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September 11, 1962 - Image 61

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-11

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U.S. Sponsors Experiments

(Continued from Page 1)
terns. In particular its surveys of
voter attitudes have been acclaim-
ed for their consistent accuracy.
The, group dynamics center is
interested primarily in group be-
havioral problems and the inter-
action of individuals within the
group. One of its efforts last year
was a comprehensive study on the
causes of war.
Studies Mental Health
Occupying its own building since'
1960, the Mental Health Research
Institute studies the basic factors
in mental illness; mainly by test-
ing the actions and reactions of
human and animal brains. One of
its major projects is a five-year
study of schizophrenia.
The Institute for Industrial
Health, the Institute of Public
Administration, thearea centers
(studying linguistic and. cultural
aspects of countries, in the Near,
Middle and Far East), the Center
for the Study of Higher Education,
the Institute for Human Adjust-
ment, the Legislative Research
Center and, the Statistical Re-
search Laboratory: 'these and
other centers disseminate to pub-
lic officials relevant research find-
ings and, indirectly, strive to en-
hance the University's image as
a public service institution.
Another of these facilities will
be going up early next year when
a five-floor addition to the Mu-
seum of Zoology will be built to
house a national center for re-
search into animal biosystematics,
financed 'by a $1 million grant
from. the National Science Found-
Underneath the bustle and ser-
iousness of research probing, the
faculty man's conscience , my
sometimes be troubled by the pos-
sibility- that his research forces
him to. neglect his students and
his courses, and it may also dis-
turb him that the academic world
sometimes rewards, good research
more than it 'does'good instruction.
A University, Senate, Subcom-
mittee on the, Proper Role of the
University once addressed itself.
to the question. of how -research
fits into the overall .educational
aims. of the campus, and conclud-

"Obviously, this question is of
the variety: which is more impor-
tant, the heart or the brain?
"With due awareness of the or-
ganic relation, we suggest that,
at the extreme, the student is
more important than research. Re-
search is the derived product.
When scholars are not replaced,
scholarship ceases ..."
"We have researchers who shun
teaching" and teachers who shun
research, the committee continued.
It also tackled the rather difficult
problem of distinguishing between
research, preparation for instruc-
tion and personal inquiry, claiming
that teaching involves at least five
aspects- informing, creativity,
critical analysis, theory formation
and texting, and conclusion form-
"It seems clear to us that not
all kinds of teaching . .. demand
a teacher-researcher, and further
that not all courses will or need
to incorporate all five aims.
"It appears necessary to recog-
nize a greater independence be-
tween teaching and research than
is usually admitted, and it may be
entirely feasible, indeed in the
best interests of the University, to
engage in one of these activities
without being personally and di-
rectly involved in the other."
The report thus highlights the
fact that each individual profes-
sor is involved with research, as
much on his own level- as is the
omnipotent center or institute.
The Office of Research Admin-
istration estimates that 20 per
cent. of the faculty's paid time is
dedicated to research. And when
a department is viewing the qual-
ifications. of a man considered for
promotion, number and type of
publications is inchlded .in the cri-
teria and' information demanded
of him. In fact, the University has
its own publishing agency-Uni-
versity Press - to print books,
scholarly works and research pa-,
pers produced by campus faculty
Administrators, deans and de-
partment chairmen are persistent,
however, in flatly denying they
exert pressures of "publish or per-
ish" and assert that themain con-.
sideration in promotion is quality
of instruction and knowledge of
the academic field.

Besides creating a dilemma for
more than a few faculty men, re-
search has another drawback: it
costs money.
University Problem
The University has been having
some trouble in keeping down in-
direct (facilities) costs only par-
tially or not at all provided for in
research grants or contracts. Of-
ten these indirect costs amount to
as much as 30 per cent of the
direct (salary and equipment) cost
of the project.
And it is often not very easy to
find enough space to handle the
facilities and men conducting the
research project. For instance,
when the social work school last
summer received a $200,000 grant
from the Health, Education and
Welfare Department for a study
on how to prevent and cure ju-
venile delinquency, there was dif-
ficulty in obtaining rooms in
which the faculty could work on
their project. The need for space
often necessitates an unpleasant
shuffling of room allocations.
The cost problem was given
some national air during the sum-
mer when Defense Secretary Rob-
ert S. McNamara rapped Michigan
Republicans for blocking a state
income tax, thus depriving the
University of funds it needs for
research facilities.
National Ramifications
And so the University's research
activity has its national as well
as campus ramifications. Whether
research will consume an even
greater proportion of the .academic
efforts of students and faculty, no
one knows.
But there is little doubt of its
effect upon the past 10 or 15
years of the University. The com-
plex of laboratory centers, the
multi-million dollar projects stand
as physical evidence of the post-
war campus revolution.
Research indeed has taken its
place along with academic instruc-
tion as a prime function of the
University. The Regents recognized
this in 1959 when they created the
vice-presidency for research, and
named Ralph Sawyer to fill it.
The technical director of the
first atomic bomb test following
World War II on Bikini Island, he
is the man who now must over-
see activities of equally explosive
content for the University.

TOUGH PROBLEM - Group study rooms provide an opportunity
for consultation on problems which the individual is not able
to solve. Scenes like the above are especially common in the Engi-
neering Library located on the third floor of UGLI.

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STUDY DATE-Although studying is the activity which consumes
the most time of students at UGLI, socializing comes in a close
second. The study date is a weird mixture of the two. This couple
seems to be getting some studying done, although it is not neces-
sary on a study date.

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COFFEE BREAK - Students take a rest from studying in the
lounge. The lounge contains vending machines selling a variety
of hot and cold beverages. The lounge is popular and is always
crowded in the evening.

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