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November 29, 1962 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-11-29

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4r Adirhigan Bathg
Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail"'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. Th must be noted in all reprints.


StudentProji ees Offer
Hope to Grey World

JUST NOW and then things happen which
seem to make the grey of our days a little
less grey and tend to persuade us, momentarily
at least, that in all the fooling around with
Pandora's box somebody really did have sense
enough to slam the lid shut before Hope
Within the past year, two things in par-
ticular have happened very definately sub-
stantiating this persuasion. They are the or-
ganization of the Northern Student Movement
and the proposal for a domestic peace corps
to work in New York City's East Side. Both
these projects, one of which has not even
been formally initiated, offer grounds for a
small but justified feeling of happiness to
warm us through the winter months.
The most recent of these two projects, the
domestic peace corps, although still in its
planningstage, appears to have a good chance
of becoming an actuality. President Kennedy's
naming last week of a Cabinet-level commit-
tee to study the feasibility of applying the
peace corps idea to social problems within this
country indicates that the administration would
probably be more than favorable to a working
out of such a plan.
THE INITIAL impetus for this project came
from the work of the Mobilization for
Youth organization which has been active in
helping to solve the problems of juvenile
delinquincy prevalent in many big cities. At
the administration's request they recommended
a. tentative outline of the way they felt a
domestic peace corps should be operated.
The peace corps volunteers would be working
under local authorities similar in form to the
mobilization project rather than as a separate
unit. They would not live in specially pre-
pared housing arrangements but rather in
apartments throughout the areas in which
they would be working. They would be sent
only to communities requesting their services
and these communities would be expected to
pay about one-third of the cost of the project.
The proposed arrangement of the corps is
an attempt to prevent the people it seeks
to aid from visualizing the volunteers as
specially trained or professional workers who
are there only because it is their job to be
there. The initiators of the corps have realis-
tically tried to create a blue print for the
corps which would make it possible for the
volunteers to approach the people with whom
they are working on an equal level, thereby
making it far more plausible that a relation-
ship based on mutual trust will be established
than if the workers were officiously "profes-
sional." Much can be said for trying to work
toward the establishment of the values of the
people themselves and relatively little for an
attempt to impose foreign values and needs
on people whose social and cultural back-
grounds is generally not in any way com-
parable to that of the social worker or the
corps volunteer.

A good deal of sneering has been done about
the "Yaley" or the Sarah Lawrence girl who
goes to New York, or any big city, and pre-
tends to be poor. But it is exactly people like
this who realize the necessity of appealing to
others in a way they can accept 'and under-
stand, who in the final analysis accomplish
what they set out to do. This is a concept not
widespread in the last generation, and it
offers hope and optimism and a challenge
to this generation if we will but accept it.
THE NORTHERN Student Movement is an-
other piece of evidence attesting to the fact
that students are awakening to their respon-
sibilities and are beginning to care about the
look on the face of a white mother glaring
at a Negro child, or are beginning to be
haunted by the eyes of a city child perpetually
sitting on the dirty steps outside his apart-
ment building.
The NSM is carried on solely by college
students and has as its purpose the solution,
or partial solution, of the problem of educating
minority groups in Northern communities. The
head of its permanent staff of three, Peter
Countryman, left Yale in his junior year,
November 1961, to devote his full time to the
job of organizing the movement's activities.
It began as a conference sponsored by the
New England Student Christian Movement
in June 1961. From discussion during the con-
ference, the idea of creating a Northern civil
rights organization to fight discrimination in
Northern areas and to assist such movements
in the South was born. At present the NSM
has grown so that it now has 65 affiliated
colleges and universities in New York, Penn-
sylvania, and New England.
Last year NSM sent 150 college students to
Philadelphia on a high school tutorial project.
The students obtained jobs in the community
and gave free instruction to 375 high school
students two nights a week during 90-minute
classes. Eighty per cent of the students taking
lessons were Negroes.
THE VALUE and the necessity of experiences
like these-coming into personal contact
with students in a minority group and suc-
ceeding in making them want to continue
their education, or working closely with stu-
dents in a city like New York, where in some
parts the problems involved in trying to live
an ordinary life are almost insurmountable-
are not comparable to schooling available at
any of our universities.
Peter Countryman and others have realized
this, that there can be an end to discrimina-
tion and delinquency and brutality. They have
also understood that it will come about only
through a semblence of caring on the part
of men. Maybe some day .there will be enough
NSMs and domestic peace corps to insure a
day without greyness.

"If You Don't Mind Danger, You Can Serve In One
Of Our Cities Here At Home"
r ^ Pos p
4 c
"s '-ns

life was given quite a world
premiere last night with the
MUSKET production of "Barthol-
omew Fair," fashioned by the same
twosome who penned last year's
original effort, "Land Ho," Jack
O'Brien and Robert James.
This ambitious, colorful and
bawdy musical comedy was inspir-
ed by the 1614 play of the same
name by Ben Jonson. As in the
original work, satire and character
are dominant, with plot hopelessly
lost in the shuffle. The question is:
does this make a musical comedy?
First, it should be stated that
the James-O'Brien team is an ex-
tremely gifted one. Their, com-
bined efforts as composer-conduc-
tor, librettist-lyricist-director at-
test to their boundless energies,
which are straining to burst
out all over into creative expres-
* * *
AND THERE'S more to be said:
they also show considerable prom-
ise and originality in terms of
musical and theatrical horizons
yet to be discovered and exploited.
Undeniably, they have already
come a long way from the bur-
lesque-for-its-own-sake quality
(pleasant though the memory of
"Land Ho" is) ; for in "Bartholo-
mew Fair," they have admittedly
experimented with a number of
dimensions, many of which added
fresh insight into the "human
When they are successful, there
can be little doubt that music and
words can be wed, not only into
lilting melodies, but into theatric-
ally exciting patterns and impres-
sions. But again a question; is
this enough?
When Ben Jonson drew his bit-
ingly satiric sketches for his Eliz-
abethan audience, he gave them
what they wanted, and they ap-
plauded for years. If sheer ap-
plause and exuberance is the test,
then last night's response would
have to be classified as an un-
mitigated success.
what a talented team, still in its

MUSKET Musical:
3its of Brilliance'

embryonic stage as careers go,
really wants-or more important,
should they be so easily swayed
by the emotion of the mob of the
moment? For the plain truth is,
they have more-so much more-
to give us in the future. And
the fact that a warm, loyal, local
audience shouts "Bravo," does not
mean that they are ready for their
dream of a Broadway production.
That it will come to James and
O'Brien one day surely is a hopeful
possibility. B u t "Bartholomew
Fair," for all its attempts at so-
phisticated inovation, and with all
its winning lyrical and musical
qualities, is not the vehicle - at
least not in its present form.
* * *
NOW, TO THE production. It
would be understatement to say
that MUSKET attempted many
technical "gimmicks," most of
which worked. Many a profession-
al company would not dare (at
least very often) some of the live-
ly tom-foolery. Add to this the
color and bounce of a fair, as seen
through a large cast of carefully
costumed characters streaming up
and down, in and out of bright set-
tings-another plus.
The performers, too, added to
the proper spirit of irreverence:
Tom Jennings, as the wistful pied
piper, full of innocence and unde-
fined longing, won us over com-
pletely with his inner sincerity and
"heart," as he pranced through all
the gyps and fakers, all the self-
righteous hypocrites of the aris-
tocracy and clergy, and as he wist-
fully culled moments of memor-
able nostalgia in his rendition of
"All My Own."
ALL IN ALL, "Bartholomew
Fair" has much excitement in it,
even if it is not next season's
"sleeper" on the Gay White Way.
James and O'Brien have given us
the distinct pleasure of watching
them grow step by step. And we
can only thank them for such a
rare opportunity, and look forward
eagerly to their next creation. Let
them come forth!
-Jerry Sandler


WCBN Opinions Individual

United Europe a Challenge

AN IMPORTANT STEP towards the unifica-
tion of Europe has been taken by the
Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands,
and Luxembourg).
Since October 1, the Benelux countries have
been operating under a uniform traffic code
regarding- international commercial vehicles,
their length, weight, licensing, and conduct.
Such uniformity of vehicle codes has been long
under discussion by the various states in the
United States, but nothing constructive has
come of it as yet.
This recent development is only one step
in a series aimed at the eventual unification
of Europe on both primary (economic, political,
and governmental) levels and the secondary
levels of national living (such as traffic regula-
tions, language, and commercial enterprise con-
trol, etc.).
Most people are familiar with the concept
of the European Economic Community, or
Common Market, as a sincere attempt on the
part of several major European powers to
unite and work together for the economic and,
eventually, political unification of Europe. The
Benelux countries have also made this type of
concerted effort, on a much smaller scale, and
there are a great many other groups who are
attempting the same achievement.
ON THE WHOLE, then, we can safely con-
clude that, if not the majority, at least
a good opinion of European countries and
peoples are interested in the United States of
Europe concept as an imminent goal.
What does this mean for the United States
of America in terms of its own unification?
FIRST, we are going to have to re-examine
carefully our values in the area of racial
discrimination and segregation.
Many of the nations of Africa and Europe
are having the same types of racial problems
we are having, some of them even more

SECOND, careful consideration is going to
have to be given to the standardization of
such things as vehicle codes, medical programs
and tax systems.
Unless we can solve some of our own prob-
lems such as extreme variances in traffic
codes (which annually account for a great
many accidents according to experts), wide
differences in medical programs, and incon-
gruities and inconsistencies in state sales taxes,
interstate travel and vehicular commerce, and
corporation and business and personal income
taxes, our advice will fall by the wayside, re-
sulting in the United States losing prestige as
a great world leader.
THIRD, the people are going to have to be-
come more solidly unified in their attitude
toward Europe and European problems than
they presently are. Many people do not even
understand the problems facing Europe and
its people: how- a continent which is tradi-
tionally divided by racial, linguistic, and physi-
cal barriers can even think of becoming united
to the extent that the proponents of unifica-
tion hope to achieve.
WOULD ALSO force the United States to
reconsider and re-evaluate its foreign trade
restrictions. The Common Market has expressly
stated that it intends to abolish all internal
trade restrictions and to impose very severe
barriers to external trade except where it is
absolutely essential that such restrictions be
HESE EFFECTS woul force the United
States to search for new markets and new
sources of goods now being handled by the
Common Market countries or else to face a
serious unbalancing of trade between the
United States and these countries.
They would also force the United States to
either lower or eliminate its trade restrictions
on these foreign products or face an economic

To the Editor:
good deal of time, November 7,
castigating me for delivering an
editorial on "Headlines and By-
lines," October 19. However, in so
doing, she made several errors,
and since she was nice enough to
point mine out, I must reciprocate.
First, I am not vice-president of
the Young Republican Club.
Second, WCBN has not, and will
not take an editorial stand as a
station. My partner, Robert Price,
and I run a disclaimer at the
conclusion of every broadcast
which states: "The opinions ex-
presses on "Headlines and By-
lines"are those of the commenta-
tors, and do not necessarily reflect
the views of either WCBN, its
advertisers, or organizations to
which the commentators belong."
* * *
THIRD, it is very interesting to
me to see the following statement
appear in The Daily: "WCBN owes
it to (its listeners) to present a
balanced editorial opinion." May I
reiterate for Miss Lazarus a state-
ment which we made on our first
H & B show, and have continually
restated. We extend an open in-
vitation for anyone to appear on
our show.
By merely calling and arranging
for a broadcast time, any indi-
vidual can appear on the show. As
far as a "balanced editorial opin-
ion," we have had such notable
"liberals" as Bob Ross, Ken McEl-
downey, and Ken Miller on the
show. If this is not presenting a
"balanced editorial opinion," I'd
like to know what is?
Fourth, in reply to the censor-
ship-on-WCBN-charge, may I sug-
gest that the news staff of WCBN
does not omit part of a story
because it does not agree with the
editorial viewpoint of H & B. A
specific example: The Colorado
Daily. The minute the editors of
The Daily got wind of the story,
they published it. However, doing
a little checking myself with our
correspondent in Colorado, I dis-
covered The Daily had only pub-
lished about half the story. The
remainder of that squib was dam-
aging to the viewpoint expressed
in the editorial columns, and so
it was withheld. I challenge The
Daily to back up its statement that
we of WCBN censor our material.
Fifth, to clarify Miss Lazarus
on libel, it is the written state-
ment which damages a person's
reputation. In short, it is a written
lie. I was referring to the article
which appeared in the Colorado
Daily calling Senator Goldwater
a "murderer" among other things.
The editor, Gary Althen, was re-
placed, and The Daily screamed
"censorship." I contend that libel
is sufficient grounds to replace'
* * *
SIXTH, Miss Lazarus contends
that "the Committee on Member-
ship is not trying to steal any in-
dividual liberties and to force fra-
ternities to take members they
don't want." I would refer Miss
Lazarus to an unsigned, mimeo-
graphed five step plan which calls
for a gradual elimination of the
blackball system. I will outline it

all organizations to remove said
Step 4 to prove no unwritten
laws exist, campus groups must
integrate members;
Step 5 potential goal is com-
plete integration of all students
who are desirous of affiliating
with the group.
THIS LIST was circulated in the
East prior to ;ethe elimination of
the fraternities at certain colleges
and universities. May I suggest
that this plan does call for the
elimination of the blackball sys-
tem, and that this is infringing on
the rights of fraternities. Also
please note that we are into Step
3 at this moment.
Seventh, Panhellenic had no
part in writing or delivering this
editorial. I gave Ann McMillan a
copy of the text and said she
could do with it as she wished.
For me to present Panhellenic
with the opposite viewpoint also,
as Miss Lazarus suggests, is ut-
terly ridiculous. That responsibility
lies with my opponents.
Eighth, I extend an invitation
to Miss Lazarus to appear on
"Headlines and Bylines" when-
ever we can arrange a suitable nir
time. All she has to do is call
either Robert W. Price or myself,
Harry L. Doerr, for arrangement
of a broadcast time.
Once again, may I reiterate:
"The opinions expressed . . . are
those of the commentator, and
do not necessarily reflect the views
of . -WCBN."
-Harry L. Doerr, '64
News Editor, WCBN
Socialists . .
To the Editor:
the November 4 Daily typifies
the disregard for the purposes of
elections and the rights of elec-
tors which have characterized the
press and other media of informa-
tion, generally. The sources of
election information credited by
The Daily disregard the Constitu-
tions of the United States and
Michigan, the elections laws, and
the ballot.
According to the Constitution of
Michigan, the franchise belongs to
the electorate. By distortions and
deceptions, The Daily and other
news media have stolen that right
from the electorate. They have set
themselves up as judges of candi-
dates and issues by implying that
the candidates of the inseparable
and indistinguishable Siamese par-
ties of capitalism are the only
parties on the ballot.
Where were the pictures of the
Socialist Labor candidates and the
statements of their views. Pictures
of S.L.P. candidates were obtain-
ed by the capitalist press. The
views of S.L.P. candidates were so-
licited by the press in addition to
regular, releases which were sub-
mitted to the press throughout the
campaign and which are also sub-
mitted throughout the year. For
every single word which news me-
dia carried by and about the can-
didates of the Socialist Labor Par-
ty, the news media carried hun-
dreds of thousands of words by

They agree that capitalism pro-
duced a large group of older peo--
ple who are unable to look after
themselves. They disagree only on
the manner in which such paupers
shall be commiserated in their
pauperism. They agree that em-
ployment is a serious problem, an-
other result of capitalist conditions
of production and distribution.
They disagree only on ways to pipe
back into Michigan the business
and jobs which other states have
piped away from Michigan. This
is no solution to the over-all econ-
They agree that (capitalist) con-
ditions are driving people crazy.
They disagree only as to the ways
of providing care for the mentally
deranged at the least expense to
the capitalist class. They agree
that something must be done about
young people who are rebellious
and resentful of capitalist condi-
tions which threaten both their
livelihoods and their lives. They
even agree to educate young people
for jobs that do not now exist and
which will be more difficult to
find by the time that the young
people have received their school-
ing. They agree that something
must be done about Cuba, Berlin,
and other problem spots which
have developed out of the interna-
tional struggles for the markets
and raw materials of the world.
They disagree only on what sort
of brinkmanship can be practiced
without the command being given
to push the unnamed buttons at
missile sites which will result in a
general holocaust.
Capitalist politicians, both Dem-
ocratic and Republican agree on
the effects of the exploitation of
workers by the capitalist class but
blamethe effects on vapid causes
which they have been dreaming up
for more than a century. The press,
radio, and television, and the cap-
italist candidates have all ducked
the real issue and thereby have
played a vicious hoax on Americans
and the world for whom a solution
to the real issue is a matter of
life and death.
IT BEGS the issue to claim, as
has been done over and over again,
that the candidates of the Social-
ist Labor Party haven't a chance
of being elected. Ofcourse they
have less chance of being elected
if the news media are silent or
lie about them! It was thought,
for decades, that the problems be-
tween England and her colonies
could and ought to be resolved
within the framework of the con-
ditions which produced those prob-
lems. The few advocates of inde-
pendence from England were
treated with disdain and contempt
on this side of the Atlantic shortly
before 1775. For many decades, the
abolition of chattel slaves was
thought to be impossible and dan-
gerous. Every reform to avoid the
issue was proposed. Abolitionists
were reviled, and worse. But aboli-
tion was required. Its post-
ponement only made its final ac-
ceptance more bloody and danger-
ous to American society.
Verily, The Daily and other news
media have usurped electoral deci-
sions which will condemn them

Grants, Contracts,
And Gifts Outright

THE UNIVERSITY, along with
similar institutions across the
country, will have to' convince
Congress that a grant is not a gift,
if it hopes to retain the useful-
ness of federal grants, especially
in the defense area.
Congress, especially the House
Appropriations Committee took a
dim view of paying for the in-
direct costs of colleges and uni-
versities doing grant-financed re-
search for the federal government.
So the committee wrote a rider
in the appropriations bills for in-
dependent government offices, in-
cluding the National Aeronautics
and Space Agency and the de-
fense department, limiting federal
support for indirect costs to 15
per cent of the direct costs of re-
search grants.
After some intense lobbying, the
limit in the independent office
bill was raised to 25 per cent and
the defense department bill ceiling
was lifted to 20 per cent.
The lobbying resulted in some
bonuses, however. The 15 per cent
limit, long in the health, educa-
tion and welfare department ap-
propriations bill, was raised to 20
per cent. The 20 per cent ceiling
in National Science Foundation
grants was hiked to 25 per cent.
* * *
THIS ACTION will result in a
net saving for the University
which does more than seven times
as much grant-supported research
for the health, education and wel-
fare department, mainly for the
National Institute of Health, and
for the National Science Founda-
tion as for the defense depart-
ment and NASA. The University
receives approximately $4 million
in grants from the National In-
stitute of Health and $1.13 million
from the National ScienceiFoun-
dation. It. will receive five per
cent more to cover its indirect
On the other hand, the Univer-
sity will be losing money on de-
fense department grants and, as
a result, it is not applying for any
new grants. Similarly, it is not
seeking any from the Surgeon
General's Office, affected by the
independent offices bill limitation,
and is attempting to convert
NASA grant-supported projects
into contracted projects.
However, the University unwill-
ing to kill projects already under-
way or proposed before the limita-
tion went into effect, will con-
tinue this year to seek grant sup-
port for these projects.
* * *
INDIRECT COSTS cover a wide
range of administrative and main-

the vice-president for research,
the Office of Research Adminis-
tration and the executive offices
of the Institute of Science and
Technology and similar research
3) operation and maintenance
expenses of buildings in which re-
search is being undertaken;
4) library expenses;
5) use allowance to compen-
sate for the depreciation in value
of University buildings and equitp-
ment in which research is d ne.
6) indirect departmental costs
such as salaries of department
heads and other officials.
* * *
CONGRESS IS skeptical about
paying for these items in grants.
It sees a grant as a gift to an
institution to cover the direct
costs-salary and wages of those
doing research, supplies and other
immediately related expenses-and
not to pay for the administration
of its entire research program..
It believes that contracts in
which the federal government and
the institution involved negotiate
a complete and often bureaucratic
set of terms covering a project is
the proper place to cover such
Yet, as Director of itesearch
Administration Robert E.- Bur-
roughs points out, the effect of
a grant is not substantially dif-
ferent from a contract. A grant
is not as generalized a gift of
money as Congress supposes, he
adds. It covers fairly specific
research costs.
suited to colleges and universities
than contracts. The latter in-
volves many petty details and in-
cludes more stringent demands by
the government.
Less red tape ensnarls grants
and their generalized nature gives
universities more autonomy. How-
ever, the indirect cost limitations
may force the University to seek
contracts, especially in the defense
area. Grants are already rare in
the area, only accounting for
$600,000 of the University's $14
million defense research budget.
Thus, further lobbying efforts
will be undertaken for ending the
indirect cost limit in the next ses-
sion of Congress. As the limita-
tions were included in appropria-
tions bills, they will expire this
* * *
THE COLLEGES and universi-
ties and the American Council for
Education, headed by Vice-Presi-
dent for Research Ralph A. Saw-
yer, will continue to wage an in-

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