LINCOLN COLLEGE DENIES FREEDOM See Editorial Page lMfr ~2Iait~ TEMPERATE High-SO Generally fair; little change in temperature. Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 60 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES ' To Try To Calm Iiidia's Neighbor NEW DELHI (IP)-Chiefs of the United States and British missions which. have been surveying India's Himalayan defense needs turned yesterday to the job of trying to soothe Pakistanis inflamed by the flow of Western arms to the Indians. British Commonwealth Relations Secretary Duncan Sandys flew from New Delhi to Pakistan and United States Assistant Secretary of State W. Averell Harriman plans to follow him today for this auxiliary OUNCI, I Os eaekrr ule s6 AVERELL HARRIMAN .the Indian crisis REJECTION:- Of egroes By RICHARD KEAUT Two of the greatest problems the Negro faces in the North, ac- cording to Charles Sleet, coordin- ator of the Ann Arbor tutorial pro- ject, are subtle social barriers and the linguistics problem. "The Negro," Sleet said yester- day in a discussion of the Negro in the North, "has a distinct dia- lect, a separate language called slang." In response to this prob- lem, which includes pronounca- tion difficulties he added, the tu- torial project will be trying to teach Negro children "a new dia- lect." The new program will make use of tape recordings. "The major reason for the exist- ence of a lower class Negro ele- ment in society is psychological," Sleet said. "When a Negro as- sociates with a white person, it is like walking into a room with chairs on the celng" Symbol of Rejection "White people come to symbolize rejection to the Negro, even though particular whites may not themselves discriminate," Sleet noted. - The tutorial project helps com- bat this psychological factor be- cause "it not only teaches Negro children how to read and write, but it accustoms them to whites." The tutorial coordinator added that athletics has played a large role in breaking' down psycholog- ical barriers between Negroes and whites because it eases tension and gives members of both races a short range common purpose. No Real Discrimination "The Ann Arbor school system is typical of Northern school 3ys- tems," Sleet noted. "There are no real discriminatory policies, bat the psychological problem never- theless exists." According to Carroll McFadden, I community representative for the tutorial project, the problem in Ann Arbor high schools is not discrimination, but a change in attitudes. The tutorial project, set up two year ago, ofers free school help However there ocurred a lack by Martha Prescod, '65, and Shar- on Jeffrey, '63. "The object of the ~~utorial program is to afford Ne- gro students a basis for equal footing in the schools. The tutors are University stu- dents who meet twice a week with the same students to discuss school phase of their study of the India- Heat of a 15-year quarrel be- tween nonaligned India and pro- Western Pakistan over the border state of Kashmir complicated the task of the Western diplomats. It is understood that Sandys, at least, will not attempt to inter- vene. Both are known to have In- dian-Pakistan relations as a prom- inent consideration in their work. Neither Take Informed sources said neither Sandys nor Harriman is going to take from Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlul Nehru to Pakistani President Mohammed Ayub Khan any sort of proposal, offer or sug- gestion about improving their re- lations. On the other hand, some knowl- edgeable informants said Nehru told both mission leaders that India would appeal to the United Nations for protection if its Mos- lem neighbor used the Chinese at-, tack as a cover for causing trouble in Kashmir. i Nehru has declined suggestions that he lay his current troubles with the Chinese Communists be- fore the United Nations. He has spurned for years a United Nations resolution calling for a plebiscite in Kashmir, predominantly Mos- lem, to decide its political future. Strong Pressure Ayub Khan's government is un- der strong parliamentary pressure to withdraw from the Southeast Asia and Central Treaty Organi- zations (SEATO and CENTO) be- cause of the West's military strengthening of India. The United States is estimated. to have already delivered more than 1000 tons of weapons for In- dia's battered forces, now recuper- ating in the sixth day of a cease- fire set by Peking, and the British have sent 200 tons or more. A foreign ministry spokesman said yesterday the background of the India-China border dispute as outlined in Peking's Nov. 21 cease-fire proclamation is "a completely travesty of fact." False Complexes "It is entirely false to say that the government of India have de- liberately kept the Sino-Indian question unsettled on the border," he said. ". . . it is the government of China's policy of unlawfully occupying Indian territory that has now culminated in large-scale, unabashed aggression.'' This was another in a series of what happened to be peacemeal rejections of the Indian terms. Monday the spokesman announced India's rejection of the key provi- sion for the troop withdrawals, saying it would leave Chinese troops in illegal possession of 2000 square miles of Ladakh in the West and some strategic mountain passes in the East. Moves To Ease Yemen Situation BEIR UT, Lebanon (AP) - The United States has quietly moved to cool the Yemen crisis with a package plan for withdrawal of outsiders from the conflict and eventual American recognition of the republican regime. Hear Report ( On New Unit Of Medicine Co mteeSfs Data,,, On Possible Location By PHILIP SUTIN The Michigan Co-Ordinating Council for Higher Education's committee on a possible third medical school for the state is 'gathering statistics on possible sites for the institution, and will report to the council in M arch, DenWilimHbado h Medical School reported yesterday. Hubbard, who has been doing research for the committee of nationally-known educators and study the problem said the com- mittee has met twice to consider the need for such a school, and to collect and evaluate data about various areas in the state. He said the committee is seek- ing data on each potential area's present and projected population, hospital resources availagle for Medical School use and charac- teristics of the physician popula- tion. Wants To Know The committee, Hubbard con- tinued, wants to know the number and variety of general practician- ers and specialists in each part of the state. It has discussed the medical school with hospital board of trus- tees and educational officials in the Lansing-East Lansing area'; Flint; Kalamazoo and Grand Rap- ids, he reported. The group also plans to confer with similar officils in the Tri-city Saginaw valley and the Traverse City area.iR ai . The feasibility of setting up a medical school was discussed with these officials with the exception of Lansing-East Lansing and Kal- amazoo officials where the com- mittee talked to Michigan State and Western Michigan University administrators about their relation to the proposed school, Hubbard noted. Among the factors the commit- tee will consider in determining potential contribution to the lo- cality, he said. Also to be weighed, Hubbard reported, is the amount of local support-hiospital and ed- ucational facilities, funds and population-needed to sustain a Consider potential The committee will also consider the potential disruptive effects of a third medical school, especially to the patient flow to local hos- pitals and its competition with local hospital and public health agencies, he added. Hubbard stressed the commit- tee's work in its preliminary stag- es. Asked if next March is too soon a deadline for a well-thoughout re- port, he declared, "to start a third medical school by 1971, the sched- ule is tight already as the study started late. The pace has not impared the validity of the data." Although there has been much effort exerted in establishing the medical school, there has similarly been a good deal of reluctance due to fear of setting up medical cen- ters in areas which may least need them. Cites Elementary Uses of Programs By EDWARD ILERSTEIN "The revolution in education (caused by teaching machines) will occur in the teaching of fun- damental skills now not employed at all in the classroom," Prof. James Holland of the Harvard University psychology department said yesterday. Speaking before the 16th annual Conference on Higher Education, presided over by University Exe- cutive Vice-President Marvin L-. Neihuss, Prof. Holland emphasized that programmed learning using the so-called "teaching machine" would not find its most valuable applications in higher education, but in the more elementary levels of learning. Prof. Holland explained that teaching machines offer the possi- bility of teaching things which cannot be appropriately taught any way now. For example, a teaching machine program was recently used successfully to aid young children who had difficulty in properly speaking. Only One of Many Prof. Holland pointed out that this is only one of the many areas of education that cannot be ade- quately covered by present text- book teaching methods. He said that a programmed learning approach to learning Russian could enormously ease the study of the language and that such a program is planned. Throughout his speech, Prof. Holland emphasized the broadness of the concept of programmed learning. He defined programmed instruction as the "application of technology developed in the en- gineering laboratory to aid in edu- cation." SGives Illustration To illustrate the breadth of the realm in which teaching machines may be applied, Prof. Holland pro- jected a sample of a program currently being used at Harvard to teach crystalography. It was unique in that it used three dimensional visual concepts rather than just a written pro- gram. TAM Strikes Lockheed Co. At Canaveral BURBANK (AP) - The Interna- tional Association of Machinists struck Lockheed Aircraft Co. facili- ties at Cape Canaveral, Fla., last night while talks continued here in an effort to avert a nationwide walkout. The strike is the first at Cape Canaveral since the government See related story, Page 3 obtained a no-strike pledge from unions on missile and space proj- ects in May, 1961. The strike could tie up many Cape Canaveral activities, depend- ing on how many of the center's 8,000 other union workers refuse to cross the picket lines. ErcsnExplaims T New ~ yaw Learning Method ~T EDUCATION CONFERENCE: V w' R .3.4 M/Y'/'.E L .4'EUUN."/17 Policy Analogous MARVIN NIEHUSS *. hosts speakers W4NTS SEATS- ' RegntTie By ANDREW ORLIN Student .Government Council will act tonight on a motion to request the Regents to allow the Council president and the chair- man of the Senate Advisory Com- mittee on University Affairs to participate in Regent's meetings. The motion requests that these persons have full speaking pri- vileges at the Regents' meeting. According to the motion, this. would provide a better means of communication between the Re- gents and the faculty and stu- dents. Kaplan Proposal Ralph Kaplan, '63, as chairman of SGC's Committee on the Uni- versity, will make a motion en- dorsing the principle of joint gov- ernment of the students and fac- ulty over University policy. The acts of such a body would be subject to the veto of the Re- gents. This proposal Intends to give policy making power to those groups most concerned with aca- demic affairs, the faculty and stu- dents. Council willalso consider a mo- tio"t patcpt in the Foin United States National Student USNSA Motion The USNSA committee will bring up a motion to establish a Cam- pus Travel Board. The purpose of the Board will be to administer the programs of Educational Travel, Inc. It will also provide travel information and carry on various field programs. Council will also consider recom- mendations of the Interviewing and Nominating Committee for appointments to its related boards. The committee proposed David Aroner, '64BAd, for chairman of the Human Relations Board. For manager of the Student Book Exchange, it nominated Christo- pher Cohen, '64. Walter Zelman', '65, was selected by the commit- tee as Public Relations Director. By RUCHA ROBINSON "Programmed learning is not a cookbook, but a model, a blueprint having tremendous value for strengthening the educational process," Prof. Stanford Ericksen of the psychology department said yesterday in the opening ssin of the sixteenth annualCnerne on Higher Education. The conference, which is being held in Ann Arbor by the Michi- gan College Association and the University, has as its theme, "Pro- grammed Learning, Teaching Ma- chines and Similar Auto Instruc- tion Methods in Colleges. Prof. Ericksen, who also serves as director of the University's Cen- ter for Research on Learning and Teaching, addressed the Michigan educators on "Programmed Learn- ing as a New Educational Proc- Explains Uses Programmd learning is - th s of a machine which presents ques- tions to the learner, and confirms or rejects his answer. If the an- swer is wrong, the machine pre- sents the question until the stu- dent feeds it the right answer. In programmed learning, the questions follow a very easy pro- gression. Each question, or frame, is only slightly harder than the preceding one. The process of learning is a pyramid, placing sim- ple fact upon simple fact. Professors Erikso nand Charles L. Darby of the Purdue University psychology department spoke on "Programmed Instruction - The Promises and the Pitfalls." Understand Drawbacks Both recognized drawbacks to this system of learning. The draw- backs, however, were in the atti- tudes which mighe develop toward It. Prof. Darby pointed out that of the three phases of education, the process of giving information', exposing ignorance, and sparking creativity, programmed learning only fulfills the first. So long that it is realized that programmed learning can only re- place' drill of the basic facts of a subject, and that presently it can- not deal with the abstract con- cepts, it can be used effectively to release the teacher from this tedi- ous drill. The teacher is still a necessary fixture in the classroom. SNCC Meets By MICHAEL ZWEIG .The Student Non-Violent Coord- inating Committee, meeting in Nashville, Tenn., last weekend, dis- cussed the SNCC voter registration projects in Georgia and Mississip-- pi and participated in a series of sit-ins resulting in several arrests. SNCC chairman Charles McDew told the 150 participants that the base of the struggle for integra- tion was a struggle for human dig- nity and that this goal would be achieved only after much hard- ship. He emphasized that the "suf- fering and pain endured" by peo- ple who work for integration in the South is "sad but necessary to rid the country of the cancer of segregation." downtw Nashville caeeisa wel as oe of Nahil' moex ed after posting $25 bail each. McDew said that voter registra- tion in Mississippi and Georgia was ~ clnwlv "in thp f~P Af ReortiesIpl enainPa pyGI VN Treport pres I peentedbarf au l stpof theLaw School, chairman of the University and council speaker policy committees, urges that the governing bodies of the 10 state schools incorporate the recommended policy on outside speak- ers in their bylaws. The general policy statement is patterned after 'the Uni- versity speaker bylaw recently adopted by the Regents. It and timely discussion without prior restraint, limited only by the provision that "the speak- er must not urge the audience to take action which is prohib- ited by the rules of the univer- sity or college or which Is ille- gal under federal or Michigan law. No Violence "Advocating or urging the modi- fication of the government of the aUnited States or of the state of Michigan, by violence or sabotage is specifically prohibited. It is the responsibility of the student orga- nization to inform speakers of these prohibitions," the policy statement says. Prof. Estep maintained that the policy in no way controls or pro- hibits discussion on the "desirabil- ity of changes of legal rules or even of our form of government. The only prhibton so ict tion," he said. He said that the suggested poli- cy is only a minimal restriction on the freedom of speech. Express Views Openly The policy encourages student organizations to invite speakers to present their views "openly and they are therefore subject to criti- cal evaluation." Critical evaluation in no way implies a policy of equal time for opposing views, but does give opportunity for questions, he said. The report indicated that be- cause there is no prior censorship of speakers, the views expressed by the speaker does not reflect the views of the university or college. The recommended policy only deals with outside speakers in- vited to speak at colleges or uni- versities by a recognized student organization. In addition to the general policy statement, the report suggests adoption of several procedural rules. It urges proper calendaring of the event and that a form in- cluding the name of the speaker I and the topic of the program be required. Legislature To Punish It indicated that determination of illegal actions should be left to governing bodies such as the T.,egislature and that punishment of speakers for violation of the policy be left to civilian authori- ties'. The report proposes that any student organization violating the provisions should be subject "only to the procedures and penalties ap- plicable to students and student organizations that violate other university or college rules." Clarifying several points, Prof. Estep said that the policy does not limit speakers invited to the school by the faculty or administration and that it places no restrictions bys s cl se or sfedera aws EaCounci Pled es Su p r g' JOHN A. HANNAH . policy formulation Start Study A study of the needs of higher education in the state and the means of translating these means into action was authorized yester- day by the Michigan Co-Ordinat- ing Council for public Higher Ed- ucation. The study was the result of a motion, introduced by Michigan State University President John A. Hannah, which provided for the creation of a committee to study the immediate needs of colleges and universities and report find- ings at the January meeting of the council. The Co-Ordinating Council also recognized the need for a long- range master plan for higher ed- ucation in the state; however, de- cided to deal with immediate prob- lems first. Power Maintains Regent Eugene B. Power main- tained that the basic problems facing the state was whether it is desirable to have a "multitude of smaller independent four-year colleges with their own programs and governing boards and approp- riations or branch campuses of larger institutions like the Cali- fornia system." The branch cam- puses would have "certain auton- omy" but would be affiliated with the bigger school, Regent Power hypotheosized. He said that a master plan for Michigan education was "long overdue." Hannah said, "of course, there is a need for an overall plan but not as an excuse for delay on im- mediate concerns." He empha- sized that there are problems which must be faced now, which cannot and should not wait until a master plan is formulated. tl H Hannah Talksere ever, he also added that hewa JONSON COMEDY: MUSKET 'Fair' Opens Tonight By DEBORAH BEATTIE Weeks of practice, polish and finishing touches will climax tonight in the premiere of MUSKET's "Bartholomew Fair." MUSKET is again presenting an original show by Robert James, ~ Grad, and Jack O'Brien, Grad, authors of last year's MUSKET, the successful, award-winning "Land Ho! ". "Bartholomew Fair" is a musical fantasy based on Ben Jonson's last comedy. In a series of character sketches, the musical describes a day spent by a group of aristocrats at colorful Bartholomew Fair, a cloth market outside of London. Cokes at the Fair Bartholomew Cokes leads the group at the Fair. He is eager to show the Fair to his fiancee who has just arrived. Mistress Overdo, his fiancee's guardian, Reverend Busy. and Win- wife and Quarious, two elegant friends, accompany them on their gay and mixed-up outing.