TEACHING CENTER: EXCELLENT POSSIBILITY See Editorial Page YI rL SirP :43 a i1n COLD High-18 Low-5 Variable cloudiness, with snow flurries Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 74 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1962 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES AAUP Chapter Acts On Shapiro Situation Loomis Notes Lack of Evidence To Indicate Violation of Freedom By MARJORIE BRAHMS, In the latest action in the controversy over Michigan State Uni- versity-Oakland Prof. Samuel Shapiro, the University chapter of the American Association of University Professors has issued a statement saying that AAUP policy holds that "efforts to deal with violations of prigciples of academic freedom should be confined to the national organization." The statement points out that the University chapter is "in touch with the situation at MSU-O." It also notes that "our latest information in the Shapiro case Mariner II Approaches Venus Many Problems Radio-Telescope Beset Long Trip WU To Watch Planet Federal Court Denies is based on informal talks with Sees Cause For Growth In Income By THOMAS DRAPER "Raising the per capita incom of the non-white population i the key to economic growth i the Union of South Africa," Prof Hugh G. Wales of the Universit of Illinois said last night in a lec ture sponsored by the Marketin Club. In an analysis of income dis tribution Prof. Wales structure the distribution according to race "The Bantus constitute 68 pe cent of the population and receiv the lowest per cent of national in come. The whites constitute seven per cent and receive the highes share. The income of one whit person is equal to that of eithe seven coloreds, nine Asiatics o 11 Bantus." Expansion He said that there was room fo a great expansion of the marke for consumer goods, if the non white income could be increased Prof. Wales said that there is wide variance of literary rates b race. "The white literacy rate i high. However, only 28 per cen of the Bantu population can read and write. Only eight per cen read English." This impaired th effectiveness of advertising. Bantus spend a greater per cen of their income on food than th whites, Prof. Wales said. "How ever, whites and Bantus of equa income spent about the sam amount. This invalidated any the ories that the pattern of spending was determined by race rather than income" Technical Teams One of Prof. Wales' suggestion for change was that they bring i technical teams for advancing technical training. He said tha students sent abroad to study often stay in th'e country where they are trained. "This is to be expected. If they're good we'll d everything we can to keep them If they're not we'll let them g home." He said that technical team brought into the country coul provide on-the-job training. I this way emmigration of trained labor would be minimized. In a question and answer perio Prof. Wales said that South Africa withdrew from the British Com- monwealth in order to gain more markets through independence. "They did not anticipate Brit ain's entrance into the Common Market." He said that South Af- rica is now trying to set up trade agreements with both the Inner Six and the Outer Seven. Gomez Asks Compliance On Documents "Statement compliance is a continuing thing," Chairman o the Committee on Membership William Gomez, Grad, told mem- bers of Panhellenic Association President's Council at their week- ly meeting yesterday. Of the 19 membership state- ments submitted by sororities, al have been deemed adequate b3 SGC, Gomez noted. Whether or not these sororities are in' compliance with Studeni Government Council's regulatior on submitting sorority member- ship statements in content as well as form is another issue, he said. The only way in which it can be determined whether or not a sor- ority is in compliance is through, an investigation. representatives both of the MSU-O chapter and the national office of the AAUP. So far neither Prof. Shapiro nor the MSU-O chapter has requested the intervention of the national AAUP." Political View Prof, Shapiro, whose contract is up in June, was not recommended for retention by MSU-O. He has expressed views critical of United States foreign policy, especially concerning Cuba. At present there is controversy over whether he is e being dismissed due to his political isviews. 'n Explaining the refusal to retain f. Shapiro, MSU-O Associate Dean y George Matthews said that Sha- piro's contract had been termin- g ated primarily for "academic rea- sons," but said that Shapiro would - have had a "better chance" had . he written less about Cuba. r Expressing his personal impres- e sions, Prof. Ralph Loomis of the - engineering college, president of n the local AAUP chapter, said "at t the'moment I do not feel that the e case is a violation of academic r freedom. Future developments r may cause me to change my mind, however." He added that he is "dedicated r to the cause of academic freedom" t but first must know more facts to - determine if this is really a case of academic freedom violation. a No Infringement Y Norman Susskind, secretary of s the MSU-O AAUP chapter, com- t mented that "I think it will be d found that there was no infringe- t ment of academic freedom and e that Prof. Shapiro's political opin- ionsawere not a factor in his dis- kt missal., e When questioned about the - MSU-O faculty's reaction to the e dismissal, Susskind said that "I - haven't spoken to everyone on the '- faculty, but no one I ,have spoken g to feels militantly about the action r taken." He noted that there was some division of'opinion as to the judg- s ment involved on Piof. Shapiro's n academic competency but that g most people do not question the t procedure and grounds of his dis- y missal. e Interesting Case e Prof. Frank Kennedy of the Law o School, vice-president of the local . AAUP chapter, said that he doesn't o know enough about the case but it is certainly interesting, when s a man who has been criticized by d a television commentator, but who a has appeared to be a good teach- d er and a very busy man with mat- ters of public interest is not re- d tained. a He explained that the AAUP - national organization's Committee e A; the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure, ties together - the issues of tenure and acaaemic a freedom.; In Prof. Shapiro's case, there e was no legal violation of tenure. r He did not have indefinite tenure at MSU-O. Freedom Denial However, he added, the AAUP "is typically concerned with cases of a teacher being discharged be- cause of academic freedom, in or out of class." Prof. George Peek of the )oliti- cal science department,last year's president of the local chapter and a member of the executive com- mittee, commented that "the facts f as alleged presently do not pleaseI me but I don't have the other side yet." He added that "it is prob- ably not true that Prof. Shapiro was fired for his political views." By MICHAEL JULIAR One hundred and nine days and 178 million miles after the Nation- al Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration launched its Mariner II space probe to Venus, scientists are hoping that the long experiment will be a success. The Soviet Union now has a spacecraft hurtling toward Mars, an opportunity that United States spacemen chose to pass up until the next favorable launch position in 1964. At the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. where Mariner II was built, scientists have said that the spacecraft has already been subjected to higher temper- atures than' it was designed to withstand. This temperature rise may cause the failure of two spe- cial observation "experiments" when the probe approaches Venus at 3:01 p.m. today. Save Power A storage battery being saved to power the two experiments may be ruptured by the heat. It was de- signed to withstand a temperature of 1200 Fahrenheit, but recent signals from the spacecraft in- dicate that the battery may warm up to 129. Scientists, however, have said that the solar panels picking up energy from the sun (there were originally two, but one failed) may be able to offset any power fail- ure in the battery. Now that Mar- iner II is closer to the sun, its one working panel is collecting more solar energy than it origin- ally did. But this is not the only prob- lem scientists have had to con- tend with in Mariner II. Only six days and a million miles from its Aug. 27 launch from Cape Canav- eral, the spacecraft's sensors, which keep its antenna pointed to the earth, seemed to lock on the moon and not its mother planet, the earth. Sensing Erratic Two days later, however, when controllers on earth began firing the mid-course rockets that would orient Mariner II to the earth and sun, it turned out that the sensors really were watching the earth. OnSept. 7, nearly two million miles from the earth, the gyros that help control the pitch and roll of the craft unexpectedly came on-and then equally unexpectedly turned themselves off again. The same thing happened again on Sept. 29 and at the same time, the earth sensors brightened to the expected magnitutide. This bit of capriciousness on Mariner II's part is still unexplained. On Oct. 31, almost 12 million miles from the earth, the space- craft's power suddenly dropped and scientists suspected a short circuit in one of the solar panels. A week later, the panel myster- iously came back to life. On Nov. 15, it faded again. Current Flow The unexplained diminution in current flow, a laboratory spokes- man has said, has not been great enough to impair operation of four continuous observations of phenomena in space. These four experiments are: measuring magnetic fields in in- terplanetary space; cosmic dust density; the energy, variations of. charged particles; and the extent, variations and mechanism of the solar corona. The two experiments directly concerned with Venus involve mi- crowave and infra-red radiometers to measure the temperatures of the atmosphere and 'surface of Venus, and, if possible, informa- tion on surface deviations. Two Extremes If, in scanning the surface of, Venus, two extremes of the planet turn up as relatively cold, it might be assumed they are the poles. This would then make an estimate of the inclination of Venus' axis possible. A "hot spot" between them might be interpreted as the location of Venus' equator. The scientific instruments will also answer such questions as:, See TROUBLED, Page 10 PROF. FRED T. HADDOCK ... Venus view CHANGES? Board Votes Pool Probe By RONALD WILTON and LOUISE LIND The Michigan Union Board of Directors yesterday passed a mo- tion from the Union's Long Range Planning Committee direct- ing the Union's finance commit- tee and general manager "to in- vestigate possibilities of converting the pool area to other uses or im- proving its present condition to make it a more valuable campus service." The "improvement" referred to stemmed from a suggestion by Prof. Richard E. Balzhiser of the chemical engineering department that the pool be converted to ac- commodate co-educational swim- ming. While noting that an investiga- tion into the possibilities of co-ed swimmingncouldgbe made, Union rGeneral Manager Franklin C. Quenzel pointed out that such in- vestigations had been made in the past and that the cost of renovat- ing the pool's facilities had al- ways been found to be prohibitive. The Board also referred to its house committee for clarification a motion to -extend Union guest privileges to faculty and members of the administration. Also discussed was the question of whether the Union should take stands on political issues. Union President Robert Finke, '63, com- mented that "the Union should not become a political organization." He also said that the executive committee would draw up a policy statement for the Union to follow on political issues and would pre- sent this to the Board at the next meeting. Director of Financial Aids Wal- ter B. Rea maintained his posi- tion on the Union Board, as he was appointed special representa- tive of the Office of Student Af- fairs. IQC Objects To Proposal On Misconduct The Inter-Quadrangle Council unanimously objected to the pro- posed changes in the disorderly conduct chapter of the Ann Arbor City code as an undue restriction on freedom of assembly. It was decided that these changes brought about an extra burden of subjective interpreta- tion on the police officer at the scene. Notification of their deci- sion will be sent to the Ann Arbor City Council, Student Government Council and to the office of Vice- President of Student Affairs James A. Lewis. A motion was passed that the IQC Rules and Regulations Com- mittee should study the existing policies in the distribution of liter- ature in the mailboxes, circula- tion of petitions, campaigning in Quadrangles and operating rules of IQC a n d Inter-Quadrangle Judiciary. The University's 85-foot radio- telescope on Peach Mountain near Dexter will be trained on Venus when Mariner II brushes past the planet- this afternoon and takes measurements of the planet's at- mosphere and surface. {"The National Aeronautics and Space Administration asked us to observe Venus, and we have agreed to do so," Prof. Fred T. Haddock of the astronomy department and director of the University's Radio Astronomy Observatory said last night. Venus will just be setting below the Peach Mountain horizon as Mariner II makes its closest ap- proach, Prof. Haddock said, but the observatory intends to make observations of our "sister" planet today, and may also on Saturday and Sunday. Across Country The observation will be only one being made by several similar fa- cilities across the country, as re- quested by NASA. This is to give NASA figures to compare with those Mariner II will send back, Prof. Haddock said. "There are only a handful of radio-telescopes in the world cap- able of observing Venus," Prof. Haddock pointed out. "The instrument has to be a large, precision one, capable of re- ceiving radio signals of the high frequencies that come from Venus," he said. Radio Signals High frequency radio signals may handicap the observatory on Peach Mountain. "We will need clear weather for our observa- tions," Prof. Haddock said. "We can 'see' through overcast, but clouds radiate high frequency radio signals that interfere with our readings of Venus." The 85-foot dish was used to make the first radio contact with Mercury and Saturn, and was used to monitor temperatures on Venus and Saturn for NASA this fall. Although Mariner II does not contain any instruments or ex- periments designed or built by present University faculty mem- bers, Allen H. Barrett, a former research associate of the Univer- sity's Radio Astronomy Labora- tories, now at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is one of a group of four scientists who de- signed a microwave experiment for the spacecraft. Three years ago, when the tele- scope was dedicated, it was the world's most precise steerable ra- dio telescope. It is the same type as England's Jodrell Bank tele- scope. One use of the telescope is to track celestial objects across the sky for 12 hours at a time within an area.of one part in 40,000 so as to receive radio waves from a tiny portion of the sky without interference from strong sources nearby. It can pick up radio waves from space that are half a billion years old. Also at Peach Mountain is a much smaller radio telescope which has been used to study the sun. The radio-telescopes are oper- ated jointly by the University's as- tronomy and engineering depart- ments. I-A w eploto WITNESS APPLAUDED-Supporters of Mrs. Dagmar Wilson, Washington leader of Women Strike for Peace, cheer and applaud as she enters the House Committee on Un-American Activities hearing room to take the stand. HUAC Questionts Leader Of Women's Peace Unit WASHINGTON R)-Mrs. Dagmar Wilson, organizer of Women Strike for Peace, emphatically told House probers yesterday she had no desire to purge any Communists from the pacifist organization. She testified before a House subcommittee on Un-American Activities, with an overflow crowd of militant women partisans back- ing her with frequent applause. <- Communist Party Plea Of Self-Incrimination Trial To Go Before Jury OniMonday Prosecution, Defense Finish Off Cases In Abrupt Actions WASHINGTON (Pi ) - United States District .Judge Alexander Holtzoff ruled yesterday that the Communist Party could not claim the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination to pre- vent registration as an agent of the Soviet Union as the trial goes to the jury Monday. He denied a defense motion for a directed verdict of innocent, aft- e.r both the government and the Communist Party closed their cases abruptly. The Communist Party is charg- ed, in a 12-count indictment hand- ed down a year ago, with faiure to register under the 1950 Sub- versive Activities Control Act as a "Communist-action organization, substantially controlled, dominat"ed and directed by the Soviet Union." Twelve Counts Eleven counts of the indictment deal with the failure to register and the 12th with failure to pro- vide information about its offi- cers,-members and finances. If convicted, the party is subject to a $10,000 fine for each day it continues to refuse to register. Defense Attorney Joseph Forer said the party had provide the information required in the form dealt with in the first 11 counts of the indictment in a letter to the Justice Department Nov. 10, 191. Soviet Agent He conceded it was not on the form provided by the department, but said the form required the Party to admit it was an agent of the Soviet Union, which the party denied. If the party made this admis- sion, he said, it would constitute self-incrimination for its members, laying them open to possible fur- ther prosecution. Holtzoff said the Fifth Amend- ment protection could not be claimed by an organization, "only by a natural person." "No officer or member is re- quired to sign the statement. It may be filled out by a clerk." Holtzoff said it was up to the jury to decide whther the Com- munist Party had, in the words of the indictment, "willfully and un- lawfully" failed to register. Creates Board At California The University of California's student senate has established an independent publishers board for the Daily Californian. Previous to the action the senate held direct control over Daily Californian appointments. Sever- al members of the student govern- ment expressed concern that the senate was too personallyinvolved in this year's appointments. They felt the board was needed to in- sure objectivity. Asked if she would permit mem-, bers of the Communist Party to hold leadership positions in WSP; Mrs. Wilson said: "Well, I have no way of con- trolling, or desire to control, those who wish to join ,s in our efforts for peace. Unless everyone in the whole world joins us in this fight, then God help us." Subcommittee Counsel Alfred M. Nittle then asked if she would wel- come Nazis or Fascists. She replied, "If only we could get them on our side!" For the final question after three days of hearings on alleged Communist infiltration of the group, Nittle asked Mrs. Wilson if she planned any action "to pre- vent Communists from assuming positions of leadership in WSP, or to eliminate Communists who have already assumed such positions." "Certainly not," said Mrs. Wil- son. Nittle prefaced his questioning by saying the subcommitttee had no evidence that Mrs. Wilson was a Communist or a Communist sympathizer and wished to em- phasize that. IFC Reveals Rule Violation By Phi-Delts By MICHAEL ZWEIG The Interfraternity Council Ex- ecutive Committee found Phi Del- ta Theta fraternity guilty of viola- tion of an IFC by-law which lim- its some types of pledge class ac- tivities to the fraternity house' and its grounds. The executive committee felt that the pledge activity in ques- tion was "detrimental to the f 'a- ternity system as a whole," and therefore found the act in viola- tion of the by-law, IFC adminis- trative vice-president Fred Rieck- er, '63, said last night. Made. Aware "The executive committee be- lieves that any function conducted by a fraternity's pledge class in in fact a function of the frater- nity, and pledges should be made aware of this," an executive com- mittee statement said. "We therefore mandate the IFC executive vice-president to inform them (the Phi Delts) of their guilt and suggest further ways to im- prove their pledge programs," it continued. Besides the reprimand, IFC ex- ecutive committee imposed no fine or punishment on the fraternity or its pledge class. Consideration Phi Delta Theta president James Waterston, '63, said that his fra- ternity is "going to take the 1FC recommendations into considera- tion." Kerner Warns of Exodus By Students from Region By The Associated Press CHICAGO - Illinois Gov. Otto Kerner, opening the first Mid- western Governor's Conference, warned against the exodus of college graduates from the region. While the Midwestern universities' scientific and engineering standards are equal to anywhere else in the world, the region is not holding these institution's graduates, he said. "We produce the es- PARTICIPATION STIFLED: Gives Effect of Elite Power sential ingredient of the growth industries - trained scientific and engineering manpower in quan- tity - but we ship it elsewhere as if it were iron ore," In the long run, the region's universities will be weakened by this failure to provide jobs for these graduates, he asserted. "It is high time that the states' of this region cooperated in their political efforts to reverse a tide that has been allowed too long to run against us," Kerner said. The opening sessions of the con- ference centered on higher edu- cation. Succeeding meetings were to deal with water resources, re- search and development, tax and fiscal problems, agriculture, econ- omic problems, tourism and men- tal health. SCIENCE: Views Education in Philippines By EDWARD HERSTEIN "Relatively speaking, the Phil- ippine government spends more on education than the United States," said Very Rev. Father Isisdore D. Katigbak, director and president of San Juan de Letran College in the Philippines. Fr. Katigbak explained that one-third of the gross national in- come of the Philippines goes to education. Characterizing Philip- pinos as "educationally-minded," he said that even illiterate farmers desire to see their children become I would be valuable in the labora- tory. Fr. Katigbak said that he has been very impressed by "overhead projectors, the themofax process and physics, chemistry and biology laboratory equipment." He explained that his trip, which covered a large portion of the United States, was made pos- sible through an invitation by the state department with the cooper- ation of the Philippine National Science Development Board. Dniamtricalv Onnnsed igbak noted that the government has a secretary of education, with bureaus of public and private schools under him. These bureaus set teaching standards and allocate laboratory equipment, as well as - determine the location of educational insti- tutions, he said. In the public schools, they even administer civil service type examinations for prospective teachers. 3700 Students Fr. Katigbak described his col- 1Po on nPn nderraai institu- By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM There is an inverse correlation between the power of the small town's elite and the amount of citizen participation in important local decisions, Prof. Robert Prest- hus of Cornell University said last citizens participated in the hospi- tal and school efforts. But in Cambridge, where one man was directly involved in all five decisions, only ten per cent of the citizens participated in the hncnla imc pnn oi4S nr nant ns.r- characteristics of the two cities which, he felt, influenced the at- titudes of the citizens. Eliteless Oxford was 71 per cent Republican due to professional and businessmen comprising 16 per cent nf theo nnniltinn he id.