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January 09, 1963 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-01-09

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Statistics of Iowa Game Reveal
Wild Second-Half 'M' Splurge

NCAA Averts TV Change



Old statistics are usually as fas-
cinating as soggy corn flakes, but
occasionally they vividly describe
vital points which are overlooked
in the heat of action.
Let's take a gander at the rec-
ords of the Iowa game.
In the scoring department, the
Wolverines switched from the
mediocre to the phenomenal.
Shooting unspectacularly at a 41
per cent clip in the first half they
trailed 38-36 at the buzzer. Bill
Buntin was the principal scorer,
dumping in nine field goals.
Pericles Strack
Coach =Save Strack must have
given a fine oration or at least fed
the players oranges with go-power.
They came out with enough hot
Ewbank Fired
As Colt Coach;
Ashburn Quits
By The Associated Press
BALTIMORE - Carroll Rosen-
bloom, owner of the Baltimore
Colts, fired Weeb Ewbank as head
coach Tuesday and gave the job
to youthful Don Shula, a former
student of Ewbank's.
Rosenbloom said Shula, 33-
year-old defensive backfield coach
of the Detroit Lions, was offered
and accepted a two-year contract
to lead the club in 1963-64. Salary
was not disclosed.
TILDEN, Neb. - Richie Ash-
burn, a member of a select group
with 2,500 or more major league
hits, ahs retired from baseball for
the broadcasting field.
The veteran outfielder said yes-
terday he had been hired as a
member of a three-man team
which will broadcast the Phila-
delphia Phillies games next sea-
NEW YORK - The prosperous
National Football League, dis-
turbed by whispered rumors of
scandal in Chicago and Detroit
have uncovered "nothing more
than questionable associations."
But this has been enough to
arouse NFL officials. Players have
been told in the past to watch
the company they keep. Now
there is every indication that the
league is going to get real tough
about it.
The statement on the investiga-
tions in Chicago and Detroit was
made by NFL Commissioner Pete
Rozelle, who was en route from
Miami to New York.
Meanwhile, in Houston, sports
editor Dick Peebles of the Hous-
ton Chronicle, said the American
Football League also is being in-

hands to heat the field house.
John Oosterbaan, Michigan's an-
swer to the Celtics' Frank Ram-
sey, popped in 14 second-stanza
points, mainly on driving lay-ups.
Freshman Coach Tom Jorgensen
explained that Iowa played a tight
man-to-man defenise and gambled
on intercepting the ball. Ooster-
baan and the other forward Tom
Cole merely needed to fake, then
dash for the basket and take a
pass from Bob Cantrell, Doug
Herner, or George Pomey.
This simple strategy netted
many of the 52 points in that
climactic second half as Michigan
scored a whopping 25 field goals
out of just 38 attempts for an al-
most stupendous 67 per cent. As
a matter of fact, the Wolverines
notched 30 points in the first nine
minutes of the half. Michigan
finished with a 53 per cent field
goal average.
Big Bad Bill
Brawny Bill Buntin who has led
Michigan in scoring in 11 con-
secutive contests took honors as
usual pumping in 34 points. He
had these points safely in hand
with eight minutes remaining, and
had the opportunity to gun for
a record (John Tidwell holds the
Michigan record with 43 points in
one game). Buntin, obviously tired,
chose instead to feed rather than
force his shots.
In the rebounding department
the Wolverines monopolized the
boards as they have done against
every opponent this year, with the
exception of Ball State. They
snared 50 to the Hawkeyes' 34.
Buntin who ranked sixth in the
nation in rebounding prior to the
Northwestern encounter snatched
16 to match his season's average.

Tom Cole, who seems to thrive
on Big Ten play, slipped under the
hoop often enough to gather in 14
rebounds. In the absence of John
Harris, who ailed from a sprained
ankle, Larry Tregoning and Oos-
terbaan picked off 13 more be-
tween them.
Jorgensen commented after the
devastating second half explosion
that the coaches had been "wait-
ing for the game when we get the
lead and then stamp on our op-
Just a Victory
The coaches don't expect to add
to their "stamp" collection, just
their victory hoard, in their next
game against defending confer-
ence champion Ohio State this
Saturday night at Columbus. The
Buckeyes have an fantastic 42-
game home winning streak, ex-
tending over four seasons.
They boast an outstanding cen-
ter in Gary Bradds who has a 30
point average in two Big Ten
games. Ohio lost to Illinois 90 to
78 Monday evening, and is bound
to be in an ornery mood when it
takes on upstart Michigan.
For the Blue, a victory would
maintain their Big Ten leadership.

LOS ANGELES ()- - A threat-
ened revolt against the National
Collegiate Athletic Association's
football television program failed
to materialize at the NCAA con-
vention yesterday.
Instead, the protesting group-
representing mainly the schools
which rarely if ever get their
games on television-settled for a
resolution that the television com-
panies and the NCAA cooperate
on a so-called share the wealth
"We had several meetings with
them over the situation," Bill
Flynn of Boston College, chairman
of the committee, said after the
annual report was read at an open
round table with nary a dissent-
ing comment.
The committee report and its
recommendation, similar to those
in effect last fall, will be voted
upon today.
"Apparently, the advice of legal
counsel that the share the wealth
idea might represent a violation
of anti-trust laws was helpful,"
Flynn said. "We also pointed out
that, while our rules call for ad-
dition of at least two schools
The NCAA also released an ex-
change of telegrams with Presi-
dent Kennedy which indicated
that arbitration of the amateur
sports dispute between the Ama-

teur Athletic Union and the NCAA
supported U. S. Track and Field
Federation is soon to begin under
Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
At the same time, the executive
A Happy Career
There once was a boy who sat
in his room all day, wishing he
could be doing something be-
sides the class-studies-sleep
routine he was leading.j
Then, suddenly, one day, he
got an idea! He would join The
Daily sports staff. He'd get to
know all the athletes, coaches,j
and personalities.
He called Jan Winkelman at
NO 2-3241 and got a hearty
He fully enjoyed his career
on The Daily, having as much
fun his last semester as his
He never got tired of The
Daily or of Michigan sports.
He never got bored.
Why don't you try it?
committee and the council of the
NCAA asked delegates attending
the annual NCAA convention to
pass legislation that would have
penalized a college athlete for

competing in AAU events not
sanctioned by the federation.
The NCAA and the AAU are
ready to begin ar bitration of the
raging amateur sports dispute as
soon as President Kennedy gives
the word.
The step toward at least tem-
porary peace in the 2%-year dis-
pute that was threatening the
makeup of the U. S. Olympic team
developed at the NCAA convention
here yesterday, when the colleges
announced they were ready to be-
gin arbitration as a member of the
U. S. Track and Field Federation
and the AAU said in New York
that it was agreeable .to them.

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SMeGonigal Gets Chance

.Makes Good

Although Michigan's hockey
team has gotten off to a slow
start this year, a pleasant surprise
has been the fine play of center
John McGonigal.
McGonigal has scored four goals

Grappler Fitz orerald
Keeps Rolling Along

Dennis Fitzgerald is an all-
around athlete who excels in
During his undergraduate ca-
reer he participated in both inter-
collegiate football and wrestling
capturing the Big Ten title twice
and the Wilkes College Tourna-
ment the same number of times as
a grappler.
After graduating two years ago,
he spent one year in the Army.
Last year Fitzgerald returned to
Michigap to begin work on his
masters 1 degree in physical edu-
Worked Out Regularly
Since returning he has been
working out regularly with the
wrestling squad.
In the recent Pan American

wrestling tryouts held in Okla-
homa during Christmas vacation
"Fitz" entered and captured the
top spot in the 171-pound division,
making him elegible for the Pan
American games to be held in Sao
Paolo, Brazil.
"The Pan Am tryouts were a.
great challenge," explained Den-
nis. "Of the 22 wrestlers entered
in my class, five were national
Three in a Day
He wrestled seven matches in
all, meeting three of the champs
on the final day of the meet.
Fitzgerald has come into his
prime relatively late in his career
due to the fact that he did not
have the experience of wrestling
in high school.
"I did not begin to wrestle on
a team until I came to Michigan,"
he said. "After four years of ex-
perience here andra year of com-
peting in the Army, I am again
working with the Michigan squad.
Aids Others
By practicing with the squad he
not only keeps in shape but also
passes on his knowledge to the
yonger matmen.
oFitzgerald this year's squad
appears "young and talented,"
needing only to develop confi-
dence, led by an excellent team
leader in the person of captain
Nick Armelagos.
After receiving his masters, Den-
nis hopes to go into coaching.
Cliff Keen's wrestling squad will
hold its first home meet of the
season Saturday hosting North-
The contest will be held at Yost
Field House beginning at 3:00 p.m.
The Wildcats have to their
credit this year a recent win in
the Chicago Quadrangular meet.
The meeting, will feature a
heavyweight dual between Mich-
igan's Jack Barden and 1961 Big
Ten champion Al Jaklich of
Jaklich has defeated Barden in
their last three meetings, the mar-
gin decreasing in each consecutive
This season will be senior Bar-
den's last chance to even the score,
Loyola (Chicago) 87, Marquette 68
West Virginia 89, Davidson 73
Bradley 91, Northern Mich. 64
Penn State 88, Bucknell 83 (ovt)
SMU 70, Texas Tech 61
NYU 57, Acadia 41
Virginia Tech 74, VMI 70
Texas A & M 71, Rice 61
Syracuse 119, Cincinnati 116
Detroit 109, New York 93
Los Angeles 99, St. Louis 96

and one assist in WCHA play so
far this year, and one additional
goal in a non-league game. His
hustling play has often sparked
the Wolverines when they were
sagging a bit.
From Ontario
John comes to Michigan from1
Kapuskasing, Ontario, which is, as'
he says, "a small town of news-
print size 640 miles north of Tor-
Like most Canadian boys, Mc-1
Gongigal was introduced to
hockey at an early age. Kapus-
kasing, he says, is a very good
hockey town. "The supervisiona
and facilities are excellent. They'
start buying sticks for the kidsa
when they are only about seven
years old." McGonigal feels that1
the great opportunity that he had
to play hockey there has helped'
him to his present success.
Many athleteswho are profi-
cient in a particular sport also
enjoy participating in others, and
McGonigal is no exception. He
played football in nigh school, and I
"attempts to play golf" now.
King Hockey1
Hockey, however, was his main1
interest. "When the season runs
from September 1 to the beginning
of May, you don't have time for
too many other sports," he re-1
John played for his local teamst
until he was 16, when he was
asked to join the Hamilton Tigert
Cubs, now called the Red Wings.
This club is affiliated with the De-
troit Red Wings. His parents con-
sented to his joining the Tiger
Cubs, and he went to Hamilton,
where he played a year of Junior
"A" hockey and also finished high
He then stayed out of college
for a year, during which time he
established correspondence with
Al Renfrew, the Michigan hockey
coach. Renfrew wanted him to

come here to school, and McGoni-
gal entered the next fall.
Gets His Chance
After seeing limited service the
first two years on the varsity
team, McGonigal was given a
chance to play on a regular line
this year, and he has responded
admirably. "I always thought that
I could play well, if I were play-
ing regularly," he says, "and I
want to thank Al for giving me
the chance."
The idea of playing profession-
al hockey has not appealed to
John as of today. He feels that the
NHL teams will go after the play-
ers they want, and there is not
much future in spending a life in
the minor leagues, just to con-
tinue playing. "Of course I'll miss
it, but I hope to get in a league
wherever I'm working after my
History Major
McGonigal will graduate in
June and is in L.i.&A., majoring
in history. He has no definite
plans for a job, but will work for
Ford in the summer, training to
be a foreman.
"There is no doubt in my mind,"
he says, "that the Michigan team
will make the playoffs. I think
that we are every bit as good as
last year, but the quality of the
league has increased, and we have
ha dtrouble clicking at the same
time." He definitely feels that the
Wolverines are a better team than
their league record indicates.
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