Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MIcH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. Thh must be noted in all reprints. AT CINEMA GUILD: 'Bad Day' at the Rock: The Horse's are Jeeps I )AY, JANUARY 11, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID MARCUS Literary College Should Allow Concentration in Engineering ENROLLMENT in engineering curricula has been lagging behind the increasing enroll- paent in liberal arts curricula in colleges across the country. Many colleges, including the Uni- versity's engineering college, have experienced a decrease in the number of students. This drop comes at a time when the need and de- mand for ranpower are far greater in the ap- plied sciences than in the theoretical sciences. A partial solution to this problem at the University level would be to break down arti- ficial divisions between the literary college and the engineering college. To the incoming freshman who is interested in the sciences, the University offers two choices. He can become a skilled professional engineer, or he can become a liberal arts stu- dent with little or no study in engineering. There is no middle ground. Engineers must take about 40 hours in the natural sciences and 60-80 hours of engineering courses, includ- ing engineering graphics and more professional subjects at the higher levels. On the other hand, literary college students can take, at most, 12 hours of engineering courses. FACED WITH this narrow choice, the in- coming freshman more and more frequently decides to become a liberal arts student rather than a professional engineer. But why? First, the engineering profession is misun- derstood and foreign to most high school stu- dents. No courses of an engineering nature, except perhaps drafting, are taught at the high school leve Also, most high school sci- ence teachers are liberal arts graduates them- selves and have probably never taken an en- gineering course. Such teachers can easily pass on prejudiced concepts of an engineer being a mere technician slaving over a slide rule. So the high school student usually has neither first-hand experience with engineering stu- dies nor contact with anyone with reliable, sympathetic views of the profession. The rela- tively large number of students who change their minds and drop out of engineering is evi- dence of the students' inability to decide with confidence to enter the engineering college. Second, engineering as a profession has be- come unpopular. The importance of a broad education is being stressed to such an extent *that social pressure pushes a student toward liberal arts and away from a restricted pro- fessional subject having fewer humanities re- quirements. Also, in the natural sciences the theory itself is considered a much more crea- tive field than the "dirty work," the applica- tions of the theory. Among mathematicians at least, the gener- al attitude seems to be, "Once you solve the theory behiid the problem, you can always find someone to stick in the resistors." This attitude leads students to regard engineering as unchallenging drudgery which can always be done by someone else. The total effect is that most students prefer to be in the literary college along with everybody else. T HE ENGINEERING college is only partly responsible for this problem. Its present four and one-half year program doe not pro- vide time for acquiring both a thorough knowl- edge of a field and a liberal education. But many problems in engineering can be solved by mathematicians, physicists and chemists if they are given a sufficient background in engineering science. Engineers are the first to ridicule the inabil- ity of'theoretical scientists to cope with even the most elementary engineering problems. :However, neither the literary college nor the engineering college has provisions for an edu- cation covering only a small area of a field of engineering. The literary college leaves all responsibility Houses Should P QUADRANGLE house councils will have the opportunity this weekend to liberalize the structure of the Inter-Quad Council and open the Council to more active and acute leader- ship. If a proposed amendment to the IQC con- stitution, initiated in Strauss House last week, passes 16 house councils, it will become effec- tive and open the office of president. of IQC to sophomore candidates. The present constitution provides that a presidential candidate must be a junior, but since elections are held in the spring semester, the president serves the bulk of his term as a senior. The amendment would allow, but not require, that the president be a junior during the main part of his term. Business Staff LEE SCLAR, Business Manager SUE FOOTE............. ..... Finance Manager RUTH STEPHNSON ............Accounts Manager SUE TURNER ......... Associate Business Manager THOMAS BENNETT ...........Advertising Manager ThegDaily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Editorial Staff h mT.T.AR. n.TN .K V -n for engineering education to the engineering college. And the engineering college wants its graduates to be professional engineers with complete backgrounds in their fields of work. IT SHOULD be possible for a student to get a liberal arts education with the equivalent of a major in some engineering field. The engineering college will soon start a joint pro- gram with the literary college which would give a student both an engineering and a lib- eral arts degree. But this combined degree program lacks the advantages of a straight liberal arts pro- gram. Few students have the necessary moti- vation to spend five or more years as under- graduates. Also, the literary college curriculum committee has recently accepted a report by a subcommittee on combined degree programs which states that students in the program will be required to receive their majors in a literary college department rather than in an engi- neering department. So even when the com- bined degree program is put into effect, no student would be able to work for one degree in the literary college with a major in an en- gineering field. The literary college curriculum committee has not yet considered and certainly has not denied the possibility of majoring in anengi- neering field. The reason that engineering fields have not been accepted as areas of concentra- tion is that literary college personnel are un- familiar with the nature of engineering studies. It is interesting to note that when the engineering education division was first sep- arated from the liberal arts division in 1895, the reason given was not that engineering studies were not acceptable for a liberal arts education. Instead, President James B. Angell said that the separation was for the purpose of making the citizens of Michigan aware that engineering courses were being offered within the state. In fact, the first dean of the engineering college, Prof. Charles E. Greene, was reluctant to have a separate college for engineering, feeling that an engineer's curriculum should be as close to a liberal education as possible. YODAY BY ALLOWING certain engineering fields to be considered as majors, the fields would change complexion from professional subjects to just other areas of study, like physics or chemistry. The value of a liberal arts degree would not be cheapened by equat- ing engineering with natural sciences. The fact that engineering studies are motivated by ap- plication does not in any way detract from their value in a liberal arts education as com- pared to the value of the theoretical sciences. Most studies, such as engineering mechanics, do not consist'of nuts and bolts courses. They cover areas different from those of the theor- etical sciences with the same intensity and depth. Re-establishing a liberal arts engineering education would have many advantages. High school students would no longer be forced to decide at an early date whether to begin a pro- fessional engineering education in the engi- neering college or to miss engineering entirely. A student majoring in an engineering field would get a liberal education, would not be a professional engineer, but would have a work- able knowledge in his specific engineering field. Enrollment in the engineering college would probably continue to decrease, but registra- tion in engineering courses might increase, and the number of graduates ;apable of en- gineering work would increase. With these possible advantages in mind, the literary and engineering colleges should seek to eliminate the present gap in educational opportunity. -MICHAEL SATTINGER 'ass IQC Change THE ADVANTAGES of this kind of expansion of resources are many, the disadvantages unimportant. Any increase in the number of potential office-holders automatically spirits added concern and discussion of policies and issues which face the officer after election. These expressions naturally lead to some form of debate of quadrangle problems and alter- nate methods of solution. The implications of debate and competition for position on IQC are nothing but beneficial for quad residents. More candidates will likely mean a wider perspective on quad problems and a more constructive and competitive search for their solutions. The resident will gain insight into matters of his every-day concern, for exemple, rules concerning distribution of literature in the quads by campus groups, and intc matters re- lating to his role in campus politics, such as criteria to be used by IQC in endorsing SGC candidates. There are, of course, many other problems which are part of the quad system and quad residents have the right to know what their IQC officers intend to do in ap- proaching the difficulties. THE ONLY serious objection which can be voiced against the amendment is that jun- iors are not fully oriented to the University 4 -." *"AYW ' UR MEKN CH/CO-'IT COSY FIDESTHREWHOLE PRIMERS." THE KATANGA CRISIS: Conflict Remains Unsolved (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec- ond of two articles outlining the history of recent events in Katanga.) By DANIEL SHAFER Word on June 26, 1961 that Tshombe had reached accord with Ileo on a program to end Katan- ga's secession was even more shocking than the release of Tshombe three days earlier. While the world was still reeling from the shock of these two surprise moves in such a short period of time the United Nations, in a completely surprise maneuver on August 26 sent troops into Ka- tanga with the publicly-stated in- tention of disarming the forces of the Katangese government. By August 29, United Nations troops occupied Elisabethville and had arrested the white officers in the Katanga army. ** ON WHAT grounds and for what reason this sudden military intervention had been taken was never made clear. But it was made clear that the United Nations was pretty disturbed, apparently about the way the Katangan government was reacting to and handling the agreement reportedly reached with Ileo and his official aides on the end of the Katangan seces- sion move. On September 2, the United Na- tions announced that it had of- ficially broken off relations with the province of Katanga. This was just the beginning of a long series of other such "war-like" acts engaged in by the United Nations in the Katanga crisis. On September 14, after a bitter battle against fierce Katanga op- position, United Nations forces seized control of Elisabethville, most important city in the little province. The United Nations made the triumphant announce- ment just a few hours before the Katanga troops, in a "fierce coun- ter-attack", caused virtual war in the streets of Elisabethville. The United Nations' hold on this key city had lasted less than twelve hours. Six days of fighting finally end- ed in a Katanga cease-fire propos- al, submitted by several interested neutrals in the African area. * * * WHEN, on October 25, the United Nations and Katanga had both finally ratified the cease-fire agreement, the Congolese govern- ment leaders didn't attempt to disguise their disapproval. In less than a week, Cyril Adoula an- nounced that the Congolese Gov- ernment would take immediate "police action" to end Katanga se- cession. This threat was met mostly with skepticism in European and Amer- ican newspapers, who denounced the statement as an empty threat, of which the Congolese govern- ment had made many 'in the past. But Adoula and his Congolese cohorts disappointed the foreign press by moving en masse on the Katanga capital and other key points on November 3. The situation quieted down somewhat after reports on Novem- ber 5 that Katangan troops had successfully repulsed the attempt- after taking office that he was not going to stand for any pro- longation of the Katanga crisis unless it was absolutely necessary for the maintenance of security and peace. On December 4, he an- nounced that he would resort to force if necessary to restore peace in the Congo. The Katangans, apparently not taking Thant's threats any more seriously than previous threats by the Congolese government against Katanga, decided that they were tired of the United Nations forces which occupied large portions of their province and, on December 6. starteda street fight with the UN troops in Elisabethville. THE MONTH of December was filled with such events as UN jets attacking the Elisabethville post office and radio station, orders from U Thant to UN troops to take any action necessary both on lafid and in the air to put down the secessionist movement in Ka- tanga, and many battles between Katangan troops and UN forces. Finally, at the end of December, 1961, some respite seemed in view. On December 21, Adoula and Tshombe reportedly reached an agreement providing for the re- turn of Katanga to a united Congo with a strong central government. But Tshombe made it clear at that time that any such proposal would have to be approved by the legis- lature of his province. He person- ally agreed to accept six of the eight points of the agreement and said he would be willing to make reasonable concessions on the other two. Six months went by with vir- tually no trouble. In fact, on May 18, Tshombe announced for the first 'time that he was ready to shed Katanga sovereignty claims and return his province to a unit- ed Congo. TWO MONTHS later, to the day, more trouble broke out. This time, 10,000 Katangan women and children stormed a UN roadblock in Elisabethville, resulting in sev- eral dozen casualties and many fatalities. On July 20, the United States denounced continued Katanga se- cession maneuvers and threatened "all possible measures", short of war, to end the drawn-out Ka- Education YOU MAY be worried, as I am, that too many of our most bril- liant students who are coming out of college today tend to be mere commentators, o b s e r v e r s, and critics of society. We seem to have in plentiful supply the detached observers, and not enough "do- ers," young men and women who are fully committed and construc- tive participants in programs aimed toward solving the problems of our cities and our nation. I commented a while ago about the highly-charged intellectual at- mosphere in many colleges today. This is good if students in devel- oping awareness of the world's problems are also ready to partic- -,., ..rn~ . l iy ho r v ln - tanga crisis. On September 4, Tshombe accepted a UN plan to end the secession of Katanga from the Congo. Another lull followed directly, during which there were some in- teresting developments in the set- tlement of the Katanga crisis. The most noteworthy of these develop- ments was the announcement on September 13 that Tshombe had agreed to share the revenues of his province with the Congolese government and would accept a November 15 deadline for signing a federation pact with the Congo. AS HE had done before, Tshom- be backed down. On November 10, he announced that he could not meet the UN's Nov. 15 deadline for signing the pact incorporating his government with the Congo. The entire month of December was filled with revolts of native tribesmen throughout Katanga and occasional skirmishes between Katanga and United Nations troops. On December 15, U Thant warned the Katangan government that if it did not immediately comply with the UN orders for in- corporation with the Congo, econ- omic sanctions would be applied to enforce such decisions. (The interesting sideline on this event is that the other na- tions of Africa would probably have gone along with the econom- ic sanctions 100 per cent. None of the nations of Africa really liked Tshombe and his secessionist gov- ernment and very few could even tolerate his presence.) * ,* * DESPITE wide-spread Katan- gese opposition, the United States government announced on Decem- ber 22 that it would send a spe- cial military mission into the Con- go, particularly concentrating its efforts in the secessionist province of Katanga. Of late, the most significant de- velopments have been of a mili- tary nature - street fights break- ing out between the UN and Ka- tanga troops, revolts flaring up and dying out quickly among the tribesmen, and such incidents as the recent shooting and killing of two of the three occupants of a small automobile trying to escape the Katanga province's govern- ment to return to the Congo. This brings us up to date on the Katanga crisis. But have we learned some -vorthwhile things from this unfortunate event? * * * WE HAVE learned that Adoula's government, which we so emphat- ically and enthusiastically sup- port, is just not g )ing to succeed in ruling the Katanga province. We have learned that Tshombe is totally unreliable He has a his- tory of broken promises, unful- filled contracts and unsigned pacts. He doesn't seem to much care where his aid and support come from as long as he does not have to rejoin the Congolese gov- ernment. We have learned that not all United Nations police action is going to be as easy as putting down small revolts here and there; that it may sometimes in- ONCE UPON a time there was a not so good, not so bad west- ern horribly titled, "Bad Day at Black Rock," which is now playing again at Cinema Guild. "Okay, you yeller varmit,. draw." It wasn't that type of western. "You better get on in the wagon, son, or else one of those injuns will sho enough get you. You're not big enough to carry a rifle yet... Not that kind either. "Who's the stranger in town?" That's getting warm. * * * IT WAS A bad day for the town when the hero (imagine, the Spencer Tracy of eight years ago out-fighting theydesperate cut- throats on display here) stepped off the train - not one of those little chug-chug choo-choo things but a big modern one, the fastest looking diesel in the West. It was the first time in four years that the train had made a stop at Black Rock. But this is no ordin- ary hero-his left arm hangs limp in the pocket of his black cotton jacket (it should have been gray flannel but the desert is too hot for it), he uses karate with decid- ed finesse and whips up a very fine Molotov cocktail while prone un- der a jeep and being stalked by the arch-villain. The rest of the stock material is there. The villain spouts at his cohorts for being such lunkheads and makes nice talk with the hero while he plans on the best way to get rid of him (Robert Ryan: "Well, howdy there stranger ...) The villain has his toughs who receive their due in the form of a few karate blows (Ernest Borg- nine: "Oooch ... ahhh.. "), and the nozzle of a fire hose whipped across his face (Lee Marvin: Si- lence. He was a quiet fellow any- way.) There's the young fellow who somehow got mixed up with the dirty critters but is really over- flowing with good and ready to help our hero at the end. THERE'S the nubile, young, sweet little thing (ha!) who, un- f o r t u n a t e l y doesn't make it through alive (Anne Francis: "You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you," she tells the villain. Guess who shot her.) There's the old "Doc" who befriends the hero (Walter Brennan: "We should have done something about it be- fore," or "Well, at least I tried to help you.") There's the ox-like sheriff'who comes out of hiberna- tion to do his duty before it's too late and there's the girl's young brother who somehow gets mixed up with the dirty critters but is really overflowing with good to help the hero at the end. And don't forget the telegraph operator. He just runs around with unsent telegrams acting nice and scared. The last three are a mite quieter than the rest of the popu- lation of Black Rock. Since it was supposed to be an adult westernhthe hero doesn't ride off into the sunset with the girl (he's too old and she's too bad). He decides not to pull a "High Noon" and throw a war medal into the dust in disgust, but he casually climbs aboard the streamliner with his one free hand (the one that has cleaned up the town after four years of pesti- lence) and rides off into the dis- tance on the humming rails. JUST TO make sure that this is a modern western the producers have seen to it that the only horses in the movie are those un- der the hoods of the automobiles and the diesel. AT THE CAMPUS: 'Gold Eyes Rates a 'C "THE GIRL With The Golden Eyes," which is now playing at the Campus "Theatre, has offi- cially been given a "Class C" rat- ing by the Catholic Legion of De- cency, which means that it is "to- tally morally objectionable for all." This conclusion is naturally, debatable, but I would like to register agreement with the Le- gion on the third word in their classification. The film, which stars Marie La- Foret and Francoise Prevost, in terms of plot or story or call it what you will, is nothing. The pic- ture begins as a young model - I think - is spirited away to the home of a man dressed in a wolf- man style mask. She is afraid. He whips off the mask. "Je suis Hen- ri Marsay," he says, and proceeds -I think-to seduce her. (Sort of reminds you of "Marienbad"). * * * IF THE STORY is nothing, then obviously continuity is mean- ingless. Our hero, it seems, is an amateur seducer. Plus que ca, he makes bets with his comrades as to whether he will be able to ac- complish his purposes. But fate waits for him in the form of a young girl he finds sitting in a car outside his studio; at first she is like the others, but then he seems to fall for her, and lo, a (mistress) (co-worker) (friend) The sound track sounds as if it was first put through a Limburger cheese grinder. The sound is so grated that you can't understand half the dialogue, at least at the beginning and it's terrible anyway. "Bad Day at Black Rock" got a "one of the ten best of the year" award. Somebody with an interest in the production must have had a cousin on the reviewing staff of one of the New York papers that always gives cinematic efforts of the past year the dubious distinc- tion of being one of the 10 best, Or else 1955 was an awfully bad year for the movies. -Michael Juliar LETTERS to the EDITOR To the Editor: WOULD like to congratulate the Office of Student Affairs for succeeding completely in its pro- gram to create a parking problem where none existed previously. The very first day it became ef- fective, your new policy of per- mitting parking of motorized cy- cles only in a limited number of marked spaces on campus, instead of in any University bicycle rack as was previously permitted, has caused a shortage of parking spaces. But the epitome of the achieve- ment lies in the fact that it has created this parking problem even though it is completely unneces- sary. There still remain, in the area adjacent to the General Li- brary, several rows of bicycle racks which are constantly unoc- cupied, and could easily be made available for scooter parking. And yet, by the OSA's recent fiat, if any motor scooter ventures to rest its weary wheels there, it runs the risk of "being ticketed by the Ann Arbor police and subject tos fine of $5 for each violation." THE IRONY of that last state- ment, which is quoted from "a re- cent directive of the OSA an- nouncing this latest gem designed to "serve" the students, is that the only violation involved is a violation of good faith on the part of the OSA. When it instituted a required license fee of $4 each year from scooter owners several years ago, the OSA incurred upon itself the responsibility to use that money to provide better facilities for the cycle owners it was taxing. The recent program of paving parking areas for scooters is a fine step in that direction, consonant with the responsibility of service implied in the required scooter "tax". But the concomitant limi- ' tations imposed by this program, having the net effect of making it impossible for many scooter own- ers to park at all on campus al- though they could do so without difficulty until recently, are In- tolerable. The Office of Student Affairs must immediately provide more of the same fine parking facilities which it has recently begun to make available, or rescind its evil decree prohibiting parking in bi- cycle racks. If it does neither, it will continue to be guilty of a serious violation of the trust of the same University students it is committed to serve. -Robert M. Berger, %3 Laissez-Faire ... To the Editor: WE ALL KNOW how the local friendly 'Ann Arbor merchants have the interests of the student at heart; hence, I should like to point out an accidental misrepre- sentation which appears on a certain good being sold at a local bookstore. There is a joint Rich- mond-Telefunken Records issue on 8 LP records of the complete Beethoven' Symphonies. Now, the records of those two companies normally sell at $1.98 apiece, stereo $2.98. Therefore, we should assume that the entire set would sell at something under $16, mono. I checked the various stores around town, and found that this was the case; I even checked the official price lists, which confirmed this assumption. Imagine my surprise then when I walked into the aforementioned bookstore and found this same record set mono - with a label saying $35 (and change), normal price, which was crossed out and replaced with $14 (and change), sale price. I am sure that this cer- tain store will now realize that they have unconsciously been de- ceiving students as to the savings they are getting, and will imme- diately correct this error. Note - the local merchants have not seen fit to establish a Better Business Bureau. Specula- tion is invited as to the reason for this. -Steven Hendel,'63 One' THE CHOICE of submission to brutality and tyranny for a single man of the Middle Ages, for I