THE FIRING OF SAM SHAPIRO See Editorial Page 'YI e Sirtgt 41P 4Matty SNOW FLURRIES High-22 Windy and cold Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 73 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Presents Outline To Prevent War U.S. Plan Gives Methods To Reduce Accidental, Surprise Attack Threat GENEVA (P)-The United States yesterday proposed a sweeping program designed to prevent surprise attack and war by accident. The Soviet Union was urged to give it careful consideration. United States Ambassador Arthur 'H. Dean outlined a program to the 17-nation Disarmament Conference which included, among other ideas, a direct telephone line connecting President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev. Dean urged the delegates to con- Delta College Nears, Degree-Granting Status By KENNETH WINTER The Trustees of Delta College and a special house interim com- mittee agreed Tuesday that Michigan's thumb area needs a degree- granting college, but reached no decisions as to the exact nature of the institution. Rep. Lester O. Begick (R-Bay City), chairman of an interim committee appointed last summer to examine the region's educational SGC Acts to Condemn Dismissal of Shapiro, Reviews Membership -41 sider these proposals during the Picks Three As Advisors To Romney By The Associated Press LANSING - Gov.-Elect George Romney yesterday picked the first members of his "cabinet-type" ex- ecutive office. Two of the three appointed by Romney were losers in last fall's election. They are L. William Seid- man, unsuccessful candidate for auditor general, and Glenn S. Al- len Jr., defeated candidate for state treasurer. The third appointee was Walter De Vries of Grand Rapids who will serve as executive assistant to the governor for program develop- ment and agency liaison. Team on Problems Romney said that the three ap- pointees will work together as a team on problems of fiscal man- agement, program development and administration. Seidman was named as special counsel to Romney for financial affairs. He will be an unpaid as- sistant, but will devote nearly full- ftime to state affairs, Romney said. He is a certified public account- ant and a partner in the Grand Rapids firm of Seidman and Seid- man, one of the nation's largest accounting firms. Take Office Allen, former mayor of Kalama- zoo, will take office with Romney on Jan. 1. He will succeed Ira Polley in the position of state controller. Allen, a lawyer, served 16 years on the Kalamazoo City Commis- sion and 13 years on the county board of supervisors between 1941 and 1961. "Glenn is perhaps best known for his municipal accomplish- ments," said Romney. "These years of service have pro- vided him not only a meaningful grasp of over-all governmental problems, but also intimate knowl- edge and experience in govern- mental financing methods and problems," continued the gover- nor-elect. De Vries was director of re- search during Romney's campaign for governor. He has taught polit- ical science and psychology at Cal- vin and' Hope Colleges and was administrative assistant to the Speaker of the House from 1957-61. Both Allen and De Vries served with Romney as delegates to the recent Constitutional Convention. Work Together Romney said the three men will work together as a team on prob- lems of fiscal management, pro- gram development and adminis- tration. Romney also announced that he intends to name four other execu- tive assistants in what he calls a "cabinet-type" organization of the governor's office. The other assistants will be for legal affairs, public information, legislative program and appoint- ments, and office management. De Vries will fill one of the executive office staff positions which Romney has asked the Civil Service Commission to approve for a salary range of $14,156 to $17,539. His exact starting pay will be set later. A native of Kalamazoo, Allen attended Amherst and Kalamazoo Colleges and Columbia University Law School. To Start Talks On Kashmir NEW DELHI (j) - India and Pakistan will begin efforts to re- solve their long dispute over Kash- wnir~~~ if ymannn a+t nit forthcoming Christmas recess and 4to name technical-military groups to study these problems further. Basically, the United States plan aims at insuring all powers that other nations are not secretly mo- bilizing against them. Also iV aims at preventing the world from blun- dering into war through diplomatic miscalculation or failure of com- munications. Dean said this whole range of topics "offers opportunities for early agreement which should not be passed by." American Ambassador The American ambassador pre- sented these suggestions after the conference had failed to make any progress toward a nuclear test ban agreement. Dean stressed that a successful handling of the surprise attack problem would make easier a later consideration of full scale univer- sale disarmament. The program had been worked out after many months of study by experts of the United States disarmament agency and other government departments in Wash- ington. Working Paper His 15-page document was in- troduced as a working paper and contains these concepts: 1) Governments should give ad- vance notification of major mili- tary movements to allay suspicion of aggressive aims. 2) Permanent observation posts should be installed at key traffic points to offer another safeguard against illegal mobilization. The posts would be supplemented by observation by aircraft, mobile ground teams or overlapping ra- dar systems. 3) The major powers should ex- change military missions as a con- fidence building measure 4) Communications links be- tween major capitals should be installed to prevent war by mis- calculation. The "hot" telephone would be one of these. 5) Studies should be undertaken on the possibility of modern weap- ons themselves touching off a war. 6) Experts should investigate related areas. These include a study of modern weapons technol- ogy and the possible development of future super weapons on the basis of present knowledge, and the publication by countries of all steps they had taken individually to prevent war by accident. HAROLD MACMILLAN ... discusses Skybolt Reveal U.S., Britain Vie On Skybolt LONDON (MP)-The British gov- ernment admitted yesterday it had failed to reach agreement with the United States on the Skybolt missile. Tentative United States plans to scrap it have put the British- American alliance to one of its heaviest strains. A statement issued by the min- istry of Defense said, however, discussions on the missile will con- tinue. Defense Talks The announcement dealt with the talks in London Tuesday be- tween Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara and British Defense Minister Peter Thorneycroft. The two officials discussed at length the prospects of develop- ing the airborne strategic missile on which Britain has been count- ing for maintaining its nuclear deterrent. Indications that Sky- bolt may be scrapped have roused alarm in Britain. The ministry statement said that McNamara and Thorney- croft had "full and frank talks." It added that "No decision was taken on the future of Skybolt, on which discussions will continue." First Official Disclosure This was the first official dis- closure that the talks had broken up without agreement, though re- ports leaking out told of a tough bargaining session between the two ministers. Britain has made plain that junking of the projected missile could lead to a reappraisal of British defense commitments, in- cluding the use of Holy Loch in Scotland for a United States Po- laris submarine base, British in- formants said. Reports from the McNamara- Thorneycroft talks Tuesday said a tough, blunt argument took place. The Daily Sketch described the meeting as one of the stormiest between ministers of the two gov- ernments. Tulane Sets Admission k Of Negroes NEW ORLEANS (M) - Tulane University admitted two Negro women yesterday, less than one week after a federal court refused to order their enrollment because Tulane is a private institution. The university's Board of Ad- ministrators reaffirmed a decision of April 12, 1961, in which it said it would admit qualified students without regard to race or color. Joseph M. Jones, president of the administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, announced the new policy would go into effect at the start of the new semester in February. United States District Judge Frank B. Ellis ruled last week that Tulane, as a private institution, was not required to admit Negroes, but that it was free to do so if it wished. Jones made the announcement after the board's regular monthly meeting. Government Envisioned In Rhodesia LUSAKA, Northern Rhodesia MP) -Northern Rhodesia's two major African nationalist parties an- nounced agreement yesterday on forming a coalition to give this mineral-rich British protectorate its first African government. Kenneth Kaunda, leader of the United National Independence Party (UNIP), said there would be "an African government in North- ern Rhodesia within 48 hours." Kaunda conferred earlier with the leader of UNIP's coalition partner, Harry Nkumbula of the African National Congress (ANC), and Northern Rhodesia's Gover- nor Sir Evelyn Hone. Nkumbula's party issued a state- ment saying its ruling council had decided to form a coalition gov- ernment with its once bitter rival, UNIP, and that Nkumbula had been authorized to negotiate de- tails. Kaunda arranged to meet later with his party's executive council to seal the agreement. The two African parties togeth- er have won a majority of the leg- islative seats thus far decided in the first election under the com- plicated voting procedures of Northern Rhodesia's new consti- tution. Africans had opposed the con- stitution on the ground it assured the white minority a large repre- sentation even though Northern Rhodesia's whites number 75,000 compared to 2.5 million Africans. needs, said last night that he ex- pects his committee to recom- mend the following plan: 1) A new state-supported de- gree-granting college, tentatively named Saginaw Valley State Col- lege (SVSC), would be set up un- der an autonomous board of trus- tees appointed by the Governor. Serve Students 2) SVSC would serve students in their junior and seniors years only. Its students would mainly be those who had completed their fresh- man-sophomore work at Delta College, a tri-county junior college and presently the only higher ed- ucation institution in the thumb area. 3) Delta would continue to oper- ate as a locally-controlled com- munity college. 'Committee Sentiment' Begick feels that the "senti- ment of the committee' favors this plan, which was proposed by As- sistant Dean John X. Jamrich of Michigan State University's edu- cation school. He cited the "flex- ibility" of the plan as a major point in its favor. . However, Delta officials are not entirely happy with the plan. Chairman Oscar M. Anderson of the Delta Board of Trustees said that several objections to the Jam- rich plan were raised at Tuesday's conference. Separate Boards The basic dispute seems to be over who shall control SVSC if it is created. The Jamrich plan pro- vides separate boards of trustees for Delta and SVSC, with the add- ed requirement that three people be members of both boards. The Delta Trustees, on the oth- er hand, want an "integrated" board governing both colleges, with its membership divided evenly be- tween locally-electedsand Gover- nor-appointed trustees. He said that his board still is considering "very seriously" an al- ternative to the Jamrich plan: the expansion of Delta to a four- year degree-granting college, and its incorporation as a branch of one of the state's larger universi- ties. University officials are moving cautiously on this plan. Refund Date All undergraduate students, including graduating seniors, planning to leave the Univer- sity at the end of this semester must apply by written form for the refund of the $50 enrollment deposit before Jan. 1, Merlin W. Miller, associate director of the Office of Registration and Records, said. Refund request forms are available in the Office of Reg- istration and Records. Refunds will be made by check within 30 days after the end of the semester. Failure to apply by the January deadline or voluntary failure to enroll for the succeeding semester can re- sult in forfeiture of the deposit. In case of forfeiture, the stu- dent may appeal to the Enroll- ment Deposit Committee. STEVEN STOCKMEYER HOWARD ABRAMS ... motion on Shapiro ... initiates motion Claims City Council Motion 'Possibly Unconstitutional' By RICHARD KELLER SIMON Student Government ,Council unanimously voted last night that' the proposed amendment to the Disorderly Conduct Chapter of the Ann Arbor City Code "is unwise and possibly unconstitutional." The amendment would increase the scope of police power by mak- ing it a misdemeanor to "attempt to create any disturbance . . . in To Oroanize New Party on Campus After a long period of inactivity, campus socialists are planning to reorganize. At a meeting Tuesday night the old Democratic-Socialist club re- formed, dropping the word Demo- cratic from its title. This move is significant because it opens the membership to so- cialist factions on campus which have shied away from previous affiliation with the club. Radical Action These factions are opposed to "Norman Thomas type" socialism and have felt that the party fol- lowed too closely Thomas' Social Democrats. They are stronger pro- ponents of radical action, and in- formed sources frankly admit that the new Socialist party will turn even more to the left. 'Definite Gap' Newly-elected president Michael Brown, '63, claims that "there is a definite gap on this campus for radical thought and action. In the past our problem has been a lack, of resources, but now we have enough people to carry out an active program." The club has ap- proximately,.30 members. The group moved Tuesday night to protest the dismissal of MSU-O professor Samuel Shapiro. a public place . . . or go to .-- such a place for the purposes of provoking a fight." The Code con- siders it illegal only to engage in a disturbance. This change would give the in- dividual police officer the subjec- tive power of deciding whether or not to make an arrest. SGC's resolution sympathized with the Ann Arbor City Council in attempting to prevent violence in the area, and noted "with re- gret" recent disturbances between University students, and local high school students. However, SOC considersthat the amendment threatens the freedom of assembly, guaranteed by the Constitution, and is an un- just burden on police officers. Copies of the motion, introduced by Daily Editor Michael Olinick, '63, will be sent to Mayor Cecil 0. Creal, the ten members of City Council, the citymclerk, and the Ann Arbor Chapter of the Amer- ican Civil LibertiesUnion. SGC's motion states: "Student Government Council recognizes the necessity of disord- erly conduct laws but believes the present ordinance is adequate to deal with situations endangering the peace. The proposed statute goes too far in the area of police power and begins to infringe upon freedom of assembly. Council fur- ther believes that more positive approaches to this problem area exist." All Council members present voted in favor of the motion after brief debate. Robert Geary, '63, was absent. In other action SGC endorsed the idea of a domestic Peace Corps, recently proposed by President John F. Kennedy. It supports the program, and will "cooperate how- ever possible" in its establishment. View Plan To Change Organization Discuss Proposal On Ex-Officio Role In Council Structure By DENISE WACKER Student Government Council last night approved a motion for- mally condemning the dismissal of Prof. Samuel Shapiro from the Michigan State University- Oakland faculty last week. The motion notes that Prof. Shapiro's political feelings and public statements "on Latin Amer- ica and Cuba .. . evidently play- ed a role in the formulation of this decision (to dismiss him), and constitutes a serious breach of academic freedom... The resolution adds that if the student governing body is wrong in its analysis of the more im- portant factors in his dismissal, and "if the basis for (it) is of an academic nature, as has been stated by MSU-O Dean George Matthews, there seems to be no rational explanation as to why such reasons should not be made public . . . The motion was approved only after a lengthy committee of the whole discussion which dealt with SGC's i ight to comment on this situation; with the nature of aca- demic freedom; and with the ac- tual facts of the dismissal. The motion of condemnation will be conveyed to Prof. Shapiro; MSU-O administrators;. to several newspapers and other news media; to several student governing bod- ies; to the University and MSU-O Faculty Senates; and to the Unit- ed States National Student As- sociation and the American Asso- ciation of University Professors. Earlier in the meeting, SGC re- viewed two plans which would ul- timately change the group's struc- ture. The first, from the Committee on the University, contained the initial problems of organizing a student-faculty government. Coun- cil discussed the plans--offering questions and criticism-and then remanded the plan to the com- mittee for further study and work. The second plan dealt with the role of ex-officios on Council, and suggested increasing SGC's. total membership. It also advocated stripping ex-officios of their vote. Alsina Ends Brief Revolt; Peace Returns COLORADO DAILY: Administrators Place Editor on Probation Officials at the University of Colorado have placed Terry Mar- shall, former managing editor of the Colorado Daily, on "adminis- trative probation." Marshall resigned from the paper because of the firing of Daily editor Gary Althen earlier this year. The cause of the probation is reputed to be a letter which Mar- t shall sent to Dr. Dale Atkins, a F Grand Rapids To Eliminate Discrimination GRAND RAPIDS (P) - Strides toward elimination of housing dis- crimination moved forward yester- day in Grand Rapids on the sign- ing of a pact between the city and Negroes on a land sale. Developments were disclosed last night at a public meeting spon- sored by the city's human relations commission and real estate board. Dr. Julius Franks, a dentist, an- nounced that he and his three as- sociates made a $12,000 down pay- ment toward a $60,000 purchase of a 20-acre northeast side residential tract to be used for quality hous- ing. At the same time some 125 white residents of the area have orga- Republican candidate for the uni- versity board of regents and a strong critic of the Daily. In the letter Marshall attacked Atkins for statements about the Daily and the university. "The letterwas highly emotion- al," current Daily editor Tom Par- meter said last night. Among oth- er things, Marshall said in the let- ter that he had "learned to hate the United States at the University of Colorado." Parmeter said it did a lot of harm to the university when it becane public. Parmeter, however, does not support the probationary action. He explained that "administrative probation" is an ambiguous term that "nobody seems to under- stand.' The term is not listed in the school's social code, and the ac- tion will not go on Marshall's rec- ord. "It seems to amount to a special warning from the dean of students," he said. Administration officials have refused to clarify the action and have made no public AMERICAN STEREOTYPE: Labor-Management Undergoin, By BARBARA LAZARUS "There is an long-held American notion of what labor-management< relations are, but the facts under- lying this notion are in a state of change," Prof. John T. Dunlop of Harvard University said last night. Speaking on "Labor-Manage- ment-Government Relations" to the Michigan Economic Society and the Economics Club, Prof. Dunlop said that one part of the notion says that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) registers the will of the workers on their bargaining unit and that they alone decide whether to be- long to a union. "The labor movement has never accepted without qualification the idea that workers choose their own representatives. Government policy says that a union member should be free to review his choice tiate the terms are often a broader group than the one originally spe- cified by the original election dis- trict, he added. Folklore There is also a folklore that the result or negotiation is one fixed- term agreement which is finally settled upon, but in reality there is a whole strata of separate agree- ments, covering such things as wages, pensions and seniority. "It is like one party getting married, and at regular intervals they consider the possibility of di- vorce. Along come the children in such forms as pension agree-! ments, and you get the notion that the relationship must become permanent," Prof. Dunlop said. The idea that the parties at the bargaining table reach an agreement strictly among them- selves overlooks some of the most The motion was sponsored by Gary BUENOS AIRES (M-The oust- Bilbar, '65 A&D, and Michael Ied commander-in-chief of Argen- Kass, '65. tina's Air Force ended his brief Next week's SGC meeting was rebellion yesterday and surrend- cancelled because of its proximity ered at his Cordoba training base to Christmas vacation, headquarters, the government an- nounced. Brig. Cayo Antonio Alsina, whom the government accused of seeking its overthrow so he could institute "a regime worse than Fidel Cas- a n g e tro's," was said to be flying his own plane back to Buenos Aires. He had held out against the government at Cordoba in central Another problem is the idea Argentina since his ouster early that after a settlement has been Tuesday. reached, it should be submitted But President Jose Maria Guido to union membership for a vote, gave his new Air Force chief, Brig. The question is who should actu- Carlos Conrado Segundo Arman- ally vote on the settlement. Should ini, a free hand to crush the union members in many different rebel and Air Force jets made plants vote on the wages for a several strafing passes at the worker in a competitor's plant? training base. "Somehow Americans have the His Supporters feeling that collective bargaining Base personnel also rose up should be the method of solving against Alsina and arrested sev- all labor-management problems. eral of his supporters, the govern- They cast aspersion on Europeans ment said. who have government sit in on the Guido called Alsina's defiance bargaining leading companies and of his removal "an isolated ad- then extend the terms to the en- venture" and declared, "it has tire industry," Prof. Dunlop point- no importance." ed out. Alsina himself had not made In the Future clear the purpose of his rebellion. "We say that we don't do this, The President meanwhile sent but we may be doing it in the into retirement the Navy's Com- There is headtendency to loo mander of operations, Vice Adm. Th s ek a Leandro Maloberti. and three