Jheaters Continue To Use Time-Tested Technique By DAVID MARCUS Cheating is as straightforward as ever. Despite reports that college students hide answers in empty watch cases, cleverly connive to get the exam to a compatriot waiting outside the exam room and have files of term papers for every occasion, most of the cheating detected is still the desperate but unprepared student peeking at his neighbor's exam paper. Describing the run-of-the-mill cheater as "terribly unimagina- tive," Associate Dean of the Literary College James H. Robertson says that most academically dishonest students are acting "more out of desperation than amorality" and have "simply not thought about the consequences of their actions." Board Responsibility Dean Robertson is chairman of the literary college's adminis- Grative board which handles cases of academic dishonesty. Usually the board deals with 30-40 such cases each year, he says. "Occasionally, we get a case of a student who has stolen an exam or who has broken into an instructor's office and changed his grade or who is selling ready-made lab assignments. "But overall, I don't think cheating is a serious problem," Dean Robertson says, noting that cases of amoral, premeditated dishonesty are especially rare. Faculty Fights Back In at least a few cases, faculty members are catching on to some of the more conventional cheating devices and sometimes even inventing their own ingenious preventive devices. For example, one large lecture course was plagued by students bringing up their graded exams and asking for adjustments on supposedly misgraded or overlooked answers. After one exam, many of the bluebooks were photostated and, when students requested a change in grade, their bluebooks were compared with photostats of the original. Outside Job In another case, proctors were stationed outside a lecture hall where an exam was being given and apprehended several students attempting to pass copies of the questions through the window to fellow students who would manage to turn in a written exam in, the confusion of the mass exit at the end of the test. Once they are caught, the mechanisms for handling cheaters vary from school to school. Some, like the engineering school and the medical school, have honors systems which place the respon- sibility for detecting, apprehending and penalizing cheaters direct- ly on their student peers. "There is no system that will prevent all cheating," Prof. Axel Marin of the engineering school and chairman of the engineering faculty's discipline committee, says. Demonstrates Confidence "But the honor system does say that the faculty trusts the students until directly proven otherwise. The proctoring of examina- tions shows a lack of trust." The honor system has been in effect in the engineering col- lege since 1916 when it was instituted at the request of the senior class. Under its provisions, exams are distributed and then the in- structor leaves the room. If a student notices somebody cheating, he is supposed to bring it to the attention of the class. If the cheater does not cease immediately, it is the responsibility of the student who. noticed the dishonesty to turn the cheater in. Stressing that the problem of cheating is minimal in the en- gineering college, Prof. Marin points out that less than one-tenth of one per cent of the students in the college have ever been in- volved in any difficulty regarding their academic honesty. Privilege and Responsibility "When new students come, we tell them about the system, that it is both a privilege and a responsibility for them," Prof. Marin says. In most cases, the penalty for cheating is a failing grade on the bluebook, paper or in the course plus a letter sent home to the student's parents. In a few hard core cases, where the student is found guilty of committing a premeditated act such as stealing an exam, he is asked to leave the University. See ANTI-CHEATING, Page 8 LITERARY COLLEGE ENGINEERING Y Sir a :4Iat CLOUDY High--3 Low-25 Cloudy and colder with light snow beginning tonight See Editorial Page Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, NO. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1963 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PA Us. To Build Water Pollution Laboratory at ' f. Select North Campus As New Facility Site Congress Must Appropriate Funds For Constructing New PHS Center By PHILIP SUTIN The University has been selected as the site for a $2.5 million United States Public Health Service water pollution control labora- tory. The laboratory, one of seven to be built in various regions of the country, will be constructed on the east side of North Campus, Vice- I * T[ * * * * NEW CAMPUS: U' Plans MeetinLgs With Delta BY GAIL EVANS * * * Romney To Appoint Group To Study Education, Needs 'President for Research Ralph A. Sawyer said yesterday. As Congress has not yet appro- priated funds for the laboratories, Sawyer indicated the date of its completion is uncertain. However, he noted, if the money is appro- priated by summer, the facilities would be completed in about two years. To Employ 150 Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich), in announcing the laboratory, said he had been advised by the Pub- lic Health Service that the facility would employ approximately 150 scientists and engineers. ' The laboratory would be the center for water pollution research in 14 Midwestern states. It will attempt to determine more effec- tive ways of sewage treatment, trace sources of pollution and to devise ways of altering common and industrial pollutants. The University will have no con- trol over the laboratory, having only given the land for it, Sawyer said. However, it will informally cooperate with it and possibly conduct some contract research at the facility. Expect Involvement The public health school, the' natural resources school and the Institute of Science and Technol- ogy are expected to be involved with the laboratory. Hart indicated that the Univer- sity had beaten out possible sites. in Minnesota, Illinois and Missouri to gain the laboratory. "The University has a big pro- gram in water research. Itsmgood facilities were probably an impor- tant factor in establishing it here," The University is making pre- liminary arrangements for formal negotiations with Delta College to discuss the possibility of estab- lishing a University campus at Del- ta. The University will announce its negotiators in the next few days, Director of University Relations Michael Radock said yesterday. Wednesday night the Delta Col- lege Board of Trustees appointed a committee to discuss the possi- bility with the University. Delta is a two-year community college near Bay City. Recently, Delta has been trying to interest the Legislature, Michigan State University or the University in helping the college become a four- year institution. In a recent statement to the Legislative Study Committee, Uni- versity President Harlan Hatcher stressed the fact that the original charter of the University has au- thorized it to establish branches throughout the state, and that the University must be ready to "ex- tend its educational programs be- yond the Ann Arbor campus." President Hatcher praised the branch plan of educational expan- sion. He said that the University recognizes that the state may pro- vide for branches of existing in- stitutions in the future. However, he also added, "By pursuing dis- cussion with the Delta Board, we are not jeopardizing the success of any long-range program." The University will continue its policy of discussing any plans for new off-campus branches with the Legislature, he said. Paper Reports Soviet Overture' WAHNT4TOrMN (P)I The GSC Urges Electing SGC ByColleges r ,; By RICHARD KELLER SIMON Graduate Student Council un- animously called for a complete reorganization of Student Govern- ment Council last night. The plan drawn up by GSC President Edwin Sasaki, Grad., proposes a Council elected by the 15 schools and colleges of the University, with one representa- tive per 1000 students or part thereof. The president and vice- president would be elected at large from the entire student body. By the 1960 enrollment break- down, this would create a Council of 32, plus the president and vice- president. Sasaki's plan creates an- advis- ory board, a committee on non- academic affairs, made up of all the ex-officios now on Council ex- cepting the Editor of The Daily, and adding the heads of the In- ternational Students' Association, Inter-Cooperative Council, and Graduate Student Council. The proposal also calls for in- ternal committees made up en- tirely of Council members, and external committees made up of non-Council members with a Council member as chairman. Currently, SGC members are either elected at large by the en- ENROLLMENT ISSUE: Romano Amplifies Position . RALPH SAWYER ...new laboratory NEW SYSTEM: Keller Gives Registration Instructions Students who signed up for classes under the new preclassifi- cation system will get their classi- fication materials in the mail 'or at their college office by Jan. 25, according to Ronald Keller, ad- ministrative assistant in the office of Registration and Records. All ,studebntsa .musit. 'rina their By WILLIAM BENOIT Rep. William D. Romano (D- Warren) yesterday clarified his position regarding out-of-state students at the University, whose enrollment he had charged on Wednesday was too high. Romano agreed that the Univer- sity's official figures did indeed indicate a decrease in out-of-state enrollment, but he intimated that the figures had been manipulated to disguise the true situation. He had said on Wednesday that the University's out-of-state en- rollment had increased over last year by one per cent, but he ad- mitted yesterday that he had con- fused the University in that in- stance with Michigan State Uni- versity. But the Warren Democrat con- tinued to express concern on the matter of non-resident students, attacking particularly the high level of New York and New Jer- sey residents attending the Uni- versity. Romano emphasized that the Board Seeks Carification Of Statement Audit Commission would "make a thorough study" of the out-of- state enrollment situation, with particular attention paid to the University. He said he was "fed up" with varying definitions of an out-of- state student. He hinted that the Audit Commission would propose steps to limit appropriations for the University unless some agree- MedicaltCenter Details Need For New Children's Hospital The Medical Center has prepared a four-page special publica- tion detailing the need for a children's hospital as the latest part of its continuing drive for state capital outlay funds. The proposed $7.9 million hospital has been a high-priority item in the Medical Center capital outlay requests'since 1951 and is now the number one building on its list. William Bender, Jr., editor of the special supplement to the University Hospital Star, the house organ of the hospital, explained, "To show you how critical is this - ment on a standardized definition of a non-resident student was reached soon. "We don't want to run their business because under the Con- stitution they are a body by them- selves governed by the Regents, but we do give them money and unless standards are set up, some- thing will have to be done," Ro- mano said.- A. .111 ~ j6 VCi11b 11uA Ii 116 VL WA..LX1111V- * classification materials to the reg- Sawyer asserted. Washington Post said last night tire student body, or are ex- The Michigan Union Board of u 1 a r 1y scheduled registration, Fifth Group the United States and the Soviet officio members who hold their Directors last night referred back where students will be assessed The facility will be the fifth Union are actively exploring new positions because of their rank on to the Union Executive Council their fees. studying water resources. The approaches to a nuclear test ban other campus organizations. for clarification a proposed policy S t u d e n t s who preclassified United States Bureau of Commer- agreement that has eluded nego- Since SGC must approve any statement on the Union's status as courses will only have to go cial Fisheries operates a labora- tiators for years. changes in its organization, Sa- an apolitical organization. through the basement half of the tory here. The Post said a new Soviet saki hopes that his proposal will The statement, which stressed registration process in Waterman The Great Lakes Commission overture toward breaking the receive sufficient student endorse- that "the Union does not and Gymnasium. and Fisheries Commission are al- deadlock on international inspec- ment to force Council to adopt should not lend partisan support Late registration can result in so semi-attached to the University. tion of a test ban is understood the plan. He plans to enlist the to specific issues or causes, unless loss of reserved class space gained The Great Lakes research division to have been made to the United support of as many campus or- indicated otherwise by official ac- through preclassification. of IST also studies this area. States. ganizations as possible. tion of the Board of Directors," recognized the Union "Reports" as "the official organ for the respon- 'MAGNIFICENT REVOLUTION': sible expression of individual opin- ion by students working within the Union organization." " In a committee of the whole dis- o ns n V ews ega&- 11 g t orua = ussion on the possibility of a Jonso Views Negro Fight for Equaty the Union and ____the Michigan League, the Board By MARTHA MacNEAL considered the probable use of Bearth," he said, "but if we do, Calling Lincoln a man of stern etery, "and this was in the United the Union plant shouldea unified "The progress in the Negro's we shall pass through exceedingly intelligence, reason, and realism, States of America." student activities organization be struggle for equality is the most strenuous effort to a result that he stressed that Lincoln "would White educational missionaries located elsewhere. Director of Fi- magnificent revolution you have could be decisively constructive in have done with love whatever was from the North, who "knew what nancial Aids Walter B. Rea fa- ever looked at in your life," Rev, the whole world." necessary to set the souls of these Lincoln meant," taught Southern vored an enlargement of the Un- Mordecai Johnson, president emer- Rev. Johnson called himself pes- people free, socially and politically, Negroes to become aware of them- ion as a comprehensive center for itus of Howard University, said simistic, but emphasized that his for he loved the Southern people." selves, instilling in them the con- student activities, faculty, alumni yesterday. kind of pessimism is useful in Andrew Johnson, Loncoln's suc- ception of the dignity of human and guests. "We must prove to ourselves that it causes one to be careful, cessor, "had Lincoln's heart, but' nature. They sent the best Ne'ro Also considered was a sugges- that we still have the inspiration "to be sure that you are putting it was too soft. He did not know high school students to the best tion made by Union President of Thomas Jefferson, and make your feet on solid ground before how to make people commit them- colleges and universities in te Robert Finke, '63, that an organ- it concrete now," he stressed. taking the next step.' selves to the proposition that 'all North, and thus began real eman- ization be estatlished to bring to- Speaking on "Modern Progress Continuing his discussion with men are created equal ." cipation. gether the heads of all student in Civil Rights" as part of the an appraisal of Abraham Lincoln, Failure "It is still overwhelmingly true groups in a non-political atmos- University's observance of the "the greatest name n popular ; nnlPn1intlv h r*ennstrlc that Negroes are disciminat-d phere and that this group be given need in our own house the Star has prepared this special four-page' section. We urge you to read it. Show it to yourfriends and neigh- bors." "It is the same old push, the situatign is critical. The children's unit was well-planned -in 1918, but it is not good now. The need for a new one becomes greater each year," Medical Center Director Dr. A. C. Kerlikowske declared. Statements by President Harlan Hatcher, Dean William Hubbard of the Medical School and Ker- likowske emphasized the "critical- ly important" need for the hospi- tal. See 'U,' Page 2 Letter Upholds SGC Authority- Student Government Council has been given legal authority to continue its investigations into membership discrimination in the fraternity-sorority system. SGC legal counsel William P. Lemmer gave his opinion in a let- ter released at Wed. night's SGC meeting to Council President Ste- ven Stockmeyer, '63. He ruled that the Regents can legally delegate administrative authority to SGC, but not "Constitutional author- ity." Vows Quest To Seek Aid For Building State-of-State Speech Requests Legislators To Hold Split Session By KENNETH WINTER Gov. George Romney announced yesterday in his State of the State message that he will appoint -a citizens' committee to study Mich- igan's schools on a statewide basis, "from kindergarten to graduate levels." The group would investigate ex- tending methods of financing edu- cation, consider the establishment of community colleges, seek a sim- plified school-aid formula, and view other statewide educational issues. Romney also promised to seek "an immediate appropriation" for necessary capital outlay funds to state colleges and universities. His speech did not mention operating appropriations for higher educa- tion, although he said that public schools' operatingaappropriations could not be increased this year. Steps toward Reform Romney told the Legislature that his office has already taken steps toward state spending re- form, and, asked them to hold off on tax reform until "unquestioned efficiency and economy" in spend- ing are achieved, To this end, he suggested that the present legislative session be brief and "action-packed," last- ing until April, to be followed by a second session after Labor Day to enact tax reform measures. Reaction to.the two-session pro- posal followed party lines. Demo- crats said they were ready to co- operate with the Governor on im- mediate tax reform action, and in- sisted that there is no time for de- lay. Chance To Agree But House Speaker Allison Green (R-Kingston) backed the split ses- sion, which he said "will give us a chance to agree on areas where we are in agreement and then de- vote full attention to tax reform in the fall." The rest of Romney's message outlined his proposals for legisla- tive action, "an orderly, reasoned and immediate attack" on the state's problems, "premised on what is possible." He said that Michigan's fore- most need is for economic growth to create more jobs-a million more by 1970. Among the impossibilities for this year, at least, are new spend- ing programs, because a balanced budret is a nrimary need at the Chinese Painting 1' ifk ."