See Editorial Page
Sir A
74IZt iiy
Windy with possibility of
2-3 inches more snow
Years of Editorial Freedom
Give RepublicanI
In Evaluation of1
University of Colorado President
resignation Wednesday to become pr
Fund in New York.
The controversial university headr
at a meeting of the Denver Alumni A
the school in June and assume his
'= Th'.
May Resolve
Crisis Soon
BONN (R)~ - Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer was reported yesterday
on the verge of patching up his
coalition government and insuring
his stay in office up to the 1965
general election.
Sources in both parties said
agreement may be reached today-
*in the third round or negotiations
on a new government-on a re-
newed coalition between Adenau-
er's mid-road Christian Democrats
and the right-wing Free Demo-
cratic Party.
The Free Democrats reportedly
agreed to settle for resumption of
the old coalition that broke up
Nov. 20, and to renew their agree-
ment that the 6-year-old Chan-
cellor may stay in office until
shortly before the 1965 general
However, smoothing over of the
rift caused by the Der Spiegel af-
fair still left bad blood between
the two parties. There was little
disposition in Bonn to consider the
Adenauer government's troubles
Der Spiegel reported the release
yesterday of its publishing dire-
tor,'Hans Detlev Becker, one of
eight persons arrested on suspi-
cion of treason in connection with
articles published in the news
magazine. No reason was given for
his release.
It was reported Adenauer's ac-
tion so irked te socialists that
a majority of their Bundestag
members decided it would be im-
possible to form a coalition un-
der him.
There had been pressure on
Adenauer from all parties to re-
sign next year. This stemmed from
resentment over his one-man style
of governing, concern about his
age and the uproar over arrests of
the publisher and four editors of
the news magazine.
The Free Democrats succeeded
in forcing the ouster of Adenau-
er's defense minister, Franz Josef
Strauss. e was widely regarded
as having initiated the arrests in
a vengeful moveagainst the mag-
azine, which often had criticized
SGC Approves
Ross Motion
On Principles
Student Government Council
Wednesday night passed a motion
approving the general aims of a
seven-section proposal intended to
end discrimination in fraternities
and sororities.
After a committee of the whole
discussion, SGC approved a mo-
tion by Council member Robert
Ross, 63, which stated that:
"Council notes the receipt of the
Committee on Membership's mem-
orandum of December. In that
memorandum, the committee asks
Councl to endorse seven proposals.
Some of these actions by their na-
ture must be pursued by the com-
mittee and brought to Council, if
the committee wishes in more com-
plete form, before Council can
judge their merits adequately.
"However, they are all reason-
able as prospectivecourses of ac-
tion and are within the legitimate
scope of the committee's power.
"SGC is sympathetic to the
committee's desire of more speed
and decisiveness in the area of
membership selectionnin student
organizations. Council pledges it-
self to act with all possible speed
on any case brought to it by the
Committee on Membership.
"Although original jurisdiction
Sweep as Factor
Administration w
Quigg Newton announced his
resident of the Commonwealth g
made the official announcement re
ssociation. He said he will leave S
new position next September. fi
e announcement of Newton's C
signation was met with mixed
actions according to Daily Col- c
ado Editor, Tom Parmetier. re
Newton's Personality in
Parmetier said he felt the var-
is responses to news resulted
)m reaction to Newton's person-
ty rather than. from the job he th
C as president. "There have been as
ntroversies ever since Newton w
ok office and each one has been th
st one more step leading to his ti
signation," he noted. ti
Discussing the major events inr
ich the former Denver mayor m
,s played a leading role, Parme- tio
:r outlined several crisis which P.
ye occurred this year alone tic:
In a case now before the Su- ra
eme Court of Colorado, Prof. gi
ward Rozek of the university ru
charging that Newton has
nted freedom of expression andI
ught to all but conservative G
ations. Prof. Rozek's charges ot
m from the negative reaction p
the student body to Barry co
ldwater's visit to the .campus wi
rhier this year. It was the edi- ac
ial response to Goldwater'sf
it and speech that triggered O
wton's firing of the Daily Colo- th
do Editor Gary Althen. fo
Senator Attacks
State Sen. Earl Wolbington (R- om
rlng) has attacked Newton in ca
legislature for excessive spend- ca
the firing of competent per- th
anel, favoritism in promotions, t
position to-student loyalty oaths SW
d campus immorality. tc
n another incident, a civic com- te
ttee, the Boulder Citizens for a pe
tter Colorado University, ad-al
tised this fall in a local paperm
at faculty wages were based Je
political beliefs. Parmetier not-
that it was termed a biased
Another crisis Newton faced
s the dismissal of head foot-
11 coach, Everett Grandelius, last 1
rch after an unsuccessful sea- 1
, on the administration's rec-
imendations. The dismissal was
sed on what was termed "foot-
s recruiting irregularities." Par-
tier said that although Gran-
lius' resignation "looked like vo
ssure" there is nothing con- pr:
sive to prove it.
State Election wi
factor Parmetier felt had
ured significantly in NewtonsFr
ision to resign was the results
the state elections. Colorado th
nt Republican and both the
>-Newton Democratic regents
re defeated resoundingly. The
publican incumbent, Charles
)mley, who was re-elected, had I
npaigned to take Newton out
)n hearing the announcementI
Newton's decision, Bromely ro
nmented that, "this is the best spi
vs I've ever heard." All the da
ler regents said Newton had afi
ne a good job in selecting fac- loc
y, improving the general qual-Z
of the education and programs whi
ered and in making great tri
ides in the physical growth of ab
university. ne
The Commonwealth Fund is aF
lanthropic organization special- in
ng in medical research and in- by
national affairs. po
Snowy Seasn
DG of Bias
The faculty of the University of
Visconsin has voted to approve a
uman Rights Committee recom-
endation and allow Delta Gam-
a sorority to remain on campus.
The committee is also investi-
ating Kappa Sigma fraternity.
,hose national recently withdrew
cognition from the fraternity's
warthmore chapter, Jeff Green-
eld, editor of the Wisconsin Daily
irdinal reported last night.
"As late as Monday night the
immittee was still of the- opinion
hat Delta Gamma should be bar-
d," he said. However, the follow-
g events changed their minds.
Beloit Spark
The first was a resolution by
e Wisconsin DG chapter which
ked that the Beloit chapter,
hose suspension had touched off
e Wisconsin committee's inves-
ration, be reinstated by the na-
The second was a policy state-
ient included in a letter by Na-
bnal DG President Mrs. Kenneth
Groves. It said that the DG na-'
onal has "no policy based upon
ce, color, creed or national ori-
n, either by constitution, bylaw,
le or otherwise written or oral."I
Pledge Policy
It went on to say that "Delta
amma of this university or any
Cher chapter of the sorority may
edge girls without regard to race,
lor, creed or national origin
thout wear of any disciplinary
tion by the national."
According to Prof. Clarence
imstead of the Rights Committee
ose were the two major reasons
r reversing the committee's rec-
nmendation of Sept. 21 which
lled for the banning of DG from
The reason for the suspension of
e Kappa Sigma chapter at
warthmore was given by the na-
nal as "low grades." The chap-
L reported that they were drop-
d because of their refusal to go
ong with a "gentleman's agree-
ent" which bars Negroes and
ws from membership.
MSU Faculty Group
Say Chinese
Truce Vow
NEW DELHI ()-Frontline re-
ports indicated yesterday Red
China had not lived up complete-
ly to its pledge to withdraw its
troops from advanced positions
along the disputed Himalayan bor-
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Neh-
ru said India is keeping its guard
Indian ambulance drivers re-
ported they had seen an estimated
300 Red Chinese troops scattered
in holes in the forests and moun-
tains along a road on the north-
east frontier.
In New Delhi, a government
spokesman said Peking itself hint-
ed that Communist forces were
still holding pre-withdrawal posi-
tions in Ladakh on the northwest
These reports seemed to bear
out Nehru's report to Parliament
Monday that the Red Chinese had
merely thinned out their advanced
forces but had not wholly with-
drawn them as they said they
would do starting last Saturday.
Indian troops have not advanced
toward the Chinese positions, ap-
parently holding back so as not
to break the Chinese cease-fire
imposed Nov. 22 as a forerunner
to withdrawals.
In a news conference Nehru said
he does not see the possibility of
American troops becoming involv-
ed in India's border conflict with
China but that some advisers may
be requested.
Hatchers Land in Chicago
Special To The Daily
METROPOLITAN AIRPORT-University President and Mrs.
Harlan Hatcher circled the snow-bound airport for well over an
hour before their flight from New York was shuttled off to Chicago
late last night.
The Hatcher party will return to Ann Arbor this morning.
The Hatchers landed in New York yesterday after a seven-week
trip to the Far East. At a news conference President Hatcher com-
mented on the India-China crisis.
He predicted that Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru can-
not "suddenly turn against Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev"
and that "he will be following a wily policy to maintain friendly
relations with the Soviet Union, but there is no illusion in India
about receiving any real help from Russia."
He emphasized India's gratitude to the United States for its
support. President Hatcher observed that the "impact of the border
war in India was similar to the effect on us of Pearl Harbor."
Since leaving the University on Oct. 17, President Hatcher has
visited Japan, Formosa, the Philippines, Thailand, India, Egypt, Italy
and Spain. He will give a public report to the University on inter-
national observations at 3 p.m. today in Hill Aud.
President Hatcher was in Toyko when the Cuban crisis began.
He said that the Japanese gave the impression that they felt "it's.
about time". the United States took action.
' . ..stifled return
Unit's Action
Sends Policy
To Trustees
Asks New Committee
To Promote Balance
In Lecture Programs
Michigan S t a t e University's
Academic Council indicated its ap-
proval of the Michigan Coordinat-
ing Council on Higher Education's
speaker policy Wednesday.
The group, which consists of
administrators and 40 elected fac-
ulty members, has in effect given
the policy the backing of the MSU
faculty, Prof. Rollin Simonds,
chairman of the council's steer-
ing committee, said last night.
It now goes to the MSU trustees
for final approval.
The council also asked the crea-
tion of a forum committee of both
faculty and students that would
OCHER work with student groups wishing
to present outside speakers in
order to insure a wide spectrum of
'Excellent Step'
ng rof "Simonds described the
move as "an excellent step" and
expressed the hope that Michigan's
if com-other state-supported colleges and
at the universities would adopt the policy.
due to The speaker policy is patterned
tricted after the recently passed Univer-
sity by-law.
intro- Describing the feelings of the
r seats MSU faculty toward the policy,
to the Prof. Simonds noted that copies
of the were recently passed out at a
ons meeting of MSU's Academic Sen-
ate, a group which consists of the
school's entire faculty on the pro-
fessional level.
'No Objections'
"There were no objections at
all," he said.
"The faculty would have spoken
up if there had been any serious
ampus opposition."
tudent Although he declined to elabo-
d 16-2 rate on his personal view of the
es Na- policy, Prof. Simonds termed it
"definitely not a poor policy."
idrawn It asks that speakers not ad-
dianvocate their audiences to violate
eaving university rules or to action which
nly by is illegal under federal or Mich-
us, the igan law. It also bans advocacy of
ch re- modification of the government
rSNSA. of Michigan or the United States
ied a by means of sabotage or violence.
ther it Estep Formulation
in the The recommendation for a uni-
naidn form speaker policy was approved
. by the coordinating council on
of the Nov. 27. It was formulated by Prof.
Young Samuel Estep of the law school
t their who also headed the committee
which formulated the new Uni-
argu- versity speaker policy.
mem- The coordinating council policy
if par- also places the responsibility for
the or- informing speakers of the restric-
fought tions in the hands of the student
organizations sponsoring the talks.
Eastman Condemns Credit-Hour Gradi
Vote To Revoke Pledging
1or ATOIllegal Hazing
Associate City Editor
The executive committee of Interfraternity Council last night
ted to fine Alpha Tau Omega fraternity $500 and revoke pledging
Ivileges for one rushing period due to illegal hazing activities.
The prevention of pledging activities, as well as $250 of the fine,
ll be suspended for one year, IFC Administrative Vice-President
ederick Riecker, '63, reported.
No details of the case are available, he said, but the decision of
e executive committee was brought about by "legitimate com-
'plaints." It is a step in the frater-
Prof. Arthur M. Eastman of the
English department yesterday con-
demned the University's credit-
hour grading system as an "in-
humane, absurd and wretched
mechanism" and called for its abo-
Speaking at a meeting of the
literary college Steering Commit-
tee, Prof. Eastman asserted that
the only virtue of the credit-hour
system is its "academic efficien-
cy," which permits the University
to judge the level of a student's
achievement by the grade points
he accumulates for hours in class.
Prof. Eastman said that he was
"not at all concerned with what
the registrar's office has to cope
with-they are made for us and
not we for them."
Cruelly Insensitive
Prof. Eastman said that "label-
ing the system 'adult' often means
being cruelly insensitive to human
Reds Retreat
From Yin gko
TOKYA ()-Chinese Commun-
ist troops withdrew Dec. 1 from
Yingko Pass in the eastern sector
of the disputed China-India bor-
der area to north of the Tanchia-
pani River, the New China News
Agency said yesterday.
Its delayed dispatched from
Lhasa, Tibet, did not say how far
the troops actually withdrew.
Pointing to the danger of "quan-
titive equalizing" in evaluating the
student's work by hours of credit
for each course, Prof. Eastman
suggested the alternative of com-
prehensive examinations, to be
given before the student enters an
area of concentration at the end
of two years and across "shoulder
areas as well as the field of con-
centration" at the end of the stu-
dent's four-year undergraduate
In answer to comments by As-
sociate Dean James H. Robertson
of the literary college and Prof.
Otto G. Graf, honors council di-
rector, who raised questions about
possibly "anxiety" and a high rate
of failure resulting from such com-
prehensive examinations, Prof.
Eastman suggested that "informal
grades" be maintained throughout
the student's academic career.
Less Information
He added "I am willing to enter
an area where we have less con-
crete information about the indi-
vidual course work of the student,
until his education is completed,
than we have now."
Questioned by steering commit-
tee chairman Jerold Lax, '63, who
asked whether replacing the cred-
it-hour system with examinations
might "leave out a general picture
of the actual work done," Prof.
Eastman said that he did not wish
to abolish grades entirely, an ac-
tion which he felt "caused chaos
at the University of Chicago in the
1930's;" but simply to end the
grading of individual courses on a
credit-hour basis.
He felt that the failure o
prehensive examinationsa
University in the past wasc
the fact that exams were res
to a few course areas.
The meeting was called to
duce students petitioning fo
on the steering committee1
problems and mechanicsc
committee's weekly discussio
NYU Votes
The Washington Square c
of New York University's s
government last night vote
to rejoin the United Stat
tional Student Association.
The campus had with
from USNSA late last fall, R
NYU students represented o
the University Heights camp
second of the two units, whi,
tained its membership in U
"We formerly establish
committee to look into whet
would be wise to again joi
association," Student Gover
President Martin Gershon s
"During the final daysc
campaign, USNSA and
Americans for Freedom sen
leaders to speak here."
He added that the chief
ment for again establishing
bership in USNSA was thati
tisanship indeed existed in t
ganization, it could be bestf
loses Session.
n Hoffa Case3
NASHVILLE (P) - The court-
om in the James R. Hoffa con-
4racy trial was sealed off yester-
y for a three-hour conference
ter which the jury was ordered
cked up for the duration.
Then without an inkling about
at had transpired, Federal Dis-
ct Judge William E. Miller
ruptly adjourned court until
xt Monday.
Hoffa is charged with conspir-
g to violate the Taft-Hartley Act
accepting payoffs from a trans-
rt firm for labor peace.
on Smiles
nity system's attempt "to develop
constructive pledge programs,"
Riecker noted.
Within Authority
The executive committee in last
night's decision was acting in its
authority to handle disciplinary
matters concerning violations of
IFC bylaws governing rushing and
The penalty dealt to ATO is
the maximum allowed by the by-
laws on pledging.
In reaching its decision, the
committee took into consideration
Article Three, Sections Two and
Six of the pledging bylaws, Rieck-
er said.
No Mistreatment
Section Two states that "no man
under any circumstances shall be
given physical mistreatment dur-
ing his pledge period."
The sixth section maintains that
"any unified pledge activity which
results in public disfavor on the
fraternity system or does physical
harm or damage to fraternity
houses, thereof, and is subsequent-
ly referred to the executive com-
mittee by the Office of Student
Affairs, is a violation of these by-
In other action the committee
voted to invite Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis to
attend an executive committee
meeting and to follow up his visit
by considering a proposal to liber-
alize women's visiting hours in
fraternities if a favorable revision
of women's visiting hours does not
occur before the Christmas recess.
SGC Orientation
The committee also approved a
motion that the Student Govern-
ment Council Orientation Program
jThomas Calls for World Peace
Six-time Socialist candidate for
President Norman Thomas last
night called for Americans to sup-
port the United Nations on the
side of "that freedom of man
which no kind of material bene-
fits can accrue in this atmosphere
of terror."
Since we are now living under
the shadow of nuclear war, this
world will not have the centuries
that Western Europe had to mod-
ernize, Thomas said.
He spoke at a Michigan Union
conference sponsored by the In-
stitute for Labor-Management Re-
lations on the role of the UN in
the changing world.
War or Mankind
At this point we "cannot de-
clare nuclear war without de-
claring war on all minkind."
T-T -hnr d tata Unitpri
third of the Americans who are
living at a sub-standard level, he
"It is with a real sense of won-
der that I look at what the
United Nations has done in this
strife and poverty-torn world
with the charter that it has.
Arms Control
"I would like to see the United
Nations set up an authority on
disarmament in which the power
of the nations is somewhat rela-
tive to the facts of life," the ac-
knowledgement of power as it
really exists.
This authority would be an out-
growth of the United Nations
which would leave the body with
its theory of one nation, one vote,
but give the authority over nu-
clear weapons to the nations
which have it.
This is not to deny the good
power of nationalism which has
been worthwhile in the battle
against colonialism, Thomas said,
but it is impossible to lead states
intent on their sovereignty in this
world of destructive weapons."
But the UN cannot just rep-
resent the righteous for three
reasons, he noted.
"I'm not sure there are enough
righteous nations; I don't know
who would define righteous; and
we still have to live with un-
righteous neighbors." The UN
cannot reform by non-recognition.
Its inclusiveness has enormous
Role of UN
"I was glad to see the role of
the United Nations in the Cuban
episode. The UN should be more
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