Sm THE MICHIGAN DAILY ?rTTTTR.Qnav irivrwiL ' rim o Ynao -- __ _ I I I A N D I Y Et TTS ~7 1 ' U UUU~ 4 UL)A I, UL ~ J kZIIJERJ13, 1962~ TRACK ELIGIBILITY: Kennedy Asks AAU-NCAA Arbitration WASHINGTON (1) - President John F. Kennedy called yesterday on the Amateur Athletic Union and the National Collegiate Ath- letic Association to "submit their differences to an arbitration panel immediately," The dispute, he declared, thea- tens proper representation by America in the next Pan-American and Olympic Games. Strong Statement The President's strongly worded statement made at the start of his press conference came as many sports observers felt that only di- rect intervention by the White House could bring the two warring groups together and save Ameri- can prestige ininternational com- petition. Under international rules, only the AAU can certify athletes as eligible for the Olympics and other international competition. The NCAA through federations set up in track, gymnastics and basketball has challenged this right. The AAU in turn has de- clared ineligible athletes who ran in a recent federation cross coun- try run. No Comment There was no immediate com- ment from either group on the ap- peal for arbitration. Walter N. Byers, executive di- rector of the NCAA, said he want- ed to study the President's state- ment. Col. Don Hull, executive direc- tor of the AAU, said he hoped the differences could be settled but added: "The AAU has been the recognized body and no one has ever questioned it before." Chuck Werner, long time Penn- sylvania State track coach who now heads the track federation, declared: "I think the President is absolutely right. This country has too fine a reputation for sportsmanship to have a mess suc has we have now." The crux of the dispute between the two bodies lies in the fact that the colleges produce most of the track, basketball and gym- nastics athletes, but the AAU con- trols their participation in inter- national sport. Apparently Compromised The two powerful athletic or- ganizations apparently reached a compromise in meetings held in New York last month and attend- ed by Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy. Then, as the President said, "Even that coalition has been tangled by a whole group of conflicting inter- pretations." The next big international com- Big Ten To Begin Meetings; Will Discuss Letter of Intent CHICAGO W) - The Big Ten, at its winter business meeting starting today, may join the Southwest and Big Eight Confer- ences in their athletic letter of intent alliance. Commissioner Bill Reed of the Big Ten has been working on the possibility of interconference agreements on uniform recruiting ever since the NCAA rejected a national letter of intent proposal at its Chicago meeting last Janu- ary. The Southwest and Big Eight U '1 agreed last weekend on a mutual pre-enrollment system in which an athlete must attend the school with which he signs or suffer loss of eligibility. Seek Reciprocity The Big Ten has the same re- quirement within its own confer- ence, but presumably will seek reciprocity with the Southwest and Big Eight. Also on the winter agenda will be continued study of a proposal to boycott AAU events and bar the AAU from use of conference facilities in the wake of the re- newed feud between the AAU and the NCAA-backed National Sports Federation movement. Coaches Recommend The agenda will also include several recommendations from conference football coaches who met last week in Chicago. The coaches ask permission to visit homes of prospective ath- letes between Dec. 1 and the Sate when a tender can be issued. The tenders have been issues May 1, but the coaches want this date to be advanced to April 1. All tenders must be returned by Aug. 1. petition for American teams will be the Pan-American Games in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1963, and the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 1964. If the AAU withheld certifica- tion of American athletes who Minko Named Michigan guard John Minko was added to the North squad for the annual Blue-Grey foot- ball game yesterday. The game is to be played in Montgomery, Alabama, and will be televised by NBC, starting at 2 p.m. on Dec. 29. competed in NCAA - federation meets, the American team would be wrecked. Time Ha s Come... "The time has come for these groups to put the national interest first," said the President. "Their continued bickering is grossly un- fair. There is no winner, but there are many losers -- thousands of American amateur athletes, the American athletic community, and the traditions of American sports- manship. SCORES COLLEGE BASKETBALL Purdue 73, Wabash 64 Kentucky 83, Florida State 54 Navy 65, Gettysburg 63 Army 73, Buffalo 61 Temple 61, Bucknell 53 Xavier (Ohio) 91, Gannon 61 Carnegie Tech 67, Wash.-Jeff. 57 Fordham 57, Syracuse 43 LaSalle 85, Lehigh 34 Delaware 76, Franklin Marshall 37 Holy Cross 83, Harvard 64 Brown 63, Rhode island 62 Amherst 58, American Int'l. 53 Hope 84, Olivet 62 Youngstown 83, Alderson Broaddus 45 Bowling Green 86, Miami (Ohio) 36 Ohio Univ. 72, Marshall 71 Wagner 70, CCNY 60 NBA Chicago 105, Cincinnati 102 Detroit 115, New York 106 NHL Chicago 4, New York 3 Cagers] By MIKE BLOCK The Michigan basketball team hopes to be a squad on the re- bound as it faces Texas Christian tonight at 8 p.m. in Yost Field Huse. Horsthe Wolverines will be play- ing their first game after their initial loss of the season, a 70-69 setback at the hands of Butler. And speaking of the rebound, that was about the only department Michigan bettered their opponents in during their most recent outing. Optimistic At any rate, Coach Dave Strack and his men are looking forward to better things, and may find a breather in the battle with the Horned Frogs. But don't bet on it. Although TCU is coming into. town winless in three bouts, in their last game they showed prom- ise of better things to come. In that one, they led nationally rank- ed Houston by as much as 13 points before eventually succumb- ing to a tight press, 76-69. Pre- season rumblings have had it that the Frogs are the darkhorse of the Southwest Conference, and their losses to Houston, Centenary and Oklahoma City notwithstand- ing, they have the potential to surprise a few unwary teams. Evil Omen In addition, Wolverine fans shouldn't forget that Butler like- wise arrived on the scene with an identical 0-3 mark. TCU's ntost potent scorer thus far has been 6'2" guard Jerry Wade. A newcomer from junior college, Wade is a deadly marks- man from the outside, having con- nected for 17 points in the Hous- ton game. He'll provide more than a mild challenge to the defensive abilities of Wolverine guards Doug Herner and Bob Cantrell. The remainder of the Frogs' starting lineup has a well-rounded height distribution. The frontline consists of John Fowler (6'4") and Norman Bond (6'5") at forward and Don Rosick- (6'7") at center. Accompanying Wade at guard is Bobby McKinley (6'2"). Secret Weapon TCU Coach Buster Brannon has an ace in the hole in the person of 6'10" sophomore Archie Clay- ton. Although he hasn't been a starter thus far, assistant coach Jim Skala, who scouted the Hous- ton game, watched him score 12 points while playing in only half the game. According to Skala, Clayton is an "outstanding pros- pect," and is one of the reasons that TCU is better than past ap- pearances have shown. Skala indicated that the Wol- l v, . u "1 l ployed it with varying de success so far, but we fee we can work it well cons Halftime Shop During halftime of to Michigan-TCU basketbal there will be a floor e demonstration given by Spicer, Mike Henderson Captain Gil Larose of gan's gymnastics team. it's our best defensive we Although Clayton is by tallest player Michiganl up against so far this yea didn't indicate that any provisions would be made fense him. "He's good, doesn't have the moves of v e-" Clayton will also be the first Iei of opponent taller than soph center 1s that i Bill Buntin, and Strack and Skala istently, will be interested to find out whether the 232-pounder can do as W well around the basket as he has might'sthus far. night's The opening Wolverine lineup l game, remains unchanged, as it has since xercise opening day, with Herner, Can- Barry trell, Buntin, and forwards John n, and Harris and Tom Cole. Michi- Preceding the varsity game to- night, there will be an exhibition contest between the Michigan apon." freshmen and a team composed of far the former college greats, such as John has run Tidwell, M. C. Burton, Joe Billy r, Skala McDade, Emmett McCarthy, and special John Tully. e to de- Saturday night the Wolverines but he travel to Evansville, Ind., to take (Creigh- on Evansville College. DOUG HERNER ... helps guard top scorer c. elsga ,_. to..u scorer .. I Want to S-T,-R-E-T--H Your Dollars? 4 O liit I l ir 4 (I ORE THAN12 OONCE$ 7ry Rebound Against TCU verines wouldn't change their basic ton's Paul) Silas or (Butler's Jeff) offense against tonight's visitors. Blue, which will serve to compen- "We'll go with the same aggres- sate for his height advantage." sive man-to-man defense we usual- Test for Buntin t lv use.aid Skala_ "We'vam OUR PANTS SALE ENDS THISWE EK! Buy one at regular price; get the second pair for only $2z.00 NO FINER BEER AT ANY PRICE p Example: First pair: Second pai r: Two pair w IC $10.99 Alterations 2.00 at Cost $12.99 Barden Aims for TitleI E & BBrewing Co.. inc. Detroit , Mich. --------- -- ---------- This is the equivalent of $6.50 PER PAIR! 113 SOUTH MAIN STREET The Home of Richman Brothers Clothing. Men ! Will Appreciate Oiffs From RABIDEAU-HARRIS This Christmas ! We Suggest Gifts of Great Reputation SUITS, TOPCOATS by * DON RICHARDS' fry K :r* WORSTED-TEX ROCK-KNIT s Suits From $45 Topcoats From $40 * Famous for Style . Famous for Tailoring 4 Famous for Wear ! Hercules Jaymar Slacks $7.95 to $10.95 Rugby and Fashion H ill Sweaters $8.95 to $19.95 " Wing and Reis SPajamas $4.65 to $6.95 *! Wing, Shapely, Rugby '- sportsh irts from . $3.65 to $6.95 * Metcalf Ties $1.00 to $3.50 SEsquire Sox S5c to $1.50 : 0Lee Hats $9.95 and $11.95 Superior Robes $6.95 to $19.95 . Shield's Fifth Avenue Jewelry from $1.50 ! Pioneer Belts from $1.50 * Reis Shorts and Shirts from $1.00 J * Campus Gloves from $2.95 puR E CHRISTMAS BONUS y receive With the uae of'$10 or more in merchandise you willreiv By JERRY DILLER It was 6:10. Wrestling coach Cliff Keen of- ficially ended the day's practice forty minutes before, but there were still four grapplers working out on the mats. One of the two matches pitted gigantic heavyweight Jack Barden against 123-pounder Ralph Bahnla. This bout brought from the spec- tators the usual friendly catcalls of "why don't you pick on some- one your own size. Why the lop-sided pairing in the match? After the bout Barden explained that every wrestler on the team is not only a student of the sport but also a teacher who can pass on many valuable tips to men in other weight classes by working out with them. "It has been a tradition at Michigan that the older members of the squad instruct the newer boys before they leave," the big senior went on. This system has proved itself very worthwhile at Michigan- Jack Barden being a prime ex- ample of its effects. As a senior in high school in Port Huron he placed fourth in the state meet in the 177-pound class. Let us style a COLLEGIATE CUT Becoming to you! ! 8 ARTISTS NO WAITING The Dascola Barbers near Michigan Theater After coming to Michigan Bar- den went on to defeat on the collegiate mats all three of the boys who finished ahead of him in the high school state meet. The senior has also finished a close second in his division in the past two Big Ten meets and is looking hungrily at the title in this his final season. According to the grappler credit for his vast improvement must go to a "great" coach, Cliff Keen, the instruction given him by f ar- mer Michigan matmen like Big Ten champions Fritz Kellermann and Don Corriere, and an abun- dance of good competition at his weight class. Coach Keen also added that Jack's hard work was another reason for his success. This year Barden has been mov- ed into the heavyweight division from his 177-pound class of last season. "Throughout my college career I've switched between the 177 and 191 pound classes so often that the loss or gain of weight is no longer a problem," said Barden. He explained that in a typical workout he could drop as much as eight or nine pounds. At this pace he could be down to the 177- pound limit from his usual weight of 205 in only three practice ses- sions. In regard to a favorite weight to wrestle at the senior matman gave the nod to the 177-pound class.t "Though you may prefer one weight to another," he continued, "you are first of all a team mem- ber and must wrestle where you are needed." Did you wi Ternes IMPORTANT! If you hold any of the 5 winning numbers, claim your Pontiac Tempest LeMans Convertible in accordance with the rules on the reverse of your license plate. 1. B 159345 2. A063168 3. C625641 4. B898060 5. C479646 CONSOLATION PRIZE NUMBERSI Todd's G \HOPS 1209 S. Univ. Ann Arbor NO 5-9426 If you hold a consolation prize number, you win a 4-speed Portable Hi-Fi Stereo Set, "The Waltz" by RCA Victor. Or, you may still win a Tempest! (See official claiming rules on reverse of your license plate, and observe claiming dates given above.) r ; E ? At }:. f ' " j. 2. 3., 1. B258729 C065695 A014505 4." C403887 5. C001596 6. C233412 7. C375972 8. B398344 9. A487788 10. A121605 DM GRAND PRIX 50 Sweepstakes for colleges only More than 50 times the chance to win than if open to the general public. 4-w- ess o g Get set for the next lap ... 10 more Tempests and 15 more consolation prizes! Pick up an entry blank where you buy cigarettes. Enter now-enter often. Any entry received by January 18th can win one of the 45 Tempests still to go! Of course, entries you've already submitted are still in the running! EXCLUSIVE FOR THE GIRLS! If you win a Tempest you may -f choose instead a thrilling ex- pense-paid 2-week Holiday in ' Europe-for two! Plus $500 W ../ in cash! 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