is this the intent of the constitu- tion - that the Legislature shall crack the whip if it sees fit? It would seem so. But in all probability the framers of the constitution had in mind a little matter of compromise. They undoubtedly gave the Legislature credit for havirig some re- Dome on the state Capitol straint and respect for the importance of independent University. And by the same token, they probably gave the Regents credit for having an open mind, attuned to the opinions of the lawmakers, who after all are servants of the people, just as the Regents are..' BUT THE framers of the constitution are not around any longer, so we can only speculate on their thoughts. And this doesn't solve the issue. However, it is not a problem'that will disappear if ignored. The University, you see, may do as it pleases, but it finds itself doing so with- out the benefit of state money. The Legis- lature is quite within its rights to with- hold funds whenever and wherever it sees fit. Yet the problem is more basic than this. The University, in the final account- ing, belongs to the people of the State of Michigan, and they alone have the final say over what it may or may not do. If the people of Michigan express a wish regarding the University, that word is law, regardless of what all the professors or administrators may want. This is the one inescapable fact which the Regents and the Legislature both must bear- in mind. The Legislature is duty bound to serve its constituents and vote against addi- tional taxation, if that is the wish of the people, no matter how badly the state might need it. After all, it is their state, and if that's the way they want, that's the way they should have it. So it is with the University. If the people want the MSU Labor-Management Relations Center closed, then close it must, no matter how badly Trustee Ste- vens may want to keep it open. WHEN A CONFLICT arises between the Legislature and the Regents then, it is in reality simply a disagreement over what the people really want, since each body represents the people. The people of the State of Michigan are forgotten however, and it is largely their own fault. They have allowed their gov- ernment to fall into the, hands of those few who are interested in controlling it. And just as they let it escape them, so they must retrieve it. They-must make it clear where they stand on tuition - do they want it high or low? They must make it clear where. they stand on out- of-state students - do they want them limited or not? This conflict between Lansing and Ann Arbor is sure to continue until the people assert themselves. How they will do it presents a problem, but it is clearly up to them to do so, and they'd better get busy - busy taking an interest in their government again, before they have no government left to take an interest in any more.. Michael Harrah, Daily city edi- tor, is a senior and has been active in campaigning for various can- didates for state offices. By DENISE WACKER IN THE EARLY years of the nineteenth century the image of the average wo- man was not one of a particularly well- ,read, well-educated or active person. In fact there -existed a strong feeling that the woman's place was in the home, not in the world, not in school. And when the University was estab- lished it reflected this philosophy, for no plans for female existence, at, much less admission to, the University were seri- ously considered. In 1837, twenty years after the Univer- sity's founding, the Organic Act, which set up University organization. along roughly the same lines as today, was ap- proved. Under the Act, college education for women was provided for. It was met with open hostility from even the most meek of administrators, instructors, and students. MOST OF the Regents opposed any plan for female attendance at the University for fear of "ruination of the University's character and ruin of our women." President Henry Tappan felt that a general breakdown of morals of all students would result because "the nature of women is incompatible with college." Leaders in education whom President Tappan consulted for an ap- praisal of the possible effects of co-edu- cation could portend only disaster and a loss of reputation by the University if men and women were allowed to attend classes together. Under the Influence of President Tap- pan and under pressure from the Re- gents, the University remained for 40 years a safe island of bachelorhood in the state of Michigan. But, in 1867 the state Legislature, even then concerned over the good name of the University, passed a resolution de- claring that the goals of the University would never be achieved unless women were admitted to all its "rights and priv- ileges." THREE YEARS later - for the pro- posal met vigorous resistance from President Haven - the Regents adopted a resolution providing that the Univer- sity "recognize the right of every resi- dent of Michigan to the enjoyment of the privilege afforded by the University, and that no rules exist in any of the statutes for the exclusion of any person from the University who possess the requisite lit- erary and moral qualifications." Shortly after the Regent's proposal was accepted, Madelon Stockwell became the first woman to beadmitted to the Uni- versity. And she and the 150-dd women admitted during the following five years proved that the fears regarding "moral decay" and the charges that women had little interest in academics were ground- less. However, outside the admissions office and outside the classroom there were naturally barriers which could not be broken down. STUDENT activities of the 1870's and 1880's were practically non-existent. There was little attempt at student publications: student papers were at best issued weekly or bi-weekly - these sel- dom continued publication more than two or three years. There were also sporadic attempts to turn out humor magazines or chronicles of public opinion and social change, but these met with minor suc- cess, if any. There were also debating societies and religious societies and literary societies and preventative societies which led brief and singulrly dim lives. Inter-collegiate sporting events did take place - the University had fine cricket, baseball and football teams, al- though, with the possible exception of cricket, a considerably lesser number of students were concerned about sports than are today. NOW THERE were very few of these ac- tivities in which women could take part. They were barred from the vast majority. They were not kept out by ad- ministrators, but by male students who if they weren't able to maintain their dominance in the classroom, decided to remain lords of the activities (what there Faculty wives pushed to have women admitted. were of them) in the easiest way possible: by denying women the right to partici- pate. Women were kept out of debating socie- ties .and clubs; they were allowed neither baseball bat nor cricket wicket; they were afforded no freedom of the press; in fact, they were not allowed to be in any group, save a few religious organizations and an occasional literary society. The women became very bored indeed. And you know what women do when they become bored. They organize. THERE HAD been a small amount of organization among women shortly after' they were first granted admission: several sororities established chapters on campus. Although the move was ridiculed by the majority of men - they claimed the sorority women were merely attempt- ing to imitate men's fraternities - and opposed by the bulk of female students who feared it might make co-education more difficult, the number of sororities steadily increased. However, at the same time the number of women attending the University had increased markedly and the seven soror- ities could take .very few of the women students as members. This meant that there were a good many independent wo- men, -and a certain rift was forming which separated the affiliates and non- sorority women. Aware of the need both to unify cam- pus females and to offer some activity for their unused energy, several student lead- ers and faculty members met to discuss the possible formation of an association of campus women., SHORTLY after the first meetings a committee was organized to draft a constitution for a "society which would unite all college girls irrespective of de- partment, class, or fraternity . . ." Early in October, 1890, a final planning sessior+ was held and it was determined that the organization would be named "Women's League of the U. of M." When the League was established, it was intended primarily "as the organiza- tion to meet the needs of unaffiliated wo- men on campus for social activity." Pos- sibly if the League had become only a. social organization, offering women little tea parties and a chance to write original skits and work on committees, no prob- lem would have developed. But, in addition to making the League a social activity, the framers of its con- stitution decided that a form of women's government, was also necessary, and wrote themselves the power to create that government. The League ladies also established a minor committee "to settle cases of discipline." It was the forerunner of Women's Judiciary. The problem which ensued from the seemingly harmless - creation of the , League and its constitution in 1890 was that other groups - in particular As, sembly Association and Panhellenic As- sociation - were later established as wo- men's governing bodies, and that each carried with it its own form of disciplin- ary set-up. The overlap of powers and responsibilities between the groups re- sulted in a huge knot of women's organ- izations. NATURALLY at the time the League was established neither Panhellenic nor Assembly existed. There was little to unify independent women - there were no University dor- mitories at the time and women either lived in sorority or rooming houses. The latter were generally small and expensive, and although some effort was made to clear up the situation no action was tak- en until shortly before the First World War. However, once affiliated women began buying their own houses (until 1900 they rented buildings) the traditionally na- tionalistic attitude which has since typi- fied Panhel sprang up. Although sorority girls joined the League, they weren't ter- ribly satisfied with its service to their needs and in 1903 formed the Inter- Sorority Association, "binding for all wo- men in fraternities." This association was established most- ly to set down definite rules on women's rush, but also established certain "priv- ileges" to which sororities were entitled. Slowly the organization of Panhellenic evolved, and with it laws and a judiciary system not included in the League con- stitution was established. BY 1909 IT had become fairly clear that rooming houses and sorority houses weren't adequate for University women, of the League, was begun to the estab- lishment of residence halls. A drive to ob- tain funds was started and the League hired a financial secretary to travel across the country and promote alumnae sup- port for the idea of dormitories. Because of these efforts, Helen Newberry Resi- dence, Martha Cook, Betsy Barbour House and several smaller dormitories were opened by 1920. During this time Panhellenic had been growing in size: it was the era of sorority living and idealization of the "Greek" woman. And Panhellenic had become in- creasingly important on campus. As it did, the League lost a good deal of its power. In 1932 members of the League con- cerned that "women who are not affili- ated with sororities have not heretofore received fair rapresentation, or been giv- en adequate chance to participate in ex- tra-curricular activities" looked into the possibilities of establishing an organiza- tion for them corresponding somewhat to Panhellenic. DURING the Second World War men's student government pretty much col- lapsed, as did the majority of activities populated principally by males. Women took over publications and the non-mili- tary war effort and attempted to set up a broader form of student government. When the confronted v the veteran, amount of i ards and va form of sti Legislature, v began lookin attempting t Now, at tt izations har During twen changed, an tered itself overhauling and Assemb' back doing r its yearly e its open seas League cont of creativity reform move RECENTL League last unfortunate ning for the Judic begins will not onl: but will ha Earlier the But there zations a pec perhaps an of vision, wh will continu anything mi tion of Uni Panhelleni Panhellenic dent's Coun which woul once in the matic aparti consider the the campus mitory syste the effect or Assembly Panhellenic, leaders only ly about ru fecting the groups. And hardly ever bly. Likewise, individual r regarding Judic from passed no o orities. THERE V next sen ber of stru most impor in Women's sits on the has been gi leaders to t There e jealousy, w green over preventing which will The con tions on cai concern ax forces one original dec able them 90 years a merely ace connotes so than grade than learni Greek. Pos he warned incompatib: versity, ha than anyor doesn't app satisfied we ticularly to dent Tapp2 bring disasi Denis ing in E The Da, ered w campus. The Board of Regents take off cial action on University matters. THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1962