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January 04, 1963 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-01-04

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Staebler Views Issues of 88th Congress

Kerr Death Ends Career
Of U.S. Senate Leader

Congressman-elect Neil Staebler
(D-Mich) of Ann Arbor discussed
the basic issues facing the 88th
Congress recently and attempt-
ed to "connect them with the larg-
er trends in politics."
Michigan's new congressman-at-
large told the Young Democrats
that he feels a tax cut, Medicare,
and more generous foreign aid are
the crucial items which Congress
must pass.
In addition, he said he "will
work to make the House Commit-
tee on Un-American Activities
more respectful of civil rights,"
but probably will not vote against
its 1963 appropriation.
Student Loans
Staebler also plans to push a
new idea in student loan plans,
which originated in the Michigan
State University's economics de-
partment. Instead of requiring stu-
dents to repay their loans at a
certain amount per year, the re-
payment under this plan would be
tied to the person's income tax.
This would relate the burden of
repayment to the person's income.
Staebler cited President John
F. Kennedy's proposed tax cut as
a necessary stimulant to econom-
ic growth, which in turn is neces-
sary for social progress.
"Anyone who wants to see our
society accomplish the things we
have in mind would be in favor

c. --- -----_____ !

of more growth," he commented,
explaining that in an economy
growing only as fast as popula-
tion, "any gain on the part of one
group involves a loss for another."
Subsistence Level
Staebler went on to note that
20 per cent of the United States'
people live below a "subsistence"
level and estimated that a $10
billion boost in the aggregate in-
come of this group would raise
them to the $4,000-a-year income
that is considered minimally ade-
quate for a family.
The problem, he said, is to find
a vehicle that will deliver this in-
creased income where it is needed.
Staebler feels that Medicare is
one such vehicle. "The significance
of this is in the larger scheme
into which it fits--Medicare would
do much more than merely take
care of the medical needs of the
elderly," he remarked.
Support Aged
He explained that Medicare re-
moves part of the burden of sup-
porting the elderly from young
families, which allows the famil-
ies extra funds to spend on educa-
tion, which "often improves the
living standards of several genera-
In this manner, medicare serves
to promote the welfare of the
aged, who receive its funds di-
rectly. But at the same time, the
benefits filter down to many other
needy segments of the population,

He said that the administration
had realized "the broader pur-
poses of foreign aid. It is essential
to the world-many nations cannot
remain autonomous without it. I
will fight for more generous econ-
omic aid."
He recommended that aid be
used for "smaller projects-things
its recipients can understand and
operate." He also supported birth-
control programs as part of for-
eign-aid packages, where the reli-
gion of the recipients does not
forbid such practices.
On HUAC, Staebler suggested
that "something like this is need-
ed as long as there's a considerable
segment of our population fearful
of subversion-or fearful of some-
thing," because they insist on hav-
ing somewhere to take their com-
Reflects Thinking
"Also, HUAC probably reflects
the thinking of members of Con-
gress who want to participate in
something like this," he added.
Staebler said he "probably"
would support the removal of
HUAC's power to subpoena wit-
On disarmament, Staebler said
that the best test of a nation's
sincerity in arms-control negotia-
tions is "its willingness to accept
parity of power, instead of de-
manding to preserve its military

(Continued from Page 3)
and White River Valleys, and he
pushed endlessly for their further-
He served as governor of Okla-
homa from 1943-47, and he was
elected to the Senate in 1948,
where he soon stood out from his
colleagues during many a debate.
He backed former President Harry
S. Truman in a booming voice over
the dismissal of Gen. Douglas
MacArthur as United Nations
commander in Korea, but just as
noisily denounced him for veto-
ing a Kerr pet, the natural gas
regulation exemption bill.
In session, he was bold, often
To Meet Winners
of Math Contest
Prof. A. J. Lohwater of the
mathematics department will in-
terview the ten high school prize
winners in the First Annual Mich-
igan Mathematics Prize competi-
tion on 'Meet the Mathemati-
cians" tomorrow at 7:15 a.m. over

interrupting witnesses at commit-
tee hearings and colleagues in de-
bate to quibble over semantics and
syntax, thus confusing his oppo-
sition. At the same time, he was
always on firm ground. Never was
Sen. Kerr caught without a work-
ing knowledge of the current leg-
islation, and often he quoted at
length and from memory from
various resources.
Party leaders on both sides of
the aisle regretted his death, but
the most characteristic recollec-
tion of the Senator was not a
eulogy, nor was it made upon his
death. It has been, however, and
will continue to be the best re-
During one phase of the debate
over the firing of Gen. MacAr-
thur, Kerr and Sen. Kenneth
Wherry (R-Neb) talked loudly and
at the same time for some mo-
ments. Finally Wherry sat down
abruptly, with the remark:
"You're the first man I ever met
I couldn't outshout."
From then on Kerr became The
Voice in the United States Sen-

of Imported
1210 S. U61 Ivr i 304OS.Thayer
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...on the New Frontier
improving their lot as well, Staeb-
ler commented.
Turning to foreign policy, Staeb-
ler commented that "the Kennedy
administration has made some im-
portant contributions to the han-
dling of foreign affairs."
He singled out the Kennedy aid
program as an example. "We're
not trying to shovel out foreign
aid only to countries that are
friendly toward us," Staebler com-



CapL Se-

(Continued from Page 5)
pects. of the Diction of Aeschylus"
Sat., Jan. 5, 2009 Angell Hall, at 10:00
a.m. Chairman, G. F. Else.
Doctoral Examination for Jesse Ray-
mond Wood, Chemistry; thesis: "Poten-
'tial Anticancer Agents," Sat., Jan. 5,
3003 Chem. Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chair-
man, R. C. Elderfield.
Faculty Recital: Robert Noehren,
Univ. organist, will present a recital on
Sun., Jan. 6, 8:30 p.m., in Hill Aud.
Compositions he will play are by J. S.
Bach.,. Leo Sowerby, Robert Noehren,
Jean Roger-Ducasse, Olivier Messiaen,
and Sigfrid Karg-Elert. Open to the
public without charge.
Appointments-Seniors & grad students,
please call Ext. 3544 for an interview
appt. with the following:
THURS., JAN. 10-
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) -
Men & Women, Feb., June & Aug.
grads. For all those who didn't have a
change to interview when the CIA was
here in Nov. Positions avail. are: 1) Jr.
Officer Trng. Frog. 2) Geographic Re-
search & Cartography. 3) Economic Re-
search. 4) General Research. 5) Clerical
& Secretarial. 6) Editorial.
Next Peace Corps Placement Test will
be on Jan. 26. It will be given in Ann
Arbor-Civil Service Room, U.S. Post Of-
fice, Downtown Station. It will also be
given at various other locations
throughout the country. For further in-
formation, call General Div., Bureau of
Appts., Ext. 3544.
Agency in Ann Arbor-Staff Assistant
for Personnel Div. One of the activities
of the Div. is specialized consultation
in personnel management, primarily for
cities & villages. Must have degree in
Public Admin. or related subjects, in-
cluding course work in municipal govt.,
and, pref., grad. trng. or MA,
YWCA, Detroit, Mich. - Assistant
Health Educ. Dir. Degree plus group
leadership exper Skills needed: Rec.
Leadership, Teaching for all ages, Swim-
ming (WSI), etc.
Nat'l. Fed, of College & Univ. Business
Officers Assoc., Committee on Govt. Re-
lations, Washington, D.C.-New posi-
tion to be established. Prefer person
trained as a Lawyer with an academic
bkgd., and a working knowledge of con-
tract & grant procedures in a univer-
Management Consultants in Chicago
-Client firm (Indiana manufacturer of
electrical motors) is seeking a Manager
of General Accounting. Degree with
good academic record. MBA or CPA de-
sirable but not necessary. Ideally would
have had both public acc't. & industrial
exper. With the latter in a durable
goods co. Exposure to tax acc't. would
be helpful.I
Gerber Baby Foods, Fremont, Mich.-
Opportunities for June grads. Open-
ings for trainees with a degree in B-us
Ad., Liberal Arts, or Accounting. V ac-
ancies throughout entire operation are
filled from this trug. prog. Trainees
initially indoctrinated in Auditing Dept.
City of Saginaw, Mich.-Opening for
BS Civil Engnr Field survey or ma-
terials testing.
Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass.-Open-
ings for Engrg, grads (Chem., Elect., &
Mech.) interested in being immed. plac-
ed in Sales Engrg. organization in De-
troit, Mich.
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Bldg., during the following hours: Mon
thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30
til 5 p.m.
Employrs desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Hodges, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
In Rm. 2200 daily,
2-Russian Voicers. 10 to 15 hours per


11h9 S

Re-issues from the famous catalog of



(S)36u U/L

1)3505 D/L

(S)3601 B/L


per 12"'LP

Puccini: LA BOHEME-Renata Tebaldi; Giacinto Prandelli; Fernando Corena; Hilde Gueden.
(2 LP's) RS 62001
Puccini: TOSCA-Renata Tebaldi; Giuseppe Campora; Fernando Corena. (2 LP's) RS 62002
Gilbert and Sullivan: H.M.S. PINAFORE-D'Oyly Carte Opera Co. featuring Martyn Green.
(2 LP's) RS 62003
Gilbert and Sullivan: THE MIKADO-D'Oyly Carte Opera Co. featuring Martyn Green.
(2 LP's) RS 62004
Gilbert and Sullivan: IOLANTHE-D'Oyly Carte Opera Co. featuring Martyn Green.
(2 LP's) RS 62005
Johann Strauss: DIE FLEDERMAUS-Hilde Gueden; Julius Patzak; Anton Dermota.
(2 LP's) RS 62006
Puccini: MADAMA BUTTERFLY-Renata Tebaldi; Giuseppe Campora; Neil Rankin; Fernando Corena.
(3 LP's) RS 63001
Verdi: AIDA-Renata Tebaldi; Mario del Monaco; Ebe Stignani; Fernando Corena.
(3 LP's) RS 63002

(S)3606 C/I (S)35940

3523 C/L


(S)3563 D/L


(S)3620 D/L


per 12"' LP

Tchaikovsky: THE SLEEPING BEAUTY-Complete-Paris Conservatory Orchestra-Anatole Fistoulari.
(2 LP's) BA 42001
Bach: BRANDENBURG CONCERTOS, Nos. 1-6-Complete-Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra-
Karl MUnchinger. (2 LP's) BA 42002
Tchaikovsky: THE SWAN LAKE-Complete-London Symphony Orchestra-Anatole Fistoulari.
(2 LP's) BA 42003
Bach: ST. MATTHEW PASSION-Complete-(Sung in English)-Kathleen Ferrier and other Soloists
with Chorus and Orchestra. (3 LP's) BA 43001
Handel: MESSIAH-Complete-Owen Brannigan; Norma Procter; Jennifer Vyvyan; George Maran.
London Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra-Sir Adrian Boult. (3 LP's) BA 43002

3588 E/L



per 12" LP'




Ad Mat #A"1193


(S)3604 C/L

S BEETHOVEN SYMPHONIES COMPLETE-Cond. by Erich Kleiber and Joseph Keilberth.
(8 LP's) K8R-1
4 BRAHMS SYMPHONIES COMPLETE-Cond. by Eduard Van Beinum, Wilhelm Furtwangler, George
Szell, Joseph Keilberth. (4 LP's) K4R-1
THE WORLD'S GREATEST VIOLIN CONCERTOS-Tchpikovsky, Beethoven; Brahms; Mendelssohn;
Bruch #1; Dvorak. (5 LP'S) K5R-1
THE WORLD'S GREATEST PIANO CONCERTOS-Tchaikovsky #1; Rachmaninoff #2; Grieg; Bee-
thoven #5; Liszt #1 and #2. (5 LP's) K5R-2
THE WORLD'S GREATEST BALLET MUSIC-Swan Lake; Nutcracker; Les Sylphides; Sylvia; Coppelia;
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All opera, opera highlights, opera recitals;
all recordings by Otto Klemperer; all Capitol classics.
kEa A , A f A L U = ' A5 __a a


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