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December 09, 1962 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-09

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Store Handles Ancient Tradition

Former Mayor Donated Fountain

Street Trolleys Ran
To Campus, Ypsilanti


In 1914 when George J. Moe be-
ga a sporting goods stor itan n
establishment would carry the
mantel of tradition for every grad-
When each school in the Uni-
versity would hold its individual
commencements, many different
stores would supply a few gowns
to individual graduates. In addi-
tion, a company from Chicago
would take orders In Angell Hall.
By 1942, however, Moe's was
handling almost the complete
business of academic gowns. In
addition, they were keeping com-
plete records on who wore gowns
They became experts on what
should be worn for University
graduations. In any commence-

ena man shouldd wea th
the hood of his previous one. In
woeuld lift off the ol hood and
put on the new one.
However, at the University,
there are so many candidates for
degrees that there is a variation
of this form. Those receiving doc-
toral degrees wear no hood onto
the platform. As they are given
their hood by the University, they
receive It on the platform. In
order to avoid a pile-up of "old"
hoods, they come hoodless for
their degree.
All degree receivers wear tas-
sels with the color of their school
on the left front of their cap.
However, the gowns differ with

long de eeve the A's erhave
sleves that extend in a wing, long-
er thn tfhe candidates' hand. Te
of velvet on the sleeves and are
velvet edged.
Union Once Was
Arm r ak

One of the
the Michigan

first utilizations of
Union was as an

army barrack for the Student
Army Training Corps during World
War I. Students were housed in
the Union anid fraternity houses
on State Street and ate their meals
in- the unfinished Union building.






Through this door les
pe rfeCt gIft f or you



* tte corner of State and I
N'orth University stands a "foun-
de Leon' fabled fount inthat this
fountain, too, bears a rather
Tnhis beautiful drinking foun-
Lain, which just completed its
i3rd year of thirst-quenching
M. Hamilton.s '69 mayor of A n
Arbor from 1905 to 1907. Mayor
Hlamilton presented the fountain
upon the 50th anniversary of his
graduation from the literary col-
In his will he bequeathed $1,000
Lo the University and a similar
amount to the - city for the pur-
pose of erecting a drinking foun-
Lain at the corner of State Street
and North University Avenue. -
Execute Will
The charge was executed with
devotion and taste by the mayor's
sons and daughters. Both Robert
Aitkin, a sculptor famous for sev-
eral beautiful works in connection
with the San Francisco exposition,
and Albin Polasek, who is repre-
sented by many distinguished
works of art in leading museums
throughout the country, were em-
ployed for this work.
The. fountain itself, usually
passed by with little concern by
the majority of students, is worthy
of comment. The three basins of
the fountain are sunk in the top
of a circular drum of bronze, sur-
rounded by a procession of figures
in relief, representing Youth, La-
bor, Poetry, and Philosophy.
.First come exuberant boys with
cmbals, trumpets and pipes. They
men bearing water-jars and a
child with a basket of flowers. A
young man with a scroll in hand
and a maiden leaning on his arm
precede a grave shepherd with his
sheep and a youth spreading a
Has Inscription
Above the top is the inscription,
Arbor by Francis M. Hamilton,
Mayor, 1905-1907, University of
Michigan, Class of 1869." Polasek,
the sculptor, once said, "It was my
aim' to make something dignified
with a touch of youthful delight,"
and the fresh young faces with
their touch of seriousness, admir-
ably bear out his intention.
Ponce de Leon's fountain was
supposed to restore youth. Ham-
ilton's fountain really serves the
youth of Michigan.
Smal lest Store
The Mast Smoke Shop on the
corner of Liberty and Maynard
Streets was established in 1950 on
the site of a gun shop. They adver-
tise as the -"Largest Little Store in



Street. In fact, Ifn yo kow whr
to look, you might even see the
tracks buried under the pavement.
barn located at the end of Lin-
coln Street at Wells Park. It ran
up Lincoln to Hill Street and I
went east on Hill to Washtenaw.
The curved roadway by the Phi
Kappa Psi house was to permit the
trolleys to make the treacherous I
turn onto Washtenaw. .
Then it was up Washtenaw to
North University. The tracks are
now buried under the median strip.
They ran to State Street and south
on it to Monroe.
Tip Trolley
At South Universit, where
Alumni Memorial Hall isnow lo-
cated, the trolley took a swerve.
Here, on occasion, students would
tip the trolleys off the tracks.
The trolley ran on Monroe to
East University, then around what
is now East Quad, and down Hill
to Lincoln.
Before the State Street trolley
line was built, one ran in the
downtown area. It was started in
1890 and was run by electricity.
The street car barns were located
on Detroit Street. On January 25,
1894, the barns were swept by fire
and all the rolling stock of the
line damaged. This, ended the
local trolleys for about two years.
A new barn was then built on
Dummy Line.
wa heso-called "ummy line
which ran down Packard Street
to Ypsilanti. A small engine called
a dummy, burning soft coal and
boxed in to look like a car, was
used to pull the cars, Samuel
Breakes reports in his "History of
Wahtenaw County." h ln,
which competed with the Michigan
Central, proved .quite successful.
"This was mainly becaus th
service was every hour and a half,
while the fare one way was ten
.Ann Arbor prices, often a sub-
ject o1 dispute among University
students, have been defended quite
capably by State Street merchants.
Paul Wagner believes that bar-
ring discounts, most items are
priced by manufacturers and any
difference in price is generally
that of quality, rather than loca-
Other merchants have expressed
the view that the cost of living in
Detroit, allegedly dominated by
unions, has forced the prices of
Ann Arbor up as transportation
becomes less difficult.

cents instead of twenty-five on
the regular railroad.
simple fact that, whil An Arbor
had three thousand boys and not
enough girls, Ypsilanti had a
tousand girls at the Normal (now
not enough boys.
Restor Balanc
"The street railroad helped to
restore the equililfrium, especially
on Friday evenings, Saturdays and
Sundays," Breakes writes.
Obviously this was a boon to
the local merchants who were able
to serve people from all over the
county. In 1901 a branch was
built to Saline and earlier a con-
nection was built between Detroit
and Ykpsilanti and Ann Arbor and
In 1898 it was converted Into
an electric line. The main power
plant was located in Ypsilanti.

HISTORIC FOUNTAIN-This fountain of youth with its sculp-
tured base, quenches the thirst of Michigan's young people on
spring and summer days.

Area s


are featuring




wi th he r monog ram

with genuine sapphires, rubies and cultured pearls
an outstanding selection of
14 Karat Gold and a
Sterling Silver charms


- .
* 1 '4- Pink
's" 1' Red
'S. .. ~ White
, e4 Black
~ ~, Powder Blue
Every Alice sit-by-the-fire
4 tol1O loves the fairy tale bliss of
this low boot slipper on
by leather sole.
bY/9 Cozy slippers right through
~. cm~t1t~W~t~the looking glass of fashion!
~chritmasU % aa i
Mon. & Fri. 9:00 to 8:30 36S tt
Tues., Wed.,; Thur., Sat. 9:00 to 5:30

T ailIor Shop
Where once there were 14 tailor
shops, now there is only one
around the campus.
Wild's clothing store, having be-
gun in 1888 as a tailor shop, has
continued this function, utilizing
their entire top floor for the ef-
fot. Although it once served man y
made clothes has reserved tailor-
thedprofessiona classes.uuy o
When Wild's moved up to State
Steet in 1904 there was no shop-
Except for -the Quarry Drug store
on the cirner of N. University and
Down the steet lvde Dea
of the Medical School, Dr. Victor
C. Vaughen.
With the first Inkling of th~e
growth of commerce around his
home, Dr. Vaughen built a wall
"as high as the one around Ferry
Field" around his house, which
was. on the present site of the
State Theater.
The third generation of Wilds
is now managing this store. "G.H."
Wild foinded the store, George
Wild Sr. carried on the tradition
of fine quality and now George
Wild Jr., '48. has taken over for
his father.
The history of Wilds Is Inter-
twined with the history of State
Street fires. Each time that the
adjoining restaurant, or a careless
employee would start a fire - a
renovation was in order.

The Good Old Days


No charge for
Same-day service
on request


New Styles First at Wild's FOR MEN'S FINE CHISTMAS SIFTS ?
It is not necessary to dig deeply to unearth gifts
that will be a fashion bonanza for ge'ntlemen on
Christmas. At Wild's there is a gold mine of
Christmas presents at very proper prices.
SDRESS SHIRTS-are always appropriate and prac- ,
/ . ~ticdl as a gift. We have them in oil colors-postels, ~
whites, and stripes. From $4.50 '' '
CARDIGANS-Classic V-necks, doshing Scandinav-
ivan patterns, authentic crew necks, ski types, in .
colors galore. From $13.95
VESTS--For the man of fashion, the reversible vest
is a "must." He'll welcome one of our latest models.
Froui $5.95 --
SPORTS COATS-Our sports coats and blazers hew '
to the authentic University tradition. Approved '
natural shoulder styling in casual fabrics that will
draw admiring glances everywhere. From $35.00 *'" "i
State Street on the Campus ~~f,

MAGIC CAMERA-In the sub, sub, sub basement of Randall Lab, our photographer found the
University time machine and went back to the turn of the century to snap this picture of State Street
and North University Avenue.
..-- -- 5 5 - S 5 . 5- *
SFountain Pens ~ JBulletin Boards Wallets
LIDesk Sets i Desk Organizers Pocket OrganiZers
D eChanical Pencil LIStationery ~ JKey Cases-
( LI encil Sharpeners [~ Brie Cases LIGobes-Atlass


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