Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OW UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Were Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. Thi smust be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: RONALD WILTON THE SHAPIRO CASE: Facts Remain a Puzzlement tr The Dormitory Experience: Artificial Purposeless WHILE A DORMITORY system is not neces- sary to a University, certain goals and pui'- poses may reasonably be conceived for its existence. The dormitories at the University, are not contributing to the University on the basis of these goals. One purpose of a dormitory may be protec- tion, especially for undergraduate women. Does our dormitory system protect its inhabitants? For anyone who has lived in it more than six weeks, the answer must be no. Any girl who lives through this initiation period during which she becomes the possessor of knowledge that she can break any rule in the dormitory with impunity-any girl who lives through this period and is still coming in at 11:00 Sunday through Thursday and 12:30 on weekends is doing sofor her own convenience or through her own convictions. If she wanted to break these rules, she would do so. And many do. It is well to know that, while coming in a few minutes late is punishable, not coming in at all is permissible. If a girl forgets to sign out and then returns, she is liable for punish- ment-but if she stays out all night after not signing out, she is safe. One must be in the front door by 12:30 precisely; but no one cares (though'everyone knows) if one exits via the rear door at 12:31. The alarm bells go off per- iodically from the rear doors-but no one checks the doors, either to see if some girl has run off illegally, or, what is more important, to see if some unwanted male visitor has found a way to get in. JFTDERAGE DRINKING is against the state law. Everyone realizes that much drinking goes on on any college campus, and that it is unrealistic to try to stop it. Yet if the dormi- tory is to protect girls from overindulgence (as their parents think it does) why is it possi- ble for a girl to become; or remain, a serious problem drinker in the dorms without any of her "guardians" attempting to help her? This is not meant to be a moralistic essay against those types of behavior mentioned. It is meant to point out that any girl who wishes to do so can conduct herself in a manner com- pletely opposite to that facade of behavioral standards'supposedly fostered by the dormitory system. It is doubtful that many mothers were aware when they left their daughters to the tender care of the dormitory that they would have access to so many opportunities. The dormitory, then, is in this respect a public relations joke. Parents and the gen- eral taxpaying public are under the impression that the women are kept more or less on ice to curb their youthful and foolish impulses, that they are taken care of while they live in a dormitory. BESIDES FAILING to protect its inhabitants, the dormitory fosters a very artificial at- mosphere. Certainly it is not like the home so recently left by freshmen women. Any girl who understands the implications of the non- academic evaluation written about her by her housemother is not going to go to that house- mother for serious counseling. A dormitory is a girl's home while she is at school-but it is also a public place. She has to live on a floor with perhaps 35 other girls, get along with them, and get her studying done. For freshmen away from home for the first time, this is a big adjustment. But, once this adjustment is made, what preparation for The Outside World does it provide? When will a girl ever again encounter the situation she encoun- ters in the dormitory? If she lives in an apartment building, she will have all her own facilities. If she lives in a hotel, she will find her own place to eat. If she lives at home she will have 'a family warmth not found in a peer group. How much more realistic it would be if the students were expected to find their own hous- ing. The adjustment necessary to independent living is no greater than that necessary for dormitory living-and it would be a more life- like situation. No housemothers would write reports; no one would foster the hypocrisy of a dormitorywhich fills up nightly from the front door while emptying from the back. Women could find some privacy-of which even a girl with a single room has precious little while she lives in a dormitory. A few students will fall by the wayside with this system. But many fall by that same way- side now. This way would be more consonant with the aims of a university, and, oddly enough, of a residence hall-it would prepare for living. -RUTH HETMANSKI By MARJORIE BRAHMS INVESTIGATION, not protesta- tion, is presently required in the extremely confusing and emotion- al case of Michigan State Univer- sity-Oakland Prof. Samuel Sha- piro. No one, from the University chapter of the American Associa- tion of University Professors to the small but active group of pro- testing students, claims to have all - or most - of the facts. Everyone is in agreement that the most valuable move that can be made is an investigation, pref- erably by the American Civil Lib- erties Union. The Detroit branch is currently involved in such a matter. Meanwhile, conflicting opinions, estimations, rumors and official statements are getting to be an unwieldy mass - and there are signs they will continue to grow. FROM ALL appearances, Prof. Shapiro is a competent academi- can, both as a scholar and as a teacher. Also, he is known for his 'WAR LOVER': Psycho logy Unsound IN THE BOOK "The War Lover," John Hersey used a dramatic antithesis to examine a complex and pressing problem: Who's go- ing to win in this war-torn world, those on the side of life or those on the side of death? It wasn't hard to guess which side Hersey was on. But his novel was less than successful because the conclusion was not valid. Her- sey fails to convincehusin the rĀ±ovie version that the destruc- tion-hungry B17 bomber pilot (Steve McQueen) would collapse under combat conditions merely because of an unsuccessful bout with a woman who was on the side of life. Nor does he convince us the timid, relatively obtuse co-pilot (Robert Wagner) should gain strength merely because he comes to understand the rottenness of his hero, Steve McQueen. The co- pilot's farewell to arms and his maturing love affair are credible, but his complete victory over Mc- Queen doesn't seem quite honest. Most likely, Hersey had a pre- conceived plot, to prove a point, then failed to prove it in writing the denouement. * * * IN MAKING "The War Lover" into a movie, the re-write men avoided this mistake, but made another just as bad. They made Wagner's climb into maturity a little too easy. They kept the skeleton of Her- sey's story, but didn't give it as much flesh and blood. The only character who achieves any di- mension is McQueen. And then their effort to show the pilot's mystical feeling toward weapons of destruction is unfortunately corny, while in the book it was ac- ceptable. The woman, Shirley Anne Field, is too sure of herself. Both men turn to her and see themselves mirrored. Wagner sees her desires as his own. McQueen sees his help- lessness when confronted with the desire to live. His way is death. "You can't make love," she tells McQueen. "You can only make hate. You can't give, you can only take." "The world belongs to the tak- ers," he counters. And she answers that the meek shall inherit the earth.- * * * WELL, EVEN as late as 1943 this may have been possible. With today's weapons the Sermon on the Mount sounds obsolete, and this makes Hersey's point some- what irrelevant. In small wars, there was a chance for individual salvation. On a modern scale, the side for life may not win. In the philo- sophical dimension, Hersey's so- lution is acceptable. In the psy- chological dimension, it fails. -Tom Brien outspoken views critical of United States foreign policy. Yet, at MSU-O there has been no outcry from the faculty, either personally or through the local AAUP chapter, administrators or students because of an injustice done to Prof. Shapiro. As a matter of fact, Oakland Observer Editor Nancy Kowen commented that personal differ- ences among facuty members may be a possible cause of the decision not to renew Shapiro's contract. Significantly, until only yes- terday, Shapiro himself had not requested an investigation of MSU-O's decision. * * * HERE IS a run-down on the situation and action taken so far. In early October the routine re- view of faculty members whose appointments expire in 1963 was made. Sixteen people were under consideration. A committee of three senior members of the history depart- ment, of which Shapiro is chair- man, reviewed his case. Their unanimous recommenda- tion was that he should not be reappointed. THE NEXT step was review by a four-member committee consist- ing of the three divisional deans and the dean of the university. They unanimously recommended that Shapiro, and two others, not be appointed. These recommendations were sent to MSU-O Chancellor Dur- ward B. Varner, who reviewed them and sent them on to the MSU Board of Trustees. The Board met Friday and unanimous- ly approved the action. Varner has stated that Shapiro "announced to some of his classes and to some of his colleagues that he had been 'fired'. The reaction to this announcement on campus was negligible, and the affair was quite undramatic until" and Var- ner goes on to list the fervor which suddenly arose. * * * ON DEC. 8 the Detroit Free Press carried the story on its front page, followed by the Detroit News, other newspapers, radio and tele- vision announcements and a Free Press editorial. The Associated Press story of Dec. 8 reported the comments made by Associate Dean George Matthews, (which he now cer- tainly has cause to regret for they added the first fuel to the fire and have kept it fairly well ablaze ever since.) Actually, they are the only comments the press has been able to dig up which are anything but proper. According to the Associated Press, Matthews said that Shapiro "would have had a better chance" of being retained if he had written and said less about Cuba and Latin American affairs. The AP has been known to be wrong and Matthews has said that he was misquoted. Matthews further said that the "principle factor" in Shapiro's dis- missal was of an academic nature. He did not relate these academic reasons because "they are intern- al considerations, which are pri- vate." LAST SUNDAY, a group of Uni- versity students, joined by stu- dents from Wayne State Univer- sity, picketed at MSU-O.' Several points about their action need to be made clear. First, they were nothrequested by Shapiro to act in his behalf. The initiative was their own. Second, the students report that they were not joined by MSU-O students, although a few people did meet them, mostly reporters from the Observer. Thus, it ap- Committee 'THE HOUSE committee is in fact playing into the hands of the Communists by eliminating one of the major differences be- tween them and us: the fact that we stand for free expression. -Ehpraim London for the American Jewish Congress pears that at that time there was a controversy surging off cam- pus but on campus people either did not care or did not challenge the decision as improper. Dick Rice, one of the organizers of the Ad-Hoc Committee for the Reinstatement of Shapiro, said Shapiro was not particularly en- thusiastic about the pickets al- though they did have coffee to- gether afterwards. * * * THROUGHOUT the past week petitions have been passed around the University campus, in the Fishbowl and in some classes, by the committee. And at MSU-O there has been talk of the action but Nancy Kowen reported there was divided opinion among stu- dents, and Shapiro still had not yet requested intervention and has commented that he has no legal position to protest the decision. * * * WHAT EXACTLY is his legal position? Actually he has none, since when he was originally ap- pointed, in 1960, it was for a three-year "probational" term. This does not mean he has ten- ure. Therefore, the denial of ex- tending his appointment was le- gally in order. His moral position, however, is another question. The protesters on this campus are mainly affiliated with the So- cialist Club, Voice Political Party and Young Democrats (the first two were the initiators and main carriers of the action), although Dave Aroner, an organizer, has said that he wants the action to be non-partisan. These groups are concerned with the moral issue. Is this a violation of academic freedom? But they, too, want to know the facts. The purpose of their demon- stration is to call for aninvesti- gation and, if the facts prove there has been a violation ofsacademic freedom, the reinstatement of Shapiro. RICE HAS commented that the demonstration has been poorly or- ganized due to lack of time and experience and perhaps a better course of action - rather than calling for reinstatement - would have been initially to ask for an investigation. Aroner and Rice are planning to study the situation more carefully to decide if there actually is a case of violation. Meanwhile, the secretary of the MSU-O AAUP, Prof. Norman Susskind, said Thursday that "I think it will be found that there was no infringement of academic freedom." The president of the University chapter, Prof.Ralph A. Loomis, concurs in this opinion but may change his mind if "fu- ture developments" deem it neces- sary. Prof. George Peek, last year's local AAUP president and a mem- ber of the executive committee, admits the facts as alleged "don't please me" but he was adamant on the fact that he does not have all sides of the question yet. * * * A THIRD member of the exec- utive committee, Prof. Frank Ken- nedy, of the law school and vice- president of the local chapter, said he didn't know enough about it but that it is interesting when a man with Shapiro's qualifications is not retained. He thought it "worth looking into." According to AAUP policy, this is the job of the national organization and it has not been requested to inter- vene. So the complications and opin- ions grow. Underlying them all is the subtle interplay of personal dislikes, important to a faculty as small as MSU-O's. There have been implications that this was significant in the final decision, perhaps more so 'than Shapiro's political views. Also rearing its ugly head for a change is the abominable factor of outside political pressures, nev- er to be underestimated. However, the personality factor cannot be considered in isolation from other factors, such as aca- demic freedom. If the other facul- ty members have personal objec- tions to Shapiro, these may stem from a disagreement with his views. The workings of the mind are certainly complex; no one thing can be considered by itself in determining why Shtpiro was not rehired. * * * TO MAKE the case more lucid, take a somewhat analogous situ- ation: Student Government Coun- cil's attempts to stamp out dis- crimination in fraternity and sor- ority membership selection by re- quiring the groups to submit those clauses of their constitutions dealing with membership. It is one thing to obliterate written dis- crimination and quite another to dissolve the prejudice in peoples' minds. Similarly, all the official state- ments about Shapiro's dismissal, such as Varner's, certainly seem to clear up all misunderstanding. But, again, how does one get an official statement on the under- lying, psychological reasons for the dismissal? So far it has been impossible. Still there is another question that enters the deliberations: Ex- actly what use does MSU-O have for Shapiro? Rather than doubt his competence, should we con- sider his usefulness to the facul- ty? Perhaps there was need for a man with a broader area of spe- cialization. And, to ask that knotty question, is he a competent in- structor? * * * MSU-O, in its short history, has been involved in much unpleasant haggling over aca6~mic freedom. This state, which holds the desir- able bag of money over the heads of university administrators, has been known to look disfavorably on too-liberal tendencies. The edi- tor of the Pontiac Press has dis- approved of Shapiro's politics. And the confusion continues to mount. Out of the chaos perhaps some- one may uncover the true reasons for MSU-O's decision. First, how- ever, much deciphering of person- al animosities and differences will have to be attempted by a respon- sible group. The University students who have plunged headlong into pro- testations are admirable for their vigor but rather sophomoric in their enthusiasm. Nevertheless, they are to be respected for a ded- ication to their task, willingness to probe for all the facts and their frank admission that all they - as students - can do is agitate for an ,investigation, and hope it comes about. *' * * THE MOST telling fact of the entire case, however, is Samuel Shapiro's long wait before asking for intervention. Why? Does he not want to drag his name through the mud?dAre personal reasons underlying the whole situation? Perhaps, as peo- ple who are well-informed have said, there is no case for academic freedom; it may merely be anoth- er dismissal, this time, coinciden- tally, of a controversial person. 1 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: American Support Declines Slowly r1 Christmas Spirit SO YOU THINK you know the meaning of that rather ambiguous term, "The Real Meaning of Christmas?" Well, I thought so, too-that is, I did up until a few days ago, when I went to one of Ann Arbor's friendly neighborhood movie houses. While waiting for "The Manchurian Candi- date" to begin, something hardly less illogical came on the screen. To the tune of the usual cheery Christmas music, I was informed of "Good News from the friendly merchants of this community!" Before my anticipation could ;subside, the message continued, "To assist in instilling the real meaning (sic) of Christmas in the hearts and minds of young and old," W. S. Butter- field was going to "play Santa Claus" by show- ing a free movie to one and all. I can just picture all of you out there say- ing, "Well, what's so bad about that?" And to be sure, the idea of showing a movie free of charge seems harmless enough on the surface. Put things are not always what they seem. The motion picture which was chosen for this gala occasion with such obvious meticulous care is a real blood-and-guts-spiller, a Civil War film called "Thunder of Drums." 1 SUPPOSE I should be branded as an ideal- ist or a fool-and I juxtapose those words for whatever connection there might possibly be between them-but I fail to see more than a superficial connection between the showing. of a war movie-free or otherwise-and Christ- mas, traditionally thought of above all other days as a day of peace. Nor do I consider it representative of the joyous holiday season; rather, it is to me rep- resentative of only one thing: the utter con- tempt with which the Madison Avenue-oriented moviehouse owners of Ann Arbor view the entire matter. As the final insult, this same theatre is show- ing a full-length cartoon feature, "Gay Purr- ee," at the present time. But this mo- vie, which would be an infinitely superior choice for a family feature such as this "Joyous Mer- chants' Free Christmas Show" deigns to be, is not free of charge. --STEVEN HALLER (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of two articles dealing with capital punishment.) By BARBARA PASH rTHE ESSENCE of the contem- porary controversy over the death penalty is whether its re- tention is warranted in the 20th' century as a basis for punishing major crimes. The principle of "a life for a life" appears to be as old as civil- ization itself. Modern psycholo- gists argue that it is now outmod- ed, although it is possibly still the only effective deterrent to capital offenses. The United States is one of the few countries which applies capi- tal punishment. The number of executions, how ver, is diminish- ing. Between 1930-'39, there were an average of 166 executions per year. In 1958, there were only 48; in 1959, 49. Almost always, in trials of capi- tal crimes, the jury or the court is given the power to fix the penalty at long imprisonment rather than death. Consequently there is a tre- mendous disparity between the broad extent to which the death penalty is possible and the relative infrequency with which this sen- tence is imposed. The problem then becomes one of equality - whether a small and mostly ran- dom selection of convicted people ought to be executed while the rest are sentenced to long prison terms. * * * FORTY-ONE states now prac- tice capital punishment: only nine states do not, but three of these authorize the death penalty in special cases. Michigan can invoke it for treason. The United States government applies the death pen- alty for some federal crimes. Kansas, South Dakota and Ore- gon have restored the death pen- alty in recent years, after having periodically abandoned it. Only Delaware abolished this penalty recently, in 1958. Eight states (California, Oregon, Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, and Ohio) have re- jected proposals to abolish capital punishment in the last two years. The trend abroad is to elimin- ate the death penalty. Most na- tions of Europe and Latin Amer- ica have abandoned it, although the Soviet Union, the Irish Re- public, Spain, France, Great Brit- ain, Canada and Australia still apply it. * * * HISTORICALLY, the death penalty was widely used to punish many. crimes, until a peak was reached in the 18th century with 222 capital crimes. Only in the last century has there been a defh- nite recognition that capital pun- ishment should be restricted to murder and other heinous crimes. Under United States federal law there are six capital crimes, mur- der, rape, bank robbery, kidnap- ping, treason and espionage. There are more than 30 major crimes under state laws (for example, aiding a suicide in Arkansas or burning a railway bridge in Georgia). In practice, however, the death penalty is' seldom carried out in America for offenses other than murder or rape committed by a Negro in the South. * * * AMONG clergymen the capital punishment issue is mainly ar- gued on moral-religious grounds. The Roman Catholic Church de- fends #society's right to take a criminal's life as an act of col- lective self-defense. A spokesman for the Lutheran Church noted recently that the Bible seems to permit the pssi- bility of capital punishment. Several other religious groups have taken a stand against the death penalty, among them the Methodist Church, the United Presbyterian Church, the Protes- tant Episcopal Church, the Amer- ican Baptist Convention, the Cen- tral Conference of American Rab- bis and the Union of American He- brew Congregations. PUBLIC OPINION will ulti- mately decide whether capital punishment will be retained, or abolished in America. The latest Gallup poll survey taken in March, 1960 reveals a decline in the percentage of Amer- icans favoring the death penalty for persons convicted of murder. In 1936, 62 per cent said yes to the death penalty for convicted murderers; in 1953, 68 per cent; in 1960, 51 per (cent. In 1936, 33 per cent said no to the above que- tion; in 1953, 25 per cent; in 1960, 36 per cent. In the latter year, 13 per cent were undecided; in 1936, five per cent; in 1953, seven per cent. If opponents of capital punish- ment are patient enough, it ap- pears that in practice the death penalty will fade away, although it will remain on the statute books. Most state legislators, however, seem to think that capital punish- ment is necessary for the com- munity. Against brotherhood EVERY YEAR at this time, cries of world- wide brotherhood gush forth from "sensitive intellectuals," among others. Deprecating hate and spite, these secular thinkers proclaim man- kind one great brotherhood, and chastise those who do not also emphatically embrace the idea of universal camaraderie. When speaking of universial brotherhood, I mean "loving one's fellow men." Certainly one has no choice in biological brotherhood. Loving one's fellow men implies that one as- signs these men value. Whether one does this consciously or subconsciously does not matter. It does matter that one is considering these people worthy of an absolute, favorable value judgment. THE PSEUDO-SAGES who declare that all men are their brothers believe one of two premises: either all men have the attributes they expect of a brother, or, no standard of personal value is needed when touting brother- hood. The man who believes that mankind in gen- eral has the qualities he expects in a brother either does not know reality, or his standards are self-degrading. Are thieving, laziness, ad- vocacy of unilateral force, and abject depend- ence qualities which these pseudo-sages ad- mire? These "qualities" exist, and it is notable that abject dependence is the most common of all. tive Ones" from the incompetence and moral leprosy of much of mankind. That these intellectuals have no standard of values in choosing their brothers means that they negate any significance in the word. When one fails to choose checkpoints by which one can judge others, then one gives every mystic and thief a carte blanche to one's respect. This not only destroys one's capability to re- spect others; it also annihilates self-respect. Such a person wonders why he feels emptiness in his brotherhood. He has not given the word any meaning. NOWADAYS, there can be no possible justifi- cation for loving all of one's fellow men, The latter are not equal in moral worth. That they were born biologically alike is unimportant. That most of them disregard the consequences of their volitional actions is important, and disgusting. The person advocating universal brotherhood either attaches no meaning to the word and thus cannot be taken seriously, or he appeals to the worst in mankind, the lowest common denominator of humanity, the most despicable dredge of leeches, for the purpose of satisfying his own psychological insufficiency. This is the character of one who wants to grant the unearned, of one who donates with- out justification, of one who calls everyone I FEIFFER ppIf6Hf CHILDP tNA VP.&MIA WHO A HE MAOTHER A FATHR ""i1 THM~ A SAO.TA CLAVS,0 tMOTHS o WAR1H ?" AJ HM IATHeg A FAT6R REPUG 15 A M!AOT AMP~ SAPTA CLAL$WOW'-9 -y A50 kme ?J g /ZKCD '1lj tJD ;1wlJ 10 I DuJ CLAUS." CON'VII'JCO. 505H tj~o To4~ A SANT1A CLAUS, 0 N6WPAR'" PAPCR WO I~ "yo VIROI ,U A SANTA CMLS' AQ H6 5N-r b ee A $OOK ON) trot y10 Rq s //4 mVf VR$INIA WOAf 'I14G CUL - a 1 Is 7 A '$A~)A CGAU5, 0 SAt~rA CA MORAL: A 1~T-Lj Bpf~k cc