b STUDENT-FACULTY GOVERNMENT MOTION See Editorial Page Y Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom 43at&j. COLD Hgh-13 Low- -5 Fair today, cloudy, slightly warmer tomorrow VOL. LXXHI, No. 72 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES FPA Amends Rules For Rush Procedure Act To Shorten Period Three Days; Riecker Notes Hazing Regulations The Fraternity Presidents' Assembly last night amended Inter- fraternity Council bylaws affecting rush procedures and time sched- ules. One amendment abolishes the last three days of both fall and spring rush, but leaves the opening day of rush scheduled as before. Another amendment allows houses to invite rushees back to smokers on the first Tuesday after rush, but leaves that Tuesday open for open houses as well. Limits Time It also adds the first Wednesday after rush to the rush calendar, and permits lunches and smokers on that day until 9 p.m. But it Crosman Says School To Study Deposit Need Preliminary investigation into the need for enrollment deposits for graduate students is underway, Assistant to the Dean of graduate school Max W. Crosman said yesterday. Presently there are about 19,000 graduate students who have completed masters degrees but have not declared specific intentions about further studies. Anywhere from 300 to 900 of these students may show up at registration and the graduate school often has noI advanced knowledge of this number, Crosman commented. The need to have a control on the number of students may become apparent as early as April or May, when the graduate school will - - n GEORGE ROMNEY ..discusses 'U' problems Delays Stand On Policies By KENNETH WINTER and WILLIAM BENOIT Special To The Daily LANSING-Now working from a makeshift office in the state capital, in preparation for his Jan. 1 inauguration, Gov.-elect George Romney is finding that it is still "too early" to take a stand on the state's and the University's edu- cation problems. Concerning the University's ap- propriation for the 1963-64 aca- demic year, for instance, Romney said in an interview yesterday that he hasn't had time to study the University's request, which is currently being processed by the state controller's office. He did predict that "there will be some differences" between his policy on handling budget requests, and that of Gov. John B. Swain- son. Too Early However, the governor-elect said it is too early to specify exactly how these differences will affect his recommendations to the state Legislature for the Univer- sity's appropriations. Turning to the controversy over Communist speakers on public col- lege campuses, Romney again de- clined to comment on specific cases that have arisen, although, as a general principle, he feels that speeches under these circum- stances should have "an educa- tional purpose." Qualified Students As to the out-of-state student question, which usually attracts i some interest each year among legislators, he noted that Michi- gan's higher educational system "has acquired nationwide respect and prestige through attracting qualified students from all parts of the country. "I hope this will continue to be true," he said. He pointed out 'that on .the question of University-state gov- ernment relations, which underlies all these problems, he concurs in the principle of university auton- omy. limits the rushing activities al- lowed on the first Friday after rush begins to 6 p.m. FPA passed a third amendment advancing the permissable date of first possible bids to the first Sun- day after rush. The action came after an original amendment ad- vancing the date to the first Fri- day after rush was defeated. IFC Executive Vice-President David Croysdale, '63, said that the amendments proposed were the re- sult of "considerable study" on the part of the IFC Rush Committee and the recommendations of the IFC executive committee. To Issue Clarification IFC Administrative Vice-Presi- dent Fred Riecker, '63, explained that the IFC executive committee will soon issue a clarification of IFC bylaws concerning pledging practices and hazing. "We want to make sure that everyone under- stands exactly what the rules say so that there will be no future ac- tion similar to the recent ATO practices." Riecker added that some prac- tices were obviously and certainly prohibited. "These include pad- dling, unnecessary physical mal- treatment of pledges, and any form of public humiliation of any pledge or group of pledges by making them dress unusually or subject them to any treatment which would bring discredit to the fraternity system." Croysdale explained that the judicial action taken by IFC exe- cutive committee against ATO re-. sulted from violations of IFC reg- ulations regarding physical mal- treatment of pledges. The fine was $250, with prohibition of rush and $250 more suspended. State ACLU To Consider Shapiro Case The Michigan branch of the American Civil Liberties Union is presently considering the case of the dismissal of Prof. Samuel Shapiro from Michigan State Uni- versity-Oakland, Ernest Mazey executive director of the state or- ganization, said yesterday. At present the Michigan ACLU is "very much interested and con- cerned," he noted. A committee is reviewing the case and will shortly make a decision. Mazey expressed confidence that the ACLU will decide favorably toward Shapiro. Nicholas Kazarinoff, secretary of the Ann Arbor-Washtenaw County ACLU, commented that "many of this branch are concerned with the case and regard it as a pretty serious violation of academic free- dom." The University Ad Hoc Com- mittee for the Reinstatement of Shapiro last night passed a state- ment urging the University Pro- fessors Association to investigate the dismissal. At an ACLU board meeting Monday night Mazey announced that the Detroit branch would be actively participating in the case and would take whatever steps it thought necessary, Kazarinoff said. FRED BATLLE ... new SGC plan SGC Change To Consider By RICHARD KELLER SIMON Student Government Council will consider two seperate motions tonight which would take initial steps in reorganizing SOC. A motion by Fred Batlle, '63 A&D, and Kenneth Miller, '64, asks the Regents to approve ex- tensive changes in SGC structure, increasing Council membership from 18 to 22 by adding two elected and two ex-officio mem- bers. The motion would also re- move voting power from ex- officios. The other motion, from the Committee on the University, pro- poses further studies into the pos- sibility of establishing a joint stu- dent-faculty government. Discus- sion of this proposal has been held over from last week's meeting. Ex-Officios' Role The first motion is essentially concerned with ex-officio status on Council. It is based on the prin- ciple that ex-officios should not have voting privileges because they (1) are not democratically elect- ed, (2) do not necessarily have a wide knowledge of student affairs, and (3) do not have adequate time to devote to their own organiza- tions, their studies, and Council. As a result they spend little time on Council. The motion keeps ex-officios on Council, instead of eliminating them, as it recognizes that they have value in a advisory capacity. It adds two ex-officios, the highest officers in Graduate Student Council and Intercooperative Council. Regental Support Under provisions of the Student Government Council Plan, Coun- cil must get Regental approval of any reorganization. It may also put the proposal before the stu- dent body in a Spring referendum. Also on tonight's agenda are motions from Daily Editor Michael Olinick, '63, protesting the pro- posed amendment to the Ann Ar- bor City Code on disorderly con- duct; from Howard Abrams, '63, condemning Michigan State Uni- versity-Oakland's firing of Prof. Samuel Shapiro; and from Michael Kass, '65, supporting the work of Ann Arbor Friends of the Stu- dent Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. 4decide whether to ask for $50 en- rollment deposits, he indicated. All Applicants If the graduate school were to initiate an enrollment deposit, it would be requested of all graduate students now enrolled and of all new applicants, Crosman added. If the quota for the school were filled by these students, it would not be possible to accept any of the undecided graduate students, he continued. Often these students return to the University for short courses, special degrees or doctorates. The undecided students wishing to re-enroll for further graduate work are asked to submit a letter requesting re-admission before go- ing to registration. At the time this letter is received, records are "'pulled out of the deep freeze" and requests for the deposit would be made, Crosman maintained. Guarantee Place Dean Stephen H. Spurr,, assist- ant to the Vice President for Aca- demic Affairs, pointed to the phil- osophy behind enrollment de- p:osits: 1) to guarantee students a place at the University; 2) to give the deans and departments an idea of how many students they will have, and 3) to try to minimize the problem of more stu- dents returning than expected. The alternatives to enrollnent deposits, according to Crosman, are a pre-paid portion of tuition such as the University of Illinois or Purdue University have initiat- ed or a complete pre-registration system instead of the present pre- classification plan. Until now there has been no need for a general deposit in the graduate schools because few de- partments w e r e overcrowded, Crosman indicated. No Problems Special assistant to the vice- president for student affairs Pet- er Ostafin said that the dental, medical and law schools all have advanced deposits, however there is no problem a1tout continuity of enrollment in these areas. In the graduate school with larger numbers of students, there is no guarantee how many will re- turn, Ostafin maintained. Graduate students living in Uni- versity housing already have a $50 housing deposit which would prob- ably be combined with the enroll- ment deposit similar to the com- bined housing-enrollment s u m posted by undergraduates, Ostafin speculated. Invoke Fifth Amendment At Hearings By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-A House sub- committee on Un-American Ac- tivities yesterday opened hearings investigating the Women Strike for Peace movement, but it heard the first three witnesses completely or partially invoke the Fifth Amendment. Mrs. Lyla Hoffman, an organ- izer of the strike movement in Great Neck, N.Y., conceded that she once was a Communist Parry member but said she had not been one for the past five years. Mrs. Ruth Meyers of Roslyn, N.Y., indignantly denied that she was the Ruth Meyers who had signed a Communist nominating1 petition in 1948 for New York City Council, but she invoked the Fifth Amendment when asked if she had ever been a Communist. Overriding ;the protest of Reu . Clyde Doyle' (D-Cal), chairman of the subcommittee, Mrs. Blanche Posner of Scarsdale, N.Y. delivered an impassioned lTcture covering' Strontium 90 and nuclear testing. She then pleaded the Fifth Amend- ment in refusing to answer all' questions, including whether she was a Communist. In the course of the hearing, a one-time FBI agent strode down the center aisle of the crowded hearing room and demanded the committee halt its probe. "I pe- tition you to stop these proceed- ings before you heap disgrace upon the American people," shouted Jack Levine. He was removed. All witnesses avoided saying whether they knew Mrs. Dagmar Wilson, leader of the Washington strike which picketed the White House. Thant To Ask For Boycotts UNITED NATIONS (JP)-Secre- tary-General U Thant yesterday prepared formal appeals to the United States and other key United Nations member nations to apply economic and other pres- sures on the Congo's secessionist Katanga province. Informed sources said Thant would send the appeals today in' line with his determined effort to force a showdown with Ka- tanga President Moise Tshombe. The United States, Belgium and Britain were mentioned as among the first slated to receive the ap- peals. Thant was reported to have as- surances from the United States and Belgium of support for an economic boycott of Katanga's revenue-producing cobalt and cop- per if Thant deems it necessary. Of Co-ed House Split For South Quadrangle educational purpose of the Uni- versity " Noting that both the Union and the League enjoy status as regen- tal groups operating exclusive of the Office of Student Affairs, Prof. Cutler asked the committee to con- sider the relationship of the two groups to the OSA. Urges Redefinition He urged a redefinition of the relationship between the Union, League and Student Government Council, originally conceived as a responsive, responsible representa- tion of the student body. "The real question involved in the merger study is to what degree the Union, League, SGC or OSA is really held accountable in the light of the educational goals set by the faculty and to what degree is it necessary that centralization should occur so that responsibil- ity can be definitely nailed down," he commented. "If the League offers opportuni- ties for development that the Un- ion does not, or vice-versa, and if under examination they prove de- sirable to the educational process, I would definitely move toward a merger." Evening Session In the evening session, student leaders gave their views on the' merger and its pertinent details. Though the general consensus favored the merger, there were those who feared that the combi- nation of these fortresses, two of the last against co-education, would partially destroy the value gleaned from working for them. Others feared that with the in- creased efficiency such a merger would create many students would be deprived of their posts at them. Quelched Argument Those in favor of the merger quelched this latter argument, at- testing that a student who works 40-60 hours per week on extra- curricular activities as is required of the president of the Union can- not do justice to his studies. SGC President Steven Stock- meyer spoke for the plans pro- ponents by emphatically emphas- izing the "definite need for co- ordination of student organiza- tions on campus, and that "the extensive overlapping functions of the Union and League only point .up a bigger problem."+ CUTLER SPEECH: Committee Meets To Discuss Mergyer By LOUISE LIND and THOMAS CREECY Members of the Union-League Study Committee met in two sep-I arate sessions yesterday with representatives from the Student Rela- tions Committee of the Faculty Senate and the student body to con- sider the proposed Michigan Union-Women's League merger. In the afternoon session, Prof. Richard Cutler of the psychology department and chairman of the SRC advised the study committee to examine the issue "in light of the ' Start Action On 'Dry Line' By RICHARD KRAUT A group of local businessmen will meet today with William Lo- las of Jackson to formally start a campaign to eliminate the Divi- sion St. "dry line." At present, Ann Arbor's char- ter prohibits the sale of intoxicat- ing beverages south and east of a long line which stretches from. Fuller St. in north campus through Division St. to Packard St. at the' city's southern limits. Only drug stores are exempted. To amend the charter, five per cent of the city's eligible voters must sign a petition asking for a referendum, according to Lolas. This means that the petition will need 1500-1800 signatures, he es- timated. Lolas also said that it will have to be submitted at least 90 days before April 1. election day. Ielped in 1960 Lolas also helped Ann Arbor merchants pass a referendum in November, 1960 to permit the sale of liquor by the glass. "Up to now," he said, "not too much has been done because I was busy scouting businessmen that were interested. And I found that quite a few were." Lolas also said that action on the "dry line" had been delayed because of disagreement between two groups. One group, he said, "wanted only to bring the line further east, so that it would not cut the campus off." The other group wanted a complete elimina- tion of the "dry line." No Support . Mayor Cecil O. Creal said yes- terday that a move to eliminate the line "would probably not get the support of the people." Local merchants have attacked the existence of the line, charging that it is archaic and that it does not add to business opportunities. The "dry line" has been of some concern in University circles; it prevents the Michigan Union from serving alcoholic beverages at meals, and helps to dampen hopes of a faculty meeting center on the central campus area. Study Report Needs House Acceptance Council Adopts Idea From Quadrant Unit By MICHAEL ZWEIG A study committee of South Quadrangle Quadrants has rec- ommended in a 20 page report that South Quad be converted to a co- educational housing unit on a ver- tical plan. The report was submitted for comment to the South Quad Coun- cil last night, and the council for- mally approved the principles of the report in a motion advising the various houses in South Quad. The vertical plan calls for a di- vision by sex of the quad by east and west wings, men living on one side, women on the other. The re- port states that the names of the houses might be shuffled to repre- sent other areas of the Quad. - Best Suits The report supports its decision because the vertical plan "best suits the physical structure of South Quad." The report asserts that the "men and women would be integrated but would retain a necessary portion of the cohesion, unity, privacy, and security which now exists." Robert Ditz, '64E, spokesman for the Quadrant study committee said that on the basis of informal dis- cussion with men of South Quad and women in Mary Markley Hall, the vertical plan seems to be in accord with the majority of stu- dents. The report states that any as- sessment of plans for integration of South Quad must consider the effect of the plan on public and alumni opinion and possible reac- tion. Pay Attention Any plan "must pay careful at- tention to the essential requisites of privacy," it says. The report continues to say that the plan of vertical integration would cause the minimum adverse reaction from the public and the alumni. The report considers in some detail various problems involved in conversion of South Quad. These include the questions of elevator use; use of the ninth floor study hall, Club 600, the ground floor of the Quad after women's hours; co-educational eating facil- ities, use of the quad library and lounges; and separation of men and women in the quad as a whole. Vertical Integration The report concludes that ver- tical integration best solves the problems of conversion, although not all questions were resolved completely. The largest single problem most difficult to satisfactorily overcome with the vertical plan was the question of integrating by sex of the eating facilities of the quad. Another plan of conversion of South Quad is the so-called hori- zontal plan, which calls for entire floors on both sides of the quad to be reserved for either men or women. More Adequate The Quadrants' report concludes that the vertical plan more ade- quately and satisfactorily deals with the problems than does the horizontal plan. Ditz said that the horizontal plan does solve some problems more adequately than the vertical plan, for example storage of wom- en's formals, but that "more im- portant" questions of "security" are better solved with the vertical plan. Other members of the Quadrant Committee were David Hall, '63 Ed; R. Terry Sack, '63, and Wayne Wittemeyer, '64. Two Houses Win IQC Sing The combined choir of Martha Cook Hall and Michigan House of West Quadrangle took top honors Approve Vertical Plan Lewis Predicts Appointment Of Housing ]Director Soon The Office of Student Affairs is still looking for a housing director, and hopes to name a choice by the end of the semester, Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis said yesterday. "We are looking for someone with a good understanding of the academic side of the University," Lewis said. He hopes that the housing director will work for a closer student-faculty relation in the residence halls and towards a more academically oriented hous- ing system in general. Counselling Experience "It is most hopeful that the housing director will have had counselling background and ex- perience in student affairs," Lewis added. The housing director, who will be a part of the Office of Student Affairs, will have overall respon sibility for University residence halls, including quadrangles and women's dormitories, Lewis ex- plained. ... .... .::. .............. ..{i?:'.:i$"...".:""a:X.:.."... Irs tees Need Academic Values f TWO YEAR ABSENCE: Campus Hails Advent of New Gargoyle By H. NEIL BERKSON It is a special day for the University: Gargoyle is back. The campus humor magazine which made its last appearance in the spring of 1960 has finally been revived. After two years of abortive efforts, a crew headed by editor John Dobbertin, '64, has produced a 32 page issue ready for consumption. "We're looking for a new format in college humor magazines," Dobbertin says. "The trend is against us. The old magazines, such as the Princeton Tiger, aren't selling. They're dying out." The first three issues of the new Garg will be highly experi- mental. "This is not by any means the final format. We have to see: c-r' oftan amn- lip1 n nhhprtin emnh asied. ::.e Consider Rules "He and his staff will consider the rules and regulations govern- ing the residence halls, and sug- gestions made by Inter-Quadrangle Council," Lewis continued. The housing office will also direct all business operations con- nected with the residence halls, and "we are trying to find a per- soi who has an understanding of the business side of housing as well" to take the position of hous- ing director, Lewis said. Another area to be under the housing director will be the selec-; tion of residence hall counselling staff. I jrv Deternine. By GAIL EVANS A board of trustees must in- form itself on the educational aims of the university or college in order to act wisely on major questions before the institution, and "most boards are not do- ing so," a recently published report from the Carnegie Foun- dation for the Advancement of Teaching asserted. The relationship between the trustees and the university president, faculty, managerial problems, fiscal responsibility and the organization of the board are major areas discussed in the report. "If there is anything that should characterize the trustee's vision of what the institution as its best could be it is breadth." the study, entitled "The Role of the College and University Trustee," maintained. Public Interest "Trustees are committed to the public interest insofar as it can be served by an institution of higher learning, and par- ticularly by their own institu- university," was suggested in the report. This committee would not interfere with the faculty's re- sponsibility for academic policy, but would raise questions and urge re-evaluation and discus- sion. Visiting Committees "By all odds the most effec- tive mechanism for communi- cation between faculty and trustees is the system of visit- ing committees developed at Harvard University and other institutions." One of the basic responsibili- ties of the trustees is the selec- tion of the president of the in- stitution. The report endorsed the policy of trustee-faculty communication in this decision. "The relationship between the trustees and the president is best described in terms of the familiar distinction between policy and operations. Thy board limits itself to broad considerations of policy. The president is the operating head of the institution." Active Role of trustees is to represent the college or university to the world. Since trustees are us- ually drawn from the leader- ship in large communities, they can play an important role in protecting the institution f rom "improper pressures or 'attack and particularly from outside interference with legitimate teaching functions." Trustees can also be instru- mental in fund raising and fis- cal responsibility. Complex 'Housekeeping' Most boards are well suited to handle the "complexities of large-scale housekeeping" such as investments, maintenance and expansion of the physical plant. However, the report em- phasized the need for know- ledge of the educational aims in relation with physical expan- sion. The study of the organiza- tion of boards indicated that they vary in size from three to 115, with a median of 15. Pub- lic institutions average at ten and private institutions have a median of 24. 3t . - -nn --nn mn inr , a +i t