'AY, DECEMBER 20, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Dominieans Castro, Donovan Head for Accord . - On Prisoner Deal By The Associated Press HAVANA-Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro yesterday lifted a ban on sending food and clothing to 1,113 Cuban invasion prisoners, buoying hopes that all will be freed soon, informed sources said. Castro himself was said to share the negotiators' high hopes for a quick exchange of the prisoners for United States food and medi- cine. To release the Cuban exiles seized in the Bay of Pigs inva- sion of 1961, Castro has demanded an indemnity of about $53 "million in drugs, food and equip- k ment. KENNEDY TRIP: Goulart, U.S. Aides Disagree on Brazil By The Associated Press RIO DE JANEIRO-Brazil President Joao Goulart was quoted yesterday as saying he felt his private talk with Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy Monday removed "all the negative impressions he had formed about Brazil "--but United States observers disagree. "We talked a little about everything, always without hiding our thinking or weighing our words. The Alliance for Progress, the Cuban crisis, the situation of Latin Amer- p ica were the themes debated, j * < among others," Goulart said. I : W. WILLARD WIRTZ ..proposal 'docked' JAMES DONOVAN ... high hopes OFFICIALS : Legislature Adopts Toug h Ethics Code BOSTON OP) - The Massachu- setts legislature has adopted a new and tougher code of ethics to gov- ern the conduct of public officials, elected or appointed. The law requires officials to dis- close whether they or their close relatives hold any interest valued at $10,000 or more in any business either subject to public regula- tion or doing business with the state. Rep. Martin H. Walsh (D) has filed a bill for the coming session which would add another chapter to the code of ethics. .His proposal "would apply to newspaper publishers, officers, columnists and other employes, and would set up some of the same fiscal standards as those applying to people on the public payrolls. Failure to comply would be sub- ject to fines of $1000. One of the toughest provisions in the proposed code is a require- ment that a newspaper post $50,- 000, in either cash or a bond, as a guarantee of payment of a libel settlement, before commenting ad- versely or criticizing decisions or motives of any appointed or elect- ed public officials. Detroit Keeps History Text DETROIT (AP)-Detroit schools will retain, with modifications, a history text that drew fire from P. Negro parent and the local chap- ter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo- ple. Superintendent S a m u e l M. Brownell told the board of educa- tion Tuesday he has decided to keep the text, has also ordered supplements prepared for chap- ters which have been criticized for presenting an inadequate picture of Negro development in the Unit- ed States. Submit List Chief negotiator James Dono- van disclosed that his four-mem- ber team in negotiations Tuesday night submitted a preliminary list of medicines and drugs already contributed to the American Red Cross for Cuba. The negotiators met with Castro and other high government officials. Donovan, the man who arranged the release of U-2 pilot Francis Powers from a Soviet prison, plans to obtain a list of additional con- tributions and return to Havana today. The Cuban government has been officially silent on the negotiations but informants said government circles considered the exchange was certain. Claimed Private Official statements in Washing- ton maintain that the negotiation committee is a private one, sup- ported by private funds. But the prisoners, if they are released, will owe their freedom in large measure to the United States government. It is doubtful that the private committee could complete a deal of such magnitude without the ac- tive support of the Kennedy ad- ministration. Eye Kennedy There have been some reports, denied by the administration, that Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy has' directed the government maneuv- ering in support of the committee. Some business sources in New York said that Kennedy, em- phasizing that he was acting as a: private person, initiated some of{ the requests. These sources said Kennedy ex- plained that the matter had the full support of the President but that there were legal objections to the government participating directly. Also, these sources added Ken- nedy said there was fear that Cas- tro would raise the ransom price1 if it were the government rather than private parties supplying the1 material.1 Dock Strike Talks Fail NEW YORK (A') - Longshore- men yesterday rejected Labor Sec- retary W. Willard Wirtz's stop-gap proposal to head off an Atlantic and Gulf Coast dock strike this weekend. Wirtz urged them to reach a one-year agreement with shipping companies while a study of in- dustry manpower problems was under way. Thomas W. Gleason, executive vice-president of the Internation- al Longshoremen's Association, announced rejection of the pro- posal. Gleason said a three-year agreement was needed because it would take more than a year "to study all the ills labor and man- agement face in this industry." Meanwhile, longshoremen have set the stage for a strike by vot- ing overwhelmingly against their employers' last contract offer. Wirtz said these problems have developed over many years and "they are not susceptible to short answers.'" Employers have offered a wage increase but have asked in re- turn that the size of the work gangs gradually be reduced, a point bitterly opposed by the dock- ers. The last offer by employers and the vote by the longshoremen were required under provisions of a Taft-Hartley law 80 day "cooling off" period which expires Sunday. President John F. Kennedy invok- ed the law in a four-day dockers' strike in October. The NLRB will report the vote to the Justice Department, which is required by the law to apply in the United States district court to dissolve the 80 day injunction. Nevertheless, grave concern over the future of Brazil-stem- ming both from its raging infla- tion and increasing economic ties with the Communist world - is seeping through official Washing- ton from President John F. Ken- nedy on down. Many Doubts The question that is being rais- ed with increasing frequency is "what would one more bail-out of the Brazilian economy accomplish in the light of the many other doubts that exist?" The general consensus is that the President's brother went to Brazil not only to express the United States administration's point of view, but to get some defi- nite answers about Brazilian in- tentions from Goulart. Expect Change In the economic field. the im- pression here is that the United States is willing to wait, although with some skepticism, for the fi- nancial restructuring that has been promised after the Jan. 6 plebiscite in Brazil. The voting is expected to return the nation to a presidential sys- tem of government. The political uncertainty centers on the direction of Brazil's foreign policy, which the Brazilians call "independent," but which, viewed from Washington, sometimes ap- pears to be leaning toward a type of neutralism. Sees Brazil Naivete United States officials have not- ed with some alarm what they feel is a misconception on the part of the Goulart government about the nature of the over-all East-West struggle. This was exemplified during the recent Cuban crisis when Brazil attempted to act as a "mediator" between the United States and Cuba, although the situation had instead become a direct confron- tation between the United States and the Soviet Union. A more recent event which caused dismay in Washington was the formation of a high level, government-sponsored committee in Brazil to seek expansion of trade with the Soviet bloc. .ti: : :::". ,: ~ d :'{ai <,.} -i:y.s' <': is " '}=i;, Dominicas Riot; To Hold Voting Toa SANTO DOMINGO (')-Politi- cal rioting broke out last night in the heart of the Dominican Re- public. It apparently was set off by backers of Cuba Premier Fidel Cas- tro in an effort to disrupt today's national elections. Riot police in white helmets moved into Independence Park with heavy weapons and tear gas, breaking up a battle of pistols and rocks between rival political fac- tions. Two persons were reported injured and several rioters were arrested. Castro Plot? Intellgience sources claimed the small but noisy Castroite faction has been plotting since October to make a final attempt to block the country's first free election in :18 years. The fighting ostensibly was be- tween elements of the Conserva- tive National Civic Union and the moderate-left Minor Revolution- ary Vanguard Party. In the campaign itself, major interest centered in the tight race for the presidency between Viriato A. Fiallo of the National Civic Union and Juan Bosch, leader of the left-of-center revolutionary party, which is allied with the Vanguard Party. BoschaFavored Bosch was regarded as a slight favorite but some of his supporters feared the accusation by a Span- ish Jesuit-later retracted-that the Revolutionary Party leader- ship was Communistic would hurt him. The deep hatreds developed dur- ing the heated campaign are ex- pected to make post-election unity difficult I JOAO GOULART .. some see problems IN HOUSE: Newton Sets Election Bid By The Associated Press LANSING - Rep. Carroll C. Newton (R-Delton) has announced he willseek election as floor lead- er of the House next month. L Once Again -- The Famous TCE EUROPEAN STUDENT TOURS (Some tours include an exciting visit to Israel) -- The fabulous, long-established Tours that include many unique features: live several days with a French family - special opportunities to make friends abroad, special cultural events, evening entertainment, meet students from all over the world. Travel by Deluxe Motor Coach. S13ER * 53 Days in Europe $705. INCLUsIVE Transatlantic Transportation Additional Travel Arrangements Made For Independent Groups On Request At Reasonable Prices TRAVEL & CULTURAL EXCHANGE, INC. Dept. C 501 Fifth Ave. N. Y. 17, N. Y. * OX 74129 - - - ---- - University, Bike Hospital 214 South State -next to Lane Hall j. NO 2-6986 Store your bike for the winter! Free check-up and oil with Storage. Also 20% off on all repairs with student card I World News Roundup By The Associated Press GENEVA-The United States and the Soviet Union clashed bit- terly yesterday over the issues of nuclear testing and woyld disarma- ment. Western diplomats said the debate in the three-hour session made it plain that neither a test ban agreement nor any progress on disarmament is in sight. Delicious Hamburgers 15c Hot Tasty French Fries 12c Triple Thick Shakes.. 20c 2000 W. Stadium Blvd. MOSCOW-The head of a Cuban trade yesterday, and the news agency Tass reportedi with Soviet negotiators on increas- ed trade between the two nations in 1963. * delegation left Moscow agreement was reached Michael Lauds Symposium By BARBARA LAZARUS The International Arms Control Symposium currently being held at the University is valuable because the sponsorship and the partici- pants' academic affiliations legi- timize the need for research on arms control, disarmament and related problems, Donald Michael, a representative of the Peace Re- search Institute, said yesterday. "The quality of the speeches and papers set a standard which will protect over-worked participants from having to become involved in relatively inferior conferences in the future," he explained; At the present stage of interest in peace problems, there is a great portion of the potential research community which is not aware of what is being accomplished in this field. Knowledge Needed "It is too early and dangerous to become over-specialized in the field of disarmament. It is ex- tremely important that an aca- demician knows what government and industry are doing, the physi- cist knows what the psychologist is doing and vice versa," Michael said. Describing the Peace Research Institute, Michael said it is a tax- exempt organization located in Washington whose job is to stim- TO YOU ulate research on problems of at- taining and maintaining a peace- ful world. It is especially concern- ed with informing members of the academic community about prob- lems which need study. "One example of a problem area whose political, technological and psychological prerequisites will re- quire years of research is the es- tablishing, operating and control- ling of an itnernational police force." Agonize Stomach There are many questions about the opportunities for non-lethal warfare, and problems on how to develop and use such non-lethal measures. One possible way might be pacification by the inducement of stomach cramps, Michael point- ed out. "Normally if someone is in a situation where he doesn't trust the person he is dealing with, he doesn't continue the relationship. In the case of working with coun- tries such as Russia, and they with us, both are forced to continue the relationship, although neither side has the means to deal with such institutionalized 'paranoia'." Michael said. Presently there is not enough study, money or awareness of problems, and many of the ques- tions which require study are not politically comfortable for govern- ment sponsorship. These areas may even run counter to prevailing government strategies, Michael ex- plained. Offers Material "The Peace Research Institute is doing all it can to get findings derived from systematic study to people or institutions who can use them." Unfortunately many people hav- ing responsibility for policy plan- ning and decision-making don't know there is social and tech- nological knowledge available to help them in their decisions. "Too many decisions are gov- erned by their private opinion or the prevailing folklore," Michael added. SOUTH AMERICA next summer? In Peace Corps type projects requested by COLUMBIA AND BOLIVIA must speak Spanish phone Univ, ext. 2077 or see Baldwin, room 2282, S.A.B. WASHINGTON-The National Aeronautics and Space Agency yesterday cancelled plans to launch a new camera-equipped Ranger rocket scheduled to take'close-in television pictures of the moon be- fore crashing into the lunar sur- face. WASHINGTON - Communities were given the go-ahead yesterday to use the Sabin oral vaccine against polio-despite a "very small risk" among adults, espe- cially those over 30 years old. * * * NEW YORK-Peace talks failed again yesterday to break the 12- day strike deadlock that has closed New York's nine major newspa- pers. NEW YORK - The New York Stock Exchange rallied yesterday, with final Dow-Jones averages showing 30 industrials up 6.86, railroads up 1.09, utilities up .30 and 65 stocks up 1.84. l I iii CC)ME 'ro -I J Z 4;2 El, Scholar dollars travel farther with SHERATON HOTELS STUDENT- TACULTY DISCOUNTS Save on the going prices of going places at Sheraton Hotels. Special save-money rates on singles and greater savings per person when you share a room with one, two or three friends. !6 Enjoy the Finest Cantonese -) Food Take-out Orders Anytime Open Daily from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. . ---____Closed Monday --- 0 ST. ANDREWS CHURCH and the EPISCOPAL STUDENT FOUNDATION 306 North Division Phone NO 2-4097 SUNDAY-- 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. 9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon 7:00 P.M. Evening Prayer and commentary CHRISTMAS EVE- Midnight Holy Communion CHRISTMAS DAY- 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion 10:00 A.M. Holy Communion WEDNESDAY- 10:15 A.M. Holy Communion THE CHURCH OF CHRIST W. Stadium at Edgewood John G. Malcin, Minister SUNDAY 10:00 a.m. Bible School 11:00 a.m. Regular Worship 6:30 p.m. Evening Worship WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. Bible Study For transportation to any service coil 2.2756 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH and WESLEY FOUNDATION State and Huron Streets, Tel. NO 8-6881 Dr. Hoover Rupert, Minister Rev. M. Jean Robe and Rev. C. J. Stoneburner, Campus Ministers SUNDAY, Dec. 23 9:00 and 11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship, "Good news of God's Grace," Sermon by Dr. Rupert. The service is broadcast over W0IA. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 11:00 p.m., Dec. 24th, with the Chancel Choir and Dr. Rupert preaching. SUNDAY, Dec. 30 9:00 and 11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship, "The Good News: God is With Us," sermon by Dr. Rupert. The Holy Communion. "When Face to Face with Christ" CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and William 9:30 and 11 a.m.: Special Christmas Music B A' r H BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED United Church of Christ 423 South Fourth Ave. Rev. Ernest Klaudt, Pastor Rev. A. C. Bizer, Associate Pastor 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Worship Service 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Church School 7:00 p.m. Student Guild FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1833 Washtenow Ave. ;ii I I