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December 18, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-18

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See Editorial Page


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2Ia itA

Little change in temperatures;
mild with showers tomorrow

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Year in Review
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a two-part series presenting The
Daily's annual review of the University's top ten stories during the year. The
second part, to appear tomorrow, will feature student activities and organi-
zations, speaker policy, out-of-state students, The Daily crises, and The
Professional Theatre Program.)
If there were one phrase which might best characterize the past
year for the University, it would be "academically-oriented."
The University attempted to lay greater stress upon its education
aims along a number of fronts: in a revised Office of Student Affairs,
in a new Office of Academic Affairs, in other student, faculty and
administrative actions.
Other major events during 1962 included the perennial financial
problems, the out-of-state student hassle,ua new controversial speaker
bylaw, the activities and troubles of Student Government Council, the
all-campus referendum supporting continued affiliation with United
States National Student Association, The Daily crisis and the establish-
ment of the new in-residence Association of Producing Artists.
Top Ten
The 10 top stories and trends:
1) After months of intensive study, the student-faculty Office of
Student Affairs Study Committee submitted the now-famous Reed
Report (named after its chairman, Prof. John W. Reed of the Law
School) to Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis last
In May, the Regents unanimously endorsed the report's philosophy
section, thus providing, for the first time, a concrete statement of the
University's administrative and educational goal:
Stimulate Students
"To stimulate in each student the maximum intellectual growth
of which she is capable and to enable him through resultant develop-
ment of character and abilities to make maximum contribution to his
The Regents then authorized Lewis to make any necessary
structural or personnel changes in concert with the philosophy.
The OSA revisions came last August..Discarding the Reed Re-
port's recommendation for a "dean of students," and the Alumnae
Association's demand for retention of a dean of women, Lewis decided
to abolish the functions of a dean of men and dean of women.
He replaced them with three functional directorships and four
special assistantships.
Former Dean of Men Walter B. Rea was named special assistant
to the vice-president and director of financial aids. Former Acting
Dean of Women Elizabeth Davenport was also made a special assist-
ant, as were Peter Ostafin and Mark Noffsinger, who were named co-
ordinators of counseling.
Former assistant dean of men John Bingley was made director
of student organizations and activities. The housing directorship was
left unfilled as Lewis reported difficulty in finding a person capable
of handling the varied responsibilities of the post, though he expects
to make the appointment before next fall.
Advisory Committee
In November a student-faculty OSA advisory committee met with
Lewis for the first time to discuss areas of concern to the office, and
will continue to meet monthly.
2) Recognizing the increased complexity of educational adminis-i
tration, the University last February established an additional vice-
Marvin L. Niehuss, formerly vice-president and dean of faculties,
was named executive vice-president. In this position, Niehuss serves
as acting University president when President Harlan Hatcher is out
of town, advises the President on important policy issues and con-
tinues to act as the University's chief lobbyist in Lansing.
Swelling Emphasis
Meanwhile, former literary college dean Roger W. Heyns was
given Niehuss's former responsibilities with the faculty. As vice-presi-
dent for academic affairs, Heyns's chief concerns are the swelling
graduate-professional emphasis,, curricula requirements and faculty
quantity and quality.
The latter area seems to be in better shape than usual, as the
st'aff salary increases kept the faculty attrition rate last spring very
low.g y
Still Searchingc
The search is still on for Heyns's successor as literary college
dean, with hopes for an appointment in time for next fall. Burton
D. Thuma is currently the acting dean.l
3) Last May's tuition hike and the annual legislative appropria-
tion head the list of the University's financial concerns during 1962.
The burden of the tuition hike fell on the out-of-state students.
Literary college freshmen and sophomores in this group saw their fees
jump from $750 to $900. Juniors and seniors were hit with an even
bigger raise as their tuition zoomed from the same $750 base to $960,
a $210 increase.
No Hike
There was no bike for in-state freshmen and sophomores. Upper-
class Michigan resident charges went from $280 to $310 a year.
Out-of-state graduate students were also hit hard as their fees
climbed from $750 to $1,000 a year. In-state graduate student assess-
ments rose from $280 to $350.
In the various professional schools increases ranged from $220 to
$350 for out-of-state students and from $60-$130 for in-state.

-State Appropriation
In June the state Legislature appropriated $3.85 million to the
University for capital outlay projects. Included in this sum was a1
$750,000 first payment for the new music school building, $350,000t
for renovating the Medical Center, $750,000 to remodel the central1
heating plant and $2 million as part payment for the Physics-Astrono-
my Bldg.
The University this summer received an appropriation of $36.7
million from the Legislature for operating funds. When coupled with
revenue from tuition fees, this amount brought the University's gen-
eral funds budget to around $50 million. The Regents later set aside
$3 million of this for increases in faculty salaries based on the merit
At their October meeting the Regents approved a state appro-j
priation request of $44.2 million for the 1963-64 academic year. This
was lower than the $45.8 million that had been requested the yearI
before. The increased tuition rates are expected to take up the slack. t
Administrative Decisionst
4) The past year saw a number of major administrative decisions
and developments take place. Among them were:
YEAR-ROUND OPERATION-Work continues on the University'sz
gradual transition to- full-year operations, slated to begin in fall 1964.t
Deans in the schools and colleges are studying means of adjustingt
their units to the special split-semester summer session. The entirej
transition cannot be made, however, unless the Legislature comes
through with about an extra $1 million to pay for the increased faculty

Stays All Action
Council Postpones Amendment
Due to Protests of ACLU, IQC
Upon the recommendation of Mayor Cecil O. Creal, City Council
last night postponed all further action on a proposed amendment to
the disorderly conduct chapter of the City Code.
The amendment would have made it a misdemeanor to go to any
place "for the purpose of provoking a fight or quarrel."
Mayor Creal's communication, stating that "due to the great




After Request by Shapiro

Reuther Outlines Peace Plan


amount of discussion and debate

that has taken place on this issue,
Othe amendment would lose its ef-
fect," was accepted by a 9-1 vote.
John R. Laird, a Republican, was
the sole dissenter.

... Cuban policy

Sees Delay
Wth Soviets
John F. Kennedy told the nation
yesterday it will be some time be-
fore the United States can "come
to any real understandings" with
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev, but he added "We are bet-
ter off with the Khrushchev view
than we are with the Chinese
Communist view."
Speaking in an unprecedented
filmed television-radio interview
23 months after taking office, the
chief executive based his cautious
view on the possibilities of fruit-
ful talks with Khrushchev on the
fact that the Soviet Union, only
two months ago, tried secretly to
"change the balance of power' by
shipping nuclear missiles into
Kennedy said the Soviets were
planning to announce the coup in
November but were foiled by the
determined stand taken by the
United States in forcing removal
of the offensive weapons.
Discussing one of the still un-
resolved offshoots of October's Cu-
ban crisis, Kennedy virtually
abandoned hope that the Cuban
missile and bomber bases would
be opened to effective inspection.

Temporary Approval
A record will be kept, however,
of City Council's temporary ap-
proval of the amendment two
weeks ago. "If any action occurs
which could have been prevented
by the proposed amendment, then
City Council can give its final ap-
proval of the measure," Mayor
Creal's communication said..
Before making his recommenda-
tion, the mayor conferred with
City Administrator Guy C. Larcom
and Chief of Police Roland J.
Gainsley, both of whom suggested
the amendment. He cited commu-
nications from Interquadrangle
Council and the Washtenaw Chap-
ter of the American Civil Liber-
ties Union, which protested City
Council's temporary approval of
the amendment.
The ACLU report said that the
amendment would be unnecessary
and would endanger individual li-
berty. "Our concern," the state-
ment said, "is directed at the wis-
dom rather than the constitution-
ality of the proposed amendment."
Adequate Police
The amendment, according to
the ACLU, would have been un-
necessary because "a vigilant and
adequately staffed police force can
usually take steps to prevent the
acts of violence that have aroused
our community."
In addition, the ACLU warned
that to enforce the amendment,
"a police officer might well detain
and search citizens without any
objective evidence that the citizens
possess a criminal intent."
NY To Stay
Out of Strike
NEW YORK (A") - Gov. Nelson
A. Rockefeller said yesterday the
city's newspaper strike was in the,
hands of federal mediators and
he did not plan to intervene di-,
rectly at the present time.
He expressed willingness to step
in, however, if the opportunity
Life magazine will publish next
Mnoonday a special 64-page edition,
devoted only to local New York
news and sold only in the metro-
politan areas, an outgrowth of the
printers' strike.

The only way to avoid a drift to
disaster is by waging a war for
peace, utilizing all of the United
States' economic capabilities, for
she must win peace with a effort
comparable to that which won
war, Walter Reuther, president of
the United Automobile Workers,
said yesterday.
Reuther argued that the United
States economy is not producing at
fullest capacity now, but if it
could, 25 per cent of the increase
in the Gross National Product
could be utilized to aid under-
developed nations. This would con-
stitute an economic challenge to
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev which he could not avoid.
If the United States can chal-
lenge the Soviet Union to such a
"peaceful" economic race to aid
the "human family," the Russians
would be forced to accept the
challenge and during the contest
divert money from arms develop-
ment to economic uses, Reuther
told an audience at the Inter-
national Arms Control Sympo-
"Half-way, half-hearted efforts
are not enough for peace," he
continued. There is a need for a
"total effort to put into motion
positive forces to act against the
negative forces of war.
"Although Khrushchev is con-
vinced that afree society cannot
respond to the challenge of peace
in the same way that it responas
to the challenge of war, I am
convinced that it can," Reuther
The United States lost $550 bil-
lion from unemployment in the
last 10 years. This is the margin of
survival between freedom and
tyranny, he added.
Mobilize Waste
If this waste could be mobilizedi
and increase the GNP by one-
fourth, the forces put into motion
would be forces which Khrushchev
couldn't meet.
With such a challenge in the
economic sphere, Khrushchev1
would have to decide to stay in
the race or forfeit it. Since he
cannot afford to forfeit, the con-1
test between the United States
and the Soviet Union would be
switched from a sterile Cold Wara
to one of economic predominance.
"Khrushchev knows that the
margin of power comes from the1
minds and loyalties of uncom-
mitted people and these are the{
people who will be aidedthrough
an economic sphere," Reuther de-
UN Universities
He also suggested that this type
of economic plan could be put
into effect through the United
Nations. To supplement these ac-
tions UN regional universities
could be used, where those people
from underdeveloped nations cai
acquire skills and knowledge tot
aid their own nations.C
"I have unlimited faith in thex
capability of free men. We cant
meet the challenge with all of the
United States' resources and
know-how," he said.

... economic capabilities ... participates in symposium
Karpov, Matteson Speak
On Arms Control Question
Both the United States and the Soviet Union feel there is need
for more agreement on basics before much more progress can be made
in the field of disarmament.
Victor Karpov, first Secretary of the Soviet Embassy and Robert
Matteson of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agen-
cy opened the International Arms Control Symposium yesterday with
discussions of the two countries'f'

Reduce Indirect Costs
At Willow Run Facilities

viewpoints on the subject of Arms
Control and disarmament.
"The main purpose of such a
seminar is not to solve all the
problems of disarmament and thus
usurp the jurisdiction of the Ge-
neva conferences but to find the
better approach for solving them,"
Karpov said.
'Arms Control'
The term "International Arms
Control" can be interpreted in
different ways. We in the Soviet
Union have quite a different no-
tion than most Americans, he con-
It means control over arms, not
their elimination; "Disarmament"
implies elimination.
"All steps leading to the com-
plete elimination of all arms are
useful," but these steps are only
useful if they lead to the solution
of the core of disarmament.
Menace of War
We take the question to be how
to get rid of the menace of ther-
mo-nuclear war which is hanging
over humanity. "It even knocks
at our doors, as it did during the
Caribbean crisis."
We feel we should ge rid of all
armaments and all armies. That
is why we feel mere control over
armaments and forces cannot,
solve the problem," Karpov con-
The Soviet program was pre-
sented in draft last March in
Geneva. We do not take this to be
a final draft. We have made
changes and will continue to do
so, taking into account our part-
ners in the negotiations, he con-
'Essence of Program'
There are ,three major steps
which constitute the "essence of
the Soviet program": eliminate all
Soviet nuclear delivering devices;
liquidate all mass destruction
weapons; then eliminate all armed
forces and defense spending.
The main question for the So-
viet government is inspection. "We
feel this question is raised super-
ficially and is not necessarv to the
question of disarmament," he con-
"We have data that proves the
question of inspection is much
easier to solve than previously
thought;" it can be done only by
national control
Cohen Replies
To Voice Plea
Voice Political Party yesterday
received a telegram from Assistant
Secretary of Health, Education and
Welfare Wilbur J. Cohen, stating
that surplus food distribution is

Cites Paradox
Of Cold War
"The paradox of our times is
that people of the United States
and Russia want peace, while their
leaders are engaged in an arms
build-up," Robert Matteson of the
United States Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency said.
The events of today emphasize
that we must halt the arms race,
and a beginning must be made
towards disarmament and
strengthened international peace-
keeping arrangements, he con-
The United States, to move in
this direction, has a new and ex-
panding Arms Control and Dis-
armament Agency, the only one
of its type in the world.
Uneasy Peace
This uneasy peace exists in the
midst of an arms race and a world
split into conflicting ideologies',
Matteson said.
The arms race is also charac-
terized by the size of military
budgets and the amount and per-
centage of world resources dedi-
cated to building arms.
The talks are at an impasse now
at Geneva. Russia has continued
to reject a bid for on-site inspec-
tions and to push for cessation of
outer-space and underground test-
Problem Areas
"There are four main areas of
problems," Matteson noted:
1. Differences over verification:
Russia feels inspection should
come only after general and com-
plete disarmament has been
2. The United States proposal
for strengthening peace-keeping
mechanisms during the reduction.
Russia feels that mere reduction
of arms will guarantee a peaceful
Transition Stages
3. Difficulty determining the
transitions between the stages of
the Russian proposals and the
timing of the disarmament pro-
4. The order of priority between
stage one and stage two and in
definitions concerning what are
and what are not armed forces.
"The priority policy issues for
study in 1963 and beyond as I see
them are these," Matteson noted:
a net re-evaluation of the dis-
armament policies; further study
on agreement not to disseminate
knowledge to non-nuclear nations;

Local Group
Also Views
MSU Firing
View Probe as Being
'Normal Procedure';
In Preliminary Stage
The Michigan State University-
Oakland chapter of the American
Association of University Profes-
sors is investigating the failure of
MSU-O to renew the contract of
Prof. Samuel Shapiro at his own
request, Prof. William Hammerly,
head of the M.3U-O chapter of the
AAUP, said yesterday
Inquiries into reasons for dis-
missal are a part of "normal pro-
cedure," Prof. Hammerly said. At
present, the probe into Prof. Sha-
piro's dismissal is in the prelim-
inary stage and Prof. Hammerly
refused to elaborate on any of the
AAUP's data on the matter.
The University chapter of the
AAUP in a meeting yesterday also
discussed Prof. Shapiro's case and
found that there was no apparent
violation of academic freedom, ac-
cording to Prof. Ralph A. Loomis
of the engineering college and 0-
cal AAUP head.
Prof. Shapiro has still refused
to make any comment on the rea- h
sons behind his dismissal.Since
the question of academic freedom
violation first entered the case,
Prof. Shapiro has said only that
he is unsure of his legal position
and is unwilling to make a state-
The MSU Poard of Trustees ac-
cepted Shapiro's dismissal at their
meeting last Frday. At that titne
a letter from MSU-O Chancellor
Durward B. Varner was read to
MSU Presidrr't John A.' Hannah
explaining MSTt-O's position in
the matter. The letter made a
attempt to clarify the issues in-
volved in the case.
Chancellor Varner pointed out
that there was no discrimination
involved in the decision to dis-
miss Prof. Shapiro. He also said
that there was a danger that pro-
fessors would begin to feel that
the surest way to win tenure was
to become "controversial."'He said
'ne would neither dismiss nor re-
tain a faculty member on the
basis of such opinion.
Issue Opinions
On Dismissal
In the light of new develop-
ments, the Ad-hoc Committee for
the Re-instatement of Professor
Shapironhas reconsidered its evi-
dence and, at a "meeting Sunday
night, has renamed itself the Ad-
hoc Committee for the Protection
of Academic Freedom.
A second organization, the
Young Democratic Club, issued a
statement last night announcing
their policy on the Shapiro ques-
tion. The club said that "we do
not believe that a satisfactory case
against the action of MSU-O can
be established."
Loyal Troops
Back Senghor
DAKAR, Senegal (R) - Troops
loyal to Senegalese President Leo-
pold Senghor blocked an uprising
by Premier Mamadou Dia yester-
day and trapped him and his col-
laborators in the government's ad-
ministrative building.
The left-leaning premier had

tried to take over supreme power
to prevent his ouster by Parlia-
ment. He sent police to occupy the
National Assembly building. Four
of the assembly's 80 deputies were
However, 48 other deputies met
at the home of Assembly President
Lamine Gueve with special ap-
proval of the president, who acted
as guardian o0 the constitution.
The deputies voted to oust Dia.
Seven members of Dia's cabinet
joined in the revolt against the

As a result of federal insistence, the indirect cost of Willow Run
research is being computed at a lower rate than that of research
done on iain campus, Director of Research Administration Robert
E. Burroughs explained yesterday.
The provisional rates, subject to change at the end of the year,
at Willow Run is 47 per cent of the direct cost, while the main
campus rate is 55 per cent. The %
University is not too happy with
the accounting procedure change,
but there is little it can do about Cristad
it, Burroughs said.
Move Projects
"The difficulty arises as re- .
search projects may be moved
from Willow Run to main campus .
or the reverse," he explained. "It
will be more expensive to the Uni-
versity to determine where pro-
jects are being done."
As the University currently does
not keep track of project locations,
this task will increase indirect
costs which will be passed on to
the government, he said.
"There is little the University.
can do about it," Burroughs de-
clared. "From a dollars and cents
and accounting view there is no- ">': ;"s... xr
thing wrong, butvit will introduce
a management problem for the

.as Snow


'Wait and See'
The TTniversity will take a wait

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