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December 18, 1962 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-18

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District Court Delivers)
Decision To Fine Party
For Failing To Register

Experts Claim Skybolt
Falling Behind Schedule
WASHINGTON (P)-The Skybolt project has slipped at least two
years behind schedule and defense experts doubt that bombers carry-
ing the missile could penetrate Soviet air defenses by the time it
could be made ready.
This was reported yesterday by a Pentagon spokesman while
President John F. Kennedy prepared to fly to Nassau today for talks
with British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. It is assumed the Sky-

Bosch Asks Election Boycott

-AP Wirephoto3
RANSOM MISSION-The freighter African Pilot leaves Baltimoref
harbor on the start of a trip to ransom 1,200 Cuban invasion
prisoners for medical supplies. The ship will stop at Port Ever-
glades, Fla., to pick up the medicines and foodstuffs.
Set Freedom Attempt
For Cubn Prisoners
WASHINGTON P)) - An attempt to win freedom by Christmas
for the 1,200 Cuban invasion prisoners appeared under way yesterday.
There were these developments:
1. A State Department, spokesman, press officer Lincoln White,
said he expects James B. Donovan, a New York lawyer who has been
trying to obtain the prisoners' release, will return to Havana shortly
to resume negotiations.
Donovan Arrives
2. Donovan arrived in Miami accompanied by two key figures in
the negotiations, Alvaro Sanchez and Mrs. Berta Barreto, and report-

U.S. Regards
Berlin Status
As Unchanged
States reminded the Soviet Union
yesterday that it regards the legalI
status of Berlin as unchanged
since 1948, when the four-power
occupation of the German capital

edly conferred with officials of the
Cuban Families Committee, a
committee of relatives of the pris-
on~ers which has been soliciting
funds for their release.
3. The American Freighter Afri-
can Pilot sailed from Baltimore
for Port Everglades, Fla., where
American Red Cross officials said
it- will stand by to pick up food
and medicines that may be deliv-
ered to Havana in exchange for
the captives.
Castro Demand
Cuban Prime Minister Fidel
Castro has demanded $62 million

Lawyers Set
For Appeal
Impose $120,000
Maximum Penalty
munist Party was convicted yester-
day of refusing to register as an
agent of the Soviet Union and was
dealt the maximum penalty - a
$120,000 fine.
Attorneys for the Communist
Party said they would appeal the
verdict immediately.
The jury of eight women and
four men took over 35 minutes to
convict the party on all 12 counts
of the indictment and United
States District Judge Alexander
Holtzoff quickly imposed the max-
imum $10,000 fine for each count.
Legal Battle
The case is anothe round of a
legal battle that has been going on
for more than 12 years as the gov-
ernment seeks to force the Com-
munist Party to register under the
1950 Subversive Activities Control
Act, also known as the McCarran
Defense attorneys had contend-
ed that the party failed to supply
te information for fear it might
inriminate its members, thus viol-
ating the Fifth Amendment provi-
sion against self-incrimination.
In discussing the Fifth Amend-
mert plea with the jury, Judge
Holtzoff said, "These vre matters
that do not concern you. These
are irrelevant to the case."
Only Person
He said only a living person, not
an organization, can invoke the
protection of the Fifth Amend-
Eleven counts of the indictment
deal with refusal of the party to
register-provide its name and ad-
dress on the proper form-before
the Nov. 20, 1961, deadline. They
cite the party for failing to regis-
ter on each day past the deadline
until the indictments were handed
down in early December, 1961.
The other indictment involves
refusal to provide information
about Communist Party officers,
members and finances.
Two Points
John J. Abt, attorney for the
Communist Party, based his de-
fense primarily on two points:
First, he argued that the party
had supplied any information re-
quired under the first 11 counts
of the indictment in a letter Nov.
10, 1961, refusing to sign a "con-
fession that it was the kind of an
organization that the Subversive
Activities Board said it was."
On the. second point, Abt said
the party was acting in an Ameri-
can tradition when it refused to
inform on its members by listing
them with the Justice Department.
F. Kirk Maddrix, Justice Depart-
ment attorney, said although the
letter cited by ABT supplied the
requested information it said noth-
ing at all about agreeing to regis-
ter if the form was changed.
He added that after a Supreme
Court decision upholding the le-
gality of the act June 5, 1961, the
registration form was changed so
that it would not require the sig-
nature of a party official.
Stevenson Hits
Katanga Vote
RICHMOND-(P) Adlai E. Ste-
venson says the people of Katanga
province "have no more right to
self-determination outside the
framework of the (Congo) nation

than do the people of any state
of our Union."
The United States Ambassador
to the United Nations adds that
the policies of provisional Pres-
ident Moise Tshombe, rather than
serving as a block against Com-
munism, would invite the cold war
into the Congo and provide a se-
cessionist government for the
Communist countries to support.
Stevenson made his observations
in a letter to James J. Kilpatrick,
editor of the Richmond News

British Peer
Rule Changye
LONDON (P)-A parliamentary
committee recommended yesterday
that Britons who inherit titles be
given the right to renounce them.
This would make it possible for
reluctant peers- to run for the
House of Commons, a privilege
which they now are denied. Since
British prime ministers always in
modern times have been chosen
from the ranks of the House of
Commons, the law as it stands, in
effect, debars peers from aspiring
to the nation's highest political of-
The committee, representing
both the Houses of Commons and
Lords, was appointed earlier this
year. Its recommendations are un-
likely to encounter any serious
parliamentary opposition a n d
probably will become law next year.
The issue was brought to a head
in 1960 when a Laborite House of
Commons member named Anthony
Wedgewood Benn became, upon
the death of his father, Lord
Benn tried in vain to renounce
the title, refused to qualify as a
member of the House of Lords and
insisted upon running for re-elec-
tion in his House of Commons dis-
trict in Bristol.
He won the election, but was
denied a seat in the House of
Commons on the ground that as
the law stands peers are not eli-
Another reluctant peer is Lord
Hailsham, minister for science and
technology and Conservative Par-
ty leader in the Hlouse of Lords.
As Quentin Hogg, he was the
House of Commons member for
Oxford until he succeeded to his
father's title in 1950. He, too, tried
in vain to avoid becoming a peer.
Benn said of the joint committee's
"This is a victory for common
sense. The battle is not yet won
and will not be won until the law
is actually changed. But this is
the beginning of the end."
Under the committee's recom-
mendations, a reluctant peer
would be permitted to surrender
only his own right to a hereditary
title. He could not compromise the
right of his own heir to accept the
dormant peerage upon his death.

... opposes Skybolt


< bolt question will be high on the
agenda for this bilateral summit
Although the decision is not yet
final, Secretary of Defense Robert
S. McNamara is understood to
be planning to kill the project,
which has run into serious tech-
nical problems, delays and soaring
Skybolt Missiles
The first 1,100-mile-range Sky-
bolt missiles were to have been
ready for mounting on United
States B-52 jet bombers and Brit-
ish Vulcan bombers by late 1964.
Cancellation of the project in ef-
fect would strip Britain of its
principal nuclear deterrent and
would shorten the useful life of the
A Defense Department spokes-
man said the operational date of
the Skybolt, the way things now
st-nd, likely would be later than
1966. He amended this to say later
than 1965 by a considerable mar-
Pentagon Thinking
The thinking in the Pentagon on
the Sk: bolt, which already has
cost the United States about $500
million and ultimately could cost
$2.5 billion, revolves around two
main considerations, the spokes-
man said. They are:
1) Solution of the difficult tech-
nical problems is. going "much
slower than had been hoped for."
2) The increase in the Minute-
man Intercontinental Ballistic
Missile and Polaris submarine-
launched missile programs, which
are expected to supply an over-
whelming nuclear striking punch
by the late 1960's.
The technical problems go the
question of guidance of the missile
after it is launched and the target
error that could result from only
seconds of miscalculation in launch
from a plane flying at high speed.
In London, Prime Minister Mac-
millan expressed confidence yes-
terday the American-British row
overaSkybolt will be settled during
his talks in the Bahamas with
Center Point
By The Associated Press
VADUZ-There is no railroad
station in this capital of the prin-
cipality of Liechtenstein.
International trains pass through
the country but do'not stop. Liech-
tenstein has no daily newspapers,
no airports, no customs officials,
no army.
With 17,125 residents, Liechten-
stein is a cozy country that has*
survived the wars and turmoil that
has swept Europe for centuries.
Topsy Turvy
"Things are going topsy-turvy
most everywhere else," farmer
Frederick Ospel says, "but we hope
to go on living pretty much as we
have in the past without too much
worry about the outside world."
We regret to announce that
due to scheduling difficul-
ties and lack of funds, the
Folklore Society's planned
Christmas - Chanukah folk-
sing has been cancelled.

Dominican church-political crisis
hardened yesterday.
Juan Bosch, leader of the pow-
erful Dominican Revolutionary
Party, withdrew from the seven-
man race for the presidency in the
election scheduled Thursday and
called for the people to boycott
the voting unless it is postponed
for a month.
Combatting the charge of a
Spanish Jesuit priestthat his par-
ty's leaders are Communists, Bosch
declared in a nationwide radio
talk that a month's postponement
GOP Notes
work areas
In Elections
tional Republican Citizens Com-
mittee outlined three areas yes-
terday in which it hopes to assist
in the election of GOP candidates
for local, state and national offices.
After a meeting of the group's
executive committee, George Herr-
mann of Chicago, the newly elect-
ed chairman, emphasized that "w~e
will work with and through" the
regular party organizations.
One of its activities will be re-
search to find more effective ways
to put across to voters "the es-
sential truths of Republican Phil-
Another part of its program will
be to assist in setting up local citi-
zens committees. It also will offer
direct assistance to Republican
candidates who want help in re-
cruiting volunteer campaign work-
ers, raising funds and other cam-
paign activities.
Herrmann, an insurance exec-
utive, said the committee has the
names of 350,000 persons who were
active as volunteers for Richard
Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge in
1960 and will make these available
for citizens organizations set up
in behalf of GOP candidates.
One of the primary purposes of
the committee is to get Republi-
can-minded persons who do not
want to take part in a regular par-
ty organization to be active poli-
tically on a full-time basis, and
not just in presidential election
Herrmann said the committee's
Board of Trustees represents all
points of view in the party and
that it will not take any role in
primary fights nor take stands on
Herrmann said that in the next
two weeks or so the committee
hopes to initiate establishment of
local citizens' action groups in
major cities in two eastern states
and two or three mid-western

Lisle Programs in Human Relations
LATIN AMERICA-Colombia, Bolivia
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is needed to create conditions for
"a free expression of the popular
will." Most of the republic's 3 mil-
lion people are Roman Catholics.
Postpone Election
If the election is postponed,
Bosch said, his party will compete.
A boycott promoted by the Na-
tional Revolutionary Party, leftist
oriented, could lead members of
some smaller organizations at least
to stay away from the polls in this
first free Dominican election in 37
High government sources hint-
ed, however, the ruling state coun-
cil would decide to stage the voting
as scheduled.
'Too Late'

Bosch wanted, but failed to get,
a statement from the Roman Cath-
olic hierarchy disowning the
charge. Instead, four bishops is-
sued a declaration that the church
is observing "strictest neutrality."
Long identified with the demo-
cratic left school of thought, Bosch
said neither he nor his party aides
are Communists. He fought for 25
years in exile against the Trujillo
dictatorship, finally toppled last
year after the assassination of
Gen. Rafael L. Trujillo.
Bosch and Dr. Viriato Fiallo,
have been considered the chief
rivals for the presidency. Fiallo
heads the rightist National Civic
The United States, which is
helping the Dominicans to get
back on their feet, was an inter-
ested spectator.
United States Ambassador John
Barlow Martin had a 25-minute
conference with president Rafael
Bonnelly at the national palace.
On departing, Martin told report-
ers he could not reveal the nature
of his call.

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"It is too late, too difficult to
change the date now," one said.
Bosch said in an interview that
the Jesuit's charge, which he de-1
nied, left his party trapped, in a+
"If we go into the election and
lose, it will be said we lost because,
we are Communists," he said. "If'
we win we will be opposed on every
reform bill because it will be said
it is Communistic."

was proclaimed. ransom for the prisoners, who
The point was made in a note were captured in the disastrous
to Moscow. The note rejected So- Bay of Pigs invasion attempt of
viet protests against a court ac- April, 1961.
tion in West Berlin aimed at ban- At the State Department White
nng the Association of Victims of told newsmen the United States
Nazism. government is not taking part di-
The suit has been brought in the rectly in Donovan's efforts, but he
Federal Administrative Court in said various government agencies
West Berlin by the West Germans. are providing "sympathetic" help.
World News Roundup
LONDON-British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's govern-
ment last night beat off a Laborite censure motion that blamed the
ruling Conservatives for Britain's rising unemployment.
* * * *
BRASILIA-Attorney-General Robert F. Kennedy and Brazil's
President Joao Goulart conferred on deteriorating United States-
Brizilian relations yesterday in the presidential palace. Afterward,
neither side would disclose specifics of the conversation but it was
understood the Attorney-General told Goulart Brazil must straighten
out its drawn out governmental-economic crises before it could expect
more United States aid.
LIMA-Striking workers rioted in La Oroya yesterday, battled
police and set fire to installations of a big United States-owned lead,
zinc and silver mining firm. Troops were rushed to the city to
restore order.
HOLLYWOOD-Charles Laughton, whose chain of striking roles
over three decades made him the movies' top character actor, died
yesterday of cancer.
* * * *
UNITED NATIONS-The United Nations General Assembly killed
yesterday an Asian-African proposal to fix a deadline for an end to
colonialism. The Assembly gave unanimous approval to a resolution
reaffirming previous declarations urging a speedy end to colonialism,
but a controversial clause calling for a definite time limit failed to
win the necessary two-thirds majority.
WASHINGTON-A group of Negro leaders who called on Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy yesterday said he is sympathetic to their view
that more Negroes should be appointed to policy-making posts in
the United States foreign service.

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ASSOC. PROF. DONALD HALL of the English Dept.
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All are Welcome 1429 Hill St.

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