ELECTING THE REGENTS See Editorial Page Y Lilet- uau Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom ~~E~Ait PARTLY CLOUDY High-32 Low--25 Mostly cloudy, turning cooler tomorrow *NANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES MAINTAINS HELICOPTERS: U.S. Studies Viet Nam War SAIGON (,)--United States and Vietnamese officers considered possible changes in tactics yester- day to eliminate mistakes that showed up last Wednesday in th battle of Ap Bac, the bloodiest of South Viet Nam's four-year war against the Communist Viet Cong Communist fire killed 68 gov- ernment troops and three Ameri- cans, wounded about 110 govern- ment troops and 10 Americans and downed five U.S. helicopters. The government said more thar 100 guerrillas were killed. About 40 enemy bodies were found. There was criticism among American officers of the conduci of the attack. The consensus was that there were inadequate intelli- gence, poor coordination and a lack of aggressiveness on the gov- ernment side. It was clear, however, that the basic pattern of airborne assaults adopted when the United States began a massive military assist- ance program in South Viet Nam 13 months ago, will be maintained The United States defense depart- ment in Washington announced its determination to continue the use of helicopters. Harkins Plans The announcement had origin- ated at headquarters of Gen. Paul D. Harkins in Viet Nam, passed through Army channels and had the approval of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the defense depart- ment. The White House was re- ported to have asked for a com- plete report on the battle. The summary and policy expres- sion appeared to be intended for several purposes, including getting out the Army-defense department version of what happened last Wednesday about 35 miles south- west of Saigon and heading off criticism of Army tactics in using helicopters under the jungle war- fare conditions of Viet Nam. Inaccessible Areas The summary said experience shows helicopters can penetrate "otherwise inaccessible areas and deprive guerrilla forces of the ini- tiative." A news dispatch from Saigon yesterday said that in another en- gagement near the Cambodian border, the South Vietnamese gov- ,ernment claimed 47 Viet Cong kill- ed, largely as the result of air strikes. ROTC Faces Cuts, Revision By Congress By RICHARD KRAUT The new Congress will probab- ly pass legislation on a revision and cutback in the Reserve Offi- cer Training Corps in colleges and' high schools, Senate sources said yesterday. The revision, proposed by the defense department, will call for an end to ROTC programs in high' schools, elimination of the present compulsory ROTC programs in many land-grant colleges and re- duction of the four-year ROTC courses in most universities to two years. According to Army ROTC direc- tor Thomas A. Harris, the defense department is asking for a revised program, due to high cost and to induce more students to take RO- TC. Pay Increase? Col. Harris noted that the new program might carry with it an increase in pay. He said that the defense department will suggest that students in the ROTC pro- gram be paid $47 per month, rath- er than the $28 they now receive. In addition, he said that the sum- mer work' session might be ex- tended, so that a student could earn from $1,100 to $1,200 for a year's work in the proposed pro- gram. GCl. Harris cited the increasing number of students attending jun- ior colleges and then going on to a university for their junior and senior years and said that the re- vised two-year program would en- able these students to participate in ROTC. He also added that the cost of the present training program was a factor in the defense depart- ment's decision to ask for a cut- back. Defense officials have esti- mated that if Congress passes the proposed legislation, the savings might come to several million dol- lars. Few Officers In addition, sponsors of the new proposal contend that the armed services have been getting relative- 1Y few officers. either career or VIET NAM HELICOPTER-The United States will continue to use helicopters as a basic pattern of military assaults in the Viet- namese war. Helicopters enable troops to penetrate inaccessible areas and deprive guerrillas of the initiative. 'U' CONFAB: USNSA Region creates New Executive Posit ion By DANIEL SHAFER The Michigan Region of the United States National Student As- sociation created the new post of second national executive council representative last night. This position, suggested by Student Government Council member Howard Abrams, '63, and Gregory Nigosian of Wayne State University, will be regional secretary as well as being a second delegate sent to the USNSA National Executive' Fear End To School 2Ileas are WASHINGTON () - House members responsible for trying to push President John F. Kennedy's education program through Con- gress see little chance for the gen- eral school aid bill. Although the administration has yet to unveil its 1963 edition of a school bill, there is little to indi- cate it will differ greatly from those that failed to pass in 1961 and 1962. With the makeup of the new House little changed from the one that rejected earlier bills, and with the religious controversy still exist- ing, these members see no reason to look for a different outcome this year. No Aid Privately they predict no feder- al aid for the nation's elementary and secondary schools is likely to be voted this year. This does not mean none of Kennedy's education programs will pass. Early prospects are fair for some sort of aid to higher educa- tion, and there is also a reasonable chance for passage of bills aimed at specific targets, such as im- proving technical and vocational education and teacher training. But no such victories would com- pensate in the administration view for loss of the general school aid bill, which Kennedy has repeat- edly called the basis of any effort to improve the nation's education- al system. Committed Although the President seems committed to putting forward a school bill each year, some sup- porters of such legislation feel that the annual combat should be fore- gone for a while. The House is unreceptive now and should be allowed time, while efforts are made to find a solution to the church-state controversy that has contributed to the suc- cession of defeats. In the absence of such agree- ment, some congressional sources feel, only the full force of Ken- nedy's leadership could produce a school bill. They regard it unlike- ly that the President would force an all-out fight that might tend to divide the nation along religious lines. Cudlip Seeks Nomination For Regents Grosse Pointe Shores attorney William B. Cudlip, '26L, is seek- ing the Republican nomination for candidate in the April 1 Regents' election. Cudlip is the third person to de- clare his candidacy for the two new terms on the eight-man board. If he receives the GOP nomina- tion at the Feb. 15-16 state con- vention, he will oppose Regents Eugene B. Power (Ann Arbor) and Donald M. D. Thurber (Detroit), who will seek re-election on the Democratic ticket. Cudlip was a constitutional con- vention delegate, serving as chair- man of con-con's style and draft- ing committee and a member of its judicial branch committee. He lauded the new constitution, and criticized the Democratic can- didates for opposing it. "The edu- cation section in the proposed con- stitution is being heralded by edu- cators and school people as a splendid proposal," Cudlip com- mented. i UN) USee Hope For Peace, F'shombe Near t, a i x r OSU Senate Fights Aetion The student senate of Ohio State University voted Friday to oppose the amendment made to the guest speaker rule by the OSU board of trustees in December. It also voted to establish a spe- cial committee to study the speak- er's rule problem on campus. In its action, the board passed an amendment to the speaker's rule which clarified the university president's authority in reviewing requests to invite speakers to cam- pus, giving him the authority "to take such action as, in his judg- ment, he deems necessary or ad- visable in the best and over-all interest of the university." Pass Motion The student senate's motion, passed in voice vote that tallied only one "nay," resolved that it "reaffirms its opposition to this addition to the speaker's rule and renews all responsible means at its disposal. A copy of this resolution will be forwarded to the board of trustees." The motion also included the number of students, 3,004, who signed a petition favoring its pro- posal; the freshman senate's en- dorsement of the proposal; the support "in principle" by the American Association of Universi- ty Professors; and the referral of the new speaker's rule back to the faculty advisory committee for fur- ther study by the faculty council. Two days before the board pass- ed the amendment to the rule, the faculty council had "recommit- ted" the amendment to the fac- ulty advisory committee for furth- er study. Slapped Down Student body president James H. Gross said "You do feel like you've been slapped down and wonder if it's worth it to get back' up. But that's the whole history of student government." He outlined the steps to take action against the proposal, call- ing for personal contact with board members to explain the stu- dent side of the problem and con- tinued work with the faculty coun- cil to unite student and faculty opinion. The speaker controversy devel- oped last spring when OSU banned Frank Wilkenson and Carl Braden, two accused as unconvicted Com- munists, from speaking. To Hike Rates t( . I T Q 1 BaI4~ica- Council. According to the proposal adopt- ed by the plenary session last night, the duties of the second rep- resentative shall be to attend its meetings as a voting representa- tive when the Region has a second vote, and as an alternate when it does not; to prepare a report of the pre-congress, post-congress and congress NEC meetings; and to serve as official secretary for all meetings of the regional as- sembly, executive committee, and staff. The motion also makes clear that the second NEC representa- tive shall not be prevented from simultaneously serving as a vice- chairman "or other staff member." The conference also heard In- terim Chairman Robert Ross, '63, outline the needs for "a more spe- cific and better-planned program of the Region," passed several pro- cedural amendments to the region- al constitution, and amended the bylaws to conform to the change in posts. The following candidates an- nounced for regional officers: Abrams, chairman, Ross, second NEC representative, Robert Lauf- er, Wayne State University, and Michael Kass, '65, educational af- fairs vice-chairman; Fred Batlle, '64A&D, Douglas Blagdon, Michi- gan State University, for interna- tional affairs vice-chairman; and Joel Sharkey, Wayne State Univer- sity for student organizational af- fairs vice-chairman. The last plenary session, to be held today, will consider leg- islation and recommendations pro- duced by today's workshops on student and university problems. S ettleinent Kennedy, Rusk Push For Decisive Action PALM BEACH (') - Secretary of State Dean Rusk emerged from a two-hour session with President John F. Kennedy yesterday and reported "there's a real chance of getting a quick settlement in the Congo." But, he added, it's up to Katan- ga President Moise Tshombe to bring about a peaceful settlement, which Rusk described as long over- due. Tshombe, Rusk said, has indi- cated he goes along in principle with United Nations Secretary- General U Thant's reconciliation plan. Need Performance ; "What we need now is perform- ance." He said the Congo dispute had been "dragging on much too long," but he feels there is "a real chance of settlement now." Rusk said he brought the Presi- dent up to date on the Congo sit- uation in their morning meeting But the situation changes there hour by hour, he added. NATO and the Nassau pact agreement on Polaris missiles were on the agenda also, Rusk said. Hasty Session Kennedy summoned Rusk, NATO Ambassador Thomas K. Finletter and Central Intelligence director John A. McCone to the hastily called session. The White House press spokes- man maintained the session with the three top officials yesterday was not the result of any emer- gency. McCone was said to have given the President a general intelligence report, and Rusk said they discuss- ed NATO and a dozen other top- ics. He said Finletter, why leaves for Paris Monday, "has his instruc- tions" for talks he will engage in during the next two or three weeks at NATO meetings in Paris. De Gaulle Letter Rusk indicated one subject of. discussion was a recent letter French President Charles de Gaulle sent to Kennedy in reply to the Nassau pact agreement and the United States offer to provide France with Polaris missiles. Asked about contents of the let- ter and Paris reports that de Gaulle had neither accepted nor rejected the Nassau proposals and planned to go ahead with his own independent nuclear deterrent, Rusk said that "those are pretty good reports." But he would not give any other hint about the contents of the de Gaulle letter. Nor are there any immediate plans for a de Gaulle- Kennedy meeting. Rusk re-emphasized that the Nassau agreement on Polaris and its implementation will be the sub- ject of continuing talks and con- ferences among NATO nation offi- cials for some time. Presumably a first step, Rusk said, would be the assignment of certain additional elements to the NATO countries under existing control arrangements. Katanga War Bogs Down, WAR SLOWS-The Congo war slowed down yesterday as Belgium and British diplomats try to convince Katanga President Moise Tshombe (left) to negotiate with the United Nations. United States Secretary of State Dean Rusk predicted an early end to Congo problems. ARREST SUSPECTS: Pert Junta Announces rVictory Over Red Plot. LIMA (P-President Ricardo Perez Godoy's military junta an- nounced yesterday it has smashed a Communist plot against Peru, al- legedly masterminded and financed by Moscow, Prague and Havana. Raiding squads arrested more than 300 persons suspected of ,taking part in plots, calling for assassination of armed forces chiefs and key industrial leaders. Civil guarantees were suspended throughout the nation, and dur- ing the suspension authorities can make arrests and enter private homes without warrants. Public t- meetings and demonstrations. are prohibited, and zonal military commanders took over the conduct of political affairs. Crushed Early The junta said the plot was crushed a few days before Red agents were scheduled to touch off an uprising with hit and run raids across Peru, which has been con- sidered a key country in President John F. Kennedy's $20 billion Al- liance for Progress Program. A communique said initial tar- gets included airports, bridges, wa- terworks, radio stations and power plants. Red arsenals included rifles, bombs, pistols and submachine guns smuggled in from abroad. The junta charged that some weapons had been shipped from Miami, Fla., as electrical appliances. Secret Radio A secret radio station was re- ported set up near the Bolivian border to receive instructions from abroad, and subversive strongholds were set up in Lima and seven other points. The junta said the plot was aim- ed to sow seeds of unrest in all walks of life and to reverse Peru's pro-Western policy. The Red timetable called for a victory celebration in May, with, a parade displaying huge pictures of foreign Communist leaders, pre- sumably including Khrushchev and Castro. The crackdown followed strike violence and other disorders, large- ly among peasants and miners. This unrest had caused the most severe criticism of the government, since the armed forces deposed President Manuel Prado and re- placed him with General Perez Godoy in a bloodless coup last July 18. OrderTrial FrBarnett NEW ORLEANS (M)-A federal appeals court yesterday ordered Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett and Lt. Gov. Paul B. Johnson to show Feb. 8 why they should not be held in criminal contempt for blocking James H. Meredith's ad- mission to the University of Mis- sissippi, The Fifth United States Circuit Court of Appeals, in an order sign- ed by six of its nine judges, said it would try the two officials at a later date, if they pleaded inno- cent or showed other cause at that time. If they fail to appear to answer the four counts charged by the federal government, the two could be found guilty immediately and sentenced to heavy fines and or imprisonment. Judge's Discretion Penalties in criminal contempt cases, regarded as punishment for past actions, are almost unlimited and are usually at the discretion of the judges. By yesterday's action, the court firmly kept in its own hands the case against the two officials, charged with four specific acts de- signed to keep Meredith out of the university. One of the charges against Bar- nett is that, on Sept. 30 when the riots occurred, he "wilfully failed to exercise his responsibility, au- thority, and influence as governor to maintain law and order upon the campus of the University of Mississippi ." Violate Order The charges against the two of- ficials specifically accused them of violating a temporary restraining order, issued by the appeals court Sept. 25, which forbade interfer- ence with the court's directive for the university to register Meredith. Barnett and Johnson were both convicted-in absentia--of civil contempt. Barnett drew a $10,000 daily fine and Johnson a $5,000 daily fine, butdneither penalty has been imposed. Civil contempt action is an at- tempt to prevent violation--main- ly in the future-of a court order, while criminal contempt is action for past defiance. Brazil To Vote On State Form By The Associated Press Talks Urge Session 'On Quieting Congo Battle Munongo's Army Reported Marching Toward ElisabethVille LEOPOLDVILLE (MP-The war in Katanga stalled yesterday, clearing the air for possible peace talks. A Katangan official said Bel- gian and British diplomats are trying to persuade Katanga Presi- dent Moise Tshombe to meet United Nations representatives in Elisabethville. Katanga Interior Minister Gode- froid Munongo is also said to be leading an 1000 man private army to Elisabethville, from the North- ern Rhodesian border. Halt Drive A high-ranking United Nations officer in Elisabethville said Unit- ed Nations forces had halted t1~eir drive toward Tshombe's war head- quarters in Kolwezi "until the political situation crystalizes." Tshombe's forces were reported re- grouping and rearming in Kolwezi with supplies from Portuguese An- gola. A Katangan cabinet source said Portuguese administrators in An- gola are giving Tshombe every assistance .for a continued fight against the United Nations. The source said military supplies for Katanga have been unloaded at Lobito over the past few weeks. Portugal is at odds with the United Nations, because of an ef- fort to force Lisbon to grant in- dependence to Angola. Return to Capital In Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, the acting representative for Ka- tanga, Jean Tasnicz, said that as a result of intercession by British and Belgian consuls in Elisabeth- ville there was a possibility Tshombe would return this week- end to the Katangan capital. There were signs the United States would oppose a return of Tshombe to Elisabethville for talks unless he promised to repudiate the further use of force. There were fears in Washington the Bel- gians and British would have Tshombe return on. whatever terms they can make with him. State department authorities say Tshombe still would have a major role to play in a unified Congo because of his political popularity. The Rhodesian federal govern- ment also informed the United Nations yesterday it is placing fighter plane patrols on its bor- ders with Katanga, because a number of United Nations fighters violated Rhodesian airspace. Diplomats in Leopoldville have said a halt in the United Nations advance would clear the way for Tshombe to return to Elisabeth- ville. The Katangan leader says he is willing to talk, but that he will fight to the finish if the United Nations refuses. United Nations Secretary-Gen- eral U Thant has said he wants "action-not words" from Tshom- be meaning he wants the Katan- gan chief to satrt putting United Nations plan for Congo unification into effect immediately. Announce Plan To Reorganize National Guard Two spokesmen for the confer- ence of governors expressed belief that most states will accept the new one-step army plan to shape the national guard--and the re- serves-on the same pattern as the regular army. The army said the retooling to the new combat structure should be completed before summer. The army's plan announced yes- terday would reorganize National Guard divisions and brigades in the same way the regular army is being revamped, as soon as the state and the Pentagon reach agreement on a general revamping of the guard. Thus the army's one-step plan revealed by Vance yesterday ap- peared to be designed to offer CONTRACT WITH SOCIETY:. Heyns Views Freedom of Universities 4> a By JEAN TENANDER Addressing the Michigan Re- gional of the United States Na- tional Student Association on the subject of "University Autonomy,' Vice-President for Academic Af- fairs Roger W. Heyns said that° the freedom accorded to a univer- sity develops as a matter of agree- ment between society and the in- stitution.: He described a university as a social institution whose primary' functions are to perpetuate cul- ture and lead the way to discov- eries in all fields of learning. So- ciety depends upon the university to contribute to the solution of the Droblems it finds itself faced with. they are still there, but this test- ing should never be done capri- ciously." The fact that the relation be- tween a university and society is something evolving away from a See related stories, page 2 # mutual agreement makes it valid for the society to require certain standards and regulationsfrom the institution. The only time this sit- uation becomes dangerous and a threat to freedom is when the same area of inquiry is always proscrib- ed. "However, I do not feel we are in any way in this situation," he said. I labor, or anything else. Further- more, action involving persons! with certain backgrounds, an in- dividual being a known Commu- nist, for example, cannot be con- sidered as valid examples of pro-# scription. "If membership in the Commu- nist Party or whatever else is de-, fined as a partnership in a for- eign plot to overthrow the govern- ment, then I think it would be im- prudent for a university to hirej this person." This would not be an action committed on the grounds of political expediency, but rather an act guided by educational con-; sierations.