'U'Security Clearance Plan Proceeds Smo othly By PHILIP SUTIN Despite processing approximately 200 persons a year, the Uni- versity has had no difficulties with its security program, Joseph J. Keeley, University Research Security officer declared yesterday. In the seven years that he has been security officer no applicant for security clearance has been refused, nor has anyone refused to comply with clearance requirements, he said. Work requiring security clearance includes approximately $20 million worth of research in the physical sciences and employs 1,200 persons. Personnel working on defense department, National Aero- nautics and Space Administration and Atomic Energy Commission- sponsored research must seek clearance before they may gain access to classified documents required for their work. Clearance Requests Keeley noted that requests for clearances come from the elec- trical and aeronautical engineering, physics, chemistry and mathe- matics departments, the Institute of Science and Technology from the Willow Run laboratories and from miscellaneous personnel. No-one from the humanities or social science departments or from other departments of the engineering colleges currently hold clearances, he added. Several years ago, however, menbers of the nautical engineering department received clearances to do feasibility studies in the development of the nuclear powered ship, the Savannah. Only one course - a six-week summer program taught by the aeronautical engineering department - requires a security clear- ance. All participants are Air Force personnel, Keeley reported. 'Need' Basis Not everyone working in defense related projects seeks security clearances. The Nov. 1, 1961 Industrial Security Manual for Safe- guarding Classified Information, the federal security code under which the University operates, specifies that clearance shall be given on a "need to know basis only." Several types of clearances are granted. For defense department work, permission to see confidential, secret and top secret material are granted. On AEC projects, participants receive "L" clearance for limited access to "confidential restricted data" and "Q" clearance for "secret restricted data." The University Research Security Office is the central office for filing clearance requests. It is the only University agency, Keeley said, that handles this task. In addition to processing such requests, the office also supervises security arrangements for research projects. When a researcher or student applies for clearance he must fill' out three forms - a "personnel security questionnaire," a "certificate of nonaffiliation with certain organizations" and a finger print card. The first form, filled out both by the applicant and the Univer- sity requests personal and job data, information on relatives 16 years old or older living in the United States and elsewhere, past employ- ment record, and past arrests or convictions. It also requires an ap- plicant to list all organizations except labor unions and those listed on the "certificate of nonaffiliation with certain organizations" that he has ever belonged to. Subversive Organizations The second form asks if the applicants have ever been a member "past or present, in any organization, association, movement, group or combination of persons, 1) Which advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government; 2) Which had adopted a policy of advocating or approving the commission of acts of force or violence to deny other persons their rights under the Constitution of the United States; or 3) Which seeks to alter the form of government of the United States by unconstitutional means." It also asks whether the applicant was a member of organizations, listed on the form that have "interests in conflict with those of the United States." ' Attorney General's List This list is compiled by the attorney general and the Subversive Activities Control Board and includes such organizations as the Com- munist Party and affiliate organizations, the Ku Klux Klan, the Aus- land-Organization de NSDAP, Overseas Branch of the Nazi Party, and the Japanese Association as well as about 200 other organizations. The current list is dated 1959 and is now being revised. Keeley said the list is somewhat out-dated, noting that some organizations disbanded even before the applicants were born. Ask Affiliation In addition to inquiring about membership, the form asked whether the applicant was "affiliated or associated" with any of the organizations. It also wants to know whether the applicant has engaged since 1947 "in the sale, gift or distribution of any written, printed or other matter prepared, reproduced or published" by the organizations, "agents or instrumentalities" It also asks whether any material had See GOVERNMENT, Page 2 1 ; COUNCIL APPROVES DANGEROUS CHANGE See Editorial Page 11 Si4r i4au ~IE4aiti LIGHT RAIN High--44 Low-38 Cloudy in the morning, becoming colder in the afternoon Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 66 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Members To Elect New SGC Officers Council To Discuss Proposed Plans From Committee on Membership By RICHARD KELLER SIMON Student Government Council will elect officers tonight for all SOC Executive Board positions and will consider proposals from the Committee ondMembership in Student Organizations in a committee of the whole discussion. SGC President Steven Stockmeyer, '63, and Russell Epker, '64BAd, are the only Council members who have announced their intention COALITION: Major German Parties Seek Socialist Bonds BONN WP)-Long spurned by the ruling Christian Democrats and the Free Democrats, the socialists were wooed last night by both parties in attempts to form a new German coalition government. In a surprise move, the small Free Democratic Party of con- servatives put out feelers to the socialists after Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of the Christian Democrats conferred with the Socialist Party members. The Free Democrats, holding the balance of power Announce Detailed Plans F orChanges 0 McNamara UNION-LEAGUE: Says Situation In Tennessee Not Improved By DIANE PINE The situation in Tennessee's Fayette and Haywood counties is still no better than it was two years ago, related Mrs. V. A. Hor- tenstine Vice-Chairman of Opera- tion Freedom. Operation Freedom was organiz- ed in January, 1961, to provide aid for families evicted from their homes because they tried to reg- ister to vote in the 1959 election in Haywood and Fayette. Although there is a clear nu- merical majority of Negro citizens in both counties, there are only 3,500 registered Negro voters in Fayette and 2,000 registered Ne- gro voters in Haywood county. Evicted families have been liv- ing in tent cities organized on the outskirts of the counties. Opera- tion Freedom has been sending them food, clothing and money since 1961, Mrs. Hortenstine said. Work Projects The group also aids with work projects and craft industries which were started to provide the families in tent city with the ne- cessary food and shelter. In its first year, Operation Free- dom made loans of up to $1500 to 82 families in Fayette and Hay- wood. There is a tremendous need for help in these counties, she said. The federal government's Accel- erated Public Works Program has stepped in and started the Teh- nessee Development Corporation which is designed to bring in- dustry into the area and try to eliminate some of the discrimin- atory employment practices. Tells Experiences Mrs. Hortenstine also told of some of her experiences while working on projects in Fayette and Haywood. While going to visit the treasurer of Operation Free- dom who had been jailed, she and David Henry, another member of the group, were stopped on a charge of speeding and Henry was arrested. His trial was set for four-thirty the following day. When Mrs. Hor- tenstine arrived she was told the trial had been moved up to four o'clock. Later in the evening, a man entered Henry's cell and beat him. He was released the follow- ing day. She told of several similar ex- periences all of which have been submitted to the Federal depart- ment of justice. No action has been taken on any of the cases. Mrs. Hortenstine said that the members of Operation Freedom plan to continue the job they are presently performing in Fayette and Haywood counties. VR Y F1Pnt H-lan r a >of running for office. Stockmeyer will seek re-election as president, and Epker will seek election as ad- ministrative vice-president. Other positions to be filled are executive vice-president, and treasurer. The new officers will direct SGC until the spring elections. Membership Committee The Committee on Membership is asking for definite SGC endorse- ment of its current and future plans, in the light of SGC's for- mer failure to give proper sup- port. These current plans include fur- ther investigations into written discrimination in the fraternity- sorority system, regarding mem- bership regulations, and an at- tempt to work with other univer- sities on similar problems. The Committee has cited four main reasons for its accusation of no support from SGC. These are that: (1) Council failed to proper- ly respond to the Committee's re- port on its problems, (2) Council attempted to curtail the activities of the committee, but a motion did not pass, (3) Council has failed to fill two vacancies on the committee since last February, hindering its operation, and (4) Council has continually postponed action on membership violations of sororities. Student-Faculty Government Also on the agenda is a motion from the Cornmittee on the Uni- versity, proposing iritial steps to be taken in a possible establish- ment of a student-faculty govern- ment. This proposal rests on the prin- ciple that students -and faculty are the two facets of the University most directly involved with the education process, and hence they have the greatest responsibility for governing the academic com- munity. The Committee feels that students should take part in the broader problems of the Univer- sity as a whole, not just with stu- dent organizations, and that the way to accomplish this is through the establishment of a joint stu- dent-faculty government. Spurr Notes Water Needs By MICHAEL HYMAN Though Michigan probably has the best water supply of any state, its water problems are increasing with population growth; Dean Ste- phen H. Spurr of the natural re- sources school said, after a water resources conference in Lansing yesterday. The conference, sponsored by the Michigan United Conservation Clubs, The Michigan State Cham- ber of Commerce, The Farm Bur- eau and The Municipal League, was called to inform legislators and educators about Michigan's water management problems. The problems of water supply are most apparent in metropolitan and suburban areas, where sewage, drinking, recreational, fishing, and industrial demands are ever pres-; ent, he said. Control of Supply There are two ramifications of these conflicts: Who shall control the supply of water, and how will. the laws interpret the conflicting demands? he said. Michigan has several water reg- ulating offices, Spurr commented. Among these are the public health department, the highway depart- ment, the conservation depart- ment, and the state Water Re- sources Commission. Water-controlling laws will have to determine whether attracting industry of making Michigan a recreational state is of primary importance. The laws will prob- ably compromise the two goals, he said. Water Shortage One thing is sure, Dean Spurr noted, where water was once an overabundant element, it is no longer a commonplace commodity. The supply is short in some places where it is critically needed. The conference was designed to, publicize to legislators bills want- ed by the sponsors, Spurr con- cluded. in Parliament, walked out of a coalition with the Christian Demo- crats in a row over the Spiegel affair. When Christian Democrat attempts to bring back the Free Democrats collapsed, Adenauer turned to his old foes, the social- ists. No Decision A joint communique by the Christian Democrats and the so- cialists said "possibilities about future political cooperation" were discussed but no decision was reached. Attempts to form a new coali- tion government remained up in the air as the crisis left Adenauer in perhaps his toughest position in his 13 years of rule. The Free Democratic overture to the socialists was made by party Deputy Chairman Wolfgang Doer- ing at a meeting of officials of both parties. Negotiations are to start today. New Chancellor If the parties were to form a new government, it would mean the end of Adenauer as Chancellor. Meanwhile, the executive com- mittee of the Social Democrats- or socialists-voted to negotiate with Adenauer's middle-of-the- road Christian Democrats. The decision has yet to be ap- proved by the full party commit- tee. In the present Bundestag lineup, Adenauer's party holds 241 seats, the Socialists 190 and the Free Democrats 67. Adenauer needs support from one of the two other parties to muster a majority. Hatcher To Tell of Recent Trip President Harlan Hatcher will give a public report on his seven- week trip to the Far East at 3 p.m. Friday in Hill Aud. Hatcher investigated education and research throughout the Far East and surveyed possibilities of increasing the University's effort in that part of the world. Committee Seeks Plan Of Equal OpportunitV By LOUISE LIND The Michigan Union-Women's League study committee yester- day concurred that the proposed merger of the two student organiza- tions should take place only in the event that the resultant structure provides equal opportunity for either sex to participate in and manage student activities. Separate statements enumerating the values now inherent in the Union and the League which should be preserved in any event were presented by each organiza- ti Mississippi Student Senate Slaps Brower OXFORD (P)-The University of Mississippi campus senate last night reprimanded Sidna Brower, editor of the student newspaper, for "failure to uphold student rights." The vote, taken after two hours of debate, was 63-27. The reprimand requests the edi- tor of the "Mississippian" to take corrective steps to editorialize only the views of the majority of stu- dents. However, election rules point out that editors are not re- quired to represent the majority. Attacked Violence During riots following Negro James Meredith's arrival at Missis- sippi Sept. 30, and days following, Miss Brower attacked the violence and called students involved "bar- barians" and "rabble rousers" and "immature weaklings . . . engaged in civil savagery." George Monroe, co-sponsor of the reprimand resolution with Gerald Blessey, ledsargument for the vote. Distortion Monroe charged Miss Brower, a Memphis native, "failed to counter the distortion by the national press of events during the crisis and failed to protest unnecessary firing of tear gas into Faulkner dormitory . .. He countered arguments that Miss Brower was not required to speak for the majority by pro- ducing an issue of "Jet" magazine which showed a picture of Miss Brower and Jackie Robinson and said "this is the way she is rep- resenting the university." Earlier the Student Activities Committee voted to reprimand the editor for her "moderate stand" on the school's interracial problem. 'on. As evidenced by the two state- ments, both groups were agreed that the present services and fa- cilities of each should be main- tained and expanded. The oppor- tunity for student participation and leadership should be kept at an ultimate. Consider OSA Suggestions The committee considered the relationship of its study to several statements made last week in a meeting with representatives of the Office of Student Affairs. At that time several OSA represen- tatives suggested that any Union- League merger be made within the structure of the Student Govern- ment Council. James H. Robertson, associate dean of the literary school and chairman of the committee, noted yesterday that the OSA is mo- tivated by the same fundamental beliefs underlying the Union and the League: specifically, that stu- dent activities must have a re- sponsible body to guide them and that preservation of student man-I agement and leadership within this body is mandatory.; But Dean Robertson cautioned that those values now inherent in the Union and the League must be upheld, not simply vested in a holding corporation that at pres- ent has no power to support or implement them. Plan Open Meeting The committee formulated plansI for an open meeting to be heldj with representatives from the stu- dent body at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 11, in the Third Floor Con- ference Rm. of the Union. It also decided to meet in closed session with representatives from the faculty at its next scheduled meeting. In the meantime, questionaires regarding student unions at other Big 10 schools are being sent to student, faculty and administra- tive representatives. This information may have some bearing on the local problem pres- ently under study. ROBERT S. MCNAMARA .. . outlines plan HOUSING: Possibilities Of Broader Restrictions WASHINGTON UP) - Housing Administrator Robert C. Weaver indicated yesterday that President John F. Kennedy's order banning discrimination in federally financ- ed housing may be broadened to include conventional banking. Weaver's comment came at a news conference spelling out reg- ulations for enforcement of the order on new projects by the pub- lic housing, urban renewal and community facilities administra- tions, At present the antidiscrimina- tion order is restricted to private homes financed by the Federal Housing and Veterans Administra- tions-about 15 to 20 per cent of the total. Cites 'Possibility' Asked whether he thought there is a chance the executive order would be expanded, Weaver said, "I think there is a possibility that the presidential order will be re- vised and expanded." He refused to elaborate, except to add, "I said possibility, not probability." The regulations issued yester- day followed the same pattern of persuasion first, with tough penal- ties in the background, as those of the FHA and VA issued last Friday. "We're trying to get across the attitude of conciliation and per- suasion," said Weaver, "not fore- cast court action. There is a lot of muscle in the order but we don't want to telegraph the precise ac- tion we would take."' Strict Penalties Weaver said penalties for fail- ure to comply with the nondiscrim- ination provisions would mean cutting off funds in some cases. But he said that in implement- ing the order "so far as possible we will do so through conference, conciliation and persuasion. But if these fail we will have to invoke the sanctions which are author- To Enlarge ArmyUnits Secretary Cites Hope For Combat Speed, Stronger Divisions WASHINGTON ()-The ng- expected overhaul of the Army reserve and National Guard aimed at gearing them to leap more quickly and in fighting trim to the aid of the regular forces was an- nounced today by Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara. This cold war modernization, McNamara said, will build strength "far greater than any we have known in the past." His statement announcing the action explained it in these words, "The increase in combat readiness will be achiev- ed by reassigning men from low priority units to high priority units, by increasing the equipment available to the highpriority units for training and by increasing the number of instructors and train- rs assigned to these units." Drop Units What McNamara wants to do is drop four reserve and four Na- tional Guard divisions along with a net 731 smaller guard and re- serve units made obsolete by tech- nical and tactical progress. However, this will not mean a cut in the currently authorized 700,000-man guard-reserve strength. Most of the men in the units wiped out will be taken into 11 new brigades and supporting units or will help beef up six first priority National Guard divisions. The goal is to have them form a force trained and ready to join the army's 16 regular divisions within eight weeks after a call to active duty. The remaining, low-priority di- visions-17 guard and 6 reserve- will be kept at about 50 per cent strength. Immediate Elimination McNamara ordered the four re- serve divisions and 393 lesser re- serve units eliminated immediately -an action he can take because the reserve is completely under federal control. But he had to move more slowly on the guard overhaul. The penta- gon notified the various gover- nors of the plan to eliminate the four divisions and 338 lesser units and appealed for their coopera- tion. The law provides that a gov- ernor must approve any change in the guard within his state. States Protest There have been stiff protests from some states over plans to eliminate guard units. But the out- cries seem to have lessened since the plan was first unveiled eight months ago, both in the states and in Congress. The pentagon has carried on a vigorous campaign of persuasion, arguing that the changes are ne- cessary to modernize the army. The aim is to complete the re- organization, the first drastic one in five years, before the guards- men and reservists go to training Players To Enact Carmen' Bin gley Analyzes IFC Social, Activity Problems As a result of the general change in emphasis at the University from the social to the academic, fraternities are only noticed for their larger social events, John Bingley, director of student organizations and activities for the Office of Student Affairs told an Inter-Frater- nity Council social chairman's workshop yesterday. He claimed that some fraternities follow the rules too religiously-