WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19,1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ER WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE : Senglior Wins Struggle! For Power in Senegal; SParatroops Arrest Dial, Priests Retract Charge; REWARD WORKERS: _ 1 'm rr T . T- -U Bosch To Seek Office r SANTO DOMINGO (A') - A church-political crisis that threat- ened to upset the Dominican Republic's first free election in 38 years appeared resolved last night. A heavy turnout is expected in Thursday's voting with the re- traction by a Roman Catholic priest of his charge that a front-runner for the presidency was a Communist. Juan Bosch and his left-of-center Dominican Revolutionary Par- ty declared themselves back in the race after threatening to boycott the election in protest against the,. AnalyzesKaiser-Labor Pact CALLS FOR SANCTIONS: UN Condemns Portugal' For Angolan Policies UNITED NATIONS (MP)-The United Nations General Assembly' yesterday asked the Security Council to impose penalties on Portugal in an effort to compel that country to set its African territory of Angola on the road to independence. Asian-African nations supported by the Communist Bloc approved a harshly worded resolution calling for sanctions by a vote of 57 to 14 with 18 abstentions. Twenty-one nations were absent. The "United States, Britain and France rTo Get Hoffa Case NASHVILLE (R) - The pro- tracted conspiracy trial of Team- ster President James R. Hoffa moved ahead in a sudden burst of speed yesterday and the judge said the case should reach the jury Friday. Closing arguments and the Judge's traditional charge remain before the Jury begins delibera- tions. The trial began Oct. 22. Hoffa is charged with conspir- ing to violate the Taft-Hartley Act by accepting payoffs from a Mich- igan transport firm as a bribe for labor peace. Maximum Sentence If convicted on the two-count, indictment, he could get a maxi- mum sentence of two years in prison and a $20,000 fine. "The case should get to the jury on Friday," Federal District Judge William E. Miller said after Hoffa stepped from the witness stand and the defense announced it was through. No Rebuttal In an unexpected maneuver; government attorney James F. Neal said the prosecution would forego rebuttal testimony. This caught the court by surprise. opposed the resolution. That cast doubt on any actual call for sanc- tions since each has a big power veto in the council. In Lisbon a spokesman for the Portuguese foreign ministry said yesterday Portugal can only regret UN persistence in "intruding into Portuguese intern"1 affairs." Lisbon Protest{ Commenting on the resolution adopted by the UN Assembly ask- ing the 'Security Council to take sanctions against Portugal in or- der to make it comply with pre- vious assembly and council resolu- tions on Angola, the spokesman said, "We have never agreed on the UN mingling with our internal affairs and we cannot do anything but be sorry for the UN acting in such a way." The resolution was the toughest of any yet passed by the assembly in dealing with Angola, the sprawling territory on Africa's southwest coast where Portuguese rule is being challenged by in- dependence-seeking natives. Stop Arms Shipments t By its action the Assembly re- quested all member states to stop arms shipments to Portugal-a move directed at the North Atlan- tic Treaty Organization allies. The resolution condemned Por- tugal for waging ' what was de- scribed as a "colonial war against the Angola people.'" i Legislators Act To End Premiership Parliament Asks National Referendum By The Associated Press DAKAR, Senegal - President Leopold Senghor sealed his victory in a power struggle last night by arresting his ousted premier, Ma- madou Dia. The National Assembly cleared the way for the conservative lead- er earlier in the day by abolishing the office of premier, turning these powers over to Senghor and stripping the leftist Dia of par- liamentary immunity from arrest. Senghor announced he will pros- ecute Dia and his followers for abuse of authority in trying to seize power Monday. Dia had split with Senghor over economic poli- cy and tried to abolish the as- sembly to head off a pending mo- tion of censure. Senghor's sup- porters have a majority in the 80-member assembly. Surround Home Throughout the day, paratroop- ers had surrounded Dia's home in the Medina sector of Dakar where he was conferring with five of his followers. , After the assembly took away Dia's immunity from arrest, the troops moved in and seized him. Informed sources said he may be held on Goree Island, off the Da- kar waterfront. A short distance away from Dia's residence, thousands of Senegalese massed around the presidential palace to cheer Senghor. He came out to the palace balcony and thanked the people for their sup- port. Abolish Premier The National Assembly voted 51- 0 with 3 abstentions to abolish the office of premier and make the French-educated Senghor head of government as well as chief of state. Members supporting Senghor, the Roman Catholic poet-philos- opher who guided this predom- inantly Moslem nation to inde- pendence from France, were in clear command of the 80-member assembly. Senghor is running the country as a strongman for the time be- ing. Parliament also authorized him to submit to a national ref. erendum proposed constitutional reforms making the president head of the government. Students To Defy Cuban Travel Ban NEW YORK 0P) - From 30 to 100 American students are expect- ed to defy a State Department ban on travel to Cuba late this month. The purpose of the trip is stu- dent evaluation of the Castro gov- ernment a New York University student said. "We are exercising our rights to travel and seek and gather information," he declared. accusation. Withdraws Charge The Rev. Lautico Garcia public- ly withdrew his charge that Bosch was a "Marxist-Leninist" after a five-hour television-radio debate with the revolutionary' leader Monday. Bosch, who has vehemently de- nied any Communist links, said he was satisfied with the young Span- ish Jesuit's retraction. Bosch, directing his appeal to the peasantry in rural areas, and Dr:. Viriato A. Fiallo of the Con- servative National Civic Union, are the leading contenders in the six-man field for the presidency. Plan Election The government went ahead with the plans for the election as if nothing had happened. Provi- sional President Rafael Bonnelly, who took over rule at the head of a council after the slaying of dictator Rafael L. Trujillo in May 1961, was ready to hand over pow- er to the elected regime in Febru- ary. Between 800,000 and one mil- lion citizens 18 years and over are eligible to vote. The campaign legally came to an end yesterday but Bosch ap- pealed for another day to erase what he called "the Communist stain" resulting from his feud with the priest. Bosch said he felt the dispute had cost him and his party votes in their strongholds in the in- terior. The Roman Catholic hierarchy has officially proclaimed a hands- off policy in the election. Subcommittee Raps {Ousting Of Struelens By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The Senate In- ternal Security Subcommittee said Monday that the move to oust Michael Struelens, head of Katan- ga's information service, was de- signed "to silence a dissenting voice" on United States policy in the Congo. In a unanimous report sharply rebuking the State Department for what it called a "glaring abuse" of its visa dower, the nine member subcommittee said it has instruct- ed its staff to look into the draft- ing of remedial legislation. Struelens is a Belgian who has opposed efforts by the United States and United Nations to force Katanga to integrate with the rest of the Congo. He has been working in this country for Katangan President Moise Tshombe since Oc- tober, 1960. By NORMAN WALKER Associated Press Labor Writer WASHINGTON-The new Kai- ser Steel Company labor pact an- nounced Monday is an important effort toward solving at a single stroke the most perplexing labor- management problems today. It probably will have some bugs in it that will need revising. But it surely stands as an example of what a willing management and a willing labor union-in this case the AFL-CIO Steelworkers-can do in tackling mutual problems. In broad terms, the agreement seeks to: 1) reward workers along with management for production socess; 2) guarantee employes against losing jobs to machines; 3) eliminate the main cause of strikes, and 4)accomplish all this by enhancing rather than damag- ing the employer's financial posi- tion: Taylor Group Prof. George W. Taylor of the University of Pennsylvania, chair- man of the advisory committee that came up with the plan after a three-year study, called it "a significant breakthrough in the field of labor-management rela- tions." The agreement was hailed by high government officials. Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz said it was evidence that "by serving a mutual interest individ- ual interests can be served." Sec- retary of Commerce Luther H. Hodges said it represents'"the kind of thinking we need to do in this area." Cost-Saving Plan The chief feature is that a new labor-management teamwork in- centive has been created through an agreement to share cost sav- ings. Nearly one-third of such sav- ings is to be distributed monthly among workers as a bonus, with the rest going to the company. About half the company share would go to taxes, thus benefiting the public to that extent. And, of course, part of the workers' bonus would go into income taxes. Edgar Kaiser, head of the steel firm, said the net result will be higher wages but lower unit pro- duction costs. He added, "The minimum for Kaiser workers will be the rate set by the big steel contracts with the union, but if this plan doesn't produce a lot more for our workers then it just will not be successful." Accept Automation The planners figure that the worker stake in operating the most economical and efficient level of production will lead almost auto- matically to even eager accept- ance of automation and elimina- tion of unnecessary employes or work practices. That is where an important sec- ond part of the pact comes into play. Workers whose jobs become obsolete can be assigned or train- ed to other tasks but their income will continue at the same level. This is not regarded as so heavy a management cost item as might appear because normal turnover due to deaths, retirement and quits exceeds automation job losses. No Contract Deadlines Finally, Kaiser has agreed sim- ply to accept whatever wage lev- els are set by the rest of the steel industry and pay the cost-shar- ing bonus on top of it. The Tay- lor committee says this acceptance of industry pay levels will "do away with contract deadlines with respect to economic issues, con- tributing greatly to industrial peace." The Taylor group believes the cost savings sharing plan is a bet- ter incentive system than profit- sharing. The worker can do some- thing about cutting costs. But he has little or no say over sales, re- search, management, expansion or similar policies that are the em- ployer's province. Court Decides On Work Right WASHINGTON (-) - The Su- preme Court let stand Monday a lower court ruling that any vested rights workers have to their jobs when their plant is moved from one city to another hinges on the wording of their union contract. This perhaps was a significant decision on an issue of major im- portance at a time when many manufacturers are moving their plants because of tax inducements or other reasons. JUAN BOSCH ...seeks presidency BUSINESS: Ask Tax Cut On Income In January WASHINGTON (P)-- Secretary of Commerce Luther H. Hodges said yesterday he believes Presi- dent John F. Kennedy still wants next year's proposed tax cuts made retroactive to Jan. 1 and declared his own view that most of the re- duction should be in the personal income tax. Hodges said the individual in- come tax savings would have a quicker stimulative effect than corporate rate cuts, getting the extra buying power more quickly «"+n+mmiern f+13nnn r' M CORRECTION: The lecture of ASSOC. PROF. DONALD HALL will be given on January 9 and NOT on December 19. k 4 l r .I Look Reports Barnett Deal L -... i 1 I into the mainstream oz the econ n- According to a recent article in omyE Look magazine, Mississippi Gov. Expect New Record Ross Barnett made a secret deal World News Roundup Hodges disclosed at a news con- with United State ference that national output now Robert F. Kennedy has topped the $560 billion-a-year gro student James N rate and predicted that production University of Missi" gains will continue to set new rec- The article cha ords in 1963. Meredith's arrival "But the pace is i3ot satisfac- planned to read a tory," Hodges said, and tax reduc- barring Meredith. A tion is needed to stimulate the rate ing, government t of business expansion "over the threaten Barnett v long pull." would then step Opposes Cut Meredith enter. Ho Also in Washington, Harvard tried to change the' economist John Kenneth Gal- more Mississippi Sta braith, currently the United States nedy threatened tc ambassador to India, came out in Barnett made no opposition to President Kennedy's the article. proposed tax cut in 1963. He said, "I have had the feel- ing that we are going to have to have a large amount of revenue for both domestic and overseas purposes and that the cutting of taxes in this situation is not the best form of economic policy." es Atty. Gen. to enroll Ne- deredith at the ssippi. rged that on , Barnett proclamation kfter the read- roops were to with guns. He aside letting wever, Barnett plan by adding te Police. Ken- o expose him. comment on University Bike Hospital 214 South State-next to Lane Hall No 2-6966 Store your bike for the winter ! Free check-up and oil with Storage. Also 20% off on all repairs with student card By The Associated Press HAVANA - Negotiators seeking to exchange food and medicine for 1,113 Cuban invasion prisoners were reported conferring last night with Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro, and hopes were that the men might be released by Christ- mas. A state department spokes- man declined comment yesterday when asked whether the United States government is contributing anything toward the release of the prisoners. CAIRO - The United Arab Re- public last night offered to grad- ually withdraw :ts troops from Ye- men provided the Yemeni repub- lican government makes such a request and Saudi Arabia and Jordan cease aiding the deposed royalists. LANSING - Gov.-elect George Romney yesterday tapped Robert J. Danhof as an executive office assistant. Danhof, who was defeat- ed last fall as a Republican can-, didate for state attorney general, will -handle legislative program-, ming and relations. WASHINGTON -- The Atomic Energy Commission said the So-, viet Union conducted two nuclear tests in the atmosphere yesterday in the vicinity of Novaya Zemlya. Both shots were described as of intermediate yield, meaning the explosive power was in the range between 20,000 and one million tons of TNT. WASHINGTON - United States ambassador to India John Ken- neth Galbraith said yesterday American C130 transport planes are flying Indian troops from the Pakistan border and other areas to the Himalayan front lines fac. ing Chinese Communist forces. In a taped television interview the envoy said the "rather badly Chinese attack frontier sector. Indian army was mauled" in the on the Northeast HOLLYW OOD-A private fun- eral for Thomas Mitchell was con- ducted by members of his family about an hour and a half after the award-winning actor died Monday of cancer, his business manager said yesterday. WASHINGTON -Justice Wil- liam O. Douglas took sharp issue with his fellow Supreme Court members again Monday for their refusal to strike down Sunday closing laws as an unconstitution- al aid to religion. The other jus- tices rejected an appeal attacking Kentucky's blue laws, under which Arlan's Department Store of Louisville and Evans Furniture Company were fined $20 each for employing persons on Sunday. The unsigned order merely said no substantial federal question was involved. i<' * NEW YORK - Late selling dragged the New York Stock Ex- change a big step downward yes- terday, as Standard and Poor's 500 Index closed off .30, with 425 in- dustrials down .35, 25 rails off .02, and 50 utilities down .05. SOUTH AMERICA next summer? In Peace Corps type projects requested by COLUMBIA AND BOLIVIA must speak Spanish phone Univ, ext. 2077 or see Baldwin, room 2282, S.A.B. SEASON'S GREETINGS and - Have a wonderful Christmas Vacation FOLLETT'S AV Last- Shops I CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS' BETTER HURRY! We've still a wonderful selection for tardy Santas-all beautifully wrapped free of charge if you wish. We're open every evening until 8:30 P.M. Saturday until 5:30. Take advantage of the free parking at the rear of store. Hurry-finish your shopping in one easy stop! " tHOSIERY GLOVES * SLIPS from 1.00 from 2.25 from 3.00 * PETTI PANTS ® SHORTIE PJ's 0 GOWNS from 3.00 5.98 from 6.95 * ROBES * JEWELRY 0 HANDBAGS from 9.98 from 1.00 from 3.98 0 DRESSES 0"SWEATERS e BLOUSES} from 14.98 from 8.98 from 3.95 . N"" .1 . "1 s .1 i" i" s" N1 Aj ,I I! te :s4 Sit at home I and relax, knowing that youvegiven I GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS 5 to the uirrLU 111v LL We Hope You ; :^: .t:.,k. ,;,..: % ; k. ?:CvC' i:;: y i '' t Q ; : vim.. :hf " . '' :{iti ikr ti '' J fg@ ?,: h\y F -A ti'- 'y '" 4 L F s i>F . .. I.w aI r,. aI