THE MICHIGAN DAILY Arbor's Many Churches Serve Varied Beliefs lxnn Arbor of- thfrtee~ ellowship for Bethlehem Evangelical and Re- Baha'i faith and other world re- holding to the Christian faith and creeds and formed Church. ligions and their relevance to mod- identified with the historic Chris- g their four Liahona Fellowship ern society. Discussions center niversity. The Liahona Fellowship of the around the nature of God in terms tian Church of the Protestant Ref- theran Chap- Reorganized Church of Jesus of the Divine Plan for World ormation. congregation Christ of Latter-Day Saints holds Peace proclaimed by the Prophet The Grace Bible Church Student lends of The services and fellowship meetings Baha'u'llah adequate to establish Guild is an- independent commu- [issouri Synod regularly. a world commonwealth in which nity church which is evangelical ran groups. The Presbyterian Campus Fel- all nations, races, creeds and in outlook and holds to the ex- International lowship provides a varied program classes are closely and permanently plicitness of the Bible in revealing eran College of study, worship and fellowship united. God's will. The church sponsors idents, spon- including seminars, coffee hours, The Collegiate Club of the Uni- .a Bible class and seeks to relate ,upper weekly Sunday Suppers and coffee hours. versity Reformed Church spon- the historic faith to practical daily r x, k gram follow- The Ann Arbor Mennonite Fel- sors speakers, discussions and so- experience. her activities. lowship provides a meeting place cials as a part of their program. Episcopal Foundation PRECISION elp for worship and discussion by The Club seeks to train leaders The Episcopal Student Founda- Inited Breth- mehbers of the Mennonite Church. with conviction and purpose for p tion, sponsored Jointly by the threePAEi for meetings No conference affiliation is ob- confused world, dioceses of the Episcopal Church indation and served. A variety of programs is The Eastern Orthodox Student in Michigan, through Canterbury counsel and presented including discussions, Society is designed for students of House and St. Andrew's Church id opportuni- worship services, music programs, the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church seeks to provide a full program of speakers 'aid recreational activi- and holds discussions, social events worship, study of religious and so-OL MP A ident Chapel ties, and other activities of study and cial questions, service to parish and students of Unitarians worship. The host parish is St. community, and fellowship. R EM ING(TON Council con- The Unitarian Student Group, as Nicholas Church, connected to the Wesley Student Fellowship seeks the Ameri- The University chapter of Chan- Greek Orthodox Archdioceses of 1Mts tana, Luther- ning Foundation, is organized for North and South America, under to offer Methodist students a fel- d and United students whose religious orienta- the Jurisdiction of the Ecumenical lowship where they can integrate odies. Their tion is naturalistic and humanistic. Patriarchate of Constantinople. their religious beliefs with campus and the student lead- This group is closely associated The Muslim Students Associa- study and activities. Bible study, -Ec 'n elected of- with the First Unitarian Church tion includes students from many Kappa Phi, the National organi-nSmih-Corona Electric Portab and programs planned by the countries and represents Islam. Ac- : Foundation group have included talks, for- tivities include congregational zation for Methodist college wor- heatre, choir, ums on the social and political is- prayers, celebrations of special re- en, and social action committee OUR GUARANTEE: ONE YEAR Other activi- sues of the day, trends in religious ligious observances, attempting to are included in its programs. a counseling, thought, problems of intercultural bring about better understanding The University Office of Re- per Club, so- and inter-faith understanding, dif- of Islam among students of other ligious Affairs also provides many- and festival ficulties in the way of peace and faiths and sponsoring lectures. services for students including as- Sedarim and world order plus various social Reformed Services sistance in finding achurch affil- RELIGIOUS OPPORTUNITIES - The many and varied churches Over 50 years of MORRILL support events. The Christian Reformed Stu- iation, information about religious in and around Ann Arbor afford a meeting liace for students of NO 5-9141 314 South entists The Baptist Student Union is dent Guild provides worship serv- groups, sponsoring Freshman Ren- all denominations. Facilities include libraries, study halls, lounges ice Organiza- sponsored by the Memorial Bap- ices and Sunday school for those dezvous, and counseling, and classrooms keyed to encompass student interests. iaccordance tist Church and North Prospect ion 8 of the Baptist. It seeks to provide in- ther Church, spiration, information and fellow- Christ, Scien- ship which create the spiritual cli- gs including m a t e essential for Christian ble, testimon- growth while in college. Activities hristian Sci- include the state BSU convention, maintains a the spring' retreat at Bambi Lake y Student Ac- and a naiton-wide student week at I sponsors a Ridgecrest- Baptist Assembly, plus stian Science other social and spiritual pro- grams. stian Fellow- Another facility for Baptist stu- hapter of the dents is the American Baptist Stu- ian Fellow- dent Fellowship which offers Bi- portunity for ble study, worship, Suppers, and r Christians. discussions and luncheon groups. - s living-unit Join Workshops ' kend confer- The Young Friends meetings in- ip is a stu- elude both silent worship and dis- hout church cussions of social problems, the/ Quaker faith, and other concerns. t Chapel af- Members often participate actively r worship for in projects, of the American faculty and Friends Service Committee, such as weekend workcamps, or pro- ;Inb grams with the mentally retardeds strives to in- and ill. educational The Evangel Temple and the - Catholic stu- Full-Gospel Student Fellowship, It conducts sponsored by the Assemblies of ian Doctrine, God as a Chi Alpha Chapter, pro- , Church His- vides a program of .worship, study stian Morals, of the Scripture, recreation and 1 Ethics. So- fellowship. ances, break- The Church. of Jesus Christ of icnics. Latter-Day Saints provides serv- el, sponsored ices, sacrament meetings and oth- R e f o r m e d er activities, with a special inter- an, seeks to est to- families. .ous needs of Divine Plans by. The group The Baha'i Student Group meets istoric Chris- to consider the teachings of the - onalist inter- le. They alsor-- events. ssociation of A ridual search 1000H EADS ~~ acknowledges - - --r on and seeks be they square, flat or rounded -- to the cam- for that collegiate cut mity througho-ce- nd social ac- mt are the First The Daseela. Barbers h, Memorial Near Michigan Theatre - isciples), and 0,111 It is State 4 Buttonclowns swe have QOOD CLOTHES! What do you mean? It is easy to write nonsense about clothes. GooD FAnBRICs - how would you know? STYLE CORRECTNESS - against RO SHIRTS whose standards? PROPER FIT-whose opinion would you accept? What can you rely on, then? 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