THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAYDEC:EMAIR '" 149% TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY ~TTh7flAV 11~E'!~1Ijmu~9 ion. a, - ~~WS~SUS.W t9 .LVP~Sw CJLJV'XJL, LGVGITIDL' iL 4, XV04 HANDY, HELPFUL HINTS: Artistic Wrapping Takes Skill' Pagans Initiate Custom Of Christmas Presents Gifts for Beaux Bring on Woes By JEAN TENANDER By EDWARD HERSTEIN Christmas, that jolly time of thanksgiving--oops, gift giving, that is. Surely there is nothing more beautiful in this world than the sight of a sparklingly trimmed tree (preferably spruce or pine, though cactus has become popular in some circles lately), surround- ed by lots of gaily wrapped, neatly bowed, expensive-looking pack- ages. And sure as there's an "X" in Christmas, you wouldn't want your gift to be the sloppiest, mess- iest, cheapest one of the bunch, would you? Of course not. Well, there's nothing we can do about it if it's the thought that counts in your gift, not the expense (or lack of it); but if you've been looking for those lovely, helpful tips on how to wrap that little piece of your heart into a neat bundle, and you haven't been watching Ben Casey lately, then this article is for you. First, there are a few little items you'll need to start things off. Scissors, tape, wrapping paper, ribbon, bows, name tags, pens to address the name tags, string, and that old standby, the gift itself, should do nicely to begin with. Isolate Yourself Now then, having secured all of the essentials, lock yourself into a convenient cubicle suitable for do- ing gift wrapping in so as to avoid such interference as might other- wise be caused by the doorbell ringing, the dog or one of the sweet, 1itt1e children coming screaming and barking in, an ex- plosion in the kitchen, or any oth- er disturbance. We suggest your fallout shelter or the interior of By BURT MICHAELS I the washing machine as possibili- ties. Now you are ready to begin: take your first package (better start with the one you are planning to send to the people who didn't send you anything last year and who you really shouldn't be sending anything to, anyway) and careful- ly size it up. Then cut out a piece of wrapping paper which you fig- ure should fit it snugly. To do this well requires a talent which is generally acquired only after years of experience; so don't despair if the first five or six times you try it, it comes out a little short. Having selected the appropriate paper and cut it out to the proper size, the next step is simply to put the paper around the package. This step, overlooked so often, is actually one of the most important for a nice-looking gift, so be sure to do it. Tag Placement With the papering of the gift completed, there only remains the tying of the ribbon and the place- ment of the name tag. Essentially, the ribbon tying is nothing more than lacing a shoestring around the package, though shoe strings are not heartily recommended for ribbons. Of course, it is always a good idea to double-knot the rib- bon so that it will not become untied, which also makes open- ing your gift a real challenge; thus easing the troubled conscience of the recipient, who didn't put a rib- bon on his gift to you. The name tag is probably the most important single part of your gift, so be sure to display it prop- erly. It is not a bad idea to put three or four name tags on the package, actually: for the person to whom you give your gift would certainly not want to forget where the package came from, and you can bet he won't if you do it this way. Arc welding should be used to secure the tags, and it is help- ful if the name of the recipient is on the tag as well as your own. Well, in the words of that great founder of the Christmas spirit, Madison Avenue, if you'll follow these directions carefully, this year you will truly find yourself "fit to be tied." Since the Magi-and, in fact, before - Christmas has involved an exchange of gifts, ranging from fertility symbols to switches, from husbands to teddy bears. In pagan days, what is now the Christmas season was a time for Bacchanalian revelry. Romans exchanged branches of leaves as fertility symbols. As paganism grew stoic, the winter festival caused judges to Day Sets Plan To Stamp out Late Mailing If you're planning to wait un- til vacation begins before you get around to mailing out your annual ton of Christmas cards, the post office department would like a word with you. Postmaster General J. Edward Day, in an effort to avoid the inevitable deluge of last-minute Christmas ,mailings which bends mail carriers' backs (and some- times gives vacation jobs to col- lege students), is borrowing some "soft-sell" techniques from Madi- son Avenue. Abandoning the more pedestrian mail-early please of the past, the post office department is putting out a special Christmas stamp, and has coined a promotion jingle to go with it. Day explains that his depart- ment had formerly avoided put- ting out a Christmas stamp be- cause non-Christians might be of- fended. However, after discussing the idea of putting out such a stamp, and the design to be used, with non-Christian religious lead- ers, they decided to go ahead with it. It's the first Christmas stamp in United States history. The accompanying jingle, which has been recorded for use by radio Klaus Notes Implications Of Co ntemporaryCards By RICHARD KRAUT ' "Rationality is sometimes the inevitable result of the analysis of conflicting ChriL 'as socio-eco- nomic contexts," Prof. Sam Klaus of the Brooklyn Divinity School said recently in a lecture on "The Meaning of Modern Christmas Make it1a Merry Christmas for the sportsman in your famiy I Select gifts from "Your Friendly Dealers" STEIN & GOETZ Sporting Goods 315 South Main Street - Downtown Samsonite :ea.Silhouette S\ the Gift that's packed with ~ plenty of ..: (live and take Executive Overnight, $30.00 Men's Thre-Suiter, $45.00 f Men's Two-Suiter, $42.50 Men s 21" Companion Case, $27.50 All prices plus tax Ladies' Luggage from $20.00 Truly a Christmas masterpiece...Samsonite Silhouette, the luggage that's elegantly designed for one and all on your list. Made with lightweight jet-age mag- Cards in the Contemporary So- ciety." Prof. Klaus, a noted expert on sometimes inevitable results, de- livered the 72nd annual "Knock on Wood" Lecture. The professor of theology, some- times called Nick by his friends, tried to show that modern Christ- mas cards reflect conditions in contemporary society in four ways. The first, Prof. Klaus said, is humor. "This is probably the most obvious attempt of the modern Christmas cards. They all try to be funny in one way or another." However, Prof. Klaus did not think that contemporary cards are being very successful. "I have been studying modern Christmas cards for 18 years," he said, "but have not laughed once. Prof. Klaus thought this was a dangerous trend. "Where is the good American slap on the back of yesteryear?" he asked. A man in the rear raised his hand to answer, but Prof. Klaus ignored him. "The last aspect of modern Christmas cards I will deal with," Prof. Klaus said, "is perhaps the most serious. I am alarmed and disappointed by the downright pessimism and cynicism displayed by the new cards. "This reflects the decline of faith in western civilization," he said. "First God was dead, then man was dead; now Santa Claus is dead. Where do we go from here? "I call for a revival in the humanist tradition," Prof. Klaus said at the end of his lecture. Throwing his lectern at the aud- ience, he stormed off the stage, shouting, "I have a rendezvous with spring." grant pardons. The judges, nat- urally, were rewarded with tokens of appreciation. Traces of this custom are evident today in the gratuities policemen enjoy at Christmastime. Some cynics call this bribery, not knowing it is an ancient Christmas tradition. Enter St. Nick St. Nicholas entered the gift- giving spree in the fourth cen- tury. A rich bishop from Myra, which is also known as Kale or Demri, and found on the Mediter- ranean coast of Turkey, which is also known as Lycia, St. Nicholas gave gifts to the poor anonymous- ly, He was caught at it, however, and immortalized. Legend has it that St. Nicholas became patron saint of boys by reviving two young sprites whom a wicked butcher had chopped up and salted for pork. Therefore, in Switzerland, St. Nicholas gives gifts to boys only. Lest Swiss girls be forgotten, history provided a patron saint of girls in the form of St. Lucy, a Sicilian lass martyred in 304. She travels through Switzerland with St. Nicholas, bestowing pres- ents on girls only. It's all quite fair, and lessens the burden on the main characters. Mrs. Santa Claus? Like most women, St. Lucy has many faces. In Czechoslovakia she plays nanny-goat, disembowel- ing bad children and leaving good ones off with a gift of fruit. Female gift-givers often assume little pecadillos. In Russia, one Babuska (possibly patroness of head scarves) spreads presents each Christmas in penance for having maliciously misdirected the Magi. Another weirdie comes from Sicily, where Christmas gifts are distributed by ancestral corpses. More Blessed To Give Getting gifts has its drawbacks. Alsacian tykes have to sing hymns for presents. If they perform ad- mirably, they get a gingerbread, which is all right if one likes that sort of thing. But if they don't they get beaten with a bag of ashes. German children were wont to get a bundle on Christmas which included some sweets; something useful, like clothes or books; and an ominous switch. Sweden, delight of Western pro- gressives, offers little gifts in over- sized packages, much like the pro- gressives themselves. Sometimes Swedish belles find suitors in these giant mounds of wrapping. Some- times unwanted suitors find them- selves out in the snow. American Gifts In America, gift exchange has reverted to something like primi- tive trade in ancient Samoa. There one lost friends, prestige, and sometimes life for not outdoing others. Christmas cards, modified gifts related to the elaborate let- ters English schoolboys sent home at Yuletide, also figure in the competition. The history of gift-giving might best be summed up like this: It wasn't "Canoe", 'Twas much more shoe; They called it myrrh. (Now unheard of) It wasn't cash- Had much more dash- They called it gold. (Now illegal) It wasn't "Air Wick", 'Twas much more chic; They called it frankincense. (Now in spray bottles) By DANIEL SHAFER Once again the Christmas shop- per will be faced with a barrage of dolls of the action variety when he leaves the safety of his home to brave the dangers of Yuletide gift- grabbing. Assuming that, as in the past, the main thought in most shop- pers' minds will be buying a gift that fits the personality of the re- cipient, the following list of wind- up dolls might be helpful. Though we have seen very few of these in Ann Arbor's stores- none of them, to be completely truthful - a sharp, mercenary manufacturer might cash in by offering some of them in their 1963 toy lines. For the politically-minded per- son, might I suggest the possibil- ity of a President Kennedy doll- wind it up and it takes off for Hy- annisport. Or perhaps a Barry Goldwater doll-wind it up and it takes a step backward. Another possibility is the Richard Nixon, doll-wind it up and it cries real tears. Its counterpart is found in the Pat Brown doll-wind it up and it turns pink. Nothing Doing For the more conservatively-in- clined recipient, a Dwight Eisen- hower doll might be in order -- wind it up and it sits and does nothing for eight years. If you should be unfortunate enough to have a friend who is rather impar- tial, but you would still like to find him a political doll, you might try the Civil Service doll-wind it up and it looks busy. Acknowledging the fact that most of us here are University students, a few dolls along campus lines are appropriate. For exam- ple, there is the SGC doll-wind it up and it votes "No." Or the Steve Stockmeyer doll-wind it up and it yells "BOO!". Possibly we might even find a Harlan Hatcher doll- wind it up and it gives teas. How about a Michigan football team doll-wind it up and it fumbles. Then there is always the USNSA doll-wind it up and it functions. There are always a couple of starry-minded folk in the Yule gift-list, so for their sake I include the possibility of the Liz Taylor doll-wind it up and it steals your husband. (I recently saw a Ben Casey doll-wind'it up and it gives you an angiogrm.) Famous Folk A few other national personages have made significant enough con- tributions to our society to have. wind-up dolls for them. Jimmy Hof- fa has a wind-up doll, for exam- ple-wind it up and it pleads the Fifth Amendment. There's also the Robert Welch doll-wind it up and it calls all the other dolls "Com- symps." And of course- our list would not be complete without the addition of the Billie Sol Estes doll-wind it up and it buys a state. Historical Dolls If you find a history major on your list, try one of our famous- person dolls. The Alexander the Great wind-up doll, for example -wind it up and it runs over little kids with its chariot, or the Marie Antoinette doll-wind it up and its head falls off. The George Wash- ington doll is a recurring favorite -wind it up and it throws silver dollars. The General Grant doll always gets a big cheer-wind it up and it hits the bottle. If per chance you are unable to find one of the above dolls that exactly fits the personality of the intended fortunate one, I suggest that you buy that person's voodoo doll and scratch him off your Zhristmas list. BUNDLES OF JOY-The Arcade shops have tempting displays, enabling one to finish one's Christmas shopping in one-woops!-- but maybe one should save one's last dollar for a taxicab. Suggoests Wind-Up Dolls To Ape Public Figures If, despite all efforts to the contrary, you find that when Christmas rolls ground you are on a more c 'rindly basis with a men ,he opposite sex, then yc iend, are in trouble. There is only ..- clear-cut solu- tion to this problem, but unfor- tunately very few of those cursed by this burden are strong enough to avail themselves of it. The solution is simply this: drop him (or her). Heartless as this may sound, it is a veritable Elysium compared to the anguish you will have gone through until the time the wrapping paper has been torn off. By this time it may seem as though the situation has been exaggerated; but listen, my child- ren, and you will hear of a sure way to lose your friends, money, self-respect, and sanity. Decisions, Decisions What are you going to buy him (her) for a Christmas present? Should you buy him (her) a pres- ent anyway? You've only known him (her) for eight months. May- be it isn't really suave to go around forcing gifts on strangers. Nope, gotta buy a present, gotta buy a present. Well, I really don't know him (her) all that well. Once the first stage has ignited and you have at last decided that if you buy a sorta modest-like gift (you know what I mean: not too big, not too small, just kinda modest-like), then you're ready to hit the stores. And they are ready for you, too. Let me re- assure you on that point. Would you yourself ever have thought of the clever idea of get- ting your boyfriend William an elephant gun because his favorite book is "Kim?" Well, maybe you would have, as a matter of fact,. It is a cool idea, though, isn't it. And what about Joe here? He bought his girl friend an out- board motor because she loves his boat, even though he hasn't been able to use it since his motor broke down last year. More Decisions Perhaps these are extremes but the torment is no less great for being concerned with smaller gifts. How is any normal boy supposed to know yhether his girlfrien~d would rather have a sweater, a book on the tse-tse fly's reprodu- tive habits for her biology project, or a pencil sharpener? No matter what he buys, she is sure to be disappointed; besides, he will feel pretty foolish if he buys her a present she is already getting. He also has to be careful not to buy her something which might indicate a feeling more strong than he actually intends- a ring, for instance. Still More Decisions A girl, on the other hand, has to take care not to give anything which does not suggest to him that she thinks he is the most wonderful, strong, intelligent, im- pressive person around. This im- mediately knocks out the copy of "Why Johnny Can't Read" that has been lying around on the shelf, and it also eliminates a Charles Atlas body-building course. CHRISTMAS STAMP . use me early and television broadcasters, is set to the tune of "Jingle Bells": Christmas Stamps, Christmas stamps, making our debut, We'll brighten up your Christ- mas cards and speed them on to you. Don't delay, mail today, it's later than you think! We'll put them through for all of you, quicker than a wink. r is I 1j o , r " _ ' .- t ( .), .1 -! ' t J ' y ' 7 'v . ' ,'} ,c ., ,t ' . ;, t ,r' SAM'S STORE HAS LEVIS GALORE! Look What's Happened!! ~IFW SLIM FITS Slim and slack-smart The LEVIS Look Colors: "White," block, loden green, pewter and ,. . . . to a 00 01~) 2 T E Cp lone 2 .7 . 5 00 nd :50M iliog IO ~ZI. "l~ ', . L t $ i Perfume 2.75, 5.00, 10.00 and 18.50 Cologne 2.75, 5.00 and 9:50 ' i I IfI ^., N" , - i / I I I d VICTORIAN QUILTING ... To give you the demure sophistication of an old fashioned miss when you go on your round of holiday parties. Quilted