NEW PROJECTS: A RAY OF LIGHT See Editorial Page Y Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom .4Iait1 43atly FAIR High-55 Low-26 Continued mild little change in temperature VOL. LXXIII, No. 61 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES DISCRIMINATION: Queens College Case To Open A jury trial was granted Tues- day to. two associate professors at Queens College, New York, who charged that they have been de- nied promotions because they are Roman Catholics. After a long history of investiga- tions by various bodies, the case was sent for trial to the State Supreme Court by Justice Vincent A. Lupiano. The suit was brought by Pro- fessors Josef V. Lombardo and Joseph P. Mullally to void the col- lege's refusal to promote them to full professorships last year. They cited a 1960 finding of the 'SUNBURN' METHOD: Lae Sees A nachronismHS In Theory of Education By RUCHA ROBINSON "The popular approach to education that sees learning as involv- ing exposure to ideas is an anachronism out of keeping with modern advances in the science of behavior," Prof. Harlan Lane of the psychol- ogy department said yesterday in the third session of the sixteenth annual Michigan College Association Conference on Higher Education. In his speech on "Current Research in the New Learning Theory Underlying Programmed Instruction," Prof. Lane discussed the three Vi1ews Ways of Lecturing In an explanation of possible areas in which teaching machines and programmed learning might be used, Prof. Finley Carpenter of ,the education school said that the two would be effective in areas of information-giving. Delivering the final address at the Conference on Higher Educa- tion, Prof. Carpenter explained that the average lecturer would fare badly as a programmed in- structor but he could modify his lecture style to include some of programmed learning character- istics. To improve an information-giv- Ing lecture, several possibilities, culled from programmed learning plan, could be used. Prof. Carpen- ter suggested the lecturer prob- lem-orient his talk by starting it with a series of questions. This follows the principle of feedback used in programmed learning. Other principles that lecturers can employ are breaking problems done into same units for easier learning, having a question period which would create good subjec- tive feelings toward the teacher and indicate in the lecture items to be on the test. Prof. Carpenter noted that the acquisition of information by stu- dents will be greater if these sug- gestion are followed. Three States Still in Doubt; Recounts Start By The Associated Press The election is still in doubt. This is still the case in three states because, Minnesota's state can-; vassing board cannot decide on what figures to count, so the courts get the job of deciding; Rhode Island has not got the last 6000 votes, and the Massachusetts recount is going slowly. In Alaska a recount is under way, but in view of the small total vote, the race there is not nearly so tight percentagewise. After one day of retallying Democrat Gov- ernor William Egan -is leading Republican Mike Stepovich. The issue in Minnesota is whether to use the original official returns which favored Democrat Lt. Governor Karl Rolvaag or to accept new figures from 10 coun- ties which put Republican Gover- nor Elmer L. Anderson ahead. A split on the canvassing board has sent the matter to the courts to decide which returns to accept. Evan after the court decision an- other recount is probable. In Rhode Island the absentee ballots were taken from their in- ner envelopes yesterday. The actual tally will probably begin today. With all the voting ma- chines rechecked Republican John H. Chafee is ahead of Democratic Governor John A. Notte Jr. by 77 votes. The Massachusetts recount, with 71 of 2,011 precincts checked, shows a gain of 11 votes for Re- publican Governor John A. Volpe on Democrat Endicott Peabody. Volpe said he intended to push the recount all the way and then de- cide whether to challenge the re- sult in court. models of learning which underlie educational technology: exposure, communication, and behavior. The first method of learning he labled the "sunburn" method be- cause the student is taught by exposure, by basking in his teach- er's wisdom. This method is the oldest type of learning. It is effec- tive either for large lectures, or small classes, but Prof. Lane noted that a student of lower apptitude who does not learn as quickly is lost in this type of academic at- mosphere. The other two methods Prof. Lane presented were the commun- ication and the behavioral models. Both these methods require a com- puter, which is the teaching ma- chine, or a programmed textbook. Both let the student pace himself, quizzing him until he has an- swered the question correctly. Both require the student to develop knowledge instead of simply ab- sorbing knowledge. However, the great difference between the communication and the behavioral methods is that the former includes learning by absorbtion. Because the communi- cation method contains the "sun- burn" method as one of its tech- niques, it is not as effective as the behavioral method. The behavioral method is "the model which holds the greatest promise for education," Prof. Lane said. This method involves a sim- ple progression of exercises or questions, an immediate feedback or response from the machine to the student, a stimulus, and a re- ward or reinforcement. Prof. Lane used the illustration of program- med language instruction where the student is given certain phras- es or sounds to mimic. These phrases usually work in a progression; first the student, immitates one sound, then a group of sounds, then phrases,' and finally longer phrases or sen- tences. The stimulus is the voice' which says the phrases, the re-' ward comes when the student re- peats them correctly. Witha teaching machine the student knows how well he is do-3 ing. He can work at his own pace, but he is required to respond. The teaching machine enables the stu- dent to work by himself, and re- lieves him from the "relatively chaotic state of the classroom." Minister Reveals ; De Gaulle's 'Plans' PARIS (RP)-A French minister said unofficially yesterday Presi- dent Charles de Gaulle had told the cabinet he does not plan to4 ask for re-election when his term1 ends Dec. 31, 1965. State Commission Against Dis- crimination (now the State Com- mission for Human Rights) as in- dicating that Queens College had discriminated against Catholics in employment and promotions. The Appellate Division of the State Supreme Court ruled then that SCAD lacked the authority to investigate the workings of the city's Board of Higher Education. In 1958 the Board of Higher Education had initiated its own investigation of the bias charges. Its special committee reported in 1959 that it could find no evidence of discrimination. Subsequently, SCAD took up the investigation. Justice Lupiano declared in his decision that the lack of authority of SCAD was "wholly immaterial"' and that the state agency's find- ings constituted a "serious af- fair" worthy of a jury's delibera- tion. Dr. Gustave G. Rosenberg, chairman of the Board of Higher Education, reiterated its denial of the charge of anti-Catholic dis- crimination. He said the board, after legal consultation, would de- cide whether to appeal Judge Lu- piano's ruling or to "avail our- selves of the opportunity presented by the court to air this matter before a jury." Judge Lupiano ruled that the dispute was properly one for the courts, rather than administrative agencies, to decide. No date for trial has yet been set, Bill Donnino, managing editor of the Queens College newspaper, said. He noted that two years ago instances were picked out . by SCAD which it felt to be anti- Catholic, but nothing specific was proven in the case of the profes- sors in question. He stressed that the professors are quoted as saying they were denied promotions "solely because of anti-Catholic bias," not con- sidering other factors. Puts Schools On Probation DALLAS (A') - The powerful Southern Association of Colleges and Schools put Mississippi's state colleges and universities on strict probation yesterday with a warn- ing that accreditation may be lift- ed at any time. The action was, in effect, a blunt "hands off" warning to the state legislator, politicians, and pres- sure groups such as the white citizens councils. It also was a. demand that student discipline on the campuses be maintained. It stemmed directly from the riots on the University of Mis- sissippi campus two months ago when Negro James Meredith was. admitted, and the charge that Gov. Ross Barnett and other state officials had illegally interfered with the university administration at that time. The council has been meeting since Sunday behind locked and guarded doors in a Dallas hotel. "We make no apology for going into secret sessions on a matter as' delicate as this," Henry King Stanford, President of the Uni- versity of Miami, told reporters+ yesterday. Stanford also serves as presi- dent of the executive council of the Southern Association's Com- mission on colleges. The council will present its rec- ommendations to the commission; on colleges today, also in secret! session.+ If the 54-member commission approves, es expected, they will be brought before the college dele- gate assembly in an open meeting.' SGC Vote Sets New Periodical By DENISE WACKER Student Government Council yesterday established a monthly newsletter, delayed a motion ask- ing that Council and the Univer- sity Senate each have a represent- ative at Regents' meetings, and held a lengthly committee of the whole discussion on the problems the University and SGC must deal with in its relations with the National Student Association. The newsletter, planned to in- crease constituents' interest in the Council's actions, will be com- plied by a Public Relations Direc- tor, to be appointed by SGC, who will work with the chairman of student government's four stand- ing committees and the heads of the Council's related boards in preparing the publication. The director will be able to ap- point a staff, charged with editing and distributing the information sheet, to all University living units and given out at several prominent campus locations. The periodic publication will summarize all important or rele- vant action and decisions by Coun- cil, its committees, andirelated boards. The SGC executive com- mittee will be responsible for re- viewing the letter before publica- tion to insure its factual accuracy and the maintance of bi-partisan policy. A motion presented by Council member Howard Abrams, '63H, to "allow both the president of Studen Gotvernment Council and chairman of the Faculty Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs to sit at all meetings of the Board of Regents with full speaking privileges" was remand- ed to a special committee, com- posed of Abrams and Daily Editor Michael Olinick, '63. While it is likely that the ma- jority of the Council members are currently in favor of the motion there was a general feeling that action should be delayed until the proposal, comprehensively re- written, would merit the attention of the Regents. Half-way through the session, Council moved into committee of the whole to allow for a 100-min- ute examination of potential an- swers to several problems raised by the recent referendum on the United States National Student Association. Included in the discussions were elimination of what some Council members consider increasing po- litically-oriented organization and yearly congress, as well as the difficulty of implementing changes -such as directly-elected repre- sentatives to the USNSA congress -on campus. During the SGC campaign, it was often charged that USNSA did not specifically deal with "students in their role as students" but got involved in national and international issues which most delegates knew nothing about. In addition, it was claimed that USNSA was controlled by a "man- ipulative elite." One of the reforms suggested during the campaign was direct election of delegates and alter-1 nates. In other action, SGC Prexy Ste-1 ven Stockmeyer, '63, read a letter from Edwin Sasaki, Grad, presi- dent of the Graduate Student Council, requesting SGC to ex- amine the problem of an under- graduate-oriented student coun- cil, and urging them to add a GSC representative to the current ex-officio representatives.t Stockmeyer noted he would noti "bring forth such legislation" now, 'USSR Study Faculty Role in Policy Making By MARJORIE BRAHMS and DAVID MARCUS The University Senate Com- mittee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility is undertak- ing a study on "the extent to which the faculty is responsi- ble for the development of Uni- versity policy," Prof. John Reed of the law school and commit- tee chairman says. Thus the committee's em- phasis has been and will be on "the responsibilityconcomitant 'with academic freedom," Prof. Reed says. The committee has been in existence for a year and a half. It will hold its first meeting this semester sometime before Christmas. Its original charge was to consider "general mat- ters of academic freedom out- side the context of special cases such as where a faculty member refuses to answer questions be- for a congressional committee or advocates free love," Prof. Reed says. Faculty policy-making is not a problem in the individual schools and colleges but only on a University-wide basis," Prof. Reed says. Several Areas He outlined several areas in which the committee is at- tempting to work. First, the group is consider- ing a number of plans to orga- nize a body which can speak for the faculty in times of emer- gency. Explaining his opinions on the need for such a body, Prof. Reed notes that the infrequent meetings and large membership on the Senate make it difficult "to have meaningful debate on issues. The meetings are usual- ly based around a particular event such as University Presi- dent Harlan Hatcher's annual state of the University address." Furthermore, the Senate Ad- visory Committee on University Affairs is an admittedly non- Claims Allies representative body which is only empowered to advise the administration of its members= opinions and cannot speak for the faculty as a whole. Often Arise "Since crises often arise rap- idly and unexpectedly, some ve- hicle is needed for the facul- ty to participate in their so- lution," Prof. Reed says. Second, the committee is con- sidering areas in which active faculty members can partici- pate in policy making as oppos- ed to which areas ought to be "left to a corps of professional administrators." For example, an active facul- ty member attempting to work with administrators on the preparation of the University budget might well have to spend half or more of his time at it in order to participate mean- ingfully. If he continues to spend that large a portion of his time on budget work, the question arises of whether he is a faculty member or an ad- ministrator, Prof. Reed says. Have Participated On the other hand, faculty members have participated in areas such as the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, questions of Uni- versity policy such as size and have had large responsibility in academic affairs without be- coming administrators for all practical purposes. Prof. Reed terms academic affairs as "almost purely a fac- ulty matter in which even the administration has only sec- ondary responsibility in the for- mulation of policy." The committee is also study- ing the committee system at the University. Prof. Reed points out that there are several hun- dred committees in existence some of which have not met for many years. To Compare The group, in viewing faculty committees, will also compare the membership list of each committee in an attempt to de- termine statistically whether the same faculty members are constantly participating in com- mittees or whether there is a great number of different indi- viduals working. In the area of academic free- dom, the committee has been considering some proposals but has not yet worked out any projects. Prof.sReed notes a feeling among some of the committee members that "younger faculty members are less than fully aware of the implications of academic freedom and the ;ong fight for it." However, the com- mittee has not worked out any plans to explore the problem 'further at this moment; New Bylaw During the formulation of the new speaker bylaw which was passed by the Regents at their October meeting, Prof. Reed worked closely with Prof. Sam- uel Estep of the law school who chaired the committee that came up with a number of xec- ommendations for revising the bylaw. Also, when Wayne State Uni- versity lifted its speaker ban, the committee worked, for some coordination so that. opponents of WSU's action could not se- cure support by "divide and. conquer tactics" among Michi- gan's public universities and colleges. Other committee members are: Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the economics Clepartment, Prof. Claude A. Eggertsen of the edu- cation school, Prof. Arnold Kuethe of the engineering school, Prof. William J. Lev- eque of the mathematics de- partment, Prof. Paul W. Mc- Cracken of the business school, and Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the psychology and sociology departments. U.S. Charges Soviets Tr To Block Ban' Both Sides Reject Moratorium Motion GENEVA {P)-The Soviet Union accused the United States and Britain last night of preparing new underground nuclear tests in de- Fiance of world public opinion. The United States countercharg- ed the Russians were carrying on what it called "negative and un- constructive maneuvers" to block a meaningful test ban treaty. Earlier the West rejected and the Russians rejected a Swedish proposal for a moratorium on nu- clear tests until a satisfactory con- rol system could be worked out. Nuclear Tests A Soviet accusation that the United States and Britain were preparing new underground nu- clear tests in defiance of world opinion yesterday drew a Western cross-fire denouncing Kremlin tactics. United States Chief Delegate Arthur H. Dean demanded the. Russians halt their "negative and unconstructive maneuve r s" to block a meaningful test ban trea- ty. Soviet delegate Semyon Tsarap- kin leveled his accusation at a meeting of the 17-nation disarma- ment conference's three-power subcommittee. He was quoted as saying: "It is quite obvious that neither the United States nor the United Kingdom intend to cease under- ground testing. Everyone knows new tests in Nevada are being pre- pared." Prime Minister Harold A. Mac- millan announced recently that Britain would fire off one small underground shot on the United States testing range in Nevada. Members of Britain's opposition Labor Party touched off a storm in the House of Commons by con- tending this test would be conduct- ed at the worst possible time, just after the .Americans and Russians announced conclusion of a test se- ries. Macmillan explained that it was impossible to arrange for the British blast earlier. Western View In the Western view the Rus- sians have blocked all progress in the conference by coupling a de- mand for an. end to all testing with a blanket refusal to allow any on-site inspections. Dean, in his speech to the sub- committee, denied that the West wanted to use on-site inspections to spy on the Soviet Union. He said every possible safeguard had been written into the Western draft to avoid just such a thing. Sweden proposed an immediate test ban based on arrangements which would sidestep for the time being the difficult underground policing problem. The United States and Britain rejected any proposal for an un- policed moratorium.. Dean told newsmen the Swedes seemed to want some interim in- ternational control machinery manned by professors and de- clared the United States would not go "into anything on a half-baked, amateurish basis." Pressure is building up for an end of all nuclear tests by New Year's Day. Yet the United States and Britain do not want to be steamrollered into arrangements which would provide no on-site inspections of suspicious under- ground disturbances. Both Dean and British delegate Joseph B. Godber insisted the two alternative draft treaties intro- duced by their governments on Aug. 28 constitute the best possible basis for agreement, Plan Recounts In Slim Races LANSING R) Plans were form- ally under way yesterday for re- counts of the vote in two Upper Peninsula legislative races decided by razor-thin margins on Nov. 6. Refusiney to accent the figures Continued Nuclear Plan Tests SURVIVES CENSURE: Adonla Retains Congo Power LEOPOLDVILLE -) - Premier Cyrille Adoula survived y'esterday an opposition attempt to bring down his government. He was attacked on issues rang- ing from the Katanga secession to the Congo's economic plight. A motion of censure against the government got 50 votes in the Congolese lower house of parlia- ment-16 short of the required two-thirds of the members present. Adoula got 47 votes. Two mem- bers obstained. The vote left him in a minority in the lower house, but he is not obliged to resign. The United States looks favorably on Adoula's leadership, and this was one matter which brought him under attack in parliament. Strong Criticism The premier said he was satis- fied with the vote. Observers were surprised at the number of depu- ties who voted with him, includ- ing some who criticized him strongly in debate. Adoula said the cabinet would decide today on an important mat- ter arising from the day's debate. He refused to elaborate. The storm against Adoula's gov- ernment blew up last week when the lower house demanded the re- lease of four members arrested in connection with an alleged seces- sionist plot, and the end of a pres- Begin Strike At Canaverl By The Associated Press BU BANK - The International Association of Machinists struck the sprawling facilities of Lock- heed Aircraft Co. yesterday in an all out bid for a union shop. Meanwhile, President John F. Kennedy set Taft-Hartley ma- chinery in motion yesterday by creating a three-man board to look into the dispute and report to him by Monday. Picket's, estimated to number as many as 2000, went into action outside company facilities in Cali- fornia, Florida and Hawaii. The union called the walkout 97 per cent effective; the company, how- ever, said work was going ahead. At Cape Canaveral, it was re- ported that about 200 machinists, all employed by Boeing Aircraft Co., refused to cross the picket lines. It appeared that the major- ity of 1700 machinists employed by other companies at the nation's missile test center stayed away from work yesterday in sympathy with the strikers. Union sources said most of these workers probably would re- turn to work today even if the, strike continues. Many are em- ployed by General Dynamics and idential state of emergency ordi- nance introduced in Leopoldville to combat gangsterism. Rounded Up The emergency ordinance was bitterly resented by the Abako par- ty, which is strong in the Leopold- ville area. A government spokes- man said Tuesday night the emer- gency could be relaxed because the gangsters had been rounded up. The four imprisoned members wer freed this week and took part in the debate. They include Lu- mumbist party chief Christophe Gbenye and a former Minister of Mines, Edmond Rudahindwa. Many speakers stressed they were not personally attacking Adoula but the "Binza group" which they claimed acted as a sort of super-government. Pollock Says U*S. Still Weak on Berlin Wall The American stand in Cuba has 'cheered the West Berliners but "we are not better equipped to react decisively and immediately to a Soviet move in Berlin than we were at the time the wall was built." So said Prof. James K. Pollock of the Political Science depart- ment upon his return from a week-long visit to Berlin where he conferred with German leaders in- cluding Mayor Willy Brandt. "It now seems clear that we are determined to remain in Berlin, come what may. However, no im- provement in the decision-making process has been made, and in the event of another uprising in East Germany-and the situation there is ouite desperate-there annears FRESH, WET EGG: Iaccus Be Calm,Ty Haven Remains By ANDREW ORLIN The Daily city room yesterday was swamped with anxious phone-; calls concerning that important subject, 18 year old drinking in New - NW "'£ York. Acting on information from a usually reliable source of the Cor- nell Daily Sun, a high Daily official solemnly ordered that this grave news be inserted onto the first page. Alas, this information was taken from the Daily Sun's mock issue. The prominently placed article in yesterday's Daily stated that the New York legislature raised that state's drinking age from 18 to 21 years. But the New York Society for Temperance will still have to wait and fight for its serious and upstanding goals. For in this grave and serious area, some insidious miscreant of society decided to play a joke. Through the machinations a person or persons presently un- known (the NKVD has been called in to investigate) The Daily was r><> >=