DECEMBER 18, 1962
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'M' Seeks To Cha
Michigan's hopes for an im-
proved football season next year
hinge on more than immediately
meets the eye.
Besides the obvious factors of
schedule, quality of the sopho-
mores, etc., there lies the hither-
to unexplored question of time to
be devoted to practice sessions.
The current Big Ten rule on
practices states that sessions may
not begin before September 1, nor
may they last for more than two
hours per day after the first full
day of classes. Through the cur-
Hall of Fame
For Bednarik
green No. 60 uniform of Chuck
Bednarik of the Philadelphia
Eagles will be retired to the pro-
fessional Football Hall of Fame in
Canton, Ohio.
Bednarik retired from the Na-
tional'Football League Sunday aft-
er the Eagles last game against
the St. Louis Cardinals. He had
played 14 years. He plans to work
full time as a cement salesman.
The former University of Penn-
sylvania All-America from Beth-
lehem, Pa., probably had his
greatest year in 1960 when he led
the Eagles to the world champion-,
ship. That year he played both of-
fense and defense, sometimes go-
ing nearly a full 60 minutes a
rent season, this rule has allowed
Michigan's football teams approx-
imately two weeks of all-day
However, with Michigan moving
up its academic calendar in the
1963-64 year as a transitional year
to year-round operation in 1964-
65, classes will begin on Sept. 3 in-
stead of the previous opening of
the 17th, 18th, etc.
Lose Time
Clearly, by the present practice
rule, Michigan will be allowed only
two days of full-day workouts.
With this unappealing prospect
in mind, Michigan faculty repre-
sentative to the Big Ten, Prof.
Marcus Plant of the Law School,
headed a committee which issued
a proposal to change the confer-
ence practice rule to that of the
NCAA Rules
The NCAA rule states that prac-
tices may be for more than two
hours on the basis of -whichever
of the following periods best suits
the school:
1) after September 1, to the
beginning of classes (the Big Ten
2) two weeks before classes;
3) 16 days before the first game;
The motion was tabled and will
be referred to the conference ath-
letic directors at their meeting.
"We feel that the conference will
recognize our problem here at
Michigan and alter the present
rule. With more schools undergo-
ing the change to the trimester or
year-round systems, the problem
O Day May Be Next
The Michigan Sailing Club was
given insight into the United
States' future in 12 Meter (Ameri-
ca's Cup) and Olympic sailing
Saturday from George O'Day, top
assistant to Bus Mosbacher, skip-
per of America's Cup winner,
O'Day, a veteran of 25 years of
racing at 39, has won a multitude
of sailing honors including an
Olympic gold medal. He was the
number one man in Mosbacher's
crew, and don't be surprised if he
succeeds America's top skipper
as the man to retain the Cup in
Nobody knows Mosbacher as well
as O'Day. "Bus and I have been
the closest of friends for years,
and he is, as far as I'm concerned,
the best to sail with or against,"
said O'Day.
Bus May Retire
However, according to O'Day,
Mosbacher is going to retire from
12 Meter sailing. "As far as I
know now Bus will not race 12
Meters again," he said., "But be-
tween now and 1964 anything can
happen, and he might change his
mind in the meantime. Right now
he feels that he has already
achieved 'the ultimate success and
like a person who, climbs Mt.
Everst, why do it again."
Will O'Day take over? "I don't
know yet; it all depends what Bus
does, but if he doesn't race in
'64 there is an excellent chance of
it," said O'Day.
Aboard the Weatherly last sum-
mer, O'Day was the technical ad-
visor to Mosbacher. "I never sail-
ed until the actual Cup races. My
job was to observe her movements,
and advise Bus by radio contacts.
I would make detailed reports and
discuss them will him. I also was
in charge of the cutting and trim-
ming of the-sails,
"During the actual series I came
aboard to personally assist Bus."
M's Victory
Speaking about the Cup races
in general, O'Day attributed the
United States' victory almost solely
to Mosbacher. "I'm quite sure that
if it wasn't for Bus we would-have
lost. Gretel (Australian challen-
ger) had equal sails to Weatherly,
but had a slight advantage in the
hull design, and a superior crew.
But Bus was the far superior
skipper, and we won."
What if Nefertiti, who Weatherly
eliminated in the final trials, had
raced instead of Weatherly? "They
would have lost four straight, or
perhaps won the second race in
the heavy air," said O'Day.
T hiclads T o H old
will become more widely felt," said meeting, the small colleges had
Plant. banded together and successfully
Plant also stated that the con- a proposal to make the letter of
ference would seek a mutual let- intent part of the NCAA rules.
ter of intent with the Big Eight, "It seems that the small colleges
the Southwest Conference, the are strong enough to prevent an By TOM WEINBERG >30S.taet.
Southern Conference, and the rest NCAA letter of inetnt. This means Coach Don Canham will take A s.o cstates
of the Major-college conferences, that our current plan is our best the wraps off the track team to-
along with any willing independ- hope of getting an inter-confer- night at 7:30 at Yost Field House
ents. ence letter of intent," Plant con- when it will hold its first meet of
He added that at the last NCAA cluded. the year, an intra-squad affair
which will be scored on an indi-
vidual basis.
Frosh in Upset J In'There will be competition in all
" events in which there is competi- Intro u g
tion during the Big Ten indoor
season. These include: a 60-, 300-
60e- and 1two0mile runs, hl i , and ° t
B Upa
Beat U perclassm en 600-, and 1two0mile runs, hih amlewdui
low hurdles, and mile relay. Inj
By STUDEUTSCH sr yrhaddition, there will be four field
spurt by freshman Walls, called entpoevuthihjmMo
Capping a weekend of intra- one of the fastest freestylers to broad jump and shot put.
squad swim meets, the freshman ever swim for Michigan, to defeat Assistant coach Elmer Swanson
team yesterday upset the junior- his upperclass rival and give the revealed that "this meet will let R C MND oSc
senior varsity team 54-51 in a freshmen the meet. us know if our plans and confi- * o
meet that was not decided until Walls swam his 100 yards in dence in certain individuals is jus-
the final lap of the final event. :48.9, the fastest time for the tified or not." , &ra spectacuwray prices
Thus the frosh won their second freestyle recorded over the three The feature race of the 'evening CHARLIE AQUINO
straight meet, having beaten the days for 100 yards, and Thrasher promises to be a duel in the half- I
sophomore team 57-48 on Satur- did his in :49.8, while the whole mile with the team's captain and -... track captain EBALDI-DEL MONACO-GUUDN-CIEA
day. In Sunday's meet the senior- freshman team finished the event winner of two events-the 660-ad
junior team beat the sophs 63-42. in 3:22.6, beating the upperclass- and 1,000-yd. runs last year in and
The final event of yesterday's men by a scant half a second. the Big Ten meets, Charlie Aquino,TY
meet was the 400 yard freestyle In other events during the day, in the role of favorit. Challenging
relay, with Warren Uhler, Captain diver Pete Cox displayed fine form Aquino will be juniors Ted Kelly, These are imported reissues from the renowned Lndon Opera Library
John Dumont, Steve Thrasher, in winning the diving for the and Jay Sampson, sophomore Dan ThS r prtde-Se fmth nwndLdo paliay
and Frank Berry swimming senior-junior team, Dick Nelson Hughes and freshman Joel Lewitz.
against freshmen Bob Bond, Dave won the 200-yd breaststroke in The 600-yd. run will be a closely
Roadhouse, Bob Hoag, and Rich- 2:23.0, Mike Reissing won the 200- fought out struggle featuring two
ard Walls. When anchormen yd. backstroke in 2:07.0.
Thrasher and Walls hit the water, Jeff Moore won the 200-yd. foreign entries, sophomores Kent
they were even. At 75 yards, they butterfly in 2:03.7 and the 400- Bernard, from the West Indies,
were still even. It took a great yd. medley-relay team in 3:54.8 and Bob Jarema, from Canada.
to complete the senior-junior vic- In the 60-yd. dash freshman
tle Willie Brown will be challenged :enata Tebad, Giacino Pra. snata Tbil Giuseppe Cam. Recrded under the dirctiol
Besides the relay, freshmen Bob bsophomore Hunter. i n with Chorus and ano Corena with Chorus and Oyarte Opera on1 d
byso h m r Ma Hu tr rchesta of the Acadeia D Orchestra of the Academia teauring Matyn Green wit
Boag won the 50-yd. freestyle in _nta CeciliRome,conducted D Santa Cecilia, Rome, con Chorus and rchastra cn-
a wAmp eto 2-2'R S6. 0E C te y Alberto Rede Cmdct dI ioeGdR y
: 22.7, Geoffrey D'Atri the 200-yd. omplete 2- i S62001 Complete 2-12 itS 2002 Coee 2-12 us 003
k p p rindividual medley in 2:08.0, Rich- ' orul1u~ ~~\TK D
Sk ipp erWalls won the 100-yd. free AStudet Tour Unique
style in :49.2 and Bill Farley won
the 500-yd. freestyle in 5:15.0 and Summer 1963 ," '
O'Day has a few gripes about 200-yd. freestyle in 1:49.9 to com-SU
the races. The major of which is plete the frosh victories. TRAVEL AND STUDY ,
that he feels that a challengerFIN RUSSIA t
should equip a boat with materials Frosh Victory N USAdd dehr td sPk
sholdequp bat it mteral Vctoy I~Recorded under the direction Recorded under the direction *itle ueden, Julius Patit
fro th ir own co ntr. Greelof Bridget D Oyy Carte The of Bridet D'oyly Carte The and Anton Deota with the
from their own country. "Gretel Freshmehn 54 vs. Junior-Seniors 51 tOpera Company OylyCarte opera Cmpant Vienna Phiiharmonic Orchestra
a ,rshr s a a n d r i r eOrc h e s tra c o n . C h o r u s n g a n d O r a l c h e s tra c o n . r e nC h o ru s c on d uV i n a te b OC em e n
had all U.S. equipment and U.S. 400-YD. MEDLEY-RELAY: 1) Jn.- Meet Soviet Youth Face-to-Face Choe nen et
sails, they only thing they couldn't Sr. (Reissing, Nelson, Moore, Uhler). Seminor at Moscow University te e Godfy due by sdore Godfre ras
ge a obce h olnt2) Freshmen (Vermeuen, Spann, *Tu fMsoLnnrd Complete 212 RS 6204complete 2-12" Rts 62005 Complete 2121Rs 62006 ,
get was Mosbacher who wouldn't Heusen, Ahineri). Time-3 :54.8. Tour of Moscow, eningrad,
give up his citizenship." 200-YD. FREESTYLE: 1) Farley. Kiev, Caucasus, Central Asia,
What about the future of the 2) Walls. 3) Berry. 4) Dumont. 5) Balkans
Cup? "The British have a chal- Bond. Time--1:49.9. 12 Rest at Int' Student Cmp
leRge for '64 and as of now three esttREE. tl StudentaCa)AUST I N..
leg fr'6 n a f o tre Thrasher. 3) Roadhouse. Time-:22.7. For details, write I~
boats from the U.S. will compete,"' 200-YD. INDICIDUAL MEDLEY: 1)r ,r
he said, "however there are two D'Atri. 2) Orland. 3) Longstreth. AFTON TOURS INC D IA /0N D
syndicates with plans of building Time-2:08.0. ASOIOR N I M N e " , ,
DIVING: 1) Cox, 256. 2) Attair, 236. CORPORATION
two additional Cup boats. The 3) Brown, 225. 7t
English are now building two 12 200-YD. BUTTERFLY: 1) Moore. New York 19, N.Y.9 t . 6e637a e nkiuFerMa Tbad.S Sart Yl
Mees"2 onsrt.3 oahue ie z .551209 South U. 663-7151 naho Crea with Chorus and Chorus and Orchesra of the
Meters." 2) Longstreth. 3) Roadhouse. TiePLaz7-9595orchestra the Accadm Accademia Santa eca,
Howmuh oesanAmric's -203.. ________________________ {l_ Di Santa Cecilia..lme, coil- Rome, conducted by Alberto
How much does an America's -2:03ducted by Abero Erede Erede.
Cup boat cost? "To construct theoml
boats costs anywhere around
$400,000 and for the other equip-
ment I< , taergsou oWO-reCord sets .. . 3.099
$1,000 for every day it sails."Tet$
Olympic Chaces -"-'-- Three-record sets $5.99
How about America's changes in -- -d.9
the Olympics? "I think the UnitedI14
States is very solid in several of .14
the classes but in others we are * 1st Prize
clearly outclassed," he said. "We 14
are very strong in the 52 Meter
class and the Star class and we r0 \ All Columbia on Sale
also have strength in the Dragons,
but in the Flying Dutchman and
Fins we are weak."
What about Russia as a sailing The perfect X-mas g1"f
power? "In 1952 they had nothing T
and finished last in everything.ta.L s to chse f m..
In '56 they gained a little strength,.2C1
but in '60 they took a gold medal,
a silver medal, and finished CLASSICAL
fourth, fifth, and seventh in the d"NO NERBEER AT ANY PRICE
O'Day was invited to Ann Arbor Pop P s
by the Michigan Sailers. He spoke
and showed pictures of the Cup *MJAZZ
races last Saturday night in the xF KU
Union. He informally visited with 19r'* FOLK MUSIC
the club at the SAB Saturday af- n7B
ternoon. l : y Z {T E a s rewing Co., nc- ebtr i enMc.B R A WYT ' m t].~ 3-s t JY I r!FV 8 I d.i7'T 9 l S 3 ta 1 +F "r-
SChoose from :
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OPEN NIGHTS DEC. 18, 19, 20, 21 309 S. State St.
Cincinnati Tops Poll;
Duke Second Again
By The Associated Press
Cincinnati, riding the crest of a
24-gameswinning streak overea
two-season span, was nearly ev-
erybody's choice for the third
straight week as the nation's top
college basketball team in The
Associated Press poll.
Figures compiled Monday gave
the Bearcats a total of 438 points
on 42 first place votes and two
seconds among the 44 sports writ-
ers and sportscasters comprising
the voting panel.
The two non-Cincinnati ballots
gave first place to Duke's Blue
Devils who, for the third straight
week, placed second to the Bear-
cats with 349 points, a bare 47
points ahead of third-ranked Ohio
The top ten, based on total
points alloting 10 points for a first
place vote, nine for second, eight
for third down to one for a tenth
place vote with first place votes
in parentheses:
W L Pts.
1. Cincinnati 42 6 0 438
2.Duke 2 6 0 349
Ohio State
Chicago Loyola
Mississippi State
West Virginia
Other teams receiving
listed alphabetically: Arizona
State, Auburn, Bowling Green,
Canisius, Davidson, DePaul, Drake,
Georgia Tech, Indiana, Louisville,
Niagara, Notre Dame, Oregon
State, Providence, St. Bonaven-
ture, Stanford, Tennessee, Tulsa,
UCLA, Virginia Tech, Wichita.
We regret to announce that
due to scheduling difficul-
ties and lack of funds, the
Folklore Society's planned
Christmas -Chanukah folk.
sing has been cancelled.