ri Seveny-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS Of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY Of BOARD IN CONTROL OP STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Ae Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBoK, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail",' ' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. Thh must be noted in all reprints. "You're Out Of Order" N1A I1/ :( V A . ! } k, l I VAN GOGH EXPOSITION: Extraordinary Painti Express Developre IURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1963 NIGHT EDITOR: GERALD STORCH John Birch Society: Retreat from Complexity 20 I~ /~S dAT~ Yj, HE JOHN BIRCH Society is a retreat from complexity. It attempts to redefine the con- flicts of the twentieth century into a dichotomy of good and evil. It attempts to simplify the American political scene into conservative, liberal and comsymp. It attempts to shy away from grays and retreat into blacks and the whites. This is why it is difficult to fit the Birch So- ciety into contemporary politics. The label Facist, with its connotation of anti-Semitism, is not applicable. The members of the Birch Society do not necessarily believe in a police state; but they do believe in a world of order and clear cut relationships in all phases of life, including the political. The society consists of individuals who are desperately afraid of chaos and who are un- able to recognize subtle shades or distinct classifications. They are worried about atomic. war, foreign aid and the. economy just as all politically concerned individuals. Their answers to these problems are always dogmatically simple, direct and clear cut. For example, Birchers claim that either the United States or the Soviet Union must emerge triumphant from the cold war. The Commun- ists, the Birchers say, are evil, the United States is the representative of Christian-style, capitalist society. IN SOME WAYS, the Birchers are right. The Communists have been brutal. The squelch- ing of the rebellion in Hungary and the death of Ukrainian farmers who refused to collec- tivize in the late 1920's and early 30's cer- tainly attest to this. But to say that either the United States or the Soviet Union must emerge triumphant from the cold war is pure nonsense. The only tri- umph will be in the radioactive ashes of a nuclear war in which civilization and perhaps life itself can no longer exist as we know them. Most notoriously, the Birchers have charged that certain government officials are Commun- ists or in sympathy with the Communists. These officials, either because of their overt connection with Communists or their mis- guided sentiments, have put the United States into retreat and compromise with the Soviet, Union. More concretely, the Birchers cite gov- ernment officials who they claim were once in- volved in Communist organizations or who have done such things as backing the revolu- tion of Fidel Castro when he first came to power< THIS IS A difficult charge to answer because there is so much difference of opinion among the Birchers themselves. Some will say that government is overrun' by Comsymps, others soft-pedal the charge. The charge dwindles when one realizes that in all the cases of Communist associations that the Birchers claim, these ties were in effect in the 30's and early 40's when few people realized what Communism was and even fewer had any idea of what a Communist- infiltrated organization was. But perhaps the point that is most telling about the society is" the charge that the press and the Republican party are dominated by liberals. They fail to see the distinction be- tween individuals and newspapers who believe in limited social welfare and those who believe in a welfare or socialistic state. These illustrations show the driving force behind the Birch Society. It is a need for order in a seemingly chaotic world. They cannot accept society as a pragmatic working ar- rangement. It must be postulated completely on the basis of capitalism and free market.. MOST JOHN Birchers are afraid. It is almost undeniably true that they are right when they say that the citizen has been deprived of any meaningful political choice in the area of foreign affairs. In many' ways, the manage- ment of foreign affairs is in the hands of "the Establishment" no matter what administra- tion is in office. But despite their justification for wanting' a spot in the political arena, the Birchers simply do not have solutions that :relate to present-day problems. In a day of complexity and fantastic diversity, simple solutions and clear dichotomies do not always work. And above'"all, in the days of new frontiers, new nations, and the advent of the space age, we cannot afford to retreat into a narrow, closed system. -DAVID MARCUS I -.'.'. ยง/A ""-.; 3 1 ,_. , ... :} t G _ S a: w " ry'iy " _ . k..s;; y e ,. ;; ..r ' . a' 4 3 :: :- V- A", By GLORIA BOWLES DETROIT, the Automobile City, has been attempting in recent years to "make itself over" and to bury the image of a grimy, col- orless industrial town. The result has been a plea for beauty, and interesting experiments in modern architecture, especially on the waterfront, complemented by a drive "to bring culture to Detroit." The city has succeeded well in recent years: the prominent and wealthy auto families promoted the first appearance of the Metro- politan Opera Company, and the Met's spring productions have now become an annual event; and in- terest in theatre in Detroit has been greatly Intensified with the completion of the Fisher Theater, this fall. However, the drive underway to put Detroit on the- American cul- tural map has -reached great heights the past weeks with the current exhibition, at the Detroit Museum of Art, of 142 paintings and drawings of Vincent 'Van Gogh,the Dutch postimpression- ist. * * * THE TABLEAUX are from a private. Dutch collection, which was seen in Pittsburgh, and will go-to Kansas City after its Janu- ary 27, closing in Detroit. Many, students here should have an op- portunity for an after or in-be- tween exam look at this outstand- ing exposition, certainly one of the most exciting artistic'events in the country. The collection, with examples of work from all of the Van Gogh periods, gives a vast panoramic' view of the painter, and his de- velopment. There are a large number of drawings from the early years, as Van Gogh struggled desperately to capture on canvas that which he felt so deeply; he was seldom. satisfied with the results of these initial explorations. The drawings, especially those of the human' form, are sometimes overworked, and unsuccessful, but still show promise. Through the exposition one may trace the progress of the artist's struggle, moved by his slow, steady improvement. "THE POTATO Eaters", paint- ed at Nuenen, is the outstanding result of the influence of Millet, and his "Angelus" and Van Gogh's{ passionate understanding of pea- sant misery. Van Gogh left Nyuenen for, Paris; several of the paintings show the influence of the impres- sionists, as his palette lightens. But the great excitement is yet to come:tits intensity is startling. From the short years at Arles, and then in the asylum at Saint Remy come the boldness and dar-' ing in color and ideas with some of the most torturous of paintings in the world of art: these are the work of armadman, who, paintin under the hot sun of the south saw nothing but brilliant color Several of the pictures are world- famous, and quickly recognizable the sunflowers, one example o the many he painted, a self-por. trait, the interpretation of hi room at .Arles. THERE ARE several other pic tures that most veteran Van Gogh fans have never seen, not even in reproduction. And, as an interesting backdrop to the exhibition, the Museum shows a 20-minute film based on some of Vincent's letters to hi brother, Theo. The exposition is an extraordin ary opportunity to see some o the best that modern Europe ha to offer. Detroit shall not be so blessed again for a very long time LETTERS to the EDITOR To the Editor: rIIS IS not a letter in the broad sense, this is merely to practic my English ... According to th English Language Institute, it i not sufficient for any foreign stu dent here to fulfill successfully the acadenlic requirements to get hi Ph.D. He is still "Englishly under developed" until he passes a sor of "divinely" inspired test in carnated by the E.L.I. The mos shocking thing about this test i the fact that it is the same wheth er the "victim" is looking for ad mission as a freshman or lookin for graduation as a doctoral stu dent. The foreigner's mind should be disciplined by the same od English words and medieval gram matical rules whether he is an en gineer, mathematician, psycholo gist, educator or anything else. Whether this test is reliable valid or neither, whether it i functional, instructional or neith the experts in both measurement er, I leave ,this to the judgment o and contemporary methodolog for teaching foreign languages What I am looking for, beside practicing my English, is to re quest the authorities In the Uni versity to channel the English lan guage requirements for the' for eigners to their respective depart ments. The people in these:depart ments are. the best authority tc judge Ithe English capability of their students as related to thei specializations. -William Ebeid, Grad. r r d7#96~3 'o-a o THE KATANGA CRISIS: Development of Conflict Co-Ed Housing Unnatural (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a two part article outlining the history of recent events in Katanga.) By DANIEL SHAFER THE KATANGA crisis, recently brought to a head by the Unit- ed Nations action in that troubled secessionist province, began on July 12, 1960, when Moise Tshom- be declared that Katanga was henceforth to be considered a province independent from the relatively new Republic of the Congo.' This move came as no shock to most news analysts and other in- ternational affairs experts who had been watchiiig the Congo sit- uation for some time. The province of Katanga was the wealthiest portion of the en- tire Republic of the Congo and could survive in'dependently from the large republic. The question was, could the Congo get along very well without the financial support and aid of the province of Katanga? On July 19, Tshombe asked the United Nations to recognize Ka- tanga as an independent and sov- ereign province. This was his logi- cal next move. Obviously, the Con- go would not recognize the exist- ence of a province of such stature as Katanga as an independent na- tion. Tshombe needed support and, recognition to run his government, so le turned to the UN.. * * * THE FIRST hint of any ex- tremely serious trouble in the province of Katanga itself that the world saw was on July 26, when Prime Minister Lumumba, of the Republic of thehCongo, an- nounced that he felt the secession of the Katanga province was caused entirely by the presence of Belgian troops in that province and that the situation would be rectified and peace restored after the Belgian troops had been with- drawn.. The next big event in the 'de- velopment of the Congo crisis took place July 31, when the Congolese Cabinet demanded that United Nations troops, already in the Congo at the time, take immediate action in Katanga to. end the se- cession, despite heavy Belgian op- position to such action. This de- Mand can be called the beginning of the crisis which exists today in the province. * * * WHEN DAG Hammarskjold an- nounced that troops would soon move into Katanga, Moise Tshom- ASSEMBLY-IQC Co-eduational Hous- ing Study Committee has surreptitiously, produced a six paragraph broadside informing the campus of why it (the campus) wants co-ed housing. What the co-ed housing proponents have gathered up is, in essence, this: We want co-ed housing because it is a "more natural living arrangement which permits you to, get to know students of both sexes in an informal living situation. It removes the ten- dency for you to think of women only as poten- tial dates. . . . Working with women who ap- Intimidation ARECENT letter to the editor in a national magazine explained the supposed difference between democracy in America and democratic centralization in the Soviet Union. The letter stated that whereas in the Soviet .Union decisions are handed down from the omniscient ruling clique, in the United States everyone can debate an issue, though once the top authorities make a decision, all dissension should cease. This is, of course, an entirely erroneous view. The crux of democracy is that debate about an issue does not stop . .. ever. We have the Constitutional privilege of expressing ideas contrary' to those of the President, Congress or the majority of public opinion. The decisions of the administrations should in no way affect this right. IN THE Soviet Union the ideal, as ,conceived by Lenin, is to allow the lower ranks of Communist Party members to discuss issues. Their debate supposedly affects the ultimate decision, which is uniformly applied to all. However, it isn't considered wise to speak out, because of the distinct possibility that one's views will later be used as damning evidence. It is necessary to guard against the encroach- ment of the majority opinion onto the domain of private convictions. Especially in times of crises, the difficulty of this and the inevitable uproar about "un- Americanism" and "a united front" is magni- fied. But if we allow ourselves to be intimidated into mouthing platitudes we don't believe, how different is this from "democracy" in the Soviet Union? -BARBARA PASH Editorial Staff MICHAEL OLINICX, Editor JUpITH .OPPENHEIM MICHAEL HARRAH proach problems much differently than you do is helpful to you, for the' ability to work out these differences will stand you in good stead in later years." (Natural living arrangement. Rmm!) E WANT co-ed housing because it will "re- move the feeling that you are competing with women. . . ." (Where did that one come from?) We want co-ed housing because it will enable us "to extend (our) academic life, which in- cludes 'coeducational classes, to the residence halls. . . ." (You can draw your own conclu- sions with regard to 'the ultimate extension there.) We want co-ed housing because it would "widen the housing choices available to stu- dents." (That may prove to be the understate- ment of the year.) CO-ED HOUSING committee, the uninformed campus thanks you. At least we know why you have done this to us. Our only regret is that you neglected to ask us why, or indeed whether, we even wanted co-ed housing before you committed us to it.. And don't tell us about that Bursley Hall business either. We've looked forward to that for years and it now seems we'll still be looking for years to come. We'd finally realized it was a 'fairy tale, n'er to come true. But co-ed housing now upon us is a reality- and to some, a monster. We only regret we weren't all consulted. -MICHAEL HARRAH City Editor f Indifference STUDENTS of botany 101 and chemistry 104 write periodic hourly lecture examinations. In botany each of these counts one-eighth of the total semester grade, in chemistry one- ninth. One of these chemistry hourlies was scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday. At the same time a botany make-up exam, was scheduled for students with legitimate excuses for having missed a previous exam. People taking both courses who were unfortunate enough to have missed a botany hourly could not, of course, take both tests at the scheduled times. But the botany department refused to offer another make-up, and the chemistry department de- clined to schedule any make-up. Therefore students were compelled to decide in which course they could best sacrifice at least half of a grade point, due to circumstances beyond their control. Lest the botany and chemistry departments desire reputations of indifference, they should arrange to offer, before the semester ends, GOVERNMENT PROBLEM: Immigrant Laborers' By BARBARA PASH EACH YEAR approximately 500,- 000 immigrants and temporary laborers enter the "United States. Their impact on the domestic la- bor force, numbered at more than 70 million, is minimal. Many of the immigrants in re- cent years come from Hungary (especially during 1956) and Cuba. They bring to America badly- neededbskills as doctors, nurses, scientists and other professional and technical workers. Govern- ment officials point out that im- migration is under substantial selective controls. Several hundred thousand for- eign workers, mainly laborers in agriculture, are admitted each year to handle 'seasonal crops for 'restricted periods. THE GOVERNMENT, unions' and farmers feel that transient labor is a valuable -supplemental force when necessary. Abuses of immigrant laborers are being curb- ed and a more rigorous policing of contract provisions requiring pay- ment of specified wage standards, provision of housing and meals and medical care is being, imple- mented. A recent Labor Department re- port states that it collected and turned over to transient Mexican workers $286,000 in 1962 that em- ployers had tried to avoid paying. Robert C. Goodwin, administra- tor of the Bureau of Employment Security of the Department of La- bor, noted that although immi- grant labor is causing no great amount of trouble on the domestic labor scene, "there is the other as- numbers of workers are admitted annually from the British West In- dies, Spain, Canada and Japan. Agreements are also negotiated bringing in laborers from Puerto Rico, but the Puerto Ricans are American citizens and thus have as much right to move to the con- tinental United States as any citi- zen has of moving from one city to another. In 1955, approximately 500,000 Mexicans entered America. This number declined to 188,000 in 1962, partly because of government measures, but also because of in- creased mechanization of agricul- ture.,Themgovernmentalso launch- ed a campaign to reduce the num- ber of illegal entries of "wetbacks." By encouraging the employer to hire domestic workers for transient labor' before contracting immi- grants, the government has tried to minimize the displacement of American workers. * * * AN AFL-CIO spokesman noted that governmental protection of foreign laborers in the United States has operated as a force to increase the wages and improve the conditions of domestic work- ers. The entire structure of Ameri- can employment has changed, however. This will necessarily af- fect immigrant labor, as it'has already altered domestic labor. The United States Census Bureau re- ported that the number of agri- cultural workers dropped 37 per cent from 1950 while industry em- ployed 21 per cent more workers than last year. The number of -1 1 ta rinfein .. e la fr be replied that he would regard any UN move to intervene in Ka- tanga as aggression and would oppose it with military force. Hlammarskjold, faced with Immin- ent bloodshed if he went ahead with his plans called off the ac- tion and requested an emergency session of the United Nations Se- curity Council. After this all-important Secur- ity, Council meeting, Hammar- skjold decided to send his troops in. On August 13, UN troops en- tered Katanga in the face of heavy opposition and open defi- ance of UN orders by Tshombe. THE NEW YEAR was hardly under way before Lumumba-sup- porting troops from the Congolese Army invaded north'ern Katanga. This move probably did more than any other single military action in this area to heat up the crisis. Tshombe, understandabl$, was furious. He shouted loud and long about the grossness of such unpro- voked attacks upon his little coun- try, but not so long that he didn't find time 'to capture Lumumba, who had accompanied his troops' move into Katanga, and two of his top aides. Less than a month; later, -Ka- tangan news sources announced that Lumumba and his two aides had escaped,and, several days after this announcement, reported that they had been killed by vil- lagers. Much mystery shrouded this action. There was much spec- ulation in Europe and the United States that Tshombe had actually ordered the killing of the three Congolese leaders and that, in fact, they had never escaped jail at all. The United Nations later decided, after a thorough investi- gation some time later, that this rumor was indeed the truth and severely condemned Tshombe for his part in the "unnecessary and unwise" killing of Lumumba and his two aides. THE CRISIS calmed, with very infrequent and very. small flare- ups until mid-April, 1961, when Tshombe went to the Congolese- requested conference to discuss the secession on friendly terms. The terms turned out to be not so friendly and, on April 27, it was announced that Tshombe and two of his aides were captured by Congolese soldiers. A few days later, the Congolese Government reported that it would try Tshombe for "treason, assassination of Lumumba, sedi- tion, counterfeiting, and misap- propriation of Government prop- erty." Not much came of these charges however, and on June 23, the Congolese gov.nment announced that Tshombe and his two aides had been freed. ** .* THIS WAS a little hard to com- prehend. In the first place, it was a contradictory move when con- sidered with the Conolese gov- ernment's long-standing policy of being tough and dealing hard with the secessionist province of Ka- tanga. In the second place, it was a seemingly ridiculous move. To let -Daily-Ed 'Arnos REALITY VS. ILLUSION-The characters mock the actors' at tempt to recreate on the stage the reality of the characters' ex periences in the University Players' production of Pirandello's "Si: Characters in Search of an Author" last night at Trueblood Aud troduction compliment Fine Pirandello Drama ESTERDAY EVENING, the University Players began what should prove to be a very success- ful four day run of Luigi 'Piran- dello's play, "Six Characters in Search of an Author." Generally regarded as the Nobel Prize winner's masterpiece (1934), the play is an intensely provocative drama which in itself would en- gage the interest' of almost any audience. Very much influenced by the Hegelian method of dialectical ar- gument, Pirandello effectively uses it in arguing about subjective real- ity and moral relativity through' his characters. Almost phantom- like he seems to -move from one personage to another, erecting a subtle, difficult, and frequently persuasive case. * * * YET HIS WORK is never aridly intellectual and dispassionate. Pir- andello is a playwright with an ex- traordinary dramatic sense and a frequently poetic faculty of ex- pression. The play moves swiftly cision to emphasize the trag quality of the play, and then, well chosen intervals, to contra it with surprising, but well tim humor. The fact that the audien was gripped throughout, and ne em reacted out of place, attests the success of the direction. ** * THE ACTING is'generally s perior. Jack O'Brien, known a ready as a playwright for h adaptation of "Bartholomew Fai reveals himself to be a capal actor in the role of the Direct Judith Propper, as the step-daug ter, carries the burden of t drama together with Robert 1 Kee, as the father. While her pe formance is a fine one, often ou standing, it would profit were sl to more carefully determine a vary the dramatic intensity of h performance. Because she attemp to sustain a high degree of te sion throughout, she sometin fails to effectively convey the emr tional crises of the play. The cris tend, in consequence, to be strai