THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANU) TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANU Hall Cites Basis of Literature SGC Hears WQC Letter On Regents By GLORIA BOWLES In a letter submitted to Student Government Council at its Wed- nesday meeting, West Quadrangle Council urged SGC "to take ap- propriate measures to aid in the election of those Regental candi- dates who will do the most to benefit the University. The letter, addressed to SGC President Steven Stockmeyer, '63 , and signed by Curtis Huntington,1 '64, president of WQC, referred to a Jan. 8 motion suggesting "such measures as educational programs with the candidates and organiz- ed student support of them." Support Vital The group, in asking 'U' stu- dents to take an "active role" in the elections, said such support was vital because the "Board of Regents exercises the ultimate re- sponsibility over the quality and cost of education at the Univer- sity." On a mnotion from Interf rater- nity Council President John Mey- erholz, '63BAd, the Council ap- proved proposed "minor changes" in the rush schedule. One change in IFC bylaws will provide for a spring rush three days shorter than that of previous years. Kass Motion In other action, the Council, on a motion from Michael Kass, '64, commended the work of the Ann Arbor Friends of the Student Non- violent Coordinating Committee. The resolution particularly cit- ed a food and fund drive which aided some 22,000 residents of La- flore County, Mississippi, who were unable to receive relief from local authorities because of a large voter registration drive. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. FRIDAY, JANUARY 11 Day Calendar 8:00 a.m.-Performance Arts Research Laboratory-Registration: Second Floor Concourse, Mich., League. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.-Bureau of In- dustriai Relations Personnel Techniques Seminar No. 71 - Seminar leader, Dr. John Hutchinson, Columbia Univ. School of Business; speaker, L. J. Lang- ton, Manager of Standards, Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, "Managerial Prob- lems in Operating Production Stand- ards Systems": Third Floor Conference Rm., Mich. Union. 8:30 a.m-School of Music Midwest- ern Conference on School Vocal and In- strumental Music - Wind Instrument Recital: Hill Aud. 9:40 a.m.-School of Music Midwest- ern Conference on School Vocal and In- strumental Music - String Instrument Solo and Ensemble Recital: Rackham Assembly Hall. 4:00 p.m.-Dept. of Biological Chem- istry Colloquium-Dr. T. T. Tchen, Dept. of Chemistry, Wayne State Univ., "A Study in Induced Transformation of Melanoblasts into Melanocytes": Room M6423, Medical Science Bldg. 4:15 p.m-Dept. of+ Psychology Collo- quium-Dr. Bruno Bettelheim, Univ. of Chicago, "The Struggle for Self in Au- tistic Children": Aud. B, Angell Hall. 7:00 and 9:00 p.m.--Cinema Guild- Spencer Tracy, Robert Ryan, Anne Francis, Dean Jagger, Walter Brennan, and Ernest Borgnine in "Bad Day at Black Rock"; short, . "Lysis (Marko- poulos)": Architecture Aud. j 8:00 p.m.-Dept. of Speech Univ. Play- ers-Luigi Pirandello's "Six Characters in Search of an Author": Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg. 8:30 p.m.-School of Music Midwest- strumental Music-Univ. Choir and Or- chestra, Maynard Klein, conductor: Hill Aud. Announcements Students: If you need to order a transcript without grades for the cur- rent semester, you are urged to call in person at Rm. 515 Administration Bldg. not later than Jan. 17. Does not apply to students in Engrg., Law. Martha Cook Bldg. is receiving appli- cations for Sept. 1963. Present Freshmen and Sophomore women may apply. Please telephone NO 2-3225for an ap- pointment. General Notices Summary of Action Taken by Student Government Council at Its Meeting of January 9, 1963 Remanded: To Joint Judiciary Coun- cil Interviewing Committee a motion concerning appointments to Joint Judi- ciary Council with a recommendation that Patricia Golden be among those finally appointed. Postponed: Consideration of the Of- fice of Student Affairs Advisory Com- mittee Study Committee report. Approved: Changes in the Interfra- ternity Council Bylaws concerning the rushing schedule. Approved: That SGC appoint three people from the University of Michigan to participate, in the Swarthmore Con- ference on Latin America at Swarthmore on Feb. 15, 16, & 17. These people shall be appointed by SGC after interviewing and recommendation procedures. SGC shall appropriate $20.00 to cover the costs of publicity and interviewing. Further, SGC shallappropriate $50.00 to help cover the costs of the delega- tion. Adopted: The following expression of student opinion: Last month the Ann Arbor Friends of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee conducted a community- wide food and fund drive to aid over 22,000 citizens of Laflore County, Mis- sissippi, who had been cut off from federally subsidized relief by local au- thorities because several had tried to register to vote. This group had a two- fold purpose: 1) to provide these "Mis- sissippi Freedom Fighters" with food for subsistence and 2) support the mass voter registration project of SNCC. The group raised over $400 and a large quantity of food, which was (Continued on Page 8) DIAL 2-6264 ENDING TODAY Shown at 1:15-3:35 6:10 and 8:45 "BARABBAS" * SATURDAY * THE HUNTER... THE HUNTED! B'NAI B'RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION TONIGHT'S SABBATH SERVICE Friday, Jan. 11, at 7.30 p.m. Is Held Jointly with the Beth Israel Center SERMON by RABBI HAROLD S. WHITE "Basic Changes in the Prayer Book" Zwerdir -Cohn Channel 1429 Hill Strett -.- IF at THE GUILD HOUSE 802 Monroe St. Tonight-FIRESIDE-7:30 P.M. Discussion of "A Reactionary Experiment in Education," a November Harper's article by Paul Goodman, with Prof. John White, U. of M. Political Science Department as resource person Sunday, January 13--8.30 P.M*. 'U.S. and Russia: A Comparison of Values" Presentation and discussion by Dave Olson, graduate student and teaching fellow U. of M. Economics Department ii 11 11 .r..... L .. . .. .. W PAID ADVERTISEMENT I Cinemja ud "Brilliantly done - Bold - Startling - Exceptional!" DA-N.Y. Post ""AN ELEGANT, VEXATIOUS GUESSING GAME." TCTwther, N.Y. Times THE* GIRL- WITH. THE GOLDEN EYES 8t .ig MARIE. LAFORF.T wd FRANCOIsE rind OST PRESENTS TONIGHT at 7:00 & 9:00 BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK. COLOR Spencer Tracy, Robert Ryan, Anne Francis, Dean Jagger, Walter Brennan, and Ernest Borgnine. 10 BEST AWARD. SHORT: Lysis (Markopoulos), Color I I E B 11 WALT DISNEY thIe 0 o ..King of The Wolfpack COMING SOON "REAR WINDOW" and "IT STARTED IN NAPLES" Saturday and Sunday at 7:00;& 9:00 Moliere s LE BOURGEOIS GENTILHOMME COLOR cast of the COMEDIE FRANCAISE wm I ... .... r... I ......,. .._ . 9. SIX CHARACTERS West Side Methodist Church 900 S. 7th Street Ann Arbor, Mich. presented by U-M Players Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg. 10-8 DAILY - $1.75, $1.25 U' 11.1 ,r DIAL 5-6290 THE WEST SIDE CHURCH invites you to hear 11 Dr. Vaughn Whited's series on I "God's Initiative" Jan. 13-"Living Color-God's Economy" II Jan. 20-"Amazing-God's Love" Jan. 27- "Existential ism-God's Proving Ground" Feb. 3-"Eschatology-God-Man's Co-existence" Services at 9:30 and 11:00 A.M. I D I ar ~ ' Q OEM LV OEM -A - EMIN& AMM kl- mom, i I III