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December 19, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-19

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a 4r £i4gawu DaiI
seny-Third Year
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PuICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE No 2-3241
Truth will Preval
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. ThM must be noted in all reprints.


You Been Going With That Doll,
Youre Getting Chicken"



Expansion Best Met
By Small Living Units

THE UNIVERSITY has a dual commitment:
it must offer quality education and it must
offer that education to as many students as
possible. Over the years, it has expanded in or-
der to offer the greatest possible opportunity
to the greatest possible number of qualified
students. Unlike institutions such as Harvard,
the University does not want to limit itself to
a small segment of the nation's and the state's
intellectual and financial ultra-elite.
Today, the University is at a critical junc-
ture in the matter of size. In the next few
years, it will be faced by a rapidly rising num-
ber of applications. Its obligation is to expand
to accommodate as many of these applicants as
possible. At the same time, the University must
maintain its quality; otherwise, it would be do-
ing all generations of future students an in-
The relationship of size and quality is not
as clear as it seems. Most students fear an in-
creasing number of large lecture courses and an
alienation of students sand faculty, making it
difficult to see or know a teacher. In addition,
the faculty fears inadequate facilities, increased
teaching loads and possible hampering of each
individual's research activities.
Clearly, these conditions would be incompat-
ible with excellence. If the University cannot
get enough money to hire extra faculty mem-
bers and build the necessary buildings, itshould
not expand. If the Legislature expects the Uni-
versity to bear the burden of educating as
many as possible, then the Legislature must
bear the burden of paying for it adequately.
B UT ASIDE from the problem of money, there
are important educational questions in-
volved in expansion. What is it going to do to
the educational process, even if classes can be
kept to their present size or reduced? What
are the alternatives the University faces in
expansion and how will they effect the stu-
The major problem here is orientation. In
a four-year undergraduate program, the Uni-
versity tries to give the student some sense of
what an academic community is and of the
diversity that exists within it. Hopefully, the
student gets some sort of basic knowledge in
his own field and acquires an appreciation of
several others. Various fields are different ways
of looking at the world. Hopefully, the student
also acquires some sense of the continuity and
interrelationship of all these fields. By acquir-
ing this sense the student can feel a part of
the academic community.
It is this feeling that expansion endangers.
For instance, in the literary college-which is
already bursting with students-any further
growth'under the present system might be dis-
astrous. The academic community would be-
come so large that its very existence would
become tenuous. The individual student-espe-
cially in his first two years-would have no
orientation toward the whole, no vantage point
from which to glimpse the community.
ONE WOULD EXPECT a student under such
circumstances to do one of two things:
either find some small, personal group into
which he can retreat or to bury himself in his
books for four years. Neither alternative is de-
sirable. In the first case, the student's energies
are devoted primarily to the non-academic.
The classroom and life separate. In the second
case, the student is acquiring mere facts, a nec-
essary part of education, but not doing any-
thing with them.
[7E SUPREME COURT dealt a serious blow
to Northern states-including Michigan-
which are trying to keep industry from running
to the Southern low-wage, no-union, low-tax
"paradise." By ruling that workers do not have
transfer rights wLien a firm moves its plant
Southward, the court has allowed employers to
ditch unionized high-wage employes in favor
of unorganized Southern workers willing to
work for much less.
Combined with tax concessions and an im-
plicit promise to "keep the unions out," the
court decision tends to increase Northern un-
employment and economic woes.
The court's action eliminates one of the few

checks on runaway plants. Taxes and union
busting and matters of local concern over
which the Northern states and the federal gov-
ernment have limited control. However, as the
transfer of these plans and the sale of their
products involves interstate commerce, the fed-
eral government can take some action.
For the good of the workers who often have
worked at the firm for many years and are
permanently unemployed and the economy of
the North, Congress should close the loophole
created by the Supreme Court decision. Run-
away plants do more than injure their ditched
workers, they depress the economy of the city
or state from which they leave. Some of the
slack can be remedied by area redevelopment
aid. Legislation against runaway plants, with
transfer rights playing a prominent part, would
reduce and possibly eliminate the need for such

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For these reasons, the soundest means of
expansion is a total reorganization of the lit-
erary college into small units analogous to the
tentative proposal for a small residence college
which is now being studied. Hopefully, this col-
lege, when and if it ever comes into existence,
will fill the gap between the individual student
and the academic community, giving the stu-
dent an orientation toward the whole. It will
give him a part of the University to which he
can realistically feel attached.
Also, within the context of several small
colleges instead of a mammoth literary college,
much more of a student's energy and orienta-
tion could be devoted to academic affairs. Since
each college would have a flavor, concentrating
on one or two fields, the student would be as-
sured of contact with individuals of similar
interests with whom he can share and expand
his own experience. At the same time, the Uni-
versity could assure diversity by making sure
that each college embodies a substantial num-
ber of individuals in different fields.
FURTHERMORE, the residence feature would
permit a context in which the University
can bring academics into the residence halls.
If, for example, one particular college is 40-50
per cent English majors, then a young English
instructor could be more easily induced to live
in the dormitories. At the same time, the
University could remove all compulsions to live
in the residence halls and would still probably
find them filled. Students would naturally grav-
itate toward them. Student life would 'center
around them.
Of course, this system is applicable mainly
to the literary college. Many of the smaller
schools and colleges in the University can ex-
pand now without any qualms. For some of
the medium sized schools, any breakdown into
smaller units is still only a remote possibility.
But it is within the literary college that the
need is greatest, where the applications are
coming most quickly and where there is virtual-
ly no unused capacity.
A reorganization of the literary college into
smaller units is the best formula for expansion
the University now has. The other two alter-
natives-full-year operation and the creation of
smaller University-operated units around the
state-really fail to meet the educational goals
of the University.
tage of eliminating the need for added facil-
ities in order to handle added students. But
beneath the surface there are major problems.
The University does not intend to use the third
semester as a device for hurrying students
through their education. Instead, it expects that
students will stagger their education, coming
in the winter and -summer and not in the
spring. This will only add to the problem of
student orientation within the University.
In addition, the year-round calendar intro-
duces a myriad of curricular, financial and
faculty problems. And of course there is still
the unanswered question of how many students
will attend a 15 week semester in the hottest
and most uncomfortable part of the year.
The second alternative-establishing a series
of smaller campuses around the state-is prob-
ably the least promising of the three. To call
these campuses the University would be grossly
misleading. One of the major attractions of
the University, both to faculty members and
to students, is the wide variety of facilities
available. It would take many years, if it could
be done at all, to duplicate the library facili-
ties available here even in only one or two ma-
jor disciplines.
THE UNIVERSITY could not offer the same
quality of education without these facili-
ties. It would have great difficulty in attract-
ing top rate faculty to such institutions. Cer-
tainly the University ought to foster the de-
velopment of small colleges around the state
in every possible way. But in no sense would
they be branches of the University if they do
not offer an education equal in quality to the
one received on campus or if their location and
structure does not constitute some kind of edu-
cational experiment which cannot be carried
out in Ann Arbor.
Thus the plan for small colleges within the
structure of the University is the best plan for
any major expansion of the institution. It has
its limitations. Once a number of small units

is set up, the function of coordination among
them may create an unwieldy administration;
and the University certainly should question
any system that might make the University top
heavy. This places an absolute limitation on
the number of colleges that can be set up. Al-
though it is difficult to predict exactly where
this point lies, it does exist.
Hopefully, by that time the demand for edu-
cation will have levelled off. If the University
needs to expand further, it will have to find
some other form of organization. The small
colleges must necessarily be small, at most
2,000 students apiece.
BUT THIS IS FAR in the future. The small
college plan is certainly adequate to serve
the University's needs for the next decade or
two at minimum.
This form of organization is nothing new.

Merchants Campaign
For East-Side Liquor
AFTER 58 YEARS of dividing sin from virtue, Ann Arbor's "dry line"
is under attack and may soon be abolished.
A group of local merchants is circulating petitions to put on the
April 1 city election ballot the question of whether the ban on liquor
by the glass in the east and south parts of town should continue to
exist. The petitions need 1,800 signatures before the end of the year.
The "dry line" is set up by the city charter - the same document
that determines the structure, powers and procedures of the city gov-
ernment, as approved by the governor of the state. The partial ban on
liquor is therefore no technicality, tucked away in the fine print of a
dusty law book; rather, its status as a law is the same as the one which
gives the city its power to provide for the public welfare.
WRITTEN AT the turn of the century to keep students away from
bars and bars away from students, the "dry line" law proclaims that
"no person shall keep a saloon or other place, except a drug store, where
any spiritous, malt, brewed, fermented, vinous or intoxicating liquors
are sold, or kept for sale, at wholesale, or at retail, in all that part
of the City of Ann Arbor lying south and east of the following prescribed
The line begins in the northeast part of town, at Fuller and con-
tinues through Detroit, Division, Stadium Boulevard, Iroquois and
Packard, winding up in the southeast part of the city. It is more than
15 miles long.
Until recently, the "dry line" was not the only factor that helped
make Ann Arbor a relatively tight town. Before the fall of 1960, liquor
could not be sold by the glass anywhere in the city. Local businessmen
hired William Lolas, a public relations man from Jackson and he suc-
cessfully lead the campaign against the restriction on by-the-glass sales.
Another change made in the last two years pushed back the clos-
ing hours for bars. Formerly, these "saloons," all on the north and west
side of town, of course, closed at 12:30 a.m. and were vacated by 1
a.m. on weekdays; on Friday and Saturday nights closing hours were
extended one hour.
But to put Ann Arbor on the same ethical plane as most other
Michigan cities, the tavern doors were permitted to lock as late as
2 a.m. every morning - except on Sunday, of course.
THESE TWO reforms-liquor by the glass and closing hours-
having been successfully executed, local merchants are now eager to
try for a third change. They hired Lolas aagin-this time to refer the
"dry line" issue to the voters in the coming city election.
But before the business groups could come out with a unified stand,
they had to settle their own difficulties. After scouting Around during
the summer, Lolas found that there were two factions in the anti-
"dry line" camp. Some of the merchants were interested only in ad-
justing the "dry line" to include more business areas; others favored
a complete abolition of the line.
The former group, advocating adjustments in the law rather than
its abolition, had a good case for two reasons. First of all, this less
severe move would certainly be less likely to anger church and tem-
perance groups. Second of all, the "dry line" was never drawn arbi-
trarily-it was so designed that it would not antagonize various indi-
viduals and neighborhoods.
* * *
FOR EXAMPLE, in the south of town, the logical way of drawing
the line would have been to extend it through Stadium Blvd. to Pack-
ard. But the line dips down along Iroquois up to Packard, instead of
continuing along Stadium, thereby lessening the area in which liquor
can be sold.
The reason for this is that the southwest corner of Packard and
Stadium is zoned C3, a fringe commercial district. However, nearly
all of the rest of that particular area is zoned in a one-family dwelling
district. In other words, it would have been possible for someone to
have established a bar right in the center of a residential district.
To avoid this situation, the "dry line" was drawn so that no such
bar could have been established,
For some reason, those advocating only changing the line lost
out and the merchants decided to come out and support its complete
abolition. Probably, making changes in the "dry line" would have
caused more problems than It would have solved: who would decide,
for example, exactly what changes shculd be made?
Their internal difficulties settled, Lolas and the local merchants
announced their intention to bring the issue to the voters.
THE MOVE was quite unexpected. The day before Lolas came to
Ann Arbor to make final arrangements for the petitions, Mayor Cecil
0. Creal said that no one was contemplating any campaign against
the "dry line" in the near future. The mayor expressed confidence
that sooner or later, the line would go, but added, "Quite frankly, the
people won't accept a change right now."
Previous to that, Creal had been trying to calm State and South



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Supporters vs. Abolitionists

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond of two articles dealing with
capital punishment.)
ALTHOUGH most arguments in
magazines and literature are
gainst capital punishment, the
weight of legal precedent, tradi-
tion and, presumably, public opin-
ion favors it.
Most debate on the question of
capital punishment is based on its
alleged deterrent effect on crime.
Statistics do not prove or disprove
this claim. The fear of capital pun-
ishment appears not to have suc-
ceeded in lowering the crime rate
There appear to be five major
arguments around which the pro-
and con groups rally: deterrence,
equality, courts, fallibility of men
and rehabilitation of the prisoner.
AS ALREADY noted, deterrence
is the strongest issue in the prob-
lem. Those upholding capital pun-
ishment say that the threat of
death as retribution for commit-
ting a capital offense will prevent
crimes. In answer to the noncom-
mittal statistics, they charge that
even if fear of the death penalty
saves one innocent life, it is worth
the price.
Abolitionists reply that crimin-
als do not fear a specific punish-
ment so much as the more general
possibility of being caught. There-
fore, a person does not fear the
death penalty because he expects
to escape detection. Also, knowing
that if they are caught they face
death, criminals will murder or
rape or kidnap a victim to silence
possible witnesses.
However, the fear of death may
exert an important influence in
many situations, such as leading
robbers to use unloaded guns.
* * *
THE SECOND argument for
abolition is inequality. This in-
volves the fact that many crim-
inals convicted of a major offense
are not executed. Instead, they
are sentenced to long prison terms.
Yet of the-3,666 persons executed
from 1930-'59, 1,972 (more than
half) were Negroes.
Because the law allows juries
.nd judges to decide between death
nd long imprisonment (only in
hree states is capital punishment
automatically required for a ma-
jor crime), the individuals in-
volyed, the attitude of the press
and public and the impressions
made by the witnesses will be de-
termining factors.
Supporters of capital punish-
ment contend that as long as those
sentenced to die deserve this pun-
ishment, they have no basis for
complaining that others equally
guilty have escaped or been im-
m * *
MOREOVER, they argue, if we
acted on a basis ofabsolute equal-
ity in criminal sentencing, no one
would ever be punished because
absolute equality is unattainable.
Tha fMt which a trial invnol-

THE FOURTH argument, the
fallibility of mankind in judging
others, is often cited by the abo-
litionists. It is terrible, indeed,
when an innocent man is impris-
oned for a crimeehe did not com-
mit, but it is even more horren-
dous when that man is executed
wrongly by the state.
One of the reasons why delay is
permitted and so many remedies
allowed in the courts, the sup-
porters explain, is to reduce the
danger of such mistakes to the
barest minimum.
The last issue involved is that
of the rehabilitation of the crim-
inal. The two groups seem to have
interpreted similar sets of statis-
tics differently. The abolitionists
point to figures showing that pa-
roled prisoners who had committed

serious offenses behaved better
than released prisoners in general.
* * *
emphasize the cases where pris-
oners spared from the death pen-
alty again, comtmitted major
crimes. In any case, they insist
that rehabilitating the prisoner
is less important than the maxi-
mum protection of the public.
I personally believe that a crim-
inal who deliberately plans and
commits a heinous crime deserves
the maximum punishment which
society can give, the death pen-
alty. I base my view not on its
deterrent effect, but on the simple
fact that a murderer does not de-
serve to live in the society which
he has so maliciously abused.

Urgent Aid Requested

To the Editor:
r E FOLLOWING is a letter I
received from Bob Moses, direc-
tor of the SNCC voter registra-
tion drives in Mississippi; I had
asked him how badly aid was
needed in the counties where the
Federal Food surplus plan had
been discontinued to discourage
further Negro registration.
* * *
"WE DO NEED the actual food,
I just hope you and others can
gather it, and we can distribute it,
so the people who need it receive
"Just this afternopn, I was sit-
ting reading, having finished a
bowl of stew, and a silent hand
reached over from behind, mum-
bling some words of apology and
permission, and stumbled up with
a neckbone from the plate under
the bowl, one which I had dis-
carded, which had consequently
some meat on it. The hand was
back again, five seconds later,
groping for the potato I had left
in the bowl. I never saw the face.
I didn't look. The hand was dark,
dry and wind cracked, a man's
hand, from the cotton chopping
and cotton picking. Lafayette and
I got up and walked out. What the
hell are you going to do when
a man has to pick up a left over
potato from a bowl of stew?
"They finished picking cotton,
at Thanksgiving this year; they
usually pick until Christmas time.
For the overwhelming majority of
the people there will be no
steady work until cotton chopping
time, first of June or the last of
"Finally, for the voting program
we are in desperate need of sev-
eral typewriters and an electric
mimeograph machine, if we are to
get out the volume of material we
need to contact people across the
-Martha Prescod, '65
nrnt hAarhnnrl -_

theological celebration, just as the
assertion of universal brotherhood
is, for most of us who profess it,
a theological affirmation. Mr. Hy-
man does not define what "loving
one's fellow men" means, but one
suspects considerable ignorance of
the theological usage of the phrase.
For as one of the "pseudo-sages"
who is accustomed to declare all
men as brother, I reject the state-
ment of two premises, one or the
other of which he asserts I be-
The real premise, at least for a
good many of us "pseudo-sages,"
is that all men are created in some
sort of spiritual image of Glod-
however much we may differ in
defining our exact terms. Hence
there is a kinship a great deal
deeper than anything which Mr.
Hyman apparently comprehends,
a kinship which elicits a concern
of intelligent goodwill (love) to-
ward all men, whether or not we
happen to like them on some other
THE RELIGIOUS foundation
for the concept of brotherhood
does not necessarily deny the un-
desirable traits mentioned by the
editorialist. As a matter of fact,
most brands of religion proclaim
some sort of innate evil (even
"original sin") in man. But the
spark of divine image is there,
too, and the proclamation of
brotherhood is part of the answer
to the age-old question, "What is
man?" (I commend a reading of
Psalm 8.)
Far from appealing "to the worst
in mankind," as Mr. Hyman as-
serts, the person believing in uni-
versal brotherhood appeals to the
best in mankind. "Nowadays, there
can be no possible justification for
loving all of one's fellow men," he,
claims. No new, modern-day jus-
tification, it is true; just the
eternal one of a requirement to do
justice, to love kindness, and to
walk humbly before God.

University merchants, whose thirst
their thirst for intoxicating
Creal's theory is that there have
been two recent reforms made in
the city liquor regulations and
that another one is likely to antag-
onize temperance groups. In addi-
ize temperance groups. In addi-
tion, if the "dry line" becomes an
issue in the coming election, it will
pose problems for a man that must
be elected by the whole city. How
is it possible to attract local mer-
chants if one opposes the abolition
of the "dry line?" And then again,
is it possible to attract the
more temperate elements in so-
ciety if one favors the abolition
of the "dry line?"
Creal's sympathies, however, lie
with the east side merchants, and
to prove this one need only look
at the issuing of liquor licenses in
the city. Only one license can be
issued for every 1,500 people liv-
ing in Ann Arbor, which in effect
means that a maximum of 45 li-
quor licenses can be issued.
So far, 32 retailers have obtained
licenses and it is becoming in-
creasingly difficult for a west sid-
er to purchase one. Creal, then, is
waiting for a riper time to elim-
inate the "dry line" - and he
thinks that if he does wait, he
will definitely succeed.
SINCE MOST students cannot
drink legally, the "dry line" is of
only sideline interest to them.
But it does affect the faculty, who
for five years have been wanting
to establish a faculty center on
campus. The center, which would
offer food and especially cocktails
to the faculty, must be located
west of Division if the "dry line"
remains. Such a distance would be
Ideally, the faculty center would
be located at the Michigan Union.
However, there are more obstacles
tn this than the "dry line"

for profits is perhaps greater than
ONCE AGAIN movie houses
across Ann Arbor hold their
noses and prepare for the tradi-
tional vacation-time festival of
rotten films. Here's what you can
see if you miss your plane this
Christmas :
At the Michigan there's a fea-
ture length animated cartoon
about cats called "Gay Purree.'
Its plot is embarrassing, its dia-
logue worse, and its music simply
foul. The entire production ap-
parently is an excuse for U.F.A.
cartoonists to do some very in-
teresting backgrounds. Depending
on locale they are done in the
styles of various recent French
artists-and, astonishingly enough,
done very well indeed, with the
finest color I have ever seen in any
animated film.
This gets totally out of hand,
however, when the narrator at-
tempts an art lesson, telling the
audience salient features of each
The movie can't be for children
-its theme is too sophisticated (in
its own stupid way). Of the six
people at the film besides me, five
were children, three left in the
middle, and two cried.
ON THE other hand, if you've
ever wondered what the Ed Sulli-
van program would look like in
color, here's your chance to find
out: at the Campus is "European
Nights." Henry Morgan narrates
an outsized travelogue of the old
style (bad photography, bad jokes,
random editing).
We are treated to a string of
what are supposed to be (but what
are not at all) the top nightclub

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