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December 04, 1962 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-12-04

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i~a. k:":..... .Y.'",t:N..G . VAw.00 : , Q;°.w~.3V....* . ...... .' .}n.-.,an .. .. ... . >;
The Daily Bulletin is an official Ninth Grade Grammar," Wed., Dec. 5, interview at Engrg. Placement, 128-H Wayne, Mich.-Early Elem.; Art; HS
publication of the University of 1610 Washtenaw, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, West Engrg., Ext. 2182. Voc .Mus., Bus. Ed.
Michigan for which The Michigan D. E. P. Smith' Stanford Graduate School of Business THURS., DEC. 13-
Daily assumes no editorial responsi- -Feb., June & Aug. grads. Men & wom- Mt. Morris, Mich.-Jr. HS Math.
bility. Notices should be sent in Student Government Council Approval en with any major, including Engrg., FRI., DEC. 14--
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 of the following student-sponsored ac- Physics, Math or any of the tech. dis- Milford, Mich.-Fields not yet an-
Administration Building before 2 tivities becomes effective 24 hours after ciplines. All Liberal Arts majors are be- nounced.
p.m. two days preceding publication, the publication of this notice. All pub- ing sought. * . .
licity for these events must be withheld American National Red Cross-Feb. & For additional information and ap-
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4 until the approval has become effective. June grads. Men & women. Seeking Lib- pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
Democratic Socialist Club, Discussion eral Arts majors, esp. those with majors pointments, 3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext.
group on "Democratic Socialism," Dec. in Sociol., & Psych., for work in Recrea- I
D y C ln r 5, 7:30 p.m., Union Room 3D. tion, Social Work (both BA & MA lev- 3547.___
els), in a Service-Welfare Agency. U.S.
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.-Office of Civil 71 citizenship required. Interested in Pub- Part-Tim e m
Defense and Mobilization, Dept. of De- lcementI le Admin. recruits. Location: 16 mid-{
fense, Fallout Protection and Design west states & women rec. workers for
Workshops. POSITION OPENINGS: assignment in Korea. Eiployment
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.-Mich. Health Chrysler Corp., Centerline, Mich. - Hercules Powder Co.-Feb., June &
Council Conference on "Home Care in Librarian-Secretary to assist in estab- Aug. grads. Men & women. PhD candi- The following part-time jobs are
Mich."-Registration: 2nd Floor, Michi- lishing a new library. Job requires sec- dates in all' fields of Chem., Physics available. Applications for these jobs
ga~n Union. retarial duties but library responsibili- & Math for work in research & dev., & can be made in the Part-time Place-
ties are primary. Prefer AB inLS or 11- design. U.S. citizenship. Interviewing at ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
4:00 p.m.-Dept of English Poetry brary exper., library courses. Library Chem. Placement, 2028 Chem. Bldg. Bldg., during the following hours: Mon.
Reading-John Hollander, Yale Univer- exper., & shorthand or speed writing if Univ. of Michigan Personnel-Feb. & thru Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30ti
sity: Aud. A, Angell Hall. possible. June grads. Men & women. Seeking ti 5 p.m.
7:00 p.m.-Dr. James McConnell, Dr. All-State Insurance Co., Detroit, Mich. Chem. of any kind on the BS & MS Employers desirous of hiring students
of Psychology, speaking on "Psycho- -Agents-Multiple Line. Will sell auto, level. Also seeking Bacteriologists & for part-time or full-time temporary
therapy Doesn't Work." Public wel- fire, casualty & general policies. Mar- Biochemists on the same levels. Interest- work, should contact Bob Hodges, Part- y
come. Couzen's Living Rm. Hostesses- ried or engaged man with pref. a col- ed in interviewing Botany, Zoology & time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, Ext. 3553.
Jr. Nursing Class. lege bkgd. Exper. helpful but not nec- Medical Tech. Recruiting for Medical Students desiring miscellaneous odd T
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Faculty essary. There are openings in various Research positions as well as more jobs should consult the bulletin board
Concert-University Woodwind Quintet: cities in Mich. general research positions in the health in Rm. 2200, daily.
Nelson Hauenstein, flute; Florian Muel- American Standard Controls Div., De- & biological sciences for the Univ. MALE
ber, oboe; John Mohler, clarinet; Louis troit, Mich.-Need Mechanical & Elec- 2-Engineers preferred, to do lettering
Stout, French horn; and Lewis Cooper, trical Engnrs. for applied research in TEACHER PLACEMENT: with Le Ray set. 10 or 20 hours per
bassoon: Rackham Lecture Hall, product development. Exper. from 2 to Beginning the week of Dec. 3 the fol- week.
Seminar on "Crystal Field Aspects of 6 yrs. lowing schools will be at the Bureau to 2-Advanced degree in Math. or Phys-
the Spectra, Magnetism, Structure, and Pitman-Moore Co., Indianapolis, Ind. interview candidates: ics. Approximately 20 hours per
Reaction Kinetics of Complex Inorganic -Positions open for Microbiologists at TUES., DEC. 11- week
Molecules," sponsored by the Institute $hD or MS level. Graduate degree in Birmingham, Mich.- th Grade, Elem. 1-PhD (or candidate) in vocational -A
of Science and Tech. and the Dept. of Microbiology (including virology) with Read. Couns.; Jr. HS Math, Engl., Guid/ education and practical arts.
Chemistry. Prof. D. S. McClure, Univ. minor in biological and/or physical Couns., Voc. Mus.; HS Math, Engl., Visit. 1-Senior or Grad ME or EE with
of Chicago Chem. Dept., will speak on chem. Some academic trng. or exper. in Teach. knowledge of analog computers.
"Thermodynamic and Structural As- basic tissue culture techniques is high- Royal Oak, Mich.-Elem.; French; Flexible hours.
peets of Crystals and Ligand Field ly desirable. Bus. Ed.; Speech Corr.; Ment. Retd. FEMALE
Theories" on Tues., Dec. 4. The seminar Michigan Civil Service-) Nutrition WE.,DE.12A3Tchicltyiss
will be held in Rm. 1400, Chem. Bldg., Consultant-MA in foods & human nu- Wae Lke, Mich.-Elem. Lbr.; Jr. -ccutig ostookkeeping back-i S
from 3:00-5:00 p .R hetrition, public health nutrition or com-1WaElled 115eMah-(lemALebr.)J. groundtngoodkktyping aiit.-
Joint Colloquium: The Departments munity nutrition. Pref. 1 yr. of exper.HS Engl.; HS Math (Geom/Al
of Sociology & Psychology will have a 2) Building Construction Superintend- Visit. Teach. Full-time position.
colloquium on Wed., Dec. 5, at 4:15 p.m. ent-BS in Engrg. or Arch. & 2 yrs. - - -
in Aud. B, Angell Hall. Dr. Erving exper. as building construction supt.
Goffman, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 3) Employment & Claims Interviewer--
will speak on "The Study of Social BA with courses in Econ., Labor, Public
Relativity Seminar: Dr. G Y. Rainich nel, Law or Mgmt. or related subjs.
will speak on "Five Dimensional and Apply for the above before Dec. 17.
Special Relativity" today at 2:00 p.m. * * *
in Rm. 318 W. Engrg. For further Information, please call
University Woodwind Quintet: The General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
Univ. Woodwind Quintet, Nelson Hau- SAB, Ext. 3544.
enstein, flute; Florian Mueller, oboe;
John Mohler, clarinet; Louis Stout, SUMMER PLACEMENT:WP
French horn; and Lewis Cooper, bas- 212 SAB-- -an
soon, will present a recital today, 8:30 American Student Information Serv-
p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Com- ice is the only agency that guarantees
positions they will perform are by you a job in Europe. The jobs are in
Mozart, Alvin Etler, and Anton Reicha. Germany, Finland, England, France,
Open to the public without charge. Norway, Spain, Israel, Holland, & Lux-
Linguistics Club Lecture: Wed., Dec. 5, embourg. Applications & brochures of
Aud. A, Angell Hall, at 7:10 p.m. Prof. ASIS avail. at Summer Placement.
Kenneth L. Pike, prof. of linguistics, Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan, Pearson, Wis.
will speak on "Language by Gesture, a -Will interview on Thurs., Dec. 6 from
monolingual Linguistic Demonstration." 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. for men for Nature
Doctoral Examination for Alfred Chris- Director, Commissary Truck Driver,
tian Robinson, Instrumentation Engi- Maintenance Man, Business Mgr., Scout-
neering; thesis: "On the Second-Order masters, Rifle Instructor, & Waterfront
Properties of the Output of Certain Dir.
First- and Second-Order Nonlinear Sys- * * *
tems with Random Inputs," today, 3208 Come to Summer Placement for fur-
. Engrg. Bldg., at 10:00 a .m. Chairman, ther information.
Doctoral Examination for David Alli- PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS, Bureau of TO UNIVERSITY
son Beaty, Engineering Mechanics; thes- Appointments-Seniors & grad students, {y?
Study of the Stability of Thin Elastic appt. with the following:
Spherical Shells," tdoay, 244 W. Engrg THURS., DEC. 6-
Bldg., at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, E. F. United States Air Force-Feb., June & a t STUDENTS & STAFF
M a.EmanoAug. grads. Men & women with degree
Doctoral Examination for Richard J. in any field interested in careers on
Soll, Nuclear Engrg.; thesis: "Highly America's Aerospace Team. College grads
el-heddBrbePosn, dy'who meet current !i Force PersonnelLET t,
315 Auto. Engin. Lab., at 3:30 p.m. requirements may qualify for Officer #
Chairman, P. F. Zweifel. Training.
General Notices United States Patent Office (Dept.of
Commerce)-Feb., June & Aug. grads.
Undergrad Women Students now on Men & women. General & Organic
campus, who do not have a housing Chem. students on the BS & MS level. x
commitment for the spring semester Also Interested i Physics majors who VISIT THE LEAGUE NOW
1963, may apply for housing In Rest- are candidates for either BS or MS. Will
Affairs, Housing Division, SAB 3011, be-
ginning Mon., Dec. .
President Hatcher will speak, at 3:00 $q
p.m. on Fri., Dec. 7 In Hill Aud. This"afF
will be a report on his recent tour, and c N-E j7 _ (, LY O
it will be sponsored by the Student UlJl
Government Council. IAND SEE OUR DISPLAY
Cultural Activities Ticket Exchange:
12:30-5:00 daily this week holders of
the League cultural activities tickets
may exchange at the Mendelssohn
Theatre box office for tickets to the*CHRISTMASDECORATION
formance of Pirandello's "Six Char-
acters in Search of an Author." ThisCISTM AS IN A A
is the final U-M Players show avail-
able on the activities =ticket. Lastn1
F"Goreign Visitors,
Following are foreign visitors who
will be on campus this week on the'CA ERIHOSASF L
Miller, Ext. 3358, International Center.CA ERIHOS AS FL

F 'K

Hussein E-Tarzi, Administrative As-
sistant, United States Information Serv-
ice, Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2-4.
ulty LUNCHEON -11:15 M - 1:
of Arts, University of Teheran, IF y ouUNC EO -11:5dMer1
Iran, Dec. 1621. iiU oruer
Doctoral Eantsnfor MaxwellAy SjR[ 5o1
Geidor Bliisky, Education; thesis: A " AAy r
Validation of a Learning Program for DINNER HOURS- 5:0
for NOW!1
featuring ' Enclosed find $5.00 (check or money order only) for one e
(Payable to Michigonensian, 420 Maynard st.
CII RC LIE 1963 'Ensian. Sorry, we cannot bill you at a later date. j.W ISH
* Your receipt will be sent when your order comes in.
with her monogram
i Name
U Address iN W E
Sterling from $2.95 A D A B I H
sterire frm essAND A BRIGHT NEW YFEA
Gold filled from $4.95
rMailing instructions: $1.00 additional charge if book is to be mailed
w x wy ,z- -v 7 '.wA in. T iY T"'1 -A T T'1 C .T

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