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December 12, 1962 - Image 2

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Grant Establishes Study Plan




The business administration
school has offered courses in the
international area since its found-
ing in 1924, but increased demand
for training and research has led
to the. recent establishment of a
program in international business
under a Ford Foundation grant.
This program, directed by Prof.
D. Maynard Phelps of the business'
administration school, is designed
for students desiring specialization
in international business and for 1
those who feel that knowledge of
foreign trade, investment and fi-
nance is necessary for an executive
position in modern business con-
Additional instruction is the
intention of the business program,
and four new courses have recent-
ly been added to the graduate
curriculum: international econom-
ic relations, international market-
ing, international finance, and
management of international oper-
Students in the international
program will also become familiar
Mills Says
Aid Marking
Parent-teacher conferences
should be held at the end of each
marking period to supplement the
report card parents receive from
the schools, says Prof. William H.
Mills of the education school.
Mills feels that in an objective
discussion parents can best learn
how their child stands. The con-
ference, he adds, should be con-
ducted at a time when neither the
parent nor the teacher is hurried
to end the interview because some-
one else is waiting.
If the interview involves a high
school student, sometimes the stu-
dent and his parents can benefit
from sharing in the conference
with the teacher, Mills says.
Need Preparation
"In any case, to walk into a
conference cold, without any pre-
paration on either side, could be
a disappointment," he warns.
The parents should take notes
during the conference, or the
teacher should prepare an out-
line for the parents in advance,
Mills advises.
"After the conference, the teach-
er should keep a record of what he
talked about, what commitments
were made-to continue the lines
of communication for further
talks, as needed, by parent or
Value to Child
"The value to the child is the
important thing," says Mills. "It
helps the teacher understand the
child better. It helps the parents
understand that their child is im-
proving if the grades are only C
or D."
Mills suggests that, after par-
ents understand the weaknesses of
their child, they can help him at

. . . program director
with cultural and political factors
which affect international busi-
ness operations, and will be ex-
pected to acquire proficiency in
foreign languages.
Enrollment in the business ad-
ministration school includes many
foreign students, and their pres-
ence is considered stimulating and
valuable for international under-
The international business pro-
gram concentrates on teaching,
but also undertakes research. Prof.
Carl H. Fischer of the business
administration school has recent-
ly spent seven months in the Phil-
ippines at the request of the Phil-
ippine government, where he in-
vestigated the social security pro-
gram which he established in 1957.
Social Security

students at the University. The
business administration school en-
rolls some Asian students each
year, and the countries in which
Asian alumni later work differ
from the United States in stage of
industrial and economic develop-
ment, as well as social, political
and cultural conditions.
Thus it is impirtant that the
University education meet their
needs when they return to their
own countries and begin business,
government or teaching careers.
Interview Alumni
Prof. James D. Scott of the bus-
iness administration school will
interview business administration
alumni in Taiwan, Japan, Korea,
Hong Kong, Thailand, Philippines
and India to determine their eval-
uations and any possible sugges-
tions for curricula changes in this
The findings of this study, which
will be carried forward in the next
few months and completed next
October, should aid those involved
in planning curricula and teaching
materials for Asian students en-
rolled in the business program.
The experience gained in ad-
ministering this study should also
help determine the utility of sim-
ilar research as a means of secur-
ing feed-back from business ad-
ministration alumni in other for-
eign countries.
Club To Sponsor
Chess Exhibition
The University Chess Club will
sponsor a "gang attack" against
leading British chess player Geof-
frey Martin of Ypsilanti today,
with registration beginning at 7:15
p.m. in Rms. K-N of the Michigan
Union. There will be an entry fee
of $1 for non-members, and 50
cents for members. Entrants are
urged to bring their own sets and

Pro fess ions
"The professional fraternity is a
specialized fraternity which con-
fines its membership to a specific
field of professional or vocational
education in colleges and univer-
sities and maintains mutually ex-
clusive membership in that profes-
sional field but initiates members
of the social college fraternities."
This definition of professional
fraternities is found in Baird's
Manual, a national publication
which catalogs fraternities.
There are over 1400 chapters
throughout the world. Over 700,-
000 members have been initiated
since the first law fraternity, Phi
Delta Phi, was founded at the Uni-
versity in 1869.
Home Base
The University has been the
mother of other professional fra-
ternities, among them the dental
fraternity Delta Sigma Delta and
Nu Sigma Nu, a medical fraternity.
At present the University recog-
nizes nineteen professional frater-
nities and of these, thirteen have1
The professions of medicine,
dentistry, law, pharmacy, archi-
tecture and business administra-
tion are all represented. Three of
the fraternities are social and havei
members in many different fields.
Each house aims to aid the,
members in advancing their pro-,
fessional knowledge. This is done,
by various programs of speakers,
tours, and projects which enable
the students to hear and talk with
leading men in their fields.
Classroom Work
Some of the dental fraternities
provide laboratories where mem-
bers can complement their class-
room work. Most houses have li-
braries where professional jour-
nals and supplementary textbooks
are available.
The constant opportunity to talk
with students studying in a simi-
lar field is the biggest advantage
a professional fraternity offers its
Athletics and social events are
not neglected, although not as
much stress is placed on them as
in social fraternities. Most of the
houses participate in the intra-
mural program. Social events are
usually handled by each brother
contributing a certain amount to-
ward expenses. Few houses have a
social chairman or social budget.
More Independence
The professional fraternities at
the University operate more inde-
pendently than the social ones.
However, they are required to sub-
mit financial statements. Still clas-
sified as student organizations
they are required to get approval
for social functions. They also are
required to have the names of
their members registered every
Professional fraternities have no
special rushing time. When a
house wishes to rush it merely
announces this fact in the particu-
lar school with which it is con-

_---- -

private institutions
Sees Future
Private colleges will grow and
prosper everywhere, Prof. Merritt
M. Chambers of the education
school predicts.
Prof. Chambers, a visiting pro-
fessor and a member of the Center
for the Study of Higher Educa-
tion, says that these schools are
"reputable and well-managed" and
expects them to have "more stu-
dents, buildings and money than
ever before."
He points out that gifts to these
private schools have steadily
grown, and "are now running at
the rate of about one billion dol-
lars a year."
However, he warns, this private-
college expansion will not solve the
problems of public schools. Despite
their growth, the proportion of all
students they will be able to ac-
commodate will probably continue
to decline, he predicts.
"The public institutions will be
forced to expand at a more rapid
rate than private institutions will
be able to maintain," because of
the projected increase in enroll-
ments, he explains.

Bureau Determines Students' Abilities

(Sixth in a series)
"The Bureau of Appointments
Career Counseling Service at-
tempts to aid students to deter-
mine their abilities and their lim-
itations, provide them with in-
formation on career opportunities
and assist them in procedure to
follow for securing employment,"
Sydney Dykstra, University Career
Counselor, said recently.
The office counsels undergrads,
alumni, drop-outs, students from
other schools and adults seeking
help. "The greatest number of
counselees are upper-classmen and
by major, those in the English,
foreign language and social science
areas," Dykstra said.
Typical of the problems the ca-
reer division deals with are those
concerning students who have
transferred from other schools to
the literary college and need ca-
reer advice. Other students who
have questions about job oppor-
tunities for individual academic
programs are counseled.
Plan Travel
Inaddition, the career coun-
seling office has information to
aid those who plan to travel to
other cities in the nation or abroad
and are seeking occupational as-
Various resources are at the
disposal of the office, Dykstra ex-
plained. Directories, such as those
designating the literary market
place, are "fertile ground" for em-
ployment recruitment reference.
The office carries on corre-
spondence, requesting information
on continuous openings, with
many agencies and firms through-
out the country. Job briefs are
sent to the bureau periodically by
personnel divisions in certain
areas of employment. These briefs
help to provide practical job in-
formation for students and alert
the office to opportunities, Dyk-
stra said.
Placement Annual
"The office makes extensive use
of the College Placement Annual.
The Annual is published by the

Across Campus

College Placement Council, a na-
tional career counseling group. Al-
though the counseling office does
not place students in specific jobs,
it is able to indicate what pos-
sibilities are open to them through
use of the Annual," Dykstra ex-
Special employment categories
are cited in the publication. Among
the categories listed are govern-

Prof. Kenneth L. Pike of the
English department will speak on
"The Teaching of English Com-
position Viewed through Tagmem-
ic Theory" at 8 p.m. today in 3003
North Hall.

will speak on "Some Features of
Italian and European Philosophy"
at 4 p.m. today at the Dearborn
Center. Prof. Rossi-Landi is a vis-
iting professor of philosophy at
the University.

ment employment possibilities
abroad and positions of particular
concern to women, to those ex-
perienced in specific skills and to
students available only for sum-
mer work.
In addition, the Bureau of Ap-
pointments maintains a browsing
library and distributes hundreds
of career pamphlets every semes-

Labor, Management ...Speech Assembly...


Prof. Fischer also made studies
of the social security systems of
Australia and New Zealand.
Another research project now
being sponsored by the interna-
tional business program is an ap-
praisal of the professional busi-
ness education received by Asian

Roberts Notes Success
Of. A ustralian Telescope

"Using the Parkes radio-tele-
scope in New South Wales, Aus-
tralia, we have been able to collect
a great deal of data in the last
few years," Prof. James A. Roberts,
research physicist at the telescope
station, said at an astronomy col-
loquium recently.-
The radio-telescope, sponsored
by the Commonwealth Scientific
and Industrial Organization, has
a dish with a diameter of 210
feet. By aiming the dish towards a
galactic or extra-galactic body or
groups of bodies in space, the ra-
dio-telescope personnel can detect
the electromagnetic radio waves
One of the main projects of
the radio-telescope is a source
survey, Prof. Roberts said. In a
source survey, the sky is scanned

a k



to find the location of sources
giving off intense radio waves at
different wave lengths.
Study Milky Way
Also, the galactic plane, the
plane in which the Milky Way lies,
is being studied. The center of the
galaxy has already been mapped
at several frequencies, he added.
Another project investigates
magellanic clouds. These are ir-
regular galaxies of stars close to
the Milky Way galaxy. Most ma-
gellanic clouds are found in the
southern sky, which makes it pos-
sible for the radio-telescope to
cover them.
Other projects involve readings
on normal galaxies and measure-
ments of radio sources occultated
by the moon. Normal galaxies are
those without a strong radio emis-
Normal Galaxies
At present, four normal galaxies
have been discovered with the
emission coming from a small
source near the nucleus rather
than from a halo around it, Prof.
Roberts noted.
The purpose of measuring the
radio source occultations is to de-
termine accurately and with high
resolution the radio emission in-
tensity distribution.
One major field of study for the
radio-telescope is linear polariza-
tion of radio sources. Polarization
occurs when radio waves from a
source are predominantly aligned
along one axis of a magnetic field.
Galaxies are one source of pol-
arized 'radio emission. Also, with-
in our own solar system, the planet
Jupiter is a polarized source.
Mentioning future work, Prof.
Roberts said, "we hope to measure
the velocities of nearby galaxies.-

(Continued from Page 1)

policy. One study of 91 institutions
found only five that had com-
mittees concerned with academic
policies. This reflects the strong
tradition that the board should
concern itself primarily with fi-
nances and physical plant."
Four Year Terms
The report stated that there is
a trend towards terms of about
four years for trustees with a limit
on the number of re-elections and
a definite, enforced retirement age.
Some schools like Harvard and
Western Reserve University have
created dual boards. Harvard has


a small executive board with a
larger group of overseers with a
veto power. The overseers sit on
visiting committees that continu-
ally appraise the functioning of
the university.
Western Reserve has one board
for administrative and one for
educational problems.
Criteria for selecting trustees
presents the problem of "whether
political considerations or per-
sonal wealth influence trustee se-
lection unduly." Also most in-
stitutions believe that faculty
should not become members of
their own boards.
'Old Grads'
In addition some observers have
criticized boards made up entirely
of alumni "because of the great
inclination of some 'old grads' to
resist any change in their be-
loved college."
The report states that non-
academic people misunderstand
the role of trustees. "They con-
ceive of the board as the pin-
nacle of a power hierarchy. No-
thing could be farther from the
truth. The heart of the university
community is the men and wo-
men who carry forward the uni-
versity's central tasks of teaching
and research."


Carnegie Foundation Study
Examines Role of Trustees

Prof, John T. Dunlop of Har-
vard University will speak on "La-
bor - Management - Government
Policies" at 8 p.m. today in the
Multipurpose Rm. of the UGLI.
The program is sponsored by the
University Economic Society and,
the Economics Club.
Community Politics...
Prof. Nelson W. Polsby of Wes-
leyan University will speak on
"Community Politics" at 4 p.m. to-
day in 2402 MH. The program is
sponsored by the political science
Group Leadership...
Prof. Mauk Mulder of the State
University of Utrecht, The Neth-
erlands, will speak on "Threat,
Group Cohesiveness and Strong
Leadership" at 4:15 p.m. today in
1412 MH.
Student, World...
Paul A. Schlipp of Northwestern
University will lecture on "The
Student and Present World Im-
pacts" at 4:15 p.m. today in Aud.
A. The lecture is sponsored by
the Office of Religious Affairs.
Zoology Department...
Prof. Billy E. Frye of the zoology
department will speak on "Func-
tional Differentiation of the Pan-
creatic Islet Tissue" at 1 p.m. to-
day in 2501 East Medical Bldg.
Italian Philosophy...
Prof. Ferruccio Rossi-Landi of
the University of Padua (Italy)
.Invent Filter
To Stop Clots
A filter to prevent fatal blood
clots formed in the legs from
reaching the lungs has been de-
veloped by two University sur-
Prof. Marion' S. DeDeese of the
Medical School and Dr. Daniel C.
Hunter, Jr., of Ogden, Utah, re-
ported on their innovation at a
recent meeting of the Western
Surgical Association in St. Louis.
The filter, a grid of 10-16 dac-
ron, "harp-strings" placed in the
stomach allows fluid blood to trav-
el to the lungs, but arrests the pas-
sage of clots until they dissolve.
Prof. DeWeese and Dr. Hunter
have tested the filter for five
years, during which 17 out of 24
patients on whom the grid was
tried survived, while the seven fa-
talities were attributed to causes
other than the passage of clots to
the lungs.

BOOK and


Prof. Richard L. Cutler of the
psychology department will dis-
cuss "Public Universities and the
Society" at 4 p.m. today in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The address is
sponsored by the speech depart-
Tau Beta Phi
Adds Initiates
At its fall banquet Monday
night Tau Beta Phi, engineering
honor society, initiated pledges
and heard Zephyerin A. Marsh,
marketing manager for Minnea-
Awards were presented to Louis
C. Westphal, '64E, as outstanding
pledge, and to David Fischer, '63E,
for the best pledge essay.
Honor Initiates: wilbur C. Bigelow,
Frank E. Richart, and Edward H. White,
Others initiated were: Richard Adams,
'63BAd; James Amend, '64E; James Ba-
ker, '65E; Roger Bennett, '63E; Jeffrey
Berno, '63E; Louis Bloch, '63E; Bruce
Bradshaw, '63E; Shiu-Chu Chiu,. '63E;
Kenneth Coeling, '63E; William Delgass,
'64E; Richard Eberhard, '64E; David
Fischer, '63E; Robert Forche, '63E; Paris
Genalis, '64E; James Haidt, '63E; John
Hamma, '63E; Laverne Hoag, '64E; Da-
vid Hubbard, '63E; Hale Huber. '63E;
Jerome Kroot, '63E; John Lawser, '63E;
Kiu Hee Lee, '63E; Harry Lenox, '63E;
Jorge Leon-Agusti, '63E; Sanford Lewis,
'64E; Robert JAllie, '64E; Jeffrey Litt,
'63E; Robert Macklin, '63E; Hazim Mat,
'63E; Gary McCarbery, '63E; John Mc-
Connell, '63; William Millard, '63E; Wil-
lard Myers. '63E; Vernon Nickel, '63E;
Michael O'Neil, '63E.
Also initiated were: Lee Ovenshire,
'63E; Marvin Overway, '63E; Thomas
Palmer, '63E; David Paul, '63E; Ar-
nold Revzin, '63E;, Paul Riewald, '63E;
V. Karlis Riters, '63E; Roger Route,
164E; Sheldon Rubin, '65E; Phillip Sals-
bury, '64E; Ole Sandes, '64E; Joseph
Sarnowski, '63E; Robert Schultz, '63E;
Benson Shapiro, '63E; Thomas Smith,
'63E; Andrew Snively, '64E; John Spriggs,
163E; Bradley Taylor, '63E; Cevat Tem-
izer, '63E; Willard Vandenberg, '63E;
william Vockel, '63E; Gerald Weiss,
'64E; Franklin Werner, '63E; Louis West-
phal, '64E; Charles Zakrajsek, '63E.

- mwmwmqwpmwowp

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The Daily Bulletin is an official
publication of the University of
Michigan for which The Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564
Administration Building before 2
p.m. two days preceding publication.
General Notices
A Meeting for All Freshmen and
Sophomores interested in business ad-
min. will be held on Thurs., Dec. 13,
at 3:15 p.m. in Rm. 130, School of Bus.
Admin. This meeting is sponsored by
the Bus. Admin. Student Council for
the purpose of providing students with
information about curriculum and ca-
reers in bus. admin., including account-
ing, finance, industrial relations, insur-
ance and actuarial science, internation-
al business, marketing, production man-
agement, and statistics. A coffee hour
following the meeting will give stu-
dents an opportunity to talk informally
with faculty membe_"s representing
these fields.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Hatcher will hold an Open House on
Wed., Dec. 12 from 4-6 p.m., at their
home, 815 S. Univ. Ave. All students
are cordially invited to attend.
Day Calendar
9:00 a.m. to 11:50 a'm.-17th Annual
Short Course for Assessing Officers.
1:00 p.m.-Dept. of Anatomy Seminar
-Dr. Billy E. Frye, Dept. of Zoology,
"Functional Differentiation of the Pan-
creatic Islet Tissue": Rm. 2501, E. Med-
ical Bldg.
4:00 p.m.-Dept. of Speech Assembly
-Prof. Richard L. Cutler, Dept. of
Psychology, "Public Universities and the
Society": Rackham Lecture Hall.
4:00 p.m.-Dept. of Political Science
Colloquium-Prof. Nelson W. Polsby,
Dept. of Government, Wesleyan Univ.,
"Community Politics": Rm. 2402, Mason
4:15 p.m.-Dept. of Botany Seminar-
Dr. Eddie P. Hill, Dept. of Botany,
"Neurospora Trehalases": Rm. 1139, Nat.
Science Bldg.

4:15 p.m.-Office of Religious Affairs
Lecture-Paul A. Schilpp, Dept. of Phil-
osophy, Northwestern Univ., "The Stu-
dent and Present World Impacts": Aud.
A, Angell Hall.
8:00 p.m.-Research Club in Language
Learning Lecture-Prof. Kenneth L.
Pike, Dept. of English and Anthropology,
"The Teaching of English Composition
Viewed through Tagmemic Theory":
Rm. 3003, N. Univ. Bldg.
8:00 p.m.-Sigma Xi Lecture-Dr. John
L. Oncley, Prof. of Chemistry and Bio-
chemistry, and Director of the Biophys-
ics Research Division, "Lipid-Protein
Interactions": Rackham Amphitheater.
Dept. of Psychology Presents Collo-
quium: Dr. Mauk Mulder, Prof. of So-
cial Psychology, will speak on "Threat,
Group Cohesiveness, and Strong Leader-
ship," today at 4:15 p.m. in 1412 Mason
Hall. Coffee hour at 3:45 p.m. in Mason
Hall Lounge, 3417.
Student Government Council Approval
for the following student-sponsored ac-
tivities becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All pub-
licity for these events must be withheld
until the approval has become effective.
Ann Arbor Friends of the Student
Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
(SNCC), Food Drive and Petition, Dec.
12-14, 9:00-4:00, Fishbowl.
International Student Assoc., Christ-
mas Party, Dec. 15, 8:00-12:00 p.m., In-
ternational Center.
Chemistry Dept. Colloquium: Dec. 13,
8:00 p.m., Rm. 1300, Chem. Bldg. Dr.
Bernard Weinstock (Ford Motor Co. Sci-
entific Laboratory) will speak on "Sym-
metry, Jahn-Teller Theorem and the
Hexafluoride Molecules."

The/ #ti'dente '6
is only 3 days away!
Get your tickets now
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(Former South Quad men may buy their tickets
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Film Showing: "The Mastery of
Space," the story of Project Mercury,
58 minutes, 4:05 p.m., in the Multi-
purpose Rm. of the UGLI, shown by the
Arnold Air Society. There is no charge
at this event.
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof.
Rudi Ong, Aeronautical Engrg., will
(Continued on Page 5)


Wednesday, December 12, 4:15 P.M.
Auditorium 'A', Angell Hall



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